RE: OT: XHTML 1.0 vs. HTML 4.01 in MSIE

> How do I influence whether the MIME type text/html or text/xml is
> used? Isn't that what the content-type header is used for?  I
> configured my tidy to output xhtml but *not* to produce xml.

Typically, your web server controls which mime types are sent. I've found
these instructions for Apache, but the steps would be slightly different for
other web servers:

Alex Bischoff                                              3812078 on ICQ
 export-a-crypto-system-sig RSA-2-lines-PERL
 print pack"C*",split/\D+/,`echo "16iII*o\U@{$/=$z;[(pop,pop,unpack"H*",<>
 Proof That There is Strength in Numbers -->

Received on Wednesday, 10 January 2001 11:06:08 UTC