Re: Ambiguous copyright ownership and licenses of HTML Tidy on SF

I have done the following:

Updated the license page:

Added a link to the above to the project page (something I have been 
meaning to do forever):

Added license.html to the docs in CVS/distribution.

Also, changed references to INRIA to ERCIM in the sources (updating 2002 to 
2003 while I'm at it).

At 03:44 PM 3/19/2003 +0000, Dave Raggett wrote:

>The copyright message and software licence is included in tidy.h and 
>referenced from the other files. The copyright is assigned to W3C (MIT, 
>INRIA and Keio) and needs to be updated to refer to ERCIM in place of INRIA.
>I agree that it might be helpful to make the license easier to find.
>  Dave Raggett <>  W3C lead for voice/multimodal.
> +44 1225 866240 (or 867351)
>On Wed, 19 Mar 2003, Joseph Reagle wrote:
> >
> > Hi Dave,
> >
> > I've noted some ambiguity with respect to the disposition of HTML Tidy on
> > SF. I can't find any copyright notice in:
> >
> > and on:
> >
> > it does not state the owner, and mistakenly (?) states MIT License.
> >
> > The SF FAQ states that the author of the materials is the owner [1] and one
> > should avoid the misconception that, "software does not actually have a
> > license holder, because of its free nature."
> >
> > [1]
> >
> > If the software, or some part, is owned by the W3C, it should have a
> > document describing the ownership, for example:
> >
> >
> > and the SF project should be tweaked to reflect the W3C Software License is
> > the operative license.
> >
> >
> > (If this is not the case, again, it would be useful to have a document
> > making this clear.)
> >

Received on Wednesday, 19 March 2003 12:54:49 UTC