See also: IRC log
Review of Action items ? 2006-09-21: Jonathan to check periodically that SPARQL has added schemaLocation. ? 2007-01-04: Paul to report back on which test cases in the WSDL test suite fail the basic patterns, with suggestions on how to address the issues. DONE 2007-03-15: JJM to incorporate minor editorial fixes. DONE 2007-03-15: Jonathan to solve the space issue. DONE 2007-03-15: JJM to file or publish larger bugs. ? 2007-03-15: Philippe to look at namespace. DONE 2007-03-15: Jonathan to remove "or a #".
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<Jonathan> ACTION: Jonathan to add the previous message results back into the dashboard. [recorded in]
Jonathan: would be good to handle
the few reds in the message exchange results
... we need to demonstrate that wsdl is able to describe rest
... I am working on a flickr wsdl
... a few more examples might be useful
... any volunteer ?
<Jonathan> We need to create more evidence the HTTP binding is useful in describing existing services.
<Jonathan> We desparately need people to contribute examples.
<Jonathan> This means you, dear reader who missed the call!
RESOLUTION: close with no action
<Jonathan> reason: uniqueness conflicts with optionality of the attribute.
RESOLUTION: Accept alternative 2
RESOLUTION: rename section 1.1 as proposed
subitem2: correct as proposed
subitem3: reword "At the abstract level" by "At a high level"
Jonathan: we may have gone to far
in requesting the encoding of many characters.
... Since we are there, we should also state that '=' should be
RESOLUTION: Add '=' to the list of SHOULD-be-encoded characters in second bullet
Jonathan: leave it open and let phillipe handle it
<TonyR> ACTION: Jonathan to add Jean-Jacques [recorded in]
<TonyR> ACTION 2= Jonathan to add Jean-Jacques's list as Bugzilla items
<Jonathan> I'm not very motivated to work further on the Interchange Note. Unless someone else is interested in championing the interchange note it is likely to fade away.