Overriding WSDL 2.0 fault ruleset behavior

The WSDL WG had an issue that touches on WS-Addressing.  Issue LC76a [1]
questions the ability to use wsa:FaultTo to redirect a fault to an
alternate location, and asks that the WSDL MEPs accommodate this
scenario explicitly.

The WG discussed this issue at our FTF [2] and decided to resolve it by
clarifying that an extension or binding is able to override this
behavior, and to reference WS-Addressing as an informative example.

The WSDL WG would like to make the WS-Addressing WG aware of this
resolution, and ask that the WS-Addressing WG confirm that the WS-A WSDL
Binding spec makes this overriding explicit.

- Jonathan Marsh on behalf of the WSDL WG

[1] http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/4/lc-issues/issues.html#LC76a

Received on Thursday, 28 April 2005 23:40:51 UTC