Some (OWL) Test Cases

Latest editors snapshot:

1. Approved Tests

1.1. By Function

1.2. By Issue

1.3. Additional Description Logic Tests

These tests are ones that are either known from the literature (specifically from [DL ref-1] and [DL ref-2]), or from test suites contributed by DL implementors (specifically some group and some other group).

Some actual tests in this category ...

2. Proposed Tests

2.1. By Function

2.2. By Issue

2.3. Additional Description Logic Tests

These tests are ones that are either known from the literature (specifically from [DL ref-1] and [DL ref-2]), or from test suites contributed by DL implementors (specifically some group and some other group).

Some actual tests in this category ...

2.4. Miscellaneous Tests

These tests are ones that do not fit any other category. Some are taken from the [OWL Guide]; others reflect various aspects of OWL, that were not formal issues addressed by the working group.

2.4.1. [[misc-200-xmlliteral]]

A description of these tests needs to be added.

LiteConsistent document.201
Description: <miscellaneous/Manifest201#test> Martin Dürst, Masayasu Ishikawa
This test shows how user labels in a variety of languages can be used. Note the use of ruby annotation.
@prefix : <> .
LiteConsistent: <miscellaneous/consistent201>
    xml:base="" >

    <owl:Class rdf:ID="ShakespearePlay">
      <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Shakespeare's plays</rdfs:label>
      <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">The class of Shakespeare's plays.</rdfs:comment>
      <rdfs:label xml:lang="it">Opere di Shakespeare</rdfs:label>
      <rdfs:comment xml:lang="it">La classe delle opere di Shakespeare.</rdfs:comment>
      <rdfs:label xml:lang="ja" rdf:parseType="Literal"
      <rdfs:comment xml:lang="ja" rdf:parseType="Literal"
    <first:ShakespearePlay rdf:ID="Romeo-and-Juliet">
      <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Romeo and Juliet</rdfs:label>
      <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy 
          of Romeo and Juliet.</rdfs:comment>
      <rdfs:label xml:lang="it">Romeo e Giulietta</rdfs:label>
      <rdfs:comment xml:lang="it">La tragedia di Romeo e Giulietta</rdfs:comment>
      <rdfs:label xml:lang="ja" rdf:parseType="Literal"
      <rdfs:comment xml:lang="ja" rdf:parseType="Literal"
first:ShakespearePlay rdf:type owl:Class .
first:ShakespearePlay rdfs:label "Shakespeare's plays"@en .
first:ShakespearePlay rdfs:comment "The class of Shakespeare's plays."@en .
first:ShakespearePlay rdfs:label "Opere di Shakespeare"@it .
first:ShakespearePlay rdfs:comment "La classe delle opere di Shakespeare."@it .
first:ShakespearePlay rdfs:label "\u30B7\u30A7\u30A4\u30AF\u30B9\u30D4\u30A2\u306E<ruby xmlns=\"\"><rbc><rb>\u6F14</rb><rb>\u5287</rb></rbc>\n          <rtc><rt>\u3048\u3093</rt><rt>\u3052\u304D</rt></rtc></ruby>"@ja^^rdf:XMLLiteral  .
first:ShakespearePlay rdfs:comment "\u30B7\u30A7\u30A4\u30AF\u30B9\u30D4\u30A2\u306E<ruby xmlns=\"\"><rbc><rb>\u6F14</rb><rb>\u5287</rb></rbc>\n          <rtc><rt>\u3048\u3093</rt><rt>\u3052\u304D</rt></rtc></ruby>\u306E\u30AF\u30E9\u30B9\u3002"@ja^^rdf:XMLLiteral  .
first:Romeo-and-Juliet rdf:type first:ShakespearePlay .
first:Romeo-and-Juliet rdfs:label "Romeo and Juliet"@en .
first:Romeo-and-Juliet rdfs:comment "The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy \n          of Romeo and Juliet."@en .
first:Romeo-and-Juliet rdfs:label "Romeo e Giulietta"@it .
first:Romeo-and-Juliet rdfs:comment "La tragedia di Romeo e Giulietta"@it .
first:Romeo-and-Juliet rdfs:label "\u30ED\u30DF\u30AA\u3068\u30B8\u30E5\u30EA\u30A8\u30C3\u30C8"@ja^^rdf:XMLLiteral  .
first:Romeo-and-Juliet rdfs:comment "\u30ED\u30DF\u30AA\u3068\u30B8\u30E5\u30EA\u30A8\u30C3\u30C8\u306E<ruby xmlns=\"\"><rbc><rb>\u60B2</rb><rb>\u5287</rb></rbc>\n          <rtc><rt>\u3072</rt><rt>\u3052\u304D</rt></rtc></ruby>"@ja^^rdf:XMLLiteral  .

LiteConsistent document.202
Description: <miscellaneous/Manifest202#test> Jeremy J. Carroll
This shows that insignificant whitespace in an rdf:XMLLiteral is not significant within OWL.
@prefix : <> .
LiteConsistent: <miscellaneous/consistent202>
    xml:base="" >

           rdf:ID="fp" />
     <first:fp rdf:parseType="Literal"><br />
<img src="vn.png" alt="Venn diagram" longdesc="vn.html" title="Venn"></img></first:fp>
     <first:fp rdf:parseType="Literal"><br 
src="vn.png" title=
"Venn" alt
="Venn diagram" longdesc=
"vn.html" /></first:fp>
first:fp rdf:type owl:FunctionalProperty .
_:a rdf:type owl:Thing .
_:a first:fp "<br xmlns=\"\"></br>\n<img xmlns=\"\" alt=\"Venn diagram\" longdesc=\"vn.html\" src=\"vn.png\" title=\"Venn\"></img>"^^rdf:XMLLiteral  .
_:a first:fp "<br xmlns=\"\"></br>\n<img xmlns=\"\" alt=\"Venn diagram\" longdesc=\"vn.html\" src=\"vn.png\" title=\"Venn\"></img>"^^rdf:XMLLiteral  .

LiteInconsistent document.203
Description: <miscellaneous/Manifest203#test> Jeremy J. Carroll
This shows that initial whitespace in an rdf:XMLLiteral is significant within OWL.
@prefix : <> .
LiteInconsistent: <miscellaneous/inconsistent203>
    xml:base="" >

           rdf:ID="fp" />
     <first:fp rdf:parseType="Literal">
<br />
<img src="vn.png" alt="Venn diagram" longdesc="vn.html" title="Venn"></img></first:fp>
     <first:fp rdf:parseType="Literal"><br 
src="vn.png" title=
"Venn" alt
="Venn diagram" longdesc=
"vn.html" /></first:fp>
first:fp rdf:type owl:FunctionalProperty .
_:a rdf:type owl:Thing .
_:a first:fp "\n<br xmlns=\"\"></br>\n<img xmlns=\"\" alt=\"Venn diagram\" longdesc=\"vn.html\" src=\"vn.png\" title=\"Venn\"></img>"^^rdf:XMLLiteral  .
_:a first:fp "<br xmlns=\"\"></br>\n<img xmlns=\"\" alt=\"Venn diagram\" longdesc=\"vn.html\" src=\"vn.png\" title=\"Venn\"></img>"^^rdf:XMLLiteral  .