Perl HTML::TIdy usage question


I have this compiled and installed on a redhat distribution, latest 
sources as of tonight everything compiles fine.

I'm just trying to set a few options and have it CleanAndRepair a 
string, then return that updated string.

     my $ht = '<html><head></head><body> hi </body></html>';
     $tidy = HTML::Tidy::Document->new();
     # I think 21 = enum TidyXhtmlOut
     $tidy->OptSetBool(21, 1);

     # Method to get a string back is SaveString????

It segmentations faults everytime on ParseString, obviously I'm doing 
something wrong.  I don't know enough about XS to figure out more from

Anyone know how to use the enumeration constants, I've tried passing 
them as strings without luck, I guess they work in this latest version

Any suggestions appreciated, thanks!

Received on Friday, 21 February 2003 03:57:07 UTC