Re: [dxwg] Profiles offered by a service must be discoverable through a machine-readable graph of metadata that describes what is offered and how to invoke the offered profiles. [ID5] (5.5) (#288)

It is how to invoke a specific profile for a data resource. This is DCAT-level (or in fact any resource that is described in RDF). A service publishing data tells which profile it has, and how the data that conforms to them can be obtained. 
It sounds like requiring a mixture of PROF (for describing profiles), DCAT (for linking a piece of data to a profile), and the methods in the Conneg doc that list profiles available for a specific negotiation option (Conneg or QSA). The issue is that how to represent the 'how to invoke' probably depends on the negotiation method.
@rob-metalinkage @RubenVerborgh @nicholascar can you confirm this reading?

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Received on Tuesday, 27 November 2018 07:18:47 UTC