Instructions for windows users?


I am a simple windows user who has to maintain some web pages and 
wants to use tidy to clean up the html produced by Word.  I happen to 
recall that an installer could be downloaded from 
<>. Currently there is no 
installer on that page. Instead I was referred to 
<>. OOPS. That was a surprise! But not a 
nice one. I don't understand a word of that kind of talk about 
executable binaries, hash sums, compile farm executables, cvs 
sources,  hash table versions, libary wrappers and so on. I have no 
idea what to download and how to install it. Please could you either 
provide a simple windows installer or clear instructions in plain 
English about what to download and how to install it. Thanks!


Received on Friday, 9 July 2004 05:56:18 UTC