Re: [dxwg] Are PROF roles misplaced in resourceDescription? (#769)

Here's another example that shows a different organization of the role/relationship information and the information about the artifact. Information that is essential to the artifact and unchanging (e.g. its format) should be associated directly with the artifact, not with the resource descriptor.  (I shortened the IRI of the artifact just to fit it neatly in the comment.)
    a  prof:ResourceDescriptor;
   dct:description "The Guidance Document for this profile."
    prof:hasRole roles:guidance ;
    prof:hasArtifact  <> .

<> dct: format <> ;
        dct:title "DCAT-AP Guidance Document (PDF)" ;
 dct:datePublished "1996" .

(h/t @no-reply)

Multiple roles would then logically be multiple resource descriptions, but the artifact description would remain the same:

    a  prof:ResourceDescriptor;
   dct:description "The Guidance Document for this profile."
    prof:hasRole roles:guidance ;
    prof:hasArtifact  <> .

    a  prof:ResourceDescriptor;
   dct:description "This document lists the vocabulary terms."
    prof:hasRole roles:vocabulary ;
    prof:hasArtifact  <> .

<> dct: format <> ;
        dct:title "DCAT-AP Guidance Document (PDF)" ;
 dct:datePublished "1996" .

The conclusion here is that the roles are in the right place, but the artifact must exist independent of its role in relation to any one profile.  This means that artifact graphs can be shared and the semantics of the artifact are not dependent on the profile in which they are referenced. 

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