Re: tidy, indentation and XML/SGML rules

On 12 Oct 2002 at 4:05, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

> * Fred Bone wrote:
> >> My problem is that tidy breaks lines between elements, like this :
> >> <elem1><elem2>Content of elem2
> >> is changed to
> >> <elem1>
> >>   <elem2>Content of elem2
> >> 
> >> The result is far easier to read, but...
> >> the content of the document has been _changed_ : the newline between
> >> <elem1> and <elem2> has been added.
> >
> >I'm no expert on XML, but as far as I can tell this would only be a 
> >change of content if you have elem1 defined with 
> >xml:space='preserve', and then only the blanks would be significant 
> >(and not the newline).
> No, Jany is right here, in XML by default all white space is significant

Thank you for educating me. I still don't see how this squares with 
the assertion I quoted from the HTML4.1 spec (that SGML requires a 
newline following an opening tag or preceding a closing tag to be 
ignored), but clearly I need to do some further reading.

Received on Sunday, 13 October 2002 16:02:46 UTC