Mathematics as Images

Many people did not consider my issue with mathematics as images. This
image is a "reflowable" book on Projective Geometry from Springer-Verlag
sold on Vital Source. All the text enlarges and reflows, but the
mathematical notation  is  not enlarged.
That is the kind of sloppy presentation of mathematics. It is very hard to
read this because you cannot treat it like PDF that you must have to zoom,
and you  cannot treat  it like reflowable  text because every formula must
be zoomed.
Vital Source is a web based service. This format is misleading and very
difficult to use. It should violate SC 1.4.10. As far as understanding that
mathematics is language not images, Springer-Verlag and Vital Source should
know  better.
How can a young person with low vision become a scientist?
Best, Wayne

Received on Thursday, 20 July 2023 21:14:03 UTC