Re: [dxwg] New UC - Specification documents with multiple roles (#978)

First, I am trying to work out the relationship described here between specifications and documents. It seems to me that some documents ARE specifications, and some specifications ARE documents. Are we in agreement on that? If not, what is the relationship that people see? 

I'm much less clear on how one can separate out some part of a "document" and call it a "specification" and give it a separate identifier, so I would need examples for how that could be done. It rather sounds to me like trying to separate the flour, sugar and eggs in a baked cake. A good example to work on would be DCAT-AP since we're pretty familiar with that. What part of that document would be separately identifiable as a "specification"? And how would one make that clear? Tagging individual sections? Thanks.

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Received on Tuesday, 9 July 2019 18:22:07 UTC