Re: [dxwg] Packaging and compression of files in a distribution (#746)

I still think that 2 or 4 properties would be cleaner than just the one.

1. The separation between mediaType and format is due to the incompleteness of IANA Media Types list (e.g. does not contain Media Type for `.tar` files) and, therefore, usage of, e.g. File Type EU MDR NAL in DCAT-AP in addition to it. Since we have both properties describing the main content of the distribution, why should the packaging and compression be described by only one of those?
2. Could we go back to #259 and try to represent the various use cases (compressed file, packaged files, compressed and packaged files) using just the wrapFormat property and see how the files can be automatically processed based on that description? I think this will only work for simply compressed file, e.g. `.csv.gz`. We will be unable to determine that the file is actually an archive of multiple files, e.g. `.zip` containing multiple `.csv` files, and how to unpack it (e.g. compared to `.tar.gz` containing multiple `.csv` files). That is why I would rather have a robust solution than a less complex one. I would say that the three use cases are pretty common and it would be nice to be able to properly describe them.

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Received on Monday, 11 February 2019 18:23:17 UTC