Re: [dxwg] Distribution composed of more than one file, but not packaged

While its clear that we have quite a bit to do, I'd prefer that we don't absolutely rule a problem area out  quite yet.  We have a list of high priority requirements  referenced [here]( as discussed and agreed at the F2F, and a target date of mid-January for the rec-track work.  We've also talked about generating more examples and/or a primer after that date.  That plan gives us some flex on how we can talk to this issue - extend timescales of the rec-track work, provide examples and suggestions or leave it for a further iteration. (All subject to agreement within the WG and the broader W3M)

On this specific case, I would agree with @agreiner's comment - it would be good to 'seize the opportunity' - and that it would be great if @dr-shorthair pithy summary "a dataset's distribution, while a single entity, is composed of multiple artefacts" found its way into the recommendation even if just a comment.  I don't think it has higher priority than the requirements that we're focussing on now. But I hope we have the luxury of deferring any final inclusion decisions to January.  

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Received on Thursday, 8 November 2018 15:03:09 UTC