A suggestion for async resolution.... :o)


Please may I make a suggestion which might help us reach swifter 
resolution to the issues tomorrow?

We have 4 possible proposals on the table:
1. (Initial SAP/Oracle/IBM proposal) Superceded
2. Marc's proposal based on 1+ Anish's friendly amendment
3. David's proposal
4. Umit's/my proposal 

Rather than discuss the above as complete proposals, could we separate 
into composable functions and discuss as such?  I.e.:

A. Specification of async only or sync only at binding level
     Should we opt for:
             asyncOnly attribute from proposal 2 OR wsaw:Async from 
proposal 3 OR no additional flag from proposal 4 (OR other)

B. Specification of binding for async response
     Should we opt for
           wsaw:Async binding semantics from proposal 2 OR 
wsaw:ResponseBinding semantics from proposal 3 OR no response binding 
specification (OR other)

C. Specification of async at the interface/op level
     Should we opt for 
           Anish's friendly amendment to 2 OR no specification (OR other)

There may be finer points that I have missed, but this structure might 
help focus the debate. 

Many thanks

Received on Monday, 7 November 2005 13:09:09 UTC