Re: Help with HTML Tidy

On Thu, 15 May 2003 11:37:53 -0400 (EDT), KIM MORRIS <> 

> I would like to use HTML Tidy to see if my code is
> written correctly.
> I have visited your website to see if I can figure out
> how to use HTML Tidy, but I believe I am too basic in
> DOS (and probably web knowledge) to follow the
> instructions on your site.
> Can you please help me.
> I appreciate that you usually deal with people more
> knowledgeable with HTML and DOS than I am, and you may
> not be able to help me.  However, if you can I would
> appreciate it greatly.

Does the info on <URL:> 
help? If not, it might be worthwhile to download a text editor that 
integrates easily with HTML Tidy, like NoteTab or HTML-Kit. Or use this 
graphical front-end for HTML Tidy:

 If you don't like having choices    |  Rijk van Geijtenbeek
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 making your own. -  Neal Stephenson |

Received on Saturday, 17 May 2003 08:40:09 UTC