Invitation: Clear language/Internationalization subgroup meeting @ Thu Sep 7, 2023 11am - 12pm (EDT) (

Clear language/Internationalization subgroup meeting
Thursday Sep 7, 2023 ⋅ 11am – 12pm
Eastern Time - New York

Hi, COGA folks, this Thursday's subgroup meeting will temporarily combine  
the Clear Language and Internationalization subgroups. AgendaSummary of  
AG's github feedback on COGA's Clear Language draft Pre meeting  
summary Post meeting notes Key detail: Internationalization plays a big  
role, hence today's combined meeting!Internationalization outreach  
planThe  teleconference information is at :  Call info for coga Time11  
am Eastern Time4 pm  UK Time6 pm  IsraelIRC channel: #coga An IRC (Internet  
Relay Chat) is like our chat room. You can join by clicking  
on can write any name as a  
nickname. Have a look at our page on our tips for IRCScribe: Please sign up  
to scribe


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Received on Sunday, 3 September 2023 22:04:53 UTC