Re: HTML Tidy.. -Reply

As a matter of fact, myself and the software engineer who I tested this with tried the -m or -modify command and it did not save the file. Are there any other pointers you could give me?

>>> Daniel Biddle <> 04/04 2:25 pm >>>
On Wed, 4 Apr 2001, Erik Akelaitis wrote:

> To Whom It May Concern-
> I am writing in regards to your software program HTML Tidy. I recently
> tested it on my PC and could not get the necessary changes that I
> implemented to save to my document. I looked at your website
> literature and cannot find a command that allows you to save changes
> to the original HTML document. Does such a command exit? If so, what
> is the code and how do I implement it?

Add the option -m to your command. This will make Tidy replace the
original files with the processed versions.

hope this helps,
Daniel Biddle <>

Received on Wednesday, 4 April 2001 14:32:54 UTC