Re: XHTML question

Mike Connelly <> wrote:
	<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
which is perfectly good ***X***HTML, but not legal HTML at all.

	When I run Tidy (inside HomeSite) against an HTML file containing the 
	above, I get the following.
	         Tidy (vers 30th April 2000) Parsing "input.html"
	         line 4 column 1 - Warning: <html> has XML attribute "xml:lang"
	         "input.html" appears to be XHTML 1.0 Transitional
	         1 warnings/errors were found!
	Would appreciate you please advising which is correct - the book
	or the Tidy output or if a change to Tidy is in order.
Both are.  The book is correct that that is legal XHTML.
Tidy is correct that it is not legal HTML, because HTML is not
an application of XML.

Received on Thursday, 16 August 2001 20:26:27 UTC