Re: [dxwg] dcat:Resource description edits, section 5.1 (#966)

@dr-shorthair said:

> @andrea-perego wrote
> > dcat:Resource denotes only resources documented in a catalogue, as this would apply to all its subclasses - with the result that dcat:Dataset and dcat:DataService cannot be used for datasets and services which are not documented in a catalogue.
> Perhaps we should say 'catalogable' in the sense of 'potentially included in a catalog' which I think is the sense of what we are talking about, i.e. description of these things of a form that is suitable for inclusion in a catalog but which may not yet appear in any specific catalog instance.

I tend to agree, but the meaning of "catalogable" may be not crystal-clear to a non-native speaker, and it can be easily be mistaken with "cataloged". I think it is safer to use a more "expanded" formulation of this statement.

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Received on Tuesday, 2 July 2019 20:41:29 UTC