JTidy Uncleaned output

I was wondering how to get JTidy to output malformed documents. I need to
rewrite the urls in a document and have been using the process of parseDom()
-> <manipulate DOM> -> pprint(dom) but this fails on many of the relevant
documents. I am able to process the DOM so I would assume that the DOM tree
is well formed though the document is not. The error messages I see mention
that the document has errors preventing output. The output I get is a
skeleton HTML document with no content (nothing in the body, bare header).
Since this is preventing output not input, everything should be fine if I
can turn off cleaning. Is this possible? Am I merely not setting the correct
configuration options? Would it be reasonable to request a function uprint
as a complement to pprint (ugly/pretty)?

Neil Leathers,

Received on Thursday, 27 March 2003 11:36:24 UTC