Re: Config file suggestion (fwd)

On 11 Apr 2002, at 13:47, Charles Reitzel wrote:

> If you must support a DOS/Windows-style file name, my vote is tidy.rc. 
> At least this file extension can be associated with a text editor for
> easy access from the GUI. 
> [...] 
> Thoughts?

I would recommend against ".rc" as the configuration file extension, at 
least on Win32 platforms.  That extension has been used historically for 
Windows resource compiler source files.

I would suggest that ".ini" might be better for the Win32 platform, as it 
is already associated with program configuration files and likely is 
already set up to invoke a text editor.

                                      -- Dave

Received on Sunday, 14 April 2002 19:15:23 UTC