WS Description WG telcon

7 Jul 2005

See also: IRC log


Rebecca Bergersen, IONA Technologies
Allen Brookes, Rogue Wave Software
Glen Daniels, Sonic Software
Paul Downey, British Telecommunications
Youenn Fablet, Canon
Hugo Haas, W3C
Tom Jordahl, Macromedia
Anish Karmarkar, Oracle
Amelia Lewis, TIBCO
Kevin Canyang Liu, SAP
Dale Moberg, Cyclone Commerce
Jean-Jacques Moreau, Canon
David Orchard, BEA Systems
Bijan Parsia, University of Maryland MIND Lab
Tony Rogers, Computer Associates
Arthur Ryman, IBM
Sanjiva Weerawarana, Invited Expert
Roberto Chinnici, Sun Microsystems
Jacek Kopecky, DERI Innsbruck at the Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck, Austria
Jonathan Marsh
Bijan Parsia




<RebeccaB> :-)

<scribe> Scribe: Bijan Parsia

Discussion of minutes

Marsh: minutes out late, will enteratin postponing approval?
... Minutes approved

Action items

Marsh: Glen and Umit's primer AI...we can publish without them, but can we drop them?

Glen: We can drop mine, but I'll still do it later

Marsh: Umit? any objection to dropping it? No. Good.

Tomj: Hey! Maybe I care about that. Where's the agenda?

Marsh: It's trivial; let's not sweat it

Scribe notes that he is taking licence in the dialogue :)

Marsh: DaveO's LC121 is done

Discussing Paul's AI about Common Schema structures

Marsh: Profiling schema for data binding would be objectionable to MS

pauld: it's not really profiling for databinding, just conventions that might help

Marsh: Well....it's different.

pauld: Will wrap up this week

<GlenD> +1

Marsh: Getting a thought through draft done is probably work it, e.g., for getting picked up by other wg
... Hope to have enough to do a F2F
... Amy's AI?

alewis: in progress

Marsh: Register for F2F!

RebeccaB: What about telecons in Aug?

<pauld> cites proposed working group for XML Schema patterns for data binding: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws/2005Jul/0000.html

Marsh: we'll take traditional break. Some work may continue.


Glen: We really need to know who's coming so we can decide the room!!!

Marsh: I'm hoping to hit last call (or have hit lc) here
... Bijan (for rdf mapping) at F2f?

Bijan: Perhaps second day only.

Next Round Publicatoin details

Marsh: Still work on primer. DaveO objects to LC publishing "part of" the primer
... So, delay the vote
... so let's make progress on the rest of the documents today
... Delaying 121 until the end of the call so we can get through other stuff.

Alt schema language document

<sanjiva> hi Guys .. apologies for being late .. just joined :(

<JMarsh> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2005Jun/0096.html

Marsh: Bijan sent email but it wasn't clear if it was just discussion or proposal for text

Bijan: It was proposal for text for discussion

<dorchard> I will attend the f2f by telephone, and live with the difficulties

Arthur: What are we talking about?

<Arthur> http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/altschemalangs.html

Bijan: We factored out Appendix E. This is to augment it slightly with a bit of dicussion

Arthur: Is the propsoal to add this text?

bijan: yes

sanjiva: is multiple languages a common use case?

Marsh: Bijan had some use cases

Bijan: it was just to document for possible extension authors

sanjiva: I'm in favor of writing this stuff done.

<pauld> Dare Obsanjo wrote an MSDN article on extending XML Schema with Schematron: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnxml/html/schematron.asp

ACTION bijan to add text to alt schema examples

Tomj: I would like to strengthen the "don't do the multiple definitions in different type system" warning

bijan: sure

Marsh: with that, we'll be done with Alt Schema language

LC comments

Marsh: LC5a

jjm's email: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2005Jul/0021.html

Marsh: so, we've addressed subissue a and b, and the wg doesn't want to define anything regarding WSDL processor. Does the group concur?

group: cricket sounds

Marsh: Ok, I'll so respond
... LC5f
... Still on processors. We're not going there. basically the same as 5a.
... LC9
... Glen responded a while back. I sent a note on the 28th of June...waiting on a reply.
... So, propose that objection is mooted.
... LC51
... It's an empty issue, since the details hasn't been received despite numerous pings. Leave it open but dead.
... LC73
... Single interface per service is the settled opinion of the group. So just defend this decision to the director.

jjm: concur, plus we have text in the primer

Marsh: 75f
... Oops, that's mine and I still have work to do :)

jjm: I think the offending sentence is gone.

Marsh: No, I think it's in there
... Desire to allow attr extensibility in many places (e.g., signing)
... the concern: if we don't allow attr extensibilty as infrastructure, we'll limit future stuff. Can we allow them *only* for infrastructure and not application?

Arthur: Isn't signing in headers?

Marsh: no, it requires IDs on elements in the message for the parts you want to sign

Arthur: Eeek!

Marsh: also, things like xml:base and xml:lang

Arthur: None of those are convincing for SOAP messages

Marsh: yes, but we should allow for extensibilty. We don't want such attributes to show up in the function signature, but isn't enough to say that such attr don't so show up?

sanjiva: How do we distinguish infrastructure from data?

Marsh: We can put the exception into the mapping, rather than forcing the schema this way

sanjiva: another workaround, style can be a list so we can overlay

Marsh: that doesn't work because list are unions, so can't retract a constraint

sanjiva: so, qualified attributes will be ignored (for style purposes)

Marsh: something like that.

sanjiva: don't want to do it, but it probably wouldn't hurt to do it

Arthur: I'll entertain a concrete proposal

<JMarsh> ACTION: Jonathan to come up with concrete proposal for 75f [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/07/07-ws-desc-minutes.html#action01]

Marsh: LC75v done. LC76a.

<scribe> ACTION: bijan to add text to alt schema examples [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/07/07-ws-desc-minutes.html#action02]

<jjm> <current section="2.2.1">

<jjm> Any message after the first in the pattern MAY be replaced with a fault message, which MUST have identical direction. The fault message MUST be delivered to the same target node as the message it replaces, unless otherwise specified by an extension or binding extension. If there is no path to this node, the fault MUST be discarded.

<jjm> </current>

<jjm> <current section="2.2.1">

<jjm> Any message, including the first, MAY trigger a fault message in response. Each recipient MAY propagate a fault message, and MUST propagate no more than one fault for each triggering message. Each fault message has direction the reverse of its triggering message. The fault message MUST be delivered to the originator of the message which triggered it, unless otherwise specified by an extension or binding extension. If there is no path to this node, the fault MUST

<jjm> </current>

<jjm> <proposed section="2.2.2">

<jjm> Any message, including the first in the pattern, MAY trigger a fault message, which MUST have opposite direction. The fault message MUST be delivered to the originator of the triggering message, unless otherwise specified by an extension of binding extension. Any node MAY propagate a fault message, and MUST not do so at most once for each triggering message. If there is no path to the originator, the fault MUST be discarded.

<jjm> </proposed>

<sanjiva> +1 to making things easier to read


(search for section="2.2.2">)

alewis: confused about second to last sentence in the proposed section

Marsh: Making 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 more consistent with each other, but I though the commnent was to make it more consisten with the definitions in 2

alewis: I like jjm's 2.2.2 more than the current text.
... I would accept this (with clarification of that confusing sentence) as editorial

Tomj: moi aussi
... you are ubercosmopolitan. You are cosmopolitionesque


scribe's last Tomj was meant to be /me d :)

Marsh: LC76c

<JMarsh> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2005Jun/0093.html

alewis: doesn't this effectively say "nofault for security purposes"?

Marsh: What if I have a blacklist of known bad address to which I don't send faults but I'm willing to send it elsewhere

sanjiva: isn't this true of all messages? Why do we need to call this out? It's not fault specific

Marsh: But we want people to be able to use blacklists conformantly

sanjiva: but it is generic. why the fault harping/

Marsh: Proposal, let's not add anything, but say that the spec doesn't forbid you taking security considerations seriously

alewis: doesn't this belong in the security considerations section? There's a slew of things for which, if you've detected an attack, you might want to depart from advertized behavior
... do we even have an security consideration section? No? perhaps we should add one?

sanjiva: let's not go there

<sanjiva> sanjiva: if someone wants/wanted to do it they could make the request for security considerations

Marsh: I'm not feeling that the wg wants to add text like my proposal, so let's just express our intention not to block security stuff

Tomj: I support the not adding text route

alewis: if we're going to do this, I'd perfer to have a security considerations section

Marsh: should we go to the list to try to develop that proposal?

<charlton> charlton: +1 to not adding text

sanjiva: Separate it. Someone should raise a lc comment for this if they want a security considerations section

Marsh: I'll take up the ai with the issue raiser.

sanjiva: just raise it with the text as a LC issue. Then we can pop it in.

Marsh: but we need to address the current LC comment
... would anyone object to the very notion?

<charlton> charlton: I don't object to the prinicple

<scribe> ACTION: JMarsh and alewis to come up with a proposal for a security consideration section that would also address this issue [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/07/07-ws-desc-minutes.html#action03]

<sanjiva> +1 to Arthur's comment!

arthur: I object to the very heart of this issue. The security issues should be handle at an entirely different layer, not as part of the application and tthe description thereof
... You're descripting a web service...they have to generate the described fault behavior!

alewis: Also, what happens when you expect the described fault and you don't get it...what do you think? When you have conformant non-conformant behavior because, well, you have *reason* to be non-conformant. Better to handle security at a different level, where those consideration *trump* conformance (e.g., the attackers aren't mainline clients)

<charlton> charlton: I think it is valid to speak of security issues while not providing for "complete coverage" in some text, but I think that it w/b impractical

Marsh: arthur, what should we do? Not do security consideration?

arthur: I think that silently generated and logging a fault and not sending it when you are supposed to is wrong

alewis: a security considerations section is still good practice

<charlton> IMHO a security consideration section would be valid coverage in the spec.

arthur: I'm not objecting to a sc section per se. I'm objecting to the particular way of handling it under discussion.

alewis: can we leave the argument until we have some concrete text

Marsh: arthur, you are discussing the original proposal/comment. We've not accepted the whole "you can log a fault" bit. We're trying to figure out how to deal with the security situation.

<charlton> let's see the text that Jonathan and Amelia develop and reconsider....

arthur: Yes, but sanjiva pointed out that this holds for messages. i want meps to be clean with security factored out

Marsh: that's the text we are tasked to develop
... LC76d

Glen: let's remove it!

Marsh: that's where I was going

scribe lost the discussion

scribe still lost the discussion, or lost in the discussion

Marsh: Take it to the list. I'll get the discussion going

sanjiva: I'm fine moving forward. I don't want to prolong it

Marsh: Any objection to removing this header?

Tomj: But wait! It was in WSDL 1.1!

Glen: It's a server side issue, mostly.

Tomj: So you expect no ripples from removing this?

Marsh: this is new to this last call, so it'll receive attension

<anish> tom, r u saying that u can specify mU in wsdl 1.1?

Tomj: Yeah! So we added soap headers back, now we are going to rip some part of it out?

Marsh: The mustunderstand is redundant
... the issue is mustUnderstand on soap:header. Explain it, or remove it
... by describing the header in the wsdl it already is required

dorchard: How about when the service doesn't change but the service hasn't? So the client revs too.

sanjiva: shouldn't the wsdl change?

dorchard: well that's one view. But the contract can be used to force upgrades on both sides (scribe isn't clear)

dorchard would object to removing

<scribe> ACTION: dorchard to provide an explanation of mustUnderstand on wsoap:header for the primer [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/07/07-ws-desc-minutes.html#action04]

<pauld> wonder if describing soap:mustUnderstand is useful in the use-case where the WSDL is published by a consortia to be implemented by a number of different services?

Marsh: is adding stuff to the primer a resolution of this issue?

Glen: no

Marsh: ok, we'll wait on text to close this issue
... out of time!
... Let's get email progress on LC 124
... Aim for resolution next week

JMarsh, I'm rusty on extracting the minutes

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: bijan to add text to alt schema examples [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/07/07-ws-desc-minutes.html#action02]
[NEW] ACTION: dorchard to provide an explanation of mustUnderstand on wsoap:header for the primer [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/07/07-ws-desc-minutes.html#action04]
[NEW] ACTION: JMarsh and alewis to come up with a proposal for a security consideration section that would also address this issue [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/07/07-ws-desc-minutes.html#action03]
[NEW] ACTION: Jonathan to come up with concrete proposal for 75f [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/07/07-ws-desc-minutes.html#action01]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.126 (CVS log)
$Date: 2005/07/07 16:42:14 $