Re: Extending the standard controls

> I have not fully researched web-components as yet but perhaps it is
> the best long term solution. However by looking at the steps you list
> to getting it into the standard and knowing that XForms 2.0 is likely
> to be the main focus of energy currently I would have thought an
> approach such the simplest for now.
> For instance Orbeon, betterForm and XSLTForms[1] all support a combo
> box like control. Could we not define a simple declarative way of
> representing the combo box and some mini-XSLT transforms to convert it
> into implementation specific representation? If all the transforms are
> published in an open way would that not achieve the portability I am
> seeking? If there are controls not implemented by certain XForm
> processors then these would at least be known gaps and the processor
> authors and others could contribute "code" to help plug these gaps.
> If there is broad support for this approach it is perhaps something I
> could put my energy into.

I also like the idea of agreeing on common behaviors outside of
standard bodies first when possible, and standardizing later. I fear
that there might not be enough players and energy available for that
though :(

Also I don't think that in general XSLT is the right too for the job
here. Components do more than transforms. Transforms do not provide
proper encapsulation, proper behavior within repeats, etc. Or if they
manage to do this, that would be like reinventing a component system.
But I might be proven wrong.


Received on Monday, 10 March 2014 18:21:00 UTC