xml-encryption@w3.org Mail Archives

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General Discussion: xml-encryption@w 3.org (Must be subscribed to send)
Archive: http ://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xml-encryption/
Maintainer:  Joseph Reagle <reagle@w3. org>

This list is for discussion of the W3C XML Encryption Working Group. Appropriate topics for this list includes meeting announces and minutes, coordination with other activities, questions about the specifications, and (of course) technical proposals and discussion. Inappropriate materials include commercial advertisements and announcements that are not relevant to the immediate activities of the working group (e.g., questions about particular implementations and products, and general announcements about XML or cryptographic conferences or books.)


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August 2001by threadby authorby subject71
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April 2001by threadby authorby subject37
March 2001by threadby authorby subject84
February 2001by threadby authorby subject38
January 2001by threadby authorby subject107
December 2000by threadby authorby subject27
November 2000by threadby authorby subject85
October 2000by threadby authorby subject48
September 2000by threadby authorby subject39
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