Re: Working with Tidy and HTML comments

>>>>> On Wed, May 17 2000 12:42:16 GMT+1100, "Stephen" == Stephen Reynolds
>>>>> wrote:

  Stephen> Does anybody on the list use tidy on HTML pages that contain
  Stephen> comments?

  Stephen> I share the maintenance of a company Web site with another person.
  Stephen> We make extensive use of comments describing the structure of
  Stephen> the pages so that each of us can easily understand each others
  Stephen> HTML code. We also use Dreamweaver templates which use propriety
  Stephen> comments. We would like to use tidy to standardize our code, but
  Stephen> tidy totally scrambles our comments.

  Stephen> How do list members work around this?

I use Tidy's "new-blocklevel-tags" option via Tidy's config file to ignore 
several custom tags that I use. But I don't know if this works with custom 
comment tags. I guess it depends on the exact syntax format of your 
Dreamweaver comments...what do they look like?



Received on Tuesday, 16 May 2000 23:42:03 UTC