Re: Question

Hi Meir,

1) Smart Quotes

Tidy's behavior with respect to (wrt) smart quotes depends on the options 
you give it.  If you specify the Windows character encoding 
(--char-encoding win1252), then these are valid characters and it should 
leave them alone.  These are invalid characters in any other encoding 
supported by Tidy.  If you use the clean option (-c or --clean yes), Tidy 
should replace these quotes with their ascii equivalents.

Things can get a bit complicated with different combinations of options. 
So, if this doesn't help, send along sample input and config files so we 
can all take a look.

2) <co:img />

You want to use the --new-empty-tags option, as opposed to new-block-tags 
or new-inline-tags.

take it easy,

At 11:13 AM 5/2/2002 -0400, Meir Simcha Kogan wrote:
>Hi and thanks for your time:
>I have two questions:
>1) Currently, it seems that tidy will delete any such character it finds: 
>' (not sure what its called - smart quote maybe) and it doesnt replace it 
>with anything else, what option can I use to allow this character or 
>replace it with something acceptable.
>2) We built custom xml tags that look like this <co:img />
>If the text that is inputed to tidy has a tag missing the end slash 
>(<co:img>) tidy automatically creates an end tag </co:img>, How can I tell 
>tidy to treat it like <br> so that it becomes <br /> or in this case <co:img />
>Thanks so much,
>Here are the options currently set:
>Dim tidyobj As TidyObject
>Set tidyobj = CreateObject("TidyCOM.TidyObject")
>tidyobj.Options.Doctype = "omit"
>tidyobj.Options.DropFontTags = True
>tidyobj.Options.OutputXhtml = True
>tidyobj.Options.OutputXml = True
>tidyobj.Options.Indent = NoIndent
>tidyobj.Options.TabSize = 8
>tidyobj.Options.AddXmlDecl = True
>tidyobj.Options.BreakBeforeBr = True
>tidyobj.Options.InputXml = False
>tidyobj.Options.TidyMark = False
>tidyobj.Options.IndentSpaces = 0
>tidyobj.Options.Wrap = 0
>tidyobj.Options.AddXmlDecl = False
>tidyobj.Options.QuoteNbsp = False
>tidyobj.Options.QuoteAmpersand = False
>tidyobj.Options.CharEncoding = raw
>tidyobj.Options.NewInlineTags = "co:link co:img co:footnote"
>tidyobj.Options.Word2000 = False

Received on Tuesday, 7 May 2002 09:50:10 UTC