Re: Duplicate attribute names

Ok, I've implemented two new options:

    drop-unknown-attrs: yes|no

	Tidy always reports unknown attributes.
	If this option is yes, it deletes them as well (from the start-
	tag token, before it even gets put into the tree).

    drop-duplicate-atts: never|keep-first|keep-last|if-equal

	Tidy always reports duplicated attributes.
	(Now it reports them once, instead of once for each instance.)
	If never: they are retained as they are now.
	If keep-first: the first instance is kept and the others deleted.
	If keep-last: the last instance is kept and the others deleted.
	If if-equal: redundant instances with exactly the same value
	   (alphabetic case and all) are deleted, others are kept.
	Attributes are deleted from the start-tag token,
	before it even gets put into the tree.

There's still some clean-up to be done, removing dead code and
improving some of the Check* functions in attrs.c.  At the moment,
old code is surrounded by #if OLD_CHECK.  The heart is the new
function CheckAndPruneAttributes.

Here is a "diff -C 5" of all the affected files.

*** bak/html.h  Thu Nov  9 15:39:07 2000
--- html.h      Thu Nov  9 14:44:47 2000
*** 469,478 ****
--- 469,479 ----
  Attribute *FindAttribute(AttVal *attval);
  AttVal *GetAttrByName(Node *node, char *name);
  void AddAttribute(Node *node, char *name, char *value);
  void CheckUniqueAttributes(Lexer *lexer, Node *node);
  void CheckAttributes(Lexer *lexer, Node *node);
+ void CheckAndPruneAttributes(Lexer *lexer, Node *node);
  Attribute *CheckAttribute(Lexer *lexer, Node *node, AttVal *attval);
  Bool IsUrl(char *attrname);
  Bool IsScript(char *attrname);
  /* istack.c */
*** 752,761 ****
--- 753,768 ----
  extern Bool WrapPhp;
  extern Bool FixBackslash;
  extern Bool IndentAttributes;
  extern Bool Word2000;
  extern Bool Emacs;  /* sasdjb 01May00 GNU Emacs error output format */
+ extern Bool DropUnknownAtts;
+ extern int  DropDuplicateAtts;
+ #define Drop_Never 0
+ #define Drop_First 1
+ #define Drop_Last  2
+ #define Drop_Equal 3
  /* Parser methods for tags */
  Parser ParseHTML;
  Parser ParseHead;
*** bak/attrs.c Thu Nov  9 15:38:58 2000
--- attrs.c     Thu Nov  9 15:29:50 2000
*** 329,338 ****
--- 329,342 ----
      return attr;
+ /*  If you want to drop unknown attributes, DON'T try to do it here.
+     Tidy uses this function ONLY when it wants to add an attribute
+     (with 'name' a known string at compile time) to a node.
+ */
  void AddAttribute(Node *node, char *name, char *value)
      AttVal *av = NewAttribute();
      av->delim = '"';
      av->attribute = wstrdup(name);
*** 417,426 ****
--- 421,523 ----
          hashtab[i] = null;
+ /*  Each attribute should be known and appear at most once.
+     Tidy doesn't know which attributes go with what element types,
+     so we don't detect misplaced attributes.  That's an obvious
+     enhancement.  If in the future, anyone wants attributes sorted,
+     this would be the single place to change.  There's one tricky
+     point here:  Tidy builds the list of attributes *BACKWARDS*,
+     so to keep the first/last *source* attribute, keep the last/first
+     *stored* attribute instead.  This also explains why Tidy reports
+     attribute warnings back to front.
+ */
+ void CheckAndPruneAttributes(Lexer *lexer, Node *node) {
+     AttVal *p;                /* current attribute=value pair */
+     AttVal *q;                /* next attribute=value pair */
+     AttVal**e;                /* where to put attributes that are retained */
+     AttVal *r;                /* scans remainder of list (for uniqueness) */
+     AttVal *s;                /* next pair, for r scan */
+     AttVal**h;                /* for deleting duplicates */
+     Bool    d;                /* duplicate of p found? */
+     Bool    unk =     /* check for unknown attributes? */
+           !XmlTags && !(node->tag != 0 &&
+                         (node->tag->versions & VERS_PROPRIETARY) != 0);
+     e = &node->attributes;
+     for (p = *e; p; p = q) {
+       q = p->next;
+       if (p->asp != null || p->php != null) {
+           /* ASP and PHP attributes are heavy magic and are not */
+           /* to be checked like other attributes */
+           *e = p;
+           e = &p->next;
+       } else
+       if (p->dict == null && unk) {
+             ReportAttrError(lexer, node, p->attribute, UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE);
+             if (DropUnknownAtts) {
+                 FreeAttribute(p);
+           } else {
+               *e = p;
+               e = &p->next;
+           }
+       } else {
+           /* This is an ordinary attribute=value pair that is a known */
+           /* or proprietary or XML attribute; check uniqueness */
+           d = no;
+           h = &q;
+           for (r = q; r != null; r = s) {
+               s = r->next;
+               if (r->asp == null && r->php == null
+                && wstrcasecmp(r->attribute, p->attribute) == 0
+               ) {
+                   d = yes;
+                   switch (DropDuplicateAtts) {
+                       case Drop_Never:
+                           h = &r->next;
+                           break;
+                       case Drop_Last:         /* Tidy reversed the list! */
+                           FreeAttribute(p);
+                           p = r;
+                           *h = s;
+                           break;
+                       case Drop_First:        /* Tidy reversed the list! */
+                           FreeAttribute(r);
+                           *h = s;
+                           break;
+                       case Drop_Equal:
+                           if (p->value == 0 ? r->value == 0
+                             : r->value != 0 &&
+                               wstrcasecmp(p->value, r->value) == 0
+                           ) {
+                               FreeAttribute(r);
+                               *h = s;
+                           } else {
+                               h = &r->next;
+                           }
+                           break;
+                   }
+               } else {
+                   h = &r->next;
+               }
+           }
+           *h = 0;
+           if (d)
+               ReportAttrError(lexer, node, p->attribute, REPEATED_ATTRIBUTE);
+           *e = p;
+           e = &p->next;
+       }
+     }
+     *e = 0;
+ }
+ /* CheckUniqueAttributes duplicates part of the work done by
+    CheckAndPruneAttributes; we don't need it any more.
+ */
   the same attribute name can't be used
   more than once in each element
*** 448,465 ****
--- 545,566 ----
          if (attval->asp == null && attval->php == null)
              CheckUniqueAttribute(lexer, node, attval);
+ #endif
  /* ignore unknown attributes for proprietary elements */
  Attribute *CheckAttribute(Lexer *lexer, Node *node, AttVal *attval)
      Attribute *attribute;
+ /* This is superseded by the check in CheckAndPruneAttributes */
      if (attval->asp == null && attval->php == null)
          CheckUniqueAttribute(lexer, node, attval);
+ #endif
      if ((attribute = attval->dict) != null)
          /* title is vers 2.0 for A and LINK otherwise vers 4.0 */
          if (attribute == attr_title &&
*** 474,486 ****
--- 575,590 ----
              lexer->versions &= attribute->versions;
          if (attribute->attrchk)
              attribute->attrchk(lexer, node, attval);
+ /* This is superseded by the check in CheckAndPruneAttributes */
      else if (!XmlTags && !(node->tag == null) && attval->asp == null &&
               !(node->tag && (node->tag->versions & VERS_PROPRIETARY)))
          ReportAttrError(lexer, node, attval->attribute, UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE);
+ #endif
      return attribute;
  Bool IsBoolAttribute(AttVal *attval)
*** bak/config.c        Thu Nov  9 15:38:58 2000
--- config.c    Thu Nov  9 12:08:35 2000
*** 38,47 ****
--- 38,49 ----
  ParseProperty ParseString;  /* a string including whitespace */
  ParseProperty ParseTagNames; /* a space separated list of tag names */
  ParseProperty ParseCharEncoding; /* RAW, ASCII, LATIN1, UTF8 or ISO2022 */
  ParseProperty ParseIndent;   /* specific to the indent option */
  ParseProperty ParseDocType;  /* omit | auto | strict | loose | <fpi> */
+ ParseProperty ParseDups;     /* never | keep-first | keep-last | if-equal */
+                            /*       | drop-last  | drop-first           */
  uint spaces =  2;           /* default indentation */
  uint wraplen = 68;          /* default wrap margin */
  int CharEncoding = ASCII;
  int tabsize = 4;
*** 91,100 ****
--- 93,105 ----
  Bool EncloseBlockText = no; /* if yes text in blocks is wrapped in <p>'s */
  Bool KeepFileTimes = yes;   /* if yes last modied time is preserved */
  Bool Word2000 = no;         /* draconian cleaning for Word2000 */
  Bool TidyMark = yes;        /* add meta element indicating tidied doc */
  Bool Emacs = no;            /* if true format error output for GNU Emacs */
+ Bool DropUnknownAtts = no;  /* discard non-standard attributes when true */
+ int  DropDuplicateAtts =    /* duplicate attributes: discard Never/first */
+        Drop_Never;        /* last/only if equal values.                */
  typedef struct _lex PLex;
  static uint c;      /* current char in input stream */
  static FILE *fin;   /* file pointer for input stream */
*** 182,194 ****
      {"new-pre-tags",    {(int *)&pre_tags},         ParseTagNames},
      {"char-encoding",   {(int *)&CharEncoding},     ParseCharEncoding},
      {"doctype",         {(int *)&doctype_str},      ParseDocType},
      {"fix-backslash",   {(int *)&FixBackslash},     ParseBool},
      {"gnu-emacs",       {(int *)&Emacs},            ParseBool},
    /* this must be the final entry */
!     {0,          0,             0}
  static unsigned hash(char *s)
      unsigned hashval;
--- 187,202 ----
      {"new-pre-tags",    {(int *)&pre_tags},         ParseTagNames},
      {"char-encoding",   {(int *)&CharEncoding},     ParseCharEncoding},
      {"doctype",         {(int *)&doctype_str},      ParseDocType},
      {"fix-backslash",   {(int *)&FixBackslash},     ParseBool},
      {"gnu-emacs",       {(int *)&Emacs},            ParseBool},
!     {"drop-unknown-atts",
!                         {(int*)&DropUnknownAtts},   ParseBool},
!     {"drop-duplicate-atts", 
!                       {(int*)&DropDuplicateAtts}, ParseDups},
    /* this must be the final entry */
!     {(char*)0,          {(int*)0},                  0}
  static unsigned hash(char *s)
      unsigned hashval;
*** 289,329 ****
          return *config_text++;
      return EOF;
! static int AdvanceChar()
      if (c != EOF)
          c = (uint)GetC(fin);
      return c;
! static int SkipWhite()
      while (IsWhite((uint) c))
          c = (uint)GetC(fin);
      return c;
  /* skip until end of line */
! static void SkipToEndofLine()
      while (c != EOF)
          c = (uint)GetC(fin);
          if (c == '\n' || c == '\r')
   skip over line continuations
   to start of next property
! static int NextProperty()
          /* skip to end of line */
          while (c != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != EOF)
--- 297,339 ----
          return *config_text++;
      return EOF;
! static int AdvanceChar(void)
      if (c != EOF)
          c = (uint)GetC(fin);
      return c;
! static int SkipWhite(void)
      while (IsWhite((uint) c))
          c = (uint)GetC(fin);
      return c;
+ #if 0
  /* skip until end of line */
! static void SkipToEndofLine(void)
      while (c != EOF)
          c = (uint)GetC(fin);
          if (c == '\n' || c == '\r')
+ #endif
   skip over line continuations
   to start of next property
! static int NextProperty(void)
          /* skip to end of line */
          while (c != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != EOF)
*** 753,762 ****
--- 763,803 ----
          *location.number = ISO2022;
      else if (wstrcasecmp(buf, "mac") == 0)
          *location.number = MACROMAN;
+     NextProperty();
+ }
+ void ParseDups(Location location, char *option)
+ {
+     char buf[64];
+     int i = 0;
+     SkipWhite();
+     while (i < 62 && c != EOF && !IsWhite(c))
+     {
+         buf[i++] = c;
+         AdvanceChar();
+     }
+     buf[i] = '\0';
+     if (wstrcasecmp(buf, "never") == 0)
+         *location.number = Drop_Never;
+     else if (wstrcasecmp(buf, "keep-first") == 0
+          ||  wstrcasecmp(buf, "drop-last")  == 0)
+         *location.number = Drop_Last;
+     else if (wstrcasecmp(buf, "keep-last")  == 0
+        ||  wstrcasecmp(buf, "drop-first") == 0) 
+         *location.number = Drop_First;
+     else if (wstrcasecmp(buf, "if-equal") == 0)
+         *location.number = Drop_Equal;
+     else
+         ReportBadArgument(option);
  /* slight hack to avoid changes to pprint.c */
*** bak/lexer.c Thu Nov  9 15:38:58 2000
--- lexer.c     Thu Nov  9 15:28:54 2000
*** 955,966 ****
              attr = NewAttribute();
              attr->delim = '"';
              attr->attribute = wstrdup("xmlns");
              attr->value = wstrdup(profile);
              attr->dict = FindAttribute(attr);
!             attr->next = node->attributes;
!             node->attributes = attr;
  Bool SetXHTMLDocType(Lexer *lexer, Node *root)
--- 955,968 ----
              attr = NewAttribute();
              attr->delim = '"';
              attr->attribute = wstrdup("xmlns");
              attr->value = wstrdup(profile);
              attr->dict = FindAttribute(attr);
!           if (attr->dict != null) {
!               attr->next = node->attributes;
!               node->attributes = attr;
!           }
  Bool SetXHTMLDocType(Lexer *lexer, Node *root)
*** 1833,1849 ****
--- 1835,1859 ----
                          if (!MakeClean && (lexer->token->tag == tag_nobr ||
                                                  lexer->token->tag == tag_wbr))
                              ReportWarning(lexer, null, lexer->token, PROPRIETARY_ELEMENT);
                      if (lexer->token->tag->chkattrs)
                          CheckUniqueAttributes(lexer, lexer->token);
                          lexer->token->tag->chkattrs(lexer, lexer->token);
                          CheckAttributes(lexer, lexer->token);
+ #else
+                   CheckAndPruneAttributes(lexer, lexer->token);
+                     if (lexer->token->tag->chkattrs)
+                         lexer->token->tag->chkattrs(lexer, lexer->token);
+                     else
+                         CheckAttributes(lexer, lexer->token);
+ #endif
                   return lexer->token;  /* return start tag */
              case LEX_COMMENT:  /* seen <!-- so look for --> */
*** bak/tidy.c  Thu Nov  9 15:38:58 2000
--- tidy.c      Thu Nov  9 12:01:47 2000
*** 801,810 ****
--- 801,820 ----
                  OnlyErrors = yes;
              else if (strcmp(arg, "quiet") == 0)
                  Quiet = yes;
              else if (strcmp(arg, "slides") == 0)
                  BurstSlides = yes;
+           else if (strncmp(arg, "drop-", 5) == 0)
+               switch (arg[5]) {
+                   case 'u': DropUnknownAtts = yes; break;
+                   case 'f': DropDuplicateAtts = Drop_First; break;
+                   case 'l': DropDuplicateAtts = Drop_Last; break;
+                   case 'e':   /* drop-[if-]equal */
+                   case 'i': DropDuplicateAtts = Drop_Equal; break;
+                   case 'n': DropDuplicateAtts = Drop_Never; break;
+                   default : UnknownOption(stderr, 'd'); break;
+               }
              else if (strcmp(arg, "help") == 0 ||
                       argv[1][1] == '?'|| argv[1][1] == 'h')
                  HelpText(stdout, prog);
                  return 1;
*** bak/Overview.html	Thu Nov  9 15:43:19 2000
--- Overview.html	Thu Nov  9 16:30:03 2000
*** 523,532 ****
--- 523,553 ----
  <p>I would be interested in hearing from anyone who can offer
  help with using JavaScript for adding dynamic effects to slides,
  for instance similar to those available in Microsoft
+ <h3>Removing unknown or duplicated attributes</h3>
+ <p>Some HTML editors insert attributes that are not in any W3C
+ recommendation and are not widely understood.  Tidy has always
+ warned about such attributes.  If you provide
+ the <code>-drop-unknown</code> command line option, or have
+ <code>drop-unknown-atts: yes</code> in your configuration file,
+ Tidy will automatically turn <code>&lt;p dark-side=yes&gt;</code>
+ into <code>&lt;p&gt;</code></p>
+ <p>Some HTML editors will also insert duplicates of existing attributes.
+ This is particularly troublesome because some Web browsers act on the
+ first instance, while others act on the last, so a document may look very
+ different in a browser other than the one the editor is part of/was
+ designed for.  Tidy has always warned about duplicate attributes.
+ With the <code>-drop-(first|last|equal)</code> command line option
+ (and the corresponding <code>drop-duplicate-atts</code> entry in
+ configuration files) you can control whether duplicates are retained,
+ duplicates are eliminated if they are equal,
+ the first of them retained, or the last of them retained.</p>
  <h3>Indenting text for a better layout</h3>
  <p>Indenting the content of elements makes the markup easier to
  read. Tidy can do this for all elements or just for those where
  it's needed. The auto-indent mode has been used below to avoid
*** 951,963 ****
  <dt>drop-font-tags: <em>bool</em></dt>
  <dd>If set to <em>yes</em> together with the clean option (see
  above), Tidy will discard font and center tags rather than
! creating the corresponding style rules. The default is <em>
! no</em>.</dd>
  <dt>enclose-text: <em>bool</em></dt>
  <dd>If set to <em>yes</em>, this causes Tidy to enclose any text
  it finds in the body element within a p element. This is useful
  when you want to take an existing html file and use it with a
--- 972,1010 ----
  <dt>drop-font-tags: <em>bool</em></dt>
  <dd>If set to <em>yes</em> together with the clean option (see
  above), Tidy will discard font and center tags rather than
! creating the corresponding style rules. The default is <em>no</em>.</dd>
+ <dt>drop-unknown-atts: <em>bool</em></dt>
+ <dd>If set to <em>yes</em>, Tidy will discard unknown attributes.
+ The default is <em>no</em>.
+ The command line option <code>-drop-unknown</code> is equivalent to
+ specifying <em>yes</em>.</dd>
+ <dt>drop-duplicate-atts: <em>never, drop-first, keep-last,
+ drop-last, keep-first,</em> or <em>if-equal</em></dt>
+ <dd>Determines what Tidy does with duplicate attributes.
+ Consider <code>&lt;p align=left align=right&gt;</code>
+ Tidy will always warn about duplicates.  With the default,
+ <em>never</em>, both copies are kept.  With <em>keep-first</em>
+ or its synonym <em>drop-last</em>, Tidy will keep the first
+ copy (<code>align=left</code>) and drop any others.  With
+ <em>keep-last</em> or its synonym <em>drop-first</em>,
+ Tidy will keep the last copy (<code>align=right</code>) and
+ drop any others.  With <em>if-equal</em>, Tidy will drop
+ later copies that provide the same value as the first.
+ Currently that heeds alphabetic case, so
+ <code>align=left align=left</code> will be tidied to
+ <code>align=left</code>, but <code>align="left" align="LEFT"</code>
+ will be left unchanged.
+ The command-line options <code>-drop-first</code>, <code>-drop-last</code>,
+ <code>-drop-equal</code>, and <code>drop-never</code> set this property.</dd>
  <dt>enclose-text: <em>bool</em></dt>
  <dd>If set to <em>yes</em>, this causes Tidy to enclose any text
  it finds in the body element within a p element. This is useful
  when you want to take an existing html file and use it with a
*** 1100,1109 ****
--- 1147,1158 ----
  quote-ampersand: no
  break-before-br: no
  uppercase-tags: no
  uppercase-attributes: no
  char-encoding: latin1
+ drop-unknown-atts: no
+ drop-duplicate-atts: if-equal
  new-inline-tags: cfif, cfelse, math, mroot, 
    mrow, mi, mn, mo, msqrt, mfrac, msubsup, munderover,
    munder, mover, mmultiscripts, msup, msub, mtext,
    mprescripts, mtable, mtr, mtd, mth
  new-blocklevel-tags: cfoutput, cfquery

Received on Wednesday, 8 November 2000 22:54:15 UTC