Review requested - DNT - Tracking Compliance and Scope


The Tracking Protection Working Group has published a Last Call Working Draft of the Tracking Compliance and Scope specification and has requested review comments from PING.

The draft is available here:


This specification defines a set of practices for compliance with a user's Do Not Track (DNT) tracking preference to which a server may claim adherence.

The ask: Comments will be most useful in identifying particular problems with the specification that might inhibit adoption, where this specification fails to further goals of user privacy and user control, and whether this specification creates or does not otherwise resolve dependencies with other technical standards, practices, or processes.

The Last Call period ends 7 October 2015, so we have some time to collect and compile our input.

Let’s add this to agenda for our next call (13 August 2015). In the meantime, please take a look at the document and share your comments on this list.

Christine and Tara

Received on Friday, 17 July 2015 07:53:48 UTC