2 Decryption Transform


This transform requires an XPath node-set [XPath] for input. If an octet stream is given as input, it must be converted to a node-set as described in The Reference Processing Model (section of the XML Signature specification [XML-Signature]. The transform decrypts all the xenc:EncryptedData elements [XML-Encryption] except for those specified by dcrpt:Except elements. dcrpt:Except is defined below via XML Schema [XML-Schema] and appears as direct child elements of the ds:Transform element. The output of the transform is a node-set or octet stream, depending on the input.

The REQUIRED URI attribute value of the dcrpt:Except element MUST be a non-empty same-document URI reference [URI] (i.e., a number sign ('#') character followed by an XPointer expression (as profiled by [XML-Signature, Section])) and identify an xenc:EncryptedData within the input to this transform.

  Schema Definition:

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <!DOCTYPE schema PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XMLSchema 200102//EN"
    "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema.dtd" [
    <!ATTLIST schema
      xmlns:dt CDATA #FIXED "http://www.w3.org/2001/04/decrypt#">
    <!ENTITY % p ''>
    <!ENTITY % s ''>

  <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" version="0.1"

    <element name="Except" type="dt:ExceptType"/>
    <complexType name="ExceptType">
      <attribute name="Id" type="ID" use="optional"/>
      <attribute name="URI" type="anyURI" use="required"/>

2.1 Processing Rules

This section describes the processing rules of the transform. The rules are written as three functions; the inputs and outputs of the transform are the inputs and outputs of the decryptIncludedNodes() function, which itself calls the decryptXML() or decryptOctets() function.

The transform operates over a node-set X, and its parsing context , which consists of the following items:

The decryptIncludedNodes() also takes a set of dcrpt:Except elements that identify xenc:EncryptedData elements that should not be processed by this transform. When dereferencing dcrpt:Except URIs, the application MUST behave as if the root document node of the input node set is used to initialize the [XPointer] evaluation context, even if this node is not part of the node set. Unlike [XML-Signature], the URI may be evaluated against a different document from the signature document. If the input is a different document then, as per [XPointer], use of the here() function is an error.

2.1.1 Functions

Z = decryptIncludedNodes(X, R)

where X is a node-set and R is a set of dcrpt:Except elements specified as a parameter of the transform. Z is a node-set obtained by the following steps:

  1. Within X, select e, an element node with the type xenc:EncryptedData, such that it is not referenced by any dcrpt:Except elements in R. If such e cannot be selected, the algorithm terminates and Z, the result of the transformation, is X.
  2. If the value of the Type attribute of e is &xenc;Element or &xenc;Content:
    1. Let C be a parsing context of X.
    2. Let Y be decryptXML(X, e, C). If this function succeeds, replace X with Y. Otherwise, the implementation MAY signal a failure of the transform. Alternatively, it MAY also continue processing without changing X (although it should take an appropriate means to avoid an infinite loop).
  3. If the Type attribute is absent or otherwise indicates octets:
    1. Let Y' be decryptOctets(X, e). If this function succeeds, the algorithm terminates and Z, the result of the transformation, is Y'. Otherwise, the implementation MAY signal a failure of the transform. Alternatively, it MAY also continue processing without changing X (although it should take an appropriate means to avoid an infinite loop).
  4. Go to Step 1.
Y = decryptXML(X, e, C)

where X is a node-set, e is an element node with the type xenc:EncryptedData in X, and C is a parsing context of X. Y is a node-set obtained by the following steps:

  1. Convert X to an octet stream as described in The Reference Processing Model (section of the XML Signature specification [XML-Signature].
  2. Wrap the resulting octet stream with the octets representation of dummy tags (i.e., <dummy> and </dummy>) as proposed by Richard Tobin in [Tobin], and if needed, prepend the octets representing an XML declaration and a document type declaration. In order to parse the octet stream in the context of C, all the namespace declarations in C MUST be added to the dummy element. Also all the entity declarations in C MUST be added to the document type declaration.
  3. Decrypt the element corresponding to e (which may require parsing) and replace it with the resulting octet stream according to the XML Encryption specification [XML-Encryption].
  4. Parse the decrypted octet stream as described in The Reference Processing Model (section of the XML Signature specification [XML-Signature], resulting in a node-set.
  5. Y is the node-set obtained by removing the root node, the dummy element node, and its associated set of attribute and namespace nodes from the node-set obtained in Step 4.
  6. Return Y.

(In decryptXML(), all of the steps except the actual decryption are necessary because XPath does not permit one to remove and then replace a node. Consequently, we must serialize (1), wrap (2), reparse (4), and trim the node set (5).)

Y' = decryptOctets(X, e)

where X is a node-set and e is an element node with the type xenc:EncryptedData in X. Y' is an octet stream obtained by the following steps:

  1. Convert X to an octet stream as described in The Reference Processing Model (section of the XML Signature specification [XML-Signature].
  2. Decrypt the element corresponding to e (which may require parsing) according to the XML Encryption specification [XML-Encryption] and let Y' be the resulting octet stream.
  3. Return Y'.

If any of the above steps in decryptXML() or decryptOctets() fails for whatever reasons (e.g., the decryption key cannot be located, parsing fails, etc.), the function also fails.

2.1.2 Restrictions and Limitations

These restrictions are necessary to ensure that the transform is performed correctly.