This section discusses algorithms used with the XML encryption specification. Entries contain the identifier to be used as the value of the Algorithm attribute of the EncryptionMethod element or other elements representing the role of the algorithm, a reference to the formal specification, and definitions, where applicable, for the representation of keys and the results of cryptographic operations.
All algorithms listed below have implicit parameters depending on their role. For example, the data to be encrypted or decrypted, keying material, and direction of operation (encrypting or decrypting) for encryption algorithms. Any explicit additional parameters to an algorithm appear as content elements within the role element. Such parameter elements have a descriptive element name, which is frequently algorithm specific, and MUST be in the same namespace as the role element or in an algorithm specific namespace. An example of such an explicit parameter could be an encryption initialization vector (IV) although for all encryption algorithms specified herein, the IV appears as part of the "cipher text" block.
This specification defines a set of algorithms, their URIs, and requirements for implementation. Requirements are specified over implementation, not over requirements for encryption use. Furthermore, the mechanism is extensible, alternative algorithms may be used by signature applications.
No stream encryption algorithms are sepcified.
Algorithm Type | Algorithm | Requirements |
Algorithm URI | ||
Block Encryption | ||
3DES | REQUIRED | | | ||
3DES with SHA1 | OPTIONAL | | | ||
AES | REQUIRED | | | ||
AES with SHA256 | OPTIONAL | | | ||
Key Transport | ||
RSA-v1.5 with 3DES | REQUIRED | | | ||
RSA-OAEP with AES | REQUIRED | | | ||
Key Agreement | ||
Diffie-Hellman | OPTIONAL | | | ||
Symmetric Key Wrap | ||
CMS-KeyWrap-3DES | REQUIRED | | | ||
CMS-KeyWrap-RC2 | REQUIRED | | | ||
AES-KeyWrap | REQUIRED | | | ||
Message Authentication | ||
XML Digital Signature | RECOMMENDED | | | ||
Canonicalization | ||
Canonical XML | RECOMMENDED | | | ||
Encoding | ||
base64 | REQUIRED | | |
Block encryption algorithms take, as implicit arguments, the data to encrypted or decrypted the keying material and their direction of operation. Any initialization vector required is included in the cipher text. They are designed for encrypting and decrypting data. Their identifiers appear as the value of the Algorithm attributes of EncryptionMethod elements that are children of EncryptedData.
Optionally, a message digest of the IV and plain text can be included at the end of and as part of the cipher text on encryption and checked on decryption as indicated by a different algorithm idenitifer. Such an integrity check may not be needed if integrity is assured by a digital signature.
Without Integrity:
The triple DES algorithm is described in
ANSI X9.52 [3DES]. It is composed of three sequential DES [DES]
operations. The XML Encryption 3DES encryption consists of a DES
encrypt, a DES decrypt, and a DES encrypt used in the Cipher Block
Chaining (CBC) mode with 168 bits of key and a 64 bit Initialization
Vector (IV). Of the key bits, the first 56 are used in the first DES
operation, the second 56 bits in the middle DES operation, and the
third 56 bits in the last DES operation. The resulting cipher text is
prefixed by the IV before being encoded in base64 for inclusion in XML
output. Implementation of 3DES without integrity for data encryption
is mandatory. An example 3DES EncryptionMethod is as follows:
<EncryptionMethod Algorithm=""/>
With Integrity:
Triple DES with integrity is as above except
that a SHA1 message digest is appended to the end of and encoded with
the cipher text. This message digest is over the
plain text prefixed by the IV. This message digest MUST be verfied on
decryption and a failure reported if the verification
fails. Implementation of 3DES with SHA1 is optional.
Without Integrity:
The AES algorithm is described in [AES].
XML Encryption implementations MUST support AES with 128 bit keys. (and
may optionally support 196 and 256 bit keys?). AES is used in the
Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode with a 128 bit Initialization Vector
(IV). The resulting cipher text is prefixed by the IV before being
encoded in base64 for inclusion in XML output. Implementation of AES
without integrity for data encryption is mandatory. An example AES
EncryptionMethod is as follows:
<EncryptionMethod Algorithm=""/>
With Integrity:
AES with integrity is as above except that a
SHA256 message digest is appended to the end of and encoded with the
cipher text as specified above. This message digest is over the plain
text prefixed by the IV. This message digest MUST be verfied on
decryption and a failure reported if the verification
fails. Implementation of AES with SHA256 is optional.
Key Transport algorithms are public key encryption algorithms especially specified for encrypting and decrypting keys. Their identifiers appear as Algorithm attributes to EncryptionMethod elements that are children of EncryptedKey.
This is the RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5 algorithm described in RFC 2437 [PKCS1]. The RSA algorithm takes no explicit parameters. An example of an RSA Version 1.5 with Triple DES EncryptionMethod element is:
<EncryptionMethod Algorithm=""/>
The CipherData for such an encrypted key
is the base64 [MIME] encoding of the
octet string computed as per RFC 2437
[PKCS1, section 7.2.1: Encryption operation].
As specified in the
EME-PKCS1-v1_5 function RFC 2437 [PKCS1, section], the value input to
the key transport function MUST be prefixed as follows:
where the padding MUST be of the following special form:02 | PS* | 00 | key
where "|" is concatentation, "02" and "00" are fixed octets of the corresponding hexadecimal value, PS is a string of strong pseudo-random octets [RANDOM] at least eight bytes long and long enough that the value of the quantity being CRYPTed is one octet shorter than the RSA modulus, and "key" is the 168 bit 3DES key being transported. The resulting base64 [MIME] string is the value of the child text node of the CipherData element, e.g. <CipherData>
This is the RSAES-OAEP-ENCRYPT algorithm described in RFC 2437 [PKCS1]. The RSA algorithm takes no explicit parameters. An example of an RSA SignatureMethod element is:
<EncryptionMethod Algorithm=""/>
The CipherData for an RSA OAEP with Triple DES encrypted key
is the base64 [MIME] encoding of the
octet string computed as per RFC 2437
[PKCS1, section 7.1.1: Encryption operation].
As specified in the
EME-OAEP-ENCODE function RFC 2437 [PKCS1, section], the value input to
the key transport function ... (to be completed).
(To Be Described)
Diffie-Hellman key agreement is optional to implement.
Symmetric Key Wrap algorithms are secret key encryption algorithms especially specified for encrypting and decrypting keys. Their identifiers appear as Algorithm attributes to EncryptionMethod elements that are children of EncryptedKey.
Some specific key wrap algorithms given below make use of the Key Checksum defined in CMS [RFC 2630bis]. This is used to provide an integrity check value for the key being wrapped. The algorithm is
The following algorithm wraps (encryptes) a 3DES key (the wrapped key, WK) under a 3DES key-encryption-key (KEK). The sequence of steps is as follows:
The following algorithm unwraps (decyrptes) a 3DEC key... (to be completed)
(To be completed.)
If XML is to be encrypted and later decrypted into a different environment and it is desired to preserve such aspects of its original environment as namespace prefix bindings, the value of attributes in the "xml" namespace, etc., then it is RECOMMENDED that the Canonical XML version of the XML be what is encrypted.