User considerations for credential presentation on the Web


At a few recent meetings we've talked about the privacy and related
concerns around presenting government-issued credentials to websites.

I've moved my rough outline of questions into a w3cping repo and would
welcome collaboration there; issues, pull requests, or comments on this
mailing list are all welcome. When there are particular issues that could
benefit from further discussion, we can use either a regularly scheduled
PING call or set up an ad-hoc meeting.

The discussion, API proposals and even implementations are moving quite
quickly. But I suspect a PING deliverable could be especially useful at:
* asking the questions that need to be addressed for all these proposals;
* setting out principles or guidelines for what a human-rights respecting
design should provide;
* identifying mitigations or best practices (if we find some that are

It's an important, fast-developing area and I look forward to working with
you all on the privacy, free expression and discrimination concerns.
We should work to avoid a "papers please" Web, and I think we can.

Nick Doty |
Senior Technologist
Center for Democracy & Technology |

Received on Tuesday, 31 October 2023 21:13:51 UTC