Re: [dxwg] How to specify the multiple endpoints of a SPARQL service (#1587)

@marcelotto this is a question of granularity: Is your intend to manage for each "Operation" a different Data Service?

Consider an OpenAPI specification of a system: That has multiple resources and multiple operations for each resource. If you want to publish this as a catalogue of resources and operations than there will be for each resource a dataset and for each operation a data service. This catalogue organisation can drive to create a website similar to what the OpenAPI specification. 

However this granularity is not to be shared as such with the public in a broad data ecosystem: I think the chance it low that people would ask to google search (or chatGPT): give me a dataset for which there is an open Update  SPARQL endpoint for a resource A.
In this usecase you will abstract away the indiviual resources and the operations of the API. And thus therefore you end with a Dataservice that points with its endpointURL to the root of the API.

In Open Data Portals such as there is little need for the fine grained expressing. It makes your Dataservice only harder to find. But if you are managing an API platform such a APIGEE then it is critical. So it depends on you target and maybe you need both.  

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