Re: Instructions for windows users?

Get the exe, copy it to your windows directory (or somewhere in your path).
Open up a command prompt (start->run->cmd.exe) and run "tidy -h".

The official tidy web page is excellent for programmers but not very
friendly when it comes to html developers.  Considering 78% of the
people visiting my binaries page get the EXE, I think it's high time
for some redesigning.

I can't change the official site but in the next few days I'll make my
binaries page (above URL) friendlier to non-programmers.

On Fri, 9 Jul 2004 11:52:05 +0200, Arno Wouters <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a simple windows user who has to maintain some web pages and
> wants to use tidy to clean up the html produced by Word.  I happen to
> recall that an installer could be downloaded from
> <>. Currently there is no
> installer on that page. Instead I was referred to
> <>. OOPS. That was a surprise! But not a
> nice one. I don't understand a word of that kind of talk about
> executable binaries, hash sums, compile farm executables, cvs
> sources,  hash table versions, libary wrappers and so on. I have no
> idea what to download and how to install it. Please could you either
> provide a simple windows installer or clear instructions in plain
> English about what to download and how to install it. Thanks!
> Arno

Received on Friday, 9 July 2004 07:54:23 UTC