Re: Config file wrapping some attributes

On 11 Dec 2000, at 17:51, Wier, David wrote:

> in the Meta tags and the Table Tags, I get the following format:
>                               <tr>
>                                       <td align="Left" valign=
>                                       "Top">whatever</td>
> I've tried several iterations of the above and it still wraps the last
> attribute
> Why is it wrapping the last attribute?

The documentation for the "wrap-attribute" option in HTML Tidy says:

 "If set to yes, attribute values may be wrapped across lines for easier

The key is that this option suppresses the wrapping of attribute *values*, 
not of the entire attribute.  The option affects whether you get:

  <img src="x" title="This is a
  long attribute value">


  <img src="x" title=
  "This is a long attribute value">

(The option perhaps would be more clearly named "wrap-attribute-values".)
                                      -- Dave

Received on Monday, 11 December 2000 23:20:28 UTC