Re: New Paper on VC Flavors

+1, thanks for making our ecosystem's ideas contextualized and digestible to folks. I learned some stuff myself.

On Thu, Feb 11, 2021, at 1:38 PM, Kaliya IDwoman wrote:
> Hi CCG, 
>  I wanted to share a paper that I wrote which was just published by LFPH/CCI  -
>   The PDF can be found here.
> The first part of the paper elaborated on the following three data formats of VCs by walking through a credential lifecycle:

>  * JSON-LD family with LD Signatures or with BBS+ Signatures that enable Zero Knowledge Proofs (ZKP or ZKPs)
>  * JSON with JSON Web Signatures, precisely in the form of a JSON Web Token (JWT)
>  * ZKP with Camenisch-Lysyanskaya Signatures (ZKP-CL)
> **
> The second part discussed at length the differences between JSON and JSON-LD and the differences between the two different ways to express ZKPs, namely ZKP-CL and the newest flavor JSON-LD ZKP with BBS+, which is being well received.**
> I hope it can help reduce the confusion in the market and support convergence. 
> - Kaliya

Received on Monday, 15 February 2021 22:12:02 UTC