Re: [dxwg] [I18N] References to ISO-639 vs. BCP47 (#959)

@aisaac As far as I have understood the intention of `dct:language`, in many cases that I have seen it being used, is to give users information about  what kind of content they can expect to find in a resource. In most cases, the fact that a resource has content in a particular language can help the user to decide that the resource could be useful -- that it is English is the main concern, while the fact that it is US or GB English would often be less important. 
It is true that using the current `dct:language` range does not allow the kind of detail on subtags that BCP47 has (primary, secondary, script, region, variant, extension, private, grandfathered) and I think it is unlikely that someone will create (resolving) URIs for all the possible combinations of BCP47. However, consuming applications would need to include code to make sense of the BCP47 code -- and I would think that in most cases applications would really be only interested in the first 2 or 3-letter code. Or would you think that a search interface would allow people to filter on fr-CA rather than just on French?

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Received on Wednesday, 3 July 2019 14:55:26 UTC