Re: [dxwg] definitions clarifications of conforms to (#1130)

> > `ex:catalogRecordX dct:conformsTo ex:metadataprofileP` says that the metadata for the dataset conforms to some metadata profile (e.g. GeoDCAT-AP)
> The scope of this statement is the dcat:Resource (because it catalogrecord points to dcat:Resource) and its related distributions. 

I don't understand what you call the 'scope of this statement'. This statement is about the metadata that describes the dcat:Resource, not about the dcat:Resource itself.

>Does the scope include the metadata of the catalog to which the the catalogrecord belongs? If so then the remark [#1130 (comment)]( is relevant. @makxdekkers states in a respons not.

Again, what do you call the 'scope'? The statements associated with a dcat:CatalogRecord are only about the set of metadata that it describes and not about anything else.

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Received on Monday, 4 November 2019 09:26:16 UTC