wildcards with html-tidy/DOS

I hope this is the right place to ask this question.

I am trying to run html-tidy on an NT machine (actually, I'd love to run it
on a solaris box, but haven't succeeded in downloading that version).

What I =want= to do, is to process the files such that they are written to
a new directory, something like

html-tidy in/*.txt >out/*.txt

This is not working. I can redirect single files
   html-tidy in/foo.txt >out/foo.txt

but not wildcards.

Beyond that, as may be evinced from the non-html file ending, what I'm
=really= trying to do with this group of files is to process some text
files that contain html, but which are not, in and of themselves html.
In an ideal world, this would mean that I'd have a way to suppress the
html header and footer, but I can find no way to do so. Is there anything
to be done?


Ari Davidow

Received on Friday, 24 March 2000 13:14:23 UTC