TPAC 2021 breakout sessions

Hi all.

Sharing some information about TPAC breakout sessions =>

The week of18  October 2021 will be dedicated to a distributed unconference as part of TPAC, with a series of 1-hour breakouts whose topics are defined by TPAC participants.

The W3C community is invited to suggest breakout sessions via the wiki before 8 October 2021:

In addition to the usual breakout discussions organized for the traditional TPAC community (IG/WG/BG participants, selected CG participants, W3C member representatives), and building on the “public breakout" program from last year, this year again, breakout proposals can opt-in to make their breakouts open to anyone (TPAC participant or not) to attend.

Building on the successful externally-organized breakouts from last year, the W3C is also aiming to get more of these to bring more diverse voices into the W3C community - please contact Dom ( if there are communities you know of that the W3C should reach out to as part of that program. These externally-organized breakouts can be financially supported by the TPAC Fellow program announced earlier in the year.

The W3C is also offering a strengthened training program for volunteer W3C meeting facilitators:


Received on Friday, 10 September 2021 19:59:27 UTC