Re: [RESEND] suggestion: modify <small> definition

here is some sample pages that use <small>:

1641 non #*HTML5* (doctype) pages using <small> http://
697 #*HTML5* pages using <small> http://

from top 50,000 web site home page data available at

I have added a CSS style to visually highlight instances of small (yellow
background and red border)

note: the sample includes porn sites (as there are quite a few in top
50,000 top sites)



HTML 5.1 <>

On 21 May 2013 10:43, Steve Faulkner <> wrote:

> resending as i realized some bits in original didn't make sense :-(
> Hi all, there has been discussion[1] on list and elsewhere[2] about the
> <small> element about what it means and what it does (and doesn't do).
> Alohci suggested[3] the following:
> "The small element represents lowered prominence, but equal importance, for
> its contents."
> in place of [4]
> "The small element represents side comments such as small print."
> I think Aohci's suggestion has some merit as <small> does what his revised definition states (or should do), (unlike the current definition). Authors use it
> i.e. to visually lower the prominence of text content, but often the text is of
> no less importance (and may indeed be of greater importance in the case of
> disclaimers, caveats, legal restrictions, or copyrights.
> Alohci goes on to suggest:
> "It is suitable for content that is side comments such as small print, or
> for parts of a heading that may be omitted from an outline."
> but think it would be better to put this aside for the moment.
> [1]
> april -
> may -
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> --
> Regards
> SteveF
> --
> Regards
> SteveF
> HTML 5.1 <>

Received on Tuesday, 21 May 2013 16:12:43 UTC