
1. acre


1. (5 lines)

     ∇ run←{⍺←⊢
[1]        ⍺ ⍵
[2]   ⍝ Phil Last 2018-01-17 21.24
[3]    }


1. acre._qv (3 lines)

[0] :Namespace _qv
[1]     ##.(⎕IO ⎕ML ⎕WX)←0 0 3
[2] :EndNamespace

1.1. acre._code




1. acre._code.Cc (5 lines)

     ∇ Cc←Cc
[1]    Cc←819⌶
[2]   ⍝ case folding
[3]   ⍝ nilad returning ambivalent

2. acre._code.Changes (27 lines)

     ∇ Changes←{dat←⍺
[1]        ~dat.hist:⍪''⊣dat noHistMsg''
[2]        null⊢name date←⊃{⍺ ⍵/¨⍨⊂0<⎕NC ⍺}/dat changes'':⍪''
[3]        dat.nspath≡⊃⍵:{         ⍝ project changes
[4]            name date←(⊂⊂⍒date)⌷¨name date
[5]            dt←OPT.when
[6]            dt≡0:⍪name
[7]            res←name,⍪↓DT.dt2fm date
[8]            dt≡1:res
[9]            lt←1∊'<≤'∊dt
[10]           res⌿⍨lt≠date≥DT.fm2dt dt~'<≤≥>'
[11]       }0
[13]       null⊢item←⍬⍴⍵∩name:⍪''   ⍝ item change
[14]       file←⊃dat getChangeFilenames item
[15]       cmp←⌽1↓⍳1⊃⎕FSIZE⊢tie←file ⎕FTIE 0
[16]       ptr val← ⎕FREAD tie,⊂cmp
[17]       cmp←1↓cmp
[18]       date←↓MS.DK,⍤1 DT.(dt2fm∘ts2dt∘fd2ts)⊢/∘⎕FRDCI¨tie,¨cmp
[19]       z←⎕FUNTIE tie
[20]       ⍪⍪¨' ',¨(⊂¨↓⍕((cmp=ptr)\⊂'>>>'),(⊂MS.BF),cmp,⍪date),¨val
[21]       ⍪⊃,/,(⊂⊂''),(⊂¨↓⍕((cmp=ptr)\⊂'>>>'),(⊂MS.BF),cmp,⍪date),⍪val
[22]  ⍝ list changed items of project
[23]  ⍝ or dates and values of item
[24]  ⍝ Phil 2018-08-07 17.23
[25]   }

3. acre._code.Close (8 lines)

     ∇ Close←{dat←⍺
[1]        ≢dataSpaces dat⊣showMsg MS.BX,dat.nspath
[2]   ⍝ close a tracked project
[3]   ⍝ ⍺ dat
[4]   ⍝ ← number tracked
[5]   ⍝ Phil 2018-06-06 21.11
[6]    }

4. acre._code.CreateProject (8 lines)

     ∇ CreateProject←{
[1]        0=dat←createProject ⍵:''
[2]        dat.nspath⊣dataSpaces dat ⍝ remember
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ folder space
[4]   ⍝ ← ProjectSpace
[5]   ⍝ Phil Last 2017-11-28 09.50
[6]    }

5. acre._code.EditArray (25 lines)

     ∇ EditArray←{dat←⍺
[1]        2.1≠#.⎕NC⊂fqn←⊃⍵:'' ⍝ one item
[2]        ⎕THIS.(sandbox←⎕NS'').(string←,matrix←↑list←'' '')
[3]        pref←(⍕⎕THIS),'.sandbox.'
[4]        txt←⊃∊/1(↑_↓)nameClass(⊂fqn),pref∘,¨↓sandbox.⎕NL 2
[5]        txt:⎕ED&fqn
[7]        enc←'j'∊Cc OPT.encoding
[8]        else←{⍵:⍺⍺⊣⍺ ⋄ ⍵⍵⊣⍺}
[9]        export←1∘(⎕JSON  ⍠'Compact' 0)else(2∘AN.format)∘enc
[10]       import←⎕JSON  else AN.decode∘enc
[12]       new←export⊢old←#.⍎fqn
[13]       ed←#.⎕NS''
[14]       name←'.'UT.nn fqn
[15]       z←name ed.{⍎⍺,'←⍵'}new
[16]       null ed.⎕ED name:''
[17]       new←import ed.⍎name
[18]       new≡old:''
[19]       z←fqn #.{⍎⍺,'←⍵'}new
[20]       r⊣showMsg(nonul r)/MS.DK,r←⊃dat SetChanged,⊂fqn
[22]  ⍝ Phil 2018-08-22 23.01
[23]   }

6. acre._code.Erase (27 lines)

     ∇ Erase←{dat←⍺ ⋄ unc←50 ⍝ up to 50 unconfirmed
[1]        ns←(,1)≡0 ssp⊢arg←⍵  ⍝ non-scriptus
[2]        endx←(⎕EX(ns/arg),⊢)⊢⊢
[3]        nms←validItems{(⍎⊃⍵) validAPLType''}if ns⊢arg
[4]        null nms:''⊣showMsg MS.DH
[6]        0={confirm 60,⊂MS.CA,⍵ MS.FK}if(unc<⊢)≢nms:''
[8]        ~dat.hist:endx dat delSource nms
[10]       fqn typ val←getValue nms
[11]       null fqn:''⊣showMsg MS.DH
[13]       new←~old←⎕NEXISTS¨fns←dat getChangeFilenames fqn
[14]       res←{⍺⊣⎕FUNTIE(((-≢MS.HN)↓⍵),MS.EX)⎕FRENAME ⍵ ⎕FTIE 0}/old⌿fqn,⍪fns
[15]       ∧/old:endx dat delSource res
[17]       z←dat putChange(new∘/¨fqn val typ),⊂MS.EX
[18]       endx dat delSource fqn
[20]  ⍝ ⍵ item(s)|space
[21]  ⍝ ← items in ⍵ of which erased
[22]  ⍝   if .change exists just rename to .delete - else put and rename
[23]  ⍝ confirm if >50
[24]  ⍝ Phil 2018-06-20 11.04
[25]   }

7. acre._code.FromAPLAN (9 lines)

     ∇ FromAPLAN←{
[1]        null ⍵:''
[2]        AN.decode #.⍎if(2=⎕NC)⊃∘prefSpace if(0≤⎕NC)⊃(⊣,' ',⊢)/⍵
[3]   ⍝ decode APLAN expression as array or space
[4]   ⍝ see ToAPLAN
[5]   ⍝ expression requires "double quotes" if it contains [brackets].
[6]   ⍝ Phil 2018-01-25 08.05
[7]    }

8. acre._code.Install (48 lines)

     ∇ Install←{
[1]        path wsid←2⍴,\1 ⎕NPARTS(⍵≡∊⍵)⊃⍵ ⎕WSID
[2]        name←1↓{⍵/⍨1=+\⍵='.'}⊃⎕XSI
[3]        apo←'"'∘(qu←UT.qu)
[4]        sep←⊃~∘'∘'⊢⎕SE.SALT.PATHDEL                           ⍝ thanks Gil
[5]        old←1↓¨{⍵⊂⍨⍵∊sep,'∘'}sep,⎕SE.SALT.Settings'cmddir'    ⍝ seek both
[6]        f←{⍵/⍨(⊢=⌈/)(+\×~)⍵∊'/\'}                             ⍝ last /substr/
[7]        old←⊃,/sep,¨old/⍨~¯1(↓∊↑)Cc f¨old,⊂path               ⍝ sans me
[8]        z←⎕SE.SALT.Settings'cmddir "',path,old,'" -permanent' ⍝ add me
[9]        cmds help opt syn type grp←{
[10]           ⍕¨qu¨¨⍵.(command help options syntax type group)}cmdDefs name
[11]       re←{⊃⍵{(⍴,⍵)↓⊃,/⍵∘,¨(⍴,⍺)↓¨⍺{⍵⊂⍨⍺⍷⍵}⍺,⍺⍺}/⍺}
[12]       data←(name)(grp)(cmds)(opt)(help)(type)(syn)
[13]       code←'<n>' '<g>' '<c>' '<o>' '<h>' '<t>' '<s>'
[14]       script←,(⎕UCS 10),{0 3↓⍵⌿⍨>/'⍝: '⍷⍵}⎕CR⊃⎕SI
[15]       script←⊂(⎕UCS 10){1↓¨⍵⊂⍨⍵=⍺}⊃re/(↓code,⍪data),⊂script
[16]       z←script ⎕NPUT(path,name,'.dyalog')1    ⍝ 1=rewrite
[17]       rel←path,'releaseNotes','.txt'
[18]       z←(⊂{⍵/⍨∧\(⍵∊∊⍵)∨⍵∨.≠¨'-'}releaseNotes⊣'')⎕NPUT rel 1
[19]       ⍪'Installed at ' ']open ',∘apo¨path rel
[20]  ⍝:  :namespace <n>Init
[21]  ⍝:     ⎕io ⎕ml←0
[22]  ⍝:     name  ← ,'<n>'  ⍝ string
[23]  ⍝:     group ← ,¨<g>   ⍝  list
[24]  ⍝:     cmds  ← ,¨<c>   ⍝  list
[25]  ⍝:     help  ← ,¨<h>   ⍝  list
[26]  ⍝:     type  ← ,¨<t>   ⍝  list
[27]  ⍝:     syn   ← ,¨<s>   ⍝  list
[28]  ⍝:     parse ← ,¨<o>   ⍝  list
[29]  ⍝:   ∇ r←List
[30]  ⍝:     r←{⎕NS''}¨⍳⍴cmds
[31]  ⍝:     r.(Name Desc Group Parse)←↓⍉↑cmds help group parse
[32]  ⍝:   ∇
[33]  ⍝:    Help←{⍕⍪'' 'Syntax: ',¨help syn⊃¨⍨cmds⍳⊂⍵
[34]  ⍝:    }
[35]  ⍝:    Run←{cmd arg←⍵
[36]  ⍝: cmd
[37]  ⍝:     (path wsid)←,\2⍴1 ⎕NPARTS ##.SourceFile
[38]  ⍝:     new←{⎕se.<n>._code. newSession''}⍣(~new)⊢new←0∊⎕SE.⎕NC name
[39]  ⍝:     z←⎕SE.{6::0 ⋄ ⊢'#.<n>'∘⎕CY ⍵}⍣new⊢wsid
[40]  ⍝:     nsi←((⎕XSI+.=¨'.')⍳1)⊃⎕NSI  ⍝ whence called
[41]  ⍝:     type←type⊃⍨cmds⍳⊂cmd
[42]  ⍝:   ⍝                    ↓↓↓↓
[43]  ⍝:     ⎕SE.<n>._code. userCmdRun new cmd arg type nsi path wsid name
[44]  ⍝:    }
[45]  ⍝:  :endnamespace
[46]   }

9. acre._code.On (6 lines)

     ∇ On←{⍺←⊢
[1]        ≡/Cc MS.GA(⍕⍵)
[2]   ⍝ only if ⍵ is 'on', 'On', 'oN' or 'ON'.
[3]   ⍝ Phil 2018-06-17 15.38
[4]    }

10. acre._code.OpenProject (11 lines)

     ∇ OpenProject←{⍺←⊢
[1]        2<≢⍵:MS.DM
[2]        tk←nOff OPT.track
[3]        dp←nOff OPT.dependencies
[4]        0=dat←openProject tk dp ⍵:''
[5]        dat.nspath⊣dataSpaces⍣tk⊢dat ⍝ remember
[6]   ⍝ ⍵ folder [space]
[7]   ⍝ ← projectspace
[8]   ⍝ Phil 2018-06-06 21.11
[9]    }

11. acre._code.Orphans (16 lines)

     ∇ Orphans←{
[1]        sn←{1⌽'  ',⍵↑⍨-+/∧\'.'≠⌽⍵}     ⍝ → ' three '
[2]        az←'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_0123456789∆⍙'
[3]        nc←3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2          ⍝ defined fns & ops
[4]        sps←1↓⍎⍕'⎕io',⍵/⍨9=⌊#.⎕NC ⍵
[5]        (ol ul)←∘nc eu 2⍴sps
[6]        on←sn¨ol                    ⍝ orphan names - simple names only
[7]        ol/⍨~⊃{
[8]            tg←az{⍵{⍵\⍵/⍺}⍵∊⍺}⎕VR ⍺   ⍝ alphanumerics separated by blanks
[9]            ⍵∨(on∊⊂sn ⍺)<{1∊⍵⍷tg}¨on  ⍝ called but not by me
[10]       }/ul,0
[11]      ⍝ result identical to: ⊃UT.uu/⌽2⍴⍵,#
[13]  ⍝ Phil 2018-02-12 16.13
[14]   }

12. acre._code.Projects (6 lines)

     ∇ Projects←{
[1]        0::0 2⍴''⊣showMsg MS.GX
[2]        {↑⍵.(nspath folder)}openProjects''
[3]   ⍝ Phil Last 2018-01-15 15.35
[4]    }

13. acre._code.PurgeHistory (18 lines)

     ∇ PurgeHistory←{dat←⍺
[1]        ~dat.hist:0⊣dat noHistMsg''
[3]        dat.nspath≡⊃⍵:{      ⍝ all for project
[4]            files←⊃(⊣(/⍨)2=⊢)/0 1 ⎕NINFO⍠1⊢dat.changes,'*'
[5]            ok←∧/⎕NDELETE/1,⍪files
[6]            dat.changed←''
[7]            ok⊣showMsg ok/dat.nspath,MS.DA
[8]        }0
[9]                             ⍝ one item
[10]       dl←,∘MS.EX⊢(-≢MS.HN)↓fn←⊃dat getChangeFilenames⊂fqn←⊃validItems ⍵
[11]       ok←1∊⎕NDELETE/1,⍪dl fn
[12]       dat.changed~←⊂fqn
[13]       ok⊣showMsg ok/fqn,MS.DA
[14]  ⍝ Purge history for project or one item.
[15]  ⍝ Phil 2018-03-13 00.51
[16]   }

14. acre._code.Redo (9 lines)

     ∇ Redo←{
[1]        ⍺(+undoredo)⍵
[2]   ⍝ ⍺ dat
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ fqns
[4]   ⍝ ← fqns where changed
[5]   ⍝   non-destructive,
[6]   ⍝   pointer change to subsequent edit if exists
[7]    }

15. acre._code.Refresh (7 lines)

     ∇ Refresh←{dat←⍺
[1]        dat getSource MS.BG
[2]   ⍝ getSource will filter on date greater than previously known whether
[3]   ⍝ edited externally or written back from ws.
[4]   ⍝ Phil 2018-03-13 21.56
[5]    }

16. acre._code.Restore (23 lines)

     ∇ Restore←{dat←⍺
[1]        ~dat.hist:''⊣dat noHistMsg''
[2]        (null∨0<⎕NC)fqn←⊃⍵∩dat deleted'':''
[3]        tgt src←MS.EX MS.HN
[4]        file←MS.EX,⍨(-≢MS.HN)↓chg←⊃dat getChangeFilenames fqn
[5]   ⍝    type will be MS.AX ".*"
[6]        null⊢del←⊃⊃0 ⎕NINFO⍠1⊢file:''
[7]        name type←namx sPath del ⍝ file is
[8]        chg←MS.HN,⍨(-≢MS.EX)↓del
[9]        tie←del ⎕FTIE 0
[10]       val←currentChange tie
[11]       tie←⎕FUNTIE chg ⎕FRENAME tie
[12]       null⊢fqn type val←fixValue fqn type val:''
[13]       fqn⊣dat putSource fqn type val
[14]  ⍝ Rename ONE ONLY .delete to .change
[15]  ⍝ Replace in source
[16]  ⍝ Refix in ws
[18]  ⍝ can we do this for multiples and for spaces or wildcards?
[20]  ⍝ Phil Last 2018-01-14 18.38
[21]   }

17. acre._code.SetChanged (8 lines)

     ∇ SetChanged←{⍺←⊢
[1]        dat←⍺
[3]        dat setChange getValue validItems{(⍎⊃⍵)⍳10}if(⊃0∘ssp∧1=≢)⍵
[4]   ⍝
[5]   ⍝ Phil 2018-02-18 21.42
[6]    }

18. acre._code.Start (9 lines)

     ∇ Start←{
[1]        path←⍵
[2]   ⍝     setEnvironment∘setDataSpaces if newSession path
[3]        setEnvironment∘setDataSpaces path
[4]   ⍝ ⍵ used by setEnvironment unchanged
[5]   ⍝ get things going once per session
[6]   ⍝ ← did we need to
[7]    }

19. acre._code.Stats (35 lines)

     ∇ Stats←{dat←⍺
[1]        space←⍎dat.nspath ⎕NS''
[2]        start←DT.dt2fm⊃s t←2⍴dat.loadtime
[3]        time←~∘' ',{(×⍵)⌿1⌽⍕'ms',⍪⍵}0 60⊤⌈--/24×60×60×DT.dt2dd s t
[4]        s←b/⊃s b←{s _ 0 ssp⊃n s←n ⍵/¨⍨⊂(0<⎕NC)n←UT.df¨⍵}(∪⊢,UT.nt)space
[5]        sub←,+/s.(≢⎕NL)2.1       ⍝ arrays
[6]        sub,←+/s.(≢⎕NL)⊂3.1 3.2  ⍝ functions
[7]        sub,←+/s.(≢⎕NL)4         ⍝ operators
[8]        sub,←+/b=0               ⍝ scripts
[9]        sub,←+/s.(≢⎕NL)9.4       ⍝ classes
[10]       sub,←+/s.(≢⎕NL)9.5       ⍝ interfaces
[11]       h s n←{1,(+/,≢){⍵.Size}folderObj dat.changes}⍣dat.hist⊢0 0 0
[12]       hist←{(⊃'B' s),MS.FP,n MS.FL}⍣(×n)⊢MS.FQ,h⊃MS.GB MS.GC
[13]       tot←(⍕+/sub),MS.FP,(+/b) MS.FJ
[15]       UT.bx nms,⍪start time'',sub,''tot hist
[16]                                          ⍝
[17]  ⍝.--------------------------------------.
[18]  ⍝| When opened:     2018-04-04 22:08:36 |
[19]  ⍝| Time to load:                     2s |
[20]  ⍝|                                      |
[21]  ⍝| Variables                          4 |
[22]  ⍝| Functions                        354 |
[23]  ⍝| Operators                         81 |
[24]  ⍝| Scripts                            2 |
[25]  ⍝| Classes                            4 |
[26]  ⍝| Interfaces                         0 |
[27]  ⍝|                                      |
[28]  ⍝| Total items:     445 in 9 namespaces |
[29]  ⍝| Change History:     258kB in 9 files |
[30]  ⍝'--------------------------------------'
[32]  ⍝ Phil 2018-04-04 22.48
[33]   }

20. acre._code.ToAPLAN (9 lines)

     ∇ ToAPLAN←{
[1]        null ⍵:2⍴''''
[2]        AN.format #.⍎if(~null)⊃∘prefSpace if(0≤⎕NC)⊃(⊣,' ',⊢)/⍵
[3]   ⍝ format value as APLAN expression
[4]   ⍝ see FromAPLAN
[5]   ⍝ expression requires "double quotes" if it contains [brackets].
[6]   ⍝ Phil 2018-01-25 08.05
[7]    }

21. acre._code.Undo (9 lines)

     ∇ Undo←{
[1]        ⍺(-undoredo)⍵
[2]   ⍝ ⍺ dat
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ fqns
[4]   ⍝ ← fqns where changed
[5]   ⍝   non-destructive,
[6]   ⍝   pointer change to previous edit if exists
[7]    }

22. acre._code._ (4 lines)

     ∇ _←{⍺ ⍵
[1]   ⍝ Phil Last 2017-12-07 15.46
[2]    }

23. acre._code._Created (8 lines)

     ∇ r←_Created
[1]    r←20080102.1652
[2]   ⍝ the datetime above 2008-01-02 16.52 was when
[3]   ⍝ this function was first created and is used to
[4]   ⍝ distinguish between datetimes and transaction ids
[5]   ⍝ work actually started late December 2007
[6]   ⍝ Phil Last

24. acre._code.allMessages (157 lines)

     ∇ allMessages←{
[2]        name←⍵                    ⍝ system name
[3]        nms←{                     ⍝ local ns
[4]            ⍵.name←name
[5]            ⍵.author←'Phil Last <>'
[6]            ⍵
[7]        }⎕NS''
[9]        ⊢{                        ⍝ return ns
[10]           ⍵.NA←
[11]           ⍵.NB←'.',MS.NA,'/'
[12]           ⍵.NU←
[14]           ⍵.AA←'.array'         ⍝ aplan
[15]           ⍵.AF←'.function'      ⍝ aplf
[16]           ⍵.AO←'.operator'      ⍝ aplo
[17]           ⍵.AN←'.script'        ⍝ apln
[18]           ⍵.AC←'.class'         ⍝ aplc
[19]           ⍵.AI←'.interface'     ⍝ apli
[20]           ⍵.AL←'.charlist'      ⍝ apll
[21]           ⍵.AM←'.charmat'       ⍝ aplm
[22]           ⍵.AS←'.charstring'    ⍝ apls
[23]           ⍵.AX←'.*'             ⍝ set as filetype for unknown
[25]           ⍝ above MS.AZ and below MS.AY MUST correspond!
[26]           ⍵.AY←'.apl'∘,¨'an' 'f' 'o' 'n' 'c' 'i' 'l' 'm' 's'
[28]           ⍵.BA←'⎕SE.SALTUtils.EditorFix' ⍝ this is SALT callback on Fix
[29]           ⍵.BC←'Please wait - '
[30]           ⍵.BD←'Type changed'
[31]           ⍵.BF←'Version '
[32]           ⍵.BG←'Refresh'
[33]           ⍵.BH←'quadVars'
[34]           ⍵.BI←'⎕IO ⎕ML ⎕WX'
[35]           ⍵.BJ←'⍝ This script was fixed by ',MS.NA
[36]           ⍵.BK←'⍝ it can be kept, cloned, renamed, amended or ]erased.'
[37]           ⍵.BL←'⍝ its purpose is to set the environment for the project.'
[38]           ⍵.BM←'* Cannot rename file '
[39]           ⍵.BN←MS.BJ MS.BK MS.BL
[40]           ⍵.BO←'Added script "',MS.BH,'"'
[41]           ⍵.BP←' may require attention.'
[42]           ⍵.BU←'History is disabled for '
[43]           ⍵.BV←'No change'
[44]           ⍵.BW←'Project not tracked'
[45]           ⍵.BX←'Closed '
[47]           ⍵.CA←'This will erase '
[48]           ⍵.CB←' will need to be amended.'
[49]           ⍵.CC←'please restart within _ with code: -confirm=_'
[50]           ⍵.CD←'Toggle between names with and without case-codes'
[51]           ⍵.CE←'Return an item-name from a source-file-name'
[52]           ⍵.CF←'Return a change-file-name from an item-name'
[53]           ⍵.CG←'Return a source-file-name from an item-name'
[54]           ⍵.CH←'Return a delete-file-name from an item-name'
[56]           ⍵.DA←' - Local history purged'
[57]           ⍵.DB←'! Problem reading '
[58]           ⍵.DC←'! Invalid namespace name'
[59]           ⍵.DD←'!!! Multiple source files exist for'
[60]           ⍵.DE←'!!! A tracked project may not be opened inside another:'
[61]           ⍵.DF←'! Project or folder already exists.'
[62]           ⍵.DG←'!!! Invalid path or not a project.'
[63]           ⍵.DH←'No appropriate items supplied'
[64]           ⍵.DI←'No tracked project can handle item'
[65]           ⍵.DJ←'!!! Not fixed '
[66]           ⍵.DK←'Saved: '
[67]           ⍵.DL←'Fixed: '
[68]           ⍵.DM←'Syntax: '
[69]           ⍵.DN←'!!! Trapped error in '
[70]           ⍵.DO←' fixed as '
[71]           ⍵.DP←'Startup - '
[73]           ⍵.EF←'Comparing '
[74]           ⍵.EG←'change changes'
[75]           ⍵.EI←'Identifying changes'
[76]           ⍵.EN←'Writing '
[77]           ⍵.EO←'Reading '
[78]           ⍵.EP←'Converting '
[79]           ⍵.EQ←''
[80]           ⍵.ER←'Opening'
[81]           ⍵.ES←'Copying '
[82]           ⍵.ET←'Deleting '
[83]           ⍵.EU←'changes/'
[84]           ⍵.EV←' removed'
[85]           ⍵.EW←'config'
[86]           ⍵.EX←'.delete'
[87]           ⍵.EY←' from '
[88]           ⍵.EZ←' to '
[90]           ⍵.FA←'Variables'
[91]           ⍵.FB←'Functions'
[92]           ⍵.FC←'Operators'
[93]           ⍵.FD←'Scripts'
[94]           ⍵.FE←'Classes'
[95]           ⍵.FF←'Interfaces'
[96]           ⍵.FG←'When opened:'
[97]           ⍵.FH←'Time to load:'
[98]           ⍵.FI←'Total items:'
[99]           ⍵.FJ←'namespace namespaces'
[100]          ⍵.FK←'item items'
[101]          ⍵.FL←'file files'
[102]          ⍵.FM←'.gitignore'
[103]          ⍵.FN←'update updates'
[104]          ⍵.FO←'Change History:'
[105]          ⍵.FP←' in '
[106]          ⍵.FQ←' is '
[107]          ⍵.FV←'AcreConfig'
[108]          ⍵.FW←'File: '
[109]          ⍵.FX←''
[110]          ⍵.FY←''
[111]          ⍵.FZ←'AcreDesktop_Testcases'
[113]          ⍵.GA←'On'
[114]          ⍵.GB←'Off'
[115]          ⍵.GC←'empty'
[116]          ⍵.GI←'hour hours'
[117]          ⍵.GJ←'minute minutes'
[118]          ⍵.GK←'second seconds'
[119]          ⍵.GT←'NO MSG'
[120]          ⍵.GU←'New in Editor'
[121]          ⍵.GX←'No tracked projects'
[122]          ⍵.GY←'APLSource/'
[123]          ⍵.GZ←'.txt'
[125]          ⍵.HA←''
[126]          ⍵.HB←''
[127]          ⍵.HE←'latest'
[128]          ⍵.HG←':Namespace '
[129]          ⍵.HH←':EndNamespace '
[130]          ⍵.HI←'UTF-8'
[131]          ⍵.HJ←'GetBuildID'
[132]          ⍵.HM←MS.NA,MS.EW,MS.GZ
[133]          ⍵.HN←'.change'
[135]          ⍵.IB←'nameclass'
[136]          ⍵.IC←'changefile'
[137]          ⍵.ID←'deletefile'
[138]          ⍵.IE←'sourcefile'
[139]          ⍵.IF←'itemname'
[140]          ⍵.IG←'version'
[141]          ⍵.IH←'casecode'
[142]          ⍵.IW←MS.NA,' version as: '
[143]          ⍵.IX←MS.IB MS.IC MS.ID MS.IE MS.IF MS.IG MS.IH
[144]          ⍵.IY←'''method'' ⎕SE.',MS.NA,'.run args'
[145]          ⍵.IZ←'where ''method'' is one of'
[147]          ⍵.__←⊃⎕XSI
[148]          ⍵
[149]      }MS←⎕NS''
[151] ⍝ ⍵ system name
[152] ⍝ ← ⍵ containing messages
[153] ⍝ reuse empties - search for "←''"
[154] ⍝ Phil 2018-01-23 15.35
[155]  }

25. acre._code.aplArrayNotation (5 lines)

     ∇ aplArrayNotation←{
[1]⊣'' ⍝ array or function?
[2]   ⍝ Phil Last 2017-09-25 12.06
[3]    }

26. acre._code.aplErrors (17 lines)

     ∇ aplErrors←{
[1]        {
[2]            ⍵.SE←2   ⍝ SYNTAX ERROR
[3]            ⍵.IE←3   ⍝ INDEX ERROR
[4]            ⍵.RE←4   ⍝ RANK ERROR
[5]            ⍵.LE←5   ⍝ LENGTH ERROR
[6]            ⍵.VE←6   ⍝ VALUE ERROR
[7]            ⍵.DE←11  ⍝ DOMAIN ERROR
[8]            ⍵.NE←16  ⍝ NONCE ERROR
[9]            ⍵.FIE←20 ⍝ FILE INDEX ERRROR
[10]           ⍵.FNE←22 ⍝ FILE NAME ERROR
[11]           ⍵
[12]       }⎕NS''
[13]  ⍝ namespace with error number constants
[14]  ⍝ Phil Last 2017-07-12 11.15
[15]   }

27. acre._code.buildWs (16 lines)

     ∇ buildWs←{⍺←⊢
[1]        sc←⎕SE'.'UT.nn sPath⊃⎕XSI                        ⍝ ⎕SE equiv
[2]        z←⎕EX(,(/⍨)(≢/⊢,⍕∘⍎¨))⍪## 9                      ⍝ anon refs
[3]        aa fz←sc.(MS.NA MS.FZ)
[4]        wsid←sc.SV.workspace
[5]        sc←⍴sc.dataSpaces⍣2⊢''                                 ⍝ close all
[6]        z←#.⎕EX~∘aa''~∘' '¨↓#.⎕NL⍳11                           ⍝ clean
[7]        z←##.⎕EX fz  ⍝ testcases is sibling to _code
[8]        #.⎕LX←((⊃⎕XSI)⊃⎕SI)'Install'),2⍴''''             ⍝ set ⎕lx
[9]        r←0 ⎕SAVE⊢#.⎕WSID←wsid                                 ⍝ set wsid
[10]       #.(⍎⎕LX)
[11]  ⍝ from within dev project, close self using running ⎕SE clone
[12]  ⍝ clean ws - see refs
[13]  ⍝ Phil 2018-01-31 16.02
[14]   }

28. acre._code.changes (12 lines)

     ∇ changes←{dat←⍺
[1]        ~dat.hist:''⍬
[3]        file←folderObj dat.changes
[4]        name type←↓⍉↑namx¨file.Path
[5]        name date←name file.Date/¨⍨⊂type∊⊂MS.HN
[6]        name←(dat.nspath,'.')∘,¨'..'decodeCaps UT.sp¨name ⍝ lose class
[7]        name date/¨⍨⊂nub name
[8]   ⍝ ← fqn date of all items in .change files
[9]   ⍝ Phil 2018-08-06 22.10
[10]   }

29. acre._code.cmdDefs (118 lines)

     ∇ cmdDefs←{name←⍵
[1]        f←{
[2]            ([
[3]            command←'Changes'
[4]            help←'List changed items in project or changes to one'
[5]            options←'help mess when'
[6]            result←''
[7]            syntax←'space | item'
[8]            type←'item'
[9]            ][
[10]           command←'CreateProject'
[11]           help←'Create a new project'
[12]           options←'help mess case'
[13]           result←''
[14]           syntax←'folder space'
[15]           type←'shared'
[16]           ][
[17]           command←'EditArray'
[18]           help←'Edit array in tracked project. In APLAN if not regular text.'
[19]           options←'help mess enco'
[20]           result←''
[21]           syntax←'item'
[22]           type←'item'
[23]           ][
[24]           command←'Erase'
[25]           help←'Erase an item, items or a space from a tracked project'
[26]           options←'conf help mess'
[27]           result←''
[28]           syntax←'item(s) | space'
[29]           type←'item'
[30]           ][
[31]           command←'FromAPLAN'
[32]           help←'Evaluate an APLAN expression'
[33]           options←'help mess'
[34]           result←''
[35]           syntax←'name | "expression"'
[36]           type←'shared'
[37]           ][
[38]           command←'OpenProject'
[39]           help←'Load project code into ws for development'
[40]           options←'help mess track dep'
[41]           result←''
[42]           syntax←'folder [space]'
[43]           type←'shared'
[44]           ][
[45]           command←'Projects'
[46]           help←'List spaces & folders of all tracked projects.'
[47]           options←'help mess'
[48]           result←''
[49]           syntax←''
[50]           type←'shared'
[51]           ][
[52]           command←'PurgeHistory'
[53]           help←'Fix changes to a tracked project'
[54]           options←'help mess'
[55]           result←''
[56]           syntax←'space | item'
[57]           type←'item'
[58]           ][
[59]           command←'Redo'
[60]           help←'Re-apply last undone change.'
[61]           options←'help mess'
[62]           result←''
[63]           syntax←'item(s)'
[64]           type←'item'
[65]           ][
[66]           command←'Refresh'
[67]           help←'Update tracked project with source changes since previous'
[68]           options←'help mess'
[69]           result←''
[70]           syntax←'space'
[71]           type←'project'
[72]           ][
[73]           command←'Restore'
[74]           help←'Bring back items ]erased'
[75]           options←'help mess'
[76]           result←''
[77]           syntax←'item'
[78]           type←'item'
[79]           ][
[80]           command←'SetChanged'
[81]           help←'Write items as if changed in the editor'
[82]           options←'help mess'
[83]           result←''
[84]           syntax←'item(s)'
[85]           type←'item'
[86]           ][
[87]           command←'Stats'
[88]           help←'Project Statistics'
[89]           options←'help mess'
[90]           result←''
[91]           syntax←'space'
[92]           type←'project'
[93]           ][
[94]           command←'ToAPLAN'
[95]           help←'Format a value as APLAN'
[96]           options←'help mess'
[97]           result←''
[98]           syntax←'name | "expression"'
[99]           type←'shared'
[100]          ][
[101]          command←'Undo'
[102]          help←'Revert to previous version'
[103]          options←'help mess'
[104]          result←''
[105]          syntax←'item(s)'
[106]          type←'item'
[107]          ])
[108]      }
[109]      r←AN.decode 1↓¯1↓⎕NR'f'
[111]      r.syntax←,/(⊂']',name,'.'),r.command,' ',⍪r.syntax
[112]      r.options←optionFields r.options
[113] r
[114] ⍝ see optionFields for valid options
[115] ⍝ Phil 2018-06-07 09.23
[116]  }

30. acre._code.code (8 lines)

     ∇ code←{
[1]        {⍵[(≢⍵){((1+⌊⍺⍟1⌈⌈/|⍵)⍴⍺)⊤⍵}⌊2⊃⎕AI÷1000]}819⌶⎕A,⎕D
[2]   ⍝ ⍵ ?
[3]   ⍝ ←  the alpha code that confirm would issue at this time.
[4]   ⍝   .`. supplying this obviates the need for confirmation.
[5]   ⍝ Phil 2018-06-07 09.23
[6]    }

31. acre._code.codeHook (30 lines)

     ∇ codeHook←{⍺←⊢
[1]   ⍝     null⊢fn←⊂Cc ⍺⊣'':''⊣showMsg MS.IY MS.IZ,MS.IX
[2]        null⊢fn←⊂Cc ⍺⊣'':⍪MS.IX
[3]        ns←dix⊢fns←MS.IX ⍝ MS.__
[4]        ix←fns⍳fn
[6]        arg←⊂if≡⍵
[7]        '?'∊⊃arg:{
[8]            ix=ns.nameclass:ncHelp''
[9]            ix=ns.changefile:MS.CF
[10]           ix=ns.deletefile:MS.CH
[11]           ix=ns.sourcefile:MS.CG
[12]           ix=ns.itemname:MS.CE
[13]           ix=ns.version:MS.IW,' 'sep⊃releaseNotes⊣''
[14]           ix=ns.casecode:MS.CD
[15]           ⍪'?'
[16]       }ix
[17]       ix=ns.nameclass:nameClass prefSpace arg ⍝ itemMethod does this
[18]       ix=ns.changefile:⊃if≢getChangeFilenames itemMethod 1⍴arg
[19]       ix=ns.deletefile:,∘MS.EX if nonul(-≢MS.HN)↓⊃if≢getChangeFilenames itemMethod 1⍴arg
[20]       ix=ns.sourcefile:⊃if≢getSourceFilenames itemMethod 1⍴arg
[21]       ix=ns.itemname:itemName¨arg
[22]       ix=ns.version:' 'sep⊃releaseNotes⊣''
[23]       ix=ns.casecode:'#.'∘,⍣x⊃{'-'∊⍵:'..'decodeCaps ⍵
[24]           '..'encodeCaps ⍵}(2×x←'#.'≡2⍴z)↓z←⊃arg
[25]       ''
[26]  ⍝ Marilyn Last named this fn
[27]  ⍝ Phil 2018-08-20 22.19
[28]   }

32. acre._code.configFields (14 lines)

     ∇ configFields←{⍺←⊢
[1]        {
[2]            ⍵.CaseCode←'On'     ⍝ integer suffix to name elements
[3]            ⍵.KeepHistory←'On'  ⍝ store .change- and .delete-files
[4]            ⍵.ProjectSpace←''   ⍝ #[.path]
[5]            ⍵.Open←''           ⍝ Open with this project
[6]            ⍵.StartUp←''        ⍝ executed after OpenProject
[7]            ⍵
[8]        }#.⎕NS''
[9]   ⍝ ⍵ ?
[10]  ⍝ ← config space
[11]  ⍝ Phil 2018-06-06 21.11
[12]   }

33. acre._code.confirm (16 lines)

     ∇ confirm←{
[1]        (sec msg)← ⍵
[2]        ≡/1↓(a_9 code off)←Cc(⎕A,⎕D)OPT.confirm MS.GB:1
[3]        ≠/×0 sec+(36⊥a_9⍳code)-⌊2⊃⎕AI÷1000:1
[4]        msg≡,⊂MS.GT:0    ⍝ msg NO MSG
[5]        {0}showMsg msg,⊂MS.CC UT.rm'_'(time sec)(a_9[36 UT.en⌊2⊃⎕AI÷1000])
[6]   ⍝ ⍵ seconds message [message [...]]
[7]   ⍝ code is option -confirm
[8]   ⍝ ← 0|1 if code is as generated by this fn within past (seconds)
[9]   ⍝   if msg is MS.GT the code is checked and no msg is shown
[10]  ⍝   else if code is ok msgs are not shown.
[11]  ⍝   else msgs are shown followed by:
[12]  ⍝   please restart within [h m s] with code: -confirm=[code]
[13]  ⍝ Phil 2018-06-12 11.02
[14]   }

34. acre._code.copyFile (14 lines)

     ∇ copyFile←{
[1]        src tgt←⍵
[2]        st←src ⎕NTIE 0
[3]        z←3 ⎕MKDIR⊃⎕NPARTS tgt
[4]        tt←tgt{EN.FNE::⊢0 ⎕NRESIZE ⍺ ⎕NTIE ⍵ ⋄ ⍺ ⎕NCREATE ⍵}0
[5]        lim←⌊0.5×⎕WA
[6]        (⎕NUNTIE st tt)⊢{(⎕NREAD st,83,lim)⎕NAPPEND tt,83}⍣=¯1
[7]   ⍝ copy source to target in half ⎕WA chunks
[8]   ⍝ ⍵ source target - FQNs
[9]   ⍝   overwrite if exists
[10]  ⍝ ← size
[11]  ⍝ Phil Last 2017-05-03 15.37
[12]   }

35. acre._code.copyFolder (41 lines)

     ∇ copyFolder←{⍺←⊢ ⋄ era←1=⍺⊣0
[1]        source target←'/'UT.nn¨src tgt←¯1↓¨fPath¨⍵,¨'/'
[2]        n←≢/Cc source target
[3]        tgt,←n/'/',source
[4]        z←showMsg MS.EI
[5]        sp tp←{
[6]            s←fileTree src
[7]            z←3 ⎕MKDIR tgt
[8]            t←fileTree tgt
[9]            (s t).Path
[10]       } 0
[11]       z←showMsg MS.EF,(≢sp) MS.FL
[12]       del copy←{
[13]           sp←(⍴src)↓¨sp
[14]           tp←(⍴tgt)↓¨tp
[15]           s t←Cc sp tp
[16]           del←tgt∘,¨tp/⍨~t∊s
[17]           miss←↓⍉src tgt∘.,sp/⍨~mem←s∊t
[18]           both←src tgt∘.,sp/⍨mem
[19]           hash←{2 ⎕NQ'.'MS.HJ ⍵}
[20]           diff←↓⍉both/⍨~≡⌿hash¨both
[21]           del(miss,diff)
[22]       } 0
[23]       del/⍨←era
[24]       z←showMsg era/MS.ET,(≢del) MS.FL
[25]       z←⎕NDELETE⍨/ del,1
[26]       z←showMsg MS.ES,(≢copy) MS.FL
[27]       z←(copyFile⊣)/ copy,0
[28]       ⊢/↑copy
[29]  ⍝ copy only missing and different.
[30]  ⍝ [⍺] 1: delete from target if not in source
[31]  ⍝ ⍵ source and target paths.
[32]  ⍝   if last names differ then folder with
[33]  ⍝   name of source is created inside target.
[34]  ⍝ e.g.  copyFolder 'C:/alpha/bravo' 'D:/charlie/delta'
[35]  ⍝       creates 'D:/charlie/delta/bravo'
[36]  ⍝ while copyFolder 'C:/echo/foxtrot' 'D:/golf/foxtrot'
[37]  ⍝       uses 'D:/golf/foxtrot'
[38]  ⍝ ← copied paths
[39]   }

36. acre._code.createProject (31 lines)

     ∇ createProject←{
[1]        dat.loadtime←DT.ts2dt ⎕TS⊣dat←⎕NS''
[2]        ∨/nil⊢folder nspath←2↑⊂if≡⍵:0⊣showMsg MS.DM,SX.CreateProject
[3]        dat.folder←fPath folder,'/'
[4]        ⎕NEXISTS dat.folder:0⊣showMsg MS.DF
[5]        dat.nspath←⊃prefSpace⊂nspath
[6]        ~((1=≢)∨0∘ssp∨0=⎕NC)dat.nspath:0⊣showMsg MS.DC ⍝ 1=≢ => ,'#'
[8]        dat.(hist case)←1,nOff OPT.casecode
[9]        dat.(config source code changes latest)←{
[10]           ⍵}dat.folder∘,¨MS.HM MS.GY,MS.NB∘,¨''MS.EU MS.HE
[11]  ⍝    rem prev version if existed
[12]       z←dat.nspath∘{dataSpaces ⍵/⍨⍵.nspath∊⊂⍺}if(×∘≢)openProjects''
[13]       z←fixQV⊢space←⍎dat.nspath ⎕NS''
[14]       z←3 ⎕MKDIR¨dat.(source changes)
[15]       (cfg←configFields'').ProjectSpace←dat.nspath
[16]       cfg.CaseCode←⊃MS.GB MS.GA
[17]       z←(1⌽MS.HH MS.HG,1↓¯1↓2 AN.format cfg)MS.HI ⎕NPUT dat.config
[18]       z←'dat'⎕NS cfg ⍝ ← into dat ↑ write
[19]       z←MS.FV space.{⍎⍺,'←⍵'}cfg⊣cfg.ProjectFolder←dat.folder
[20]       z←MS.NB ⎕NPUT dat.folder,MS.FM ⍝ git specific -
[21]       fqn←validItems space validAPLType''
[22]       fqn type val←getValue fqn
[23]       fqn type val←dat putSource fqn type val
[24]       dat⊣dat.loadtime,←DT.ts2dt ⎕TS⊣dat.changed←''
[25]  ⍝ ⍵ path [space]
[26]  ⍝ ← dat or 0
[27]  ⍝ see openProject CreateProject
[28]  ⍝ Phil Last 2018-01-15 22.16
[29]   }

37. acre._code.currentChange (9 lines)

     ∇ currentChange←{⍺←⊢
[1]        (⎕FUNTIE⍣c⊢t)⊢⎕FREAD t,⎕FREAD t,¯1+1⊃⎕FSIZE t←⎕FTIE∘0⍣(c←' '∊∊⍵)⊢⍵
[2]   ⍝ ⍵ filename or tie
[3]   ⍝ ← current value of item
[4]   ⍝   last component is pointer to current
[5]   ⍝ ⎕FTIE - quicker and should be no concurrence
[6]   ⍝ Phil Last 2017-11-29 08.03
[7]    }

39. acre._code.deadletters (5 lines)

     ∇ deadletters←{
[1]        {⍵,⍪MS.⍎¨⍵}{⍵/⍨0=,↑⍴¨⎕THIS¨'MS.'∘,¨⍵}⎕A MS.⎕NL-2
[2]   ⍝ redundant messages - assumes all used as MS.ID
[3]    }

40. acre._code.decode (38 lines)

     ∇ decode←{⍺←⊢
[1]        abc←,'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
[2]        abc,←'ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüþ'
[4]   ⍝ ↑   (,(⌿⍨)0≤⎕NC)⍪⎕UCS⍳10000
[5]        nan←' ''[(⊂¯.⋄←⍴)]'  ⍝ non-alphanumeric
[6]        syntax←⎕D,nan,abc
[7]        quoted←≠\''''=⊢
[8]        keep←∧\quoted≥'⍝'=⊢
[9]        decom←,(/⍨),∘keep
[10]       br←{(+/∨\' '≠⌽⍵)↑¨↓⍵}
[11]       cr←⎕UCS 13
[12]       sl←⊣(1↓¨=⊂⊢),
[13]       simple←{2=⍴⍴⍵:decom'⋄',⍵ ⋄ 1≠≡1/⍵:⊃,/('⋄',decom)¨⍵
[14]           cr∊⍵:⊃,/('⋄',decom)¨cr sl ⍵ ⋄ decom ⍵}
[15]       r←∊∘'[(⍴⊂⋄ ←)]'
[16]       rem←⊢(/⍨)quoted≥' '∘=∧(1⌽r)∨¯1⌽r  ⍝ rem blanks adj to [(⍴⊂⋄ ←)]
[17]       rho←'⍴'∘=>(¯1⌽∊∘⎕D)∧1⌽'⊂'∘=       ⍝ '⍴' not twixt '0-9' and '⊂'
[18]       enc←'⊂'∘=>¯1⌽∊∘'[(⋄⍴'             ⍝ '⊂' not after '[(⋄⍴←⊂'
[19]       syn←~∊∘syntax                     ⍝ not in syntax
[20]       nam←∊∘abc>¯1⌽∊∘(abc,⎕D,'[⋄')      ⍝ abc not after name or '[⋄'
[21]       ass←'←'∘=>(¯1⌽∊∘(abc,⎕D))∧1⌽∊∘(⎕D,'.¯[(''') ⍝ '←' not twixt nam & val
[23]       a←rem simple ⍵
[24]       z←<\(quoted<rho∨enc∨syn∨nam∨ass)a
[25]       ∨/z:((⎕EM 2),,cr,↑a(z\'^')/¨⍨⊂x∊z/x←+\a∊'[(⋄')⎕SIGNAL 2
[26]       ......
[27]       x←⍳⍴r←0⍴⍨⍴a
[28]       d←q<'⋄'=a                       ⍝ bool where diamonds
[29]       b←-⌿+\q<⍤1⊢'[]'∘.=a             ⍝ dpth twixt brackets
[30]       p←-⌿+\q<⍤1⊢'()'∘.=a             ⍝ dpth twixt parens
[31]       w←(⊢=⌈/)b+p                     ⍝ bool where max depth
[32]       deepest←'(['(∊⍨⊂⊢)a/⍨(⊢=⌈/)b+p
[33]       .
[35]  ⍝ Phil Last 2018-01-03 21.03
[36]   }

41. acre._code.decodeCaps (16 lines)

     ∇ decodeCaps←{⍺←⊢ ⋄ null ⍵:''
[1]        delta←{('∆⍙',⍵)[('+±',⍵)⍳⍵]}   ⍝ remove this in June or July
[2]        in out←'#-0' '#'(⊢,,)¨⍺⊣'/.'
[3]        hd←⎕D,'abcdef',⎕D,'ABCDEF'
[4]        one←{null 1⊃n c←2↑'-'sep ⍵:⍺,n
[5]            ⍺,⊢⌿(↑1 0 Cc¨⊂n)⊖⍨(≢n)↑⌽,⍉(4⍴2)⊤16|hd⍳c}
[6]        (≢out)↓¨(⊢⊂⍨out⍷⊢)⊃,/(⊃out)∘one eu 1↓(⊃in)sep delta⊃,/in∘,¨⊂if≡⍵
[7]   ⍝ ⍺ input output separators
[8]   ⍝ ← (ns.path)+
[9]   ⍝   'zero.One.tWo.THree.foUr.NinETynIne' +
[10]  ⍝ ⍵ (file/path)+
[11]  ⍝   'zero-0/One-1/tWo-2/THree-3/foUr-4/NinETynIne-99' +
[12]  ⍝ see encodeCaps
[13]  ⍝ Phil Last 2018-01-11 17.17
[14]   }

42. acre._code.delSource (12 lines)

     ∇ delSource←{dat←⍺ ⋄ fqn←⍵
[1]        src←dat.nspath
[2]        file←dat getSourceFilenames fqn
[3]        gone←⎕NDELETE/1,⍪file
[4]        gone/fqn
[6]   ⍝ ⍺ dat
[7]   ⍝ ⍵ fqns
[8]   ⍝ ← fqn
[9]   ⍝ Phil Last 2017-12-04 08.28
[10]   }

43. acre._code.deleteFolder (12 lines)

     ∇ deleteFolder←{
[1]        {
[2]            n t←0 1 ⎕NINFO⍠1⊢⍵,'/*'    ⍝ name and type
[3]            d f←(1 2=⊂t)/¨⊂n           ⍝ dirs and files
[4]            z←∇⍨/d,⎕NDELETE⍨/f,1       ⍝ del files and dirs
[5]            z←⎕DL×≢n                   ⍝ delay if members
[6]            ⎕NDELETE ⍵                 ⍝ now it's empty
[7]        }fPath ⍵,'/.'
[8]   ⍝ delete folder and tree
[9]   ⍝ Phil Last 2017-06-02 08.12
[10]   }

44. acre._code.deleted (9 lines)

     ∇ deleted←{dat←⍺
[1]        ~dat.hist:''
[3]        ∪(dat.nspath,'.')∘,¨'..'decodeCaps UT.sp¨⊃{
[4]            ⍺/⍨⍵∊⊂MS.EX}/↓⍉↑namx¨{⍵.Path}folderObj dat.changes
[5]   ⍝ ← fqns of all items in .delete files
[6]   ⍝ Phil 2018-02-21 16.32
[7]    }

45. acre._code.dix (16 lines)

     ∇ dix←{⍺←⊢
[1]        ns←⎕NS''
[2]        z←ns.(⍎⍕⍵,'←⍳⍴⍵')
[3]        1≡⍺ 1:ns
[4]        ns⊣ns.(⍎⍕⍺,'←',⍵)
[5]   ⍝ dictionary of indices
[6]   ⍝ ⍵ names
[7]   ⍝ ⍺ synonyms
[8]   ⍝ ← space
[9]   ⍝       dix 'alpha' 'bravo' 'charlie'
[10]  ⍝ ns.[alpha←0 ⋄ bravo←1 ⋄ charlie←2]
[11]  ⍝       'delta' 'foxtrot' 'golf' dix 'alpha' 'bravo' 'charlie'
[12]  ⍝ ns.[alpha←0 ⋄ bravo←1 ⋄ charlie←2 ⋄ delta←0 ⋄ foxtrot←1 ⋄ golf←2]
[13]  ⍝ Phil 2018-07-10 12.37
[14]   }

46. acre._code.editFix (36 lines)

     ∇ editFix←{
[1]        (⍵≡'Start'):{                                   ⍝ from Start
[2]            SV.eventnumber←enum←3611                    ⍝ 26⊥⎕A⍳'FIX'
[3]            (wx ⎕SE.⎕WX)←⎕SE.⎕WX 1 ⋄ qed←'⎕SE'⎕WG'Editor' ⍝ keep  ⎕WX
[4]            SV.fixandafter←UT.ds¨qed.(onFix onAfterFix) ⍝ odd extra nesting!
[5]            qed.(onFix onAfterFix)←(evarg←0⊃⎕XSI)0
[6]            ⎕SE.Event,←⊂enum,⊂evarg ⋄ ⎕SE.⎕WX←wx        ⍝ reset ⎕WX
[7]            {0}SV.itemvalue←editStore ⎕NS''             ⍝ create value store
[8]        }''
[9]        (⍵≡'Close'):{                                   ⍝ from Close
[10]           qed←'⎕SE'⎕WG'Editor'
[11]           (wx ⎕SE.⎕WX)←⎕SE.⎕WX 1 ⋄ qed.(onFix onAfterFix)←SV.fixandafter
[12]           ⎕SE.⎕WX←wx ⋄ {0}'⎕SE'∘⎕WS UT.ep'Event'SV.eventnumber 0}''
[13]       {0::1 ⋄ 0∊SV.setupcomplete,⍴openProjects''}0:
[14]       enum←SV.eventnumber
[15]       (editor event value space name new)←6↑⍵         ⍝ so long as onFix unchanged
[16]       first←event≢enum ⋄ sn←1 ssp⊂⍕space              ⍝ is space scripted?
[17]       fqn←(⍕space),(sn≤space=#)/'.',name new⊃⍨ren←(≢∘∊⍨new)∧2≠space.⎕NC name
[18]       (('⎕'∊fqn)≥(⎕NC⊂fqn)∊0,validAPLType''):
[19]       first:{nv←fqn MS.GU if null⊃¨1 0 1/getValue,⊂fqn
[20]           z←SV.itemvalue editStore nv
[21]           z←⎕NQ'⎕SE'enum value space name new}''
[22]       new←MS.GU≡oldval←SV.itemvalue editStore fqn
[23]       ('⎕'∘∊∨0≥#.⎕NC∘⊂)fqn:                           ⍝ doesn't exist or bad name
[24]       (oldval≡newval←⊃2⊃getValue,⊂fqn):               ⍝ unchanged
[25]       0=dat←whichProject fqn:{}{
[26]           ⍵}showMsg(~'['∊fqn)/UT.bx MS.DI,' "',fqn,'".'
[27]       type←⊃nameClass fqn
[28]       z←⍴dat∘putChange⍣(new⍱(⊂fqn)∊dat.changed)⊢fqn oldval type
[29]       z←showMsg MS.DK,⊃dat setChange fqn type newval
[30]  ⍝ ⍺ dat
[31]  ⍝ ⍵ 'Start' or 'Close' or callback argument
[32]  ⍝ ← 0 for 'Start' and 'Close' - else none
[33]  ⍝ Phil Last                                          ⍝ 2008-05-18 07:48
[34]   }

47. acre._code.editStore (12 lines)

     ∇ editStore←{⍺←⊢
[1]        1≡⍺ 1:{⍵⊣⍵.(n v)←⊂,0}⍵           ⍝ monad - set store
[2]        cat←⍺                            ⍝ dyad - ⍺ is store
[3]        name←⊃nv←⊂if≡⍵
[4]        new←0≡cat.{((⍴n)|n⍳⍵)⊃n}⊂name    ⍝ missing
[5]        new:⊢cat.(n v),←⊂¨nv             ⍝ add
[6]        value←cat.{(n⍳⍵)⊃v}⊂name         ⍝ retrieve
[7]        value⊣cat.(n v)/⍨←⊂~cat.n∊⊂name  ⍝ remove
[8]   ⍝ maintain dictionary of names values for editFix
[9]   ⍝ Phil Last 2015-05-07
[10]   }

48. acre._code.encode36 (15 lines)

     ∇ encode36←{null ⍵:''
[1]        hd←⎕D,⎕A
[2]        enc←{{⍵↑⍨-1⌈⊥⍨∨\0≠⍵}2 3 2 3⊥⍉s⍴⌽⍵↑⍨×/s←4,⍨⌈4÷⍨⍴⍵}
[3]        one←{'/',⍵,'-',hd⌷⍨⊂enc ⍵≠Cc ⍵}
[4]        in out←'.#.' '/#-0/'
[5]        (≢out)↓¨(⊢⊂⍨out⍷⊢)⊃,/one eu 1↓(⊃in)sep⊃,/in∘,¨⊂if≡⍵
[7]   ⍝ ⍵ (ns.path)+
[8]   ⍝   'zero.One.tWo.THree.foUr.NinETynIne' +
[9]   ⍝ ← (file/path)+
[10]  ⍝   'zero-0/One-1/tWo-2/THree-3/foUr-4/NinETynIne-99' +
[11]  ⍝ see decode
[12]  ⍝ Phil Last 2017-12-21 19.09
[13]   }

49. acre._code.encodeCaps (15 lines)

     ∇ encodeCaps←{⍺←⊢ ⋄ null ⍵:''
[1]        in out←'#' '#-0'(⊢,,)¨⍺⊣'./'
[2]        hd←⎕D,'abcdef',⎕D,'ABCDEF'
[3]        one←{⍺,⍵,'-',hd⌷⍨⊂{
[4]                {⍵↑⍨-1⌈⊥⍨∨\0≠⍵}2⊥⍉s⍴⌽⍵↑⍨×/s←4,⍨⌈4÷⍨⍴⍵}⍵≠Cc ⍵}
[5]        (≢out)↓¨(⊢⊂⍨out⍷⊢)⊃,/(⊃out)∘one eu 1↓(⊃in)sep⊃,/in∘,¨⊂if≡⍵
[6]   ⍝ ⍺ input output separators
[7]   ⍝ ⍵ (ns.path)+
[8]   ⍝   'zero.One.tWo.THree.foUr.NinETynIne' +
[9]   ⍝ ← (file/path)+
[10]  ⍝   'zero-0/One-1/tWo-2/THree-3/foUr-4/NinETynIne-99' +
[11]  ⍝ see decodeCaps
[12]  ⍝ Phil Last 2018-01-11 17.17
[13]   }

50. acre._code.erase (13 lines)

     ∇ erase←{dat←⍺ ⋄ del←⍵
[1]        z←showMsg(×z)/((z←≢del) MS.FL),MS.EV,MS.EY,¯4 tPath dat.source
[2]        fnm←~∘∊⍨(⊃∘⊃0 ⎕NINFO⍠1⊢)¨dat getChangeFilenames del  ⍝ ".*"
[3]        ⍝ rename existing .change to ↓ .delete ELSE FORGET!!
[4]        z←showMsg(×z)/MS.EP,((z←≢fnm) MS.EG),MS.EZ,MS.EX
[5]        z←{⎕NUNTIE ⍵ ⎕NRENAME ⍺ ⎕NTIE 0}/fnm,⍪,∘MS.EX¨(-≢MS.HN)↓¨fnm
[6]        ⍵
[7]   ⍝ ⍺ dat
[8]   ⍝ ⍵ fqns to "erase"
[9]   ⍝ rename changefile to deletefile where sourcefile missing
[10]  ⍝ Phil 2018-03-11 09.52
[11]   }

51. acre._code.excRep (13 lines)

     ∇ excRep←{
[1]        ⍺←⊢
[2]        ⊃{⍺,' - ',⍵}/⍺ ⍵
[3]   ⍝ ⍺ 'message text'
[4]   ⍝ ⍵ ''
[5]   ⍝ ← 'message text -'
[6]   ⍝ or
[7]   ⍝ ⍺ missing
[8]   ⍝ ⍵ 'msg text' 'more' 'more ...'
[9]   ⍝ ← 'msg text - more - more ...'
[10]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-01-29 10:29
[11]   }

52. acre._code.fPath (12 lines)

     ∇ fPath←{r←⍵
[1]        r←⊃,/1 ⎕NPARTS r
[2]        ~∨/'/../'⍷r:r ⍝ ← Windows ...
[3]   ⍝    {⍵,'/'/⍨0∊⍴⍵}1↓⊃,/'/',¨(⊢(/⍨){1=+/⍵∘.=⍵}∘(⍳∘⍴+⊢×1-2×+\)∘{⍵∊⊂'..'})'/'sep r
[4]        1↓⊃,/'/',¨~∘(⊂'..'){⍵/⍨(⊢⍱¯1⌽⊢)2 0⍷'..' ''⍳⍵}⍣≡'/'sep r
[5]   ⍝    1↓⊃,/'/',¨~∘(⊂'..'){⍵/⍨(⊢⍱¯1⌽⊢)0 1⍷⍵∊⊂'..'}⍣≡'/'sep r
[6]   ⍝ ⍵ file path absolute or relative ending in '/' or '\'
[7]   ⍝ ← absolute with '/' throughout
[8]   ⍝ windows resolves '/a/b/../' to '/a/' where apparently unix doesn't
[9]   ⍝ Phil 2018-07-24 22.37
[10]   }

53. acre._code.fileTree (18 lines)

     ∇ fileTree←{⍺←⊢
[1]        root←fPath ⍵,'/.'
[2]        file←{⍵⊣⍵.(Path Size Date)←''⍬ ⍬}⎕NS''
[3]        tree←{file dir←⍺ ⍵
[4]            p t s d←0 1 2 3 ⎕NINFO⍠1⊢dir,'/*'
[5]            (sub z z)(p s d)←↓¨(1 2=⊂t)/¨⊂↑p s d
[6]            file.(Path Size Date),←p s d
[7]            ∇⍨/sub,file
[8]        }
[9]        r←file tree root
[10]       r⊣r.Date←DT.ts2dt↑r.Date
[11]  ⍝ file object - complete tree - see folderObj
[12]  ⍝ ⍵ string - file root path
[13]  ⍝ ← scalar space with [Path Size Date] for all files in tree
[14]  ⍝   Path will always contain '/' rather than '\'
[15]  ⍝   Date is float YYYYMMDD.hhmmss (smaller and 1 vs 7 per item)
[16]   }

54. acre._code.fixQV (9 lines)

     ∇ fixQV←{⍺←⊢
[1]        0≠⍵.⎕NC fn←MS.BH:''       ⍝ fn name
[2]        nms←MS.BI                 ⍝ which vars ?
[3]        z←⍵.⎕FIX(MS.HG,fn)('    ##.(',nms,')←',⍕⍵.⍎nms),MS.BN,⊂MS.HH
[4]        showMsg MS.BO
[5]   ⍝
[6]   ⍝ Phil 2018-04-04 21.06
[7]    }

55. acre._code.fixValue (35 lines)

     ∇ fixValue←{⍺←⊢ ⋄ ren←⍺⊣0
[1]        null ⍵:(3+ren)⍴⊂''
[2]        fqn typ val←,∘⊂¨if(≡⊃)⍵
[3]        fqn typ val{⍺[⍵]}←⊂ord←⍋(≢sPath)¨fqn
[4]        ns←(1↓¨MS.AY)dix 1↓¨MS.AZ
[5]        nc←⊃⌊/MS.AY MS.AZ⍳¨⊂typ
[6]        nam←1↓¨1⊃spc nam←↓⍉↑namx¨fqn
[7]        ers←⍳0 2⊣res←0⍴⍨⍴nam
[8]        fixNs←⍎''⎕NS⍨⍕
[9]        fixSrc←{0::0 ⋄ 1⊣(fixNs ⍺).⎕FIX ⍵}
[10]       (x/res)←fixSrc⌿↑spc val/¨⍨⊂x←nc=ns.script
[11]       spc←fixNs eu spc
[12]       data←↓⍉↑(⍳⍴nam)nam spc val
[13]       fixVar←{0::0 ⋄ x n s v←⍵ ⋄ 1⊣n s.{⍎⍺,'←⍵'}⍺⍺ v}
[14]       fixFn←{0::0 ⋄ x n s v←⍵ ⋄ n≡r←s.⎕FX v:1 ⋄ 0∊∊r:0 ⋄ 1⊣ers⍪←x r}
[15]       fixSrc←{0::0 ⋄ x n s v←⍵ ⋄ n≡r←'.'UT.nn⍕s.⎕FIX v:1 ⋄ 1⊣ers⍪←x r}
[16]       fixClss←~{⍵\~1↓0,fixSrc/0,⍪⍵/⍺}⍣≡
[18]       (x/res)←AN.decode fixVar/0,⍪data/⍨x←nc=ns.array
[19]       (x/res)←⊢fixVar/0,⍪data/⍨x←nc=ns.charlist
[20]       (x/res)←↑fixVar/0,⍪data/⍨x←nc=ns.charmat
[21]       (x/res)←{1↓⊃,/UT.CR,¨⍵}fixVar/0,⍪data/⍨x←nc=ns.charstring
[22]       (x/res)←fixFn/0,⍪data/⍨x←nc∊ns.(function operator)
[23]       (x/res)←(x/data)∘fixClss 1/⍨x←nc∊ns.(class interface)
[24]       z←{p←⊃'.'⊃f t←⍺⊃¨fqn typ ⋄ (⍺⊃typ)←c←⊃nameClass⊢(⍺⊃fqn)←n←p,⍵
[25]           showMsg'* ',t,' ',f,MS.DO,c,' ',n
[26]       }/ers⍪{⍵,⍪'.'UT.nn¨fqn[⍵]}~∘(⊣/ers){⍵/⍳⍴⍵}res∧typ≢¨nameClass fqn
[27]       z←showMsg,/(⊂MS.DJ),⍉↑typ' 'fqn/¨⍨⊂~res
[28]       (⍋ord)∘{⍵[⍺]}¨⍣ren⊢((res∨ren)∘/¨fqn typ val),ren/⊂res
[29]  ⍝ [⍺] 0|1 - compress or return fixed flags - dflt 0
[30]  ⍝ ⍵ fqn type value
[31]  ⍝ ← ⍵ fixed - compressed if ⍺=0 or with mask attached if ⍺=1
[32]  ⍝ Phil 2018-07-12 17.44
[33]   }

56. acre._code.folder (4 lines)

     ∇ folder←folder
[1]    folder←⊃⎕NPARTS
[2]   ⍝ Phil 2018-08-10 18.39

57. acre._code.folderObj (12 lines)

     ∇ folderObj←{⍺←⊢
[1]        dir←fPath ⍵,'/'
[2]        p t s d←0 1 2 3 ⎕NINFO⍠1⊢dir,'*'
[3]        p s d/⍨←⊂t=2
[4]        r⊣(r←⎕NS'').(Path Size Date)←p s(DT.ts2dt↑d)
[5]   ⍝ folder object - ignore subfolders - see fileTree
[6]   ⍝ ⍵ string - dir path
[7]   ⍝ ← scalar space with [Path Size Date] for all files in dir
[8]   ⍝   Path will always contain '/' rather than '\'
[9]   ⍝   Date as YYYYMMDD.hhmmss
[10]   }

58. acre._code.getChangeFilenames (20 lines)

     ∇ getChangeFilenames←{dat←⍺
[1]        f←,⊂if≡⍵
[2]        ~dat.hist:(≢f)⍴⊂''
[4]        s t←dat.(nspath changes)
[5]        n←'..'encodeCaps⍣⊢(1+≢s)↓¨f ⍝ else leave as is
[6]        c←nameClass f   ⍝ may be MS.AX ".*" dealt with elsewhere
[7]        ,/(⊂t),n,(⍪c),⊂MS.HN
[9]   ⍝ ⍺ dat
[10]  ⍝ ⍵ fqns
[11]  ⍝ ← full paths
[12]  ⍝   with nspath
[13]  ⍝   and folder c:/myproject/
[14]  ⍝   script
[15]  ⍝   → c:/myproject/.acme/changes/TWO-7.Three-1.four-0.script.change
[16]  ⍝ must be encoded as separate files
[17]  ⍝ Phil Last 2017-12-01 11.17
[18]   }

59. acre._code.getEnvironment (4 lines)

     ∇ getEnvironment←{
[1]        ⊢2 ⎕NQ'.' 'GetEnvironment'⍵
[2]    }

60. acre._code.getFolder (10 lines)

     ∇ getFolder←{
[1]        ⍵{
[2]            ⍵.(HasEdit StartIn)←1,⊂fPath''if null ⍺
[3]            ⍵.Target⊣⍵.Wait
[4]        }⎕NEW⊂'BrowseBox'
[5]   ⍝ ⍵ start-in folder
[6]   ⍝ ← selected folder or ''
[7]   ⍝ Phil Last 2016-09-22
[8]    }

61. acre._code.getSource (32 lines)

     ∇ getSource←{dat←⍺ ⋄ ref←⍵≡MS.BG ⋄ prev←dat getTime''
[1]        src tgt←dat.(source nspath),¨'' '.'           ⍝ ../APLSource/
[2]        read←{⊃MS.HI ⎕NGET ⍵ 1}
[3]        (path date)←{⍵.(Path Date)}fileTree⊢src       ⍝ all files
[4]        path date/⍨←⊂~∨/'/.'⍷(≢src)↓⍤1↑path           ⍝ ignore all /.*/
[5]        file type←↓⍉↑(UT.px(≢src)↓⊢)¨path             ⍝ 'ns/path/file' '.type'
[6]        path date file type/⍨←∊/Cc type(MS.AZ,MS.AY)  ⍝ only valid types
[7]        name←'/.'decodeCaps file
[8]        path date file name type/⍨←⊂ref≤new←date>prev ⍝ new or not refresh
[9]        dup←(⊢∊⊢(/⍨)~∘nub)name
[10]       z←showMsg MS.DD showList,/(tgt∘,¨dup/name),'=',⍪dup/type
[11]       z←showMsg MS.BC,MS.EO,((≢path) MS.FL),MS.EY,¯4 tPath src
[12]       val←3 read ticks path ⋄ fqn←tgt∘,¨name
[13]       fqn type val msk←1 fixValue fqn type val      ⍝ name/type-change?
[14]       z←showMsg MS.FW∘,¨(¯4 tPath¨path/⍨~msk),¨⊂MS.BP ⍝ file needs att'n
[15]       fqn type val path date/⍨←⊂msk                 ⍝ remove unfixed
[16]       z←dat renameSource path fqn                   ⍝ if different
[17]       z←dat putTime''
[18]       ~dat.hist:fqn if ref⊢⍵
[19]       chgs←⊃(⊣(/⍨)prev<⊢)/dat changes''             ⍝ new in acre
[20]       diff←(fqn∊chgs)<prev<date                     ⍝ new in OS
[21]       msg←MS.EN,((+/diff) MS.FN),MS.EZ,¯4 tPath dat.changes
[22]       z←showMsg msg showList diff/fqn
[23]       fqn←dat putChange diff∘/¨fqn val type
[24]       fqn if ref⊢⍵
[25]  ⍝ ⍺ dat
[26]  ⍝ ⍵ ? or MS.BG ('Refresh')
[27]  ⍝ ← ⍵ or fqns of refreshed items
[28]  ⍝ get source and fix; if refresh fetch only changes
[29]  ⍝ Phil 2018-07-18 19.47
[30]   }

62. acre._code.getSourceFilenames (17 lines)

     ∇ getSourceFilenames←{dat←⍺
[1]        src tgt←dat.(nspath source)
[2]        name←(1+≢src)↓¨fqn←,⊂if≡⍵
[3]        alt←{1↓'#'sep⊃,/'/',¨'.'sep⊃,/'#',¨⍵}
[4]        file←'./'∘encodeCaps)else alt name
[5]        tgt∘,¨file,¨nameClass fqn
[7]   ⍝ ⍺ dat
[8]   ⍝ ⍵ assume fqns
[9]   ⍝ ← full paths
[10]  ⍝   with nspath
[11]  ⍝   and folder c:/myproject/
[12]  ⍝   array
[13]  ⍝   gives c:/myproject/APLSource/TWO-7/Three-1/four-0.array
[14]  ⍝ Phil Last 2018-01-02 20.42
[15]   }

63. acre._code.getTime (8 lines)

     ∇ getTime←{dat←⍺ ⋄ res←⌈/dat.loadtime
[1]        ~dat.hist:res
[2]        0::res
[3]        res⌊⊃1⊃⎕VFI~∘⎕TC⊃⎕NGET dat.latest
[4]   ⍝ see putTime
[5]   ⍝ Phil 2018-08-08 18.02
[6]    }

64. acre._code.getValue (20 lines)

     ∇ getValue←{
[1]        type←nameClass⊢fqn←,⊂if≡⍵
[2]        ns←(1↓¨MS.AY)dix 1↓¨MS.AZ
[3]        nc←⊃⌊/MS.AY MS.AZ⍳¨⊂type
[4]        val←0⍴⍨⍴fqn
[5]        (x/val)←⊢∘⍎/0,⍪fqn/⍨x←nc=ns.charlist
[6]        (x/val)←⊢∘ntbs∘⍎/0,⍪fqn/⍨x←nc=ns.charmat
[7]        (x/val)←sep∘⍎/UT.CR,⍪fqn/⍨x←nc=ns.charstring
[8]        (x/val)←AN.format∘⍎/2,⍪fqn/⍨x←nc=ns.array
[9]        (x/val)←⊢∘⎕NR/0,⍪fqn/⍨x←nc∊ns.(function operator)
[10]       (x/val)←{0::0 ⋄ ⎕SRC⍎⍵}/0,⍪fqn/⍨x←nc∊ns.(script class interface)
[11]       fqn type val/¨⍨⊂~val∊0                   ⍝ remove anything else
[12]  ⍝ ⍵ fqns
[13]  ⍝ ← fqn type val - of only arrays, defined fns and ops and scripts
[14]  ⍝   filtered and re-ordered
[15]  ⍝   vals are lists of strings
[16]  ⍝ see fix Values
[17]  ⍝ Phil Last 2017-11-22 22.38
[18]   }

65. acre._code.getVersion (14 lines)

     ∇ getVersion←{
[1]        1:' 'sep⊃releaseNotes⊣''
[2]   ⍝ see releaseNotes wherein first line should be
[3]   ⍝       name ver date compat
[4]   ⍝ name   - system name
[5]   ⍝ ver    - as maj.mid.min
[6]   ⍝ date   - when code released
[7]   ⍝ compat - earliest data-compatible ver
[8]   ⍝
[9]   ⍝ notes on the present release should be terminated
[10]  ⍝ with a line containing only hyphens.
[11]  ⍝ Phil Last 2014-10-10
[12]   }

66. acre._code.itemName (9 lines)

     ∇ itemName←{
[1]        f←(id←openProjects'').source
[2]        null⊢b←{⊃∊/Cc f p}if null f∊p←(≢¨f)↑¨⊂fp←⊃,/2⍴1 ⎕NPARTS ⍵:''⊣showMsg fp
[3]        id←⊃b/id
[4]        id.nspath,'.',⊃'/.'decodeCaps(≢⊃b/f)↓fp
[5]   ⍝ itemname from source filepath
[6]   ⍝ Phil 2018-02-25 00.38
[7]    }

67. acre._code.keys (10 lines)

     ∇ keys←{⍺←⊢
[1]        sig←⎕AN,,'G< 9999-99-99 99.99>'⎕FMT 100⊥5⍴⎕TS
[2]        sig←'Z:L:R:U:⍝ ',sig,'L:'
[3]        d←'E:←{⍺←⊢R:R:⍝R: }8:U:U:' '⎕NL¨⍳11'(']',MS.NA,'.')'⎕signal ' '' '→⎕lc'sig']changes '
[4]   ⍝                2                  3      4         5      6    7     8     9
[6]   ⍝
[7]   ⍝ Phil 2018-01-23 15.22
[8]    }

68. acre._code.localFolder (5 lines)

     ∇ localFolder←{
[1]        fPath(getEnvironment'temp'),'/../'
[2]   ⍝ Phil 2018-01-23 15.35
[3]    }

69. acre._code.nOff (6 lines)

     ∇ nOff←{⍺←⊢
[1]        ≢/Cc MS.GB(⍕⍵)
[2]   ⍝ not if ⍵ is 'off', 'Off', 'OFF' &c.
[3]   ⍝ Phil 2018-06-18 12.32
[4]    }

70. acre._code.nameClass (25 lines)

     ∇ nameClass←{⍺←⊢
[1]        null⊢fqn←,⊂if≡⍵:''
[2]        type←⍺⊣0          ⍝ 0 (default) .array ... - 1 .apla ...
[3]   ⍝ array function operator script class interface list  matrix string unknown
[4]   ⍝ 2     3        4        9.1    9.4   9.5       2     2      2      0
[5]        ns←(1↓¨MS.AZ)(⎕NS'').{⎕THIS⊣⍎⍕⍺,'←⍵'}type⊃MS.AZ MS.AY
[6]        c←9(⊢-1|>×⊢)(⎕NC fqn)(⊣×∊)validAPLType'' ⍝ floor < 9
[7]        t←ns.(array function operator script class interface),⊂MS.AX
[8]        r←t[2 3 4 9.1 9.4 9.5⍳c]
[9]        (a/r)←{
[10]           dr←(≡v),≢⍴v←#.⍎⍵
[11]           dr≡2 1:ns.array ns.charlist⊃⍨∧/(''≡0∘/)¨v
[12]           dr≡1 2:ns.array ns.charmat⊃⍨1=0=10|⎕DR v
[13]           dr≡1 1:ns.array ns.charstring⊃⍨1=0=10|⎕DR v
[14]           ns.array
[15]       }/0,⍪fqn/⍨a←c=2
[16]       (a/r)←{
[17]           0::''               ⍝ bluebell
[18]           ns.script⊣⎕SRC #.⍎⍵ ⍝ script
[19]       }/0,⍪fqn/⍨a←c=9.1
[20]       r
[21]  ⍝ return identifier also used as filetype
[22]  ⍝ Phil Last 2018-01-15 15.35
[23]   }

71. acre._code.namx (8 lines)

     ∇ namx←namx
[1]    namx←1↓⎕NPARTS
[2]   ⍝ name, extension
[3]   ⍝ nilad returning monad
[4]   ⍝ 'zero/one/two.three.four'
[5]   ⍝ → 'two.three' '.four'
[6]   ⍝ ⎕NPARTS is far and away the fastest I can achieve.

72. acre._code.ncHelp (31 lines)

     ∇ ncHelp←{⍺←⊢
[1]        z←⎕EX'temp'
[2]        z←{
[3]            ⍵.GeneralArray←⍳2 3
[4]            ⍵.ListOfStrings←↓⍪⎕D
[5]            ⍵.CharacterMatrix←⎕FMT ⎕D
[6]            ⍵.CharacterString←⎕D
[7]            ⍵.DirectFunction←{⎕D}
[8]            ⍵.DirectOperator←{⍺⍺}
[9]            z←⍵.⎕FX'r←TraditionalFunction w' ''
[10]           z←⍵.⎕FX'r←(f TraditionalOperator)w' ''
[11]           ⍵.ContainerNamespace←⎕NS''
[12]           ⍵.ScriptedNamespace←⎕FIX':namespace' ':endnamespace'
[13]           ⍵.Class←⎕FIX':class' ':endclass'
[14]           ⍵.Interface←⎕FIX':interface' ':endinterface'
[15]           ⍵.DerivedFunction←+.×.-
[16]           ⍵.MixedArray←1 '2' 3 '4' 5 '6' 7 '8' 9 '0'
[17]           ⍵.NumericArray←2 3⍴⍳9
[18]           ⍵.MissingItem←''
[19]           ⍵.GuiObject←⎕NEW'Form'(⊂'Visible' 0)
[20]           ⍵.ClassInstance←⎕NEW ⎕FIX':Class' ':EndClass'
[21]           ⍵
[22]       }⍎nn←'temp'⎕NS''
[23]       nms←~∘' '¨↓temp.⎕NL⍳11
[24]       r←UT.xc¨nms
[25]       z←temp.⎕EX'MissingItem'
[26]       r,(nameClass,∘⍪⎕NC)(nn,'.')∘,¨nms
[27]  ⍝
[28]  ⍝ Phil 2018-05-15 14.07
[29]   }

73. acre._code.newSession (11 lines)

     ∇ newSession←{
[1]        0::1                ⍝ if we error on SV.setupcomplete it must be new
[2]        ~SV.setupcomplete:1 ⍝ if setup incomplete it must be new
[3]        0.000116<|SV.sessionstart-sessionStart''
[4]   ⍝ ⍵ ignored
[5]   ⍝ Is this a new session? yes/no
[6]   ⍝ If setup isn't complete or if saved session start is ≥10s
[7]   ⍝    before actual because ws has been saved with CMS open
[8]   ⍝ called with userCmdRun in Run under ⎕SE.UCMD
[9]    }

74. acre._code.nil (4 lines)

     ∇ nil←nil
[1]    nil←∊∘∊⍨    ⍝ member type
[2]   ⍝ Phil 2018-06-12 10.44

75. acre._code.noHistMsg (6 lines)

     ∇ noHistMsg←{dat←⍺
[1]        showMsg MS.BU,dat.nspath,' ',¯4 tPath dat.folder
[2]   ⍝
[3]   ⍝ Phil 2018-03-11 20.49
[4]    }

76. acre._code.nonul (4 lines)

     ∇ nonul←nonul
[1]    nonul←≢∘∊⍨ ⍝ not match type
[2]   ⍝ Phil 2018-06-12 10.44

77. acre._code.ntbs (4 lines)

     ∇ ntbs←ntbs                ⍝ no trailing blanks split
[1]    ntbs←{(+/∨\' '≠⌽⍵)↑¨↓⍵}  ⍝ nilad returning monad
[2]   ⍝ Phil Last 2017-12-06 00.48

78. acre._code.nub (5 lines)

     ∇ nub←nub
[1]    nub←⍳⍨=⍳∘≢
[2]   ⍝ nub sieve
[3]   ⍝ Phil 2018-08-09 17.33

79. acre._code.null (4 lines)

     ∇ null←null       ⍝ matches type - all blanks and zeros
[1]    null←≡∘∊⍨       ⍝ nilad returning monad
[2]   ⍝ Phil Last 2017-12-18 14.37

80. acre._code.openConflict (22 lines)

     ∇ openConflict←{dat←⍺
[1]        0=⍴old←openProjects'':⍬
[2]        new←,dat
[3]        paths←old.(nspath,'.')
[4]        path←new.(nspath,'.')
[5]        path∊paths:''                    ⍝ same space - ok
[6]        ∨/⊃¨path⍷¨paths:''               ⍝ over - ok
[7]        b←⊃¨paths⍷¨path                  ⍝ new in old - forbidden
[8]        ∨/b:MS.DE showList(new,b/old).nspath
[9]        ⍬
[11]  ⍝ ⍺ dat
[12]  ⍝ ← null or msgs
[13]  ⍝   The order in this function is paramount.
[14]  ⍝   implements rule:
[15]  ⍝       A project may not be tracked inside another
[16]  ⍝ if same, space is expunged and closed before loading
[17]  ⍝ if over, spaces are expunged and closed before loading
[18]  ⍝ if under, would be in conflict with parent
[19]  ⍝ Phil 2018-06-06 21.11
[20]   }

81. acre._code.openLoad (27 lines)

     ∇ openLoad←{dat←⍺ ⋄ trk dep←⍵             ⍝ as of caller
[1]        ~null showMsg dat∘openConflict⍣trk⊢'':0 ⍝ can't open this
[2]        ~dep:1                              ⍝ ok but no deps
[3]        pref←{
[4]            p←('/',⍺)[('\',⍺)⍳⍺]
[5]            (':'∘∊∨'/'=⊃)p:p ⍵              ⍝ absolute path
[6]            '.'=⊃p:(dat.folder,'../',p)⍵    ⍝ ../uncle/cousin/nephew
[7]            (dat.folder,(⊃,/(1++/p∊'/\')/,/'../'),p)⍵ ⍝ uncle/cousin
[8]        }
[9]        0∊⍴these←~∘∊⍨⊂if≡        ⍝ ex config
[10]       nss←(⎕NEW ⎕SE.Parser(optionFields'dep track')).Parse¨these
[11]       args←nss.Arguments
[12]       args nss/⍨←⊂~args∊SV.arguments      ⍝ this time
[13]       0∊⍴SV.arguments,←args:1
[14]       track←trk∧nOff¨nss.track
[15]       depend←dep∧nOff¨nss.dependencies
[16]       dts←(⊂trk dep)openProject¨↓track,depend,⍪pref/↑2↑¨args
[17]       dts track depend/⍨←⊂dts≠0           ⍝ only opened
[18]       z←dataSpaces track/dts              ⍝ keep only tracked dependencies
[19]       ~null showMsg dat∘openConflict⍣trk⊢'':0⊣showMsg dat.config MS.CB
[20]       1:1
[21]  ⍝ dyadic calls to openProject tell it NOT to run Startup
[22]  ⍝ Open dependent projects
[23]  ⍝ this is potentially endlessly recursive
[24]  ⍝ Phil 2018-06-06 21.11
[25]   }

82. acre._code.openProject (34 lines)

     ∇ openProject←{⍺←⊢ ⋄ top←1≡⍺ 1 ⋄ dflt←⍺⊣1 1
[1]        trk dep←dflt∧2⍴z z proj←⍵
[2]        null⊢src←{getFolder'/'}if null⊃src tgt←2↑proj:0
[3]        (dat←⎕NS'').(changed folder loadtime)←''(fPath src,'/'),DT.ts2dt ⎕TS
[4]        dat.(config source code changes latest)←{
[5]            ⍵}dat.folder∘,¨MS.HM MS.GY,MS.NB∘,¨''MS.EU MS.HE
[6]        ~∨/2⍴src cnf cde←⎕NEXISTS¨dat.(source config changes):{
[7]            0}showMsg MS.DG,' ',¯4 tPath dat.folder
[8]        z←'dat'⎕NS⊢cfg←readConfig dat.config ⍝ see configFields
[9]        nspath←{'/'UT.nn ¯1↓dat.folder}if null dat.projectspace if null tgt
[10]       ~((1=≢)∨0∘ssp∨0=⎕NC)dat.nspath←⊃prefSpace nspath:{
[11]           0}showMsg MS.DC
[12]       ~dat openLoad trk dep:0 ⍝ load subsids
[14]       z←showMsg(MS.ER,MS.EY),dat.folder
[15]       space←⍎dat.nspath #.⎕NS''⊣openProjects⊣⎕EX{#⍳10}if≢dat.nspath
[16]       cfg.KeepHistory←MS.GB MS.GA⊃⍨dat.hist←≢/Cc dat.keephistory MS.GB
[17]       cfg.CaseCode←MS.GB MS.GA⊃⍨←≢/Cc dat.casecode MS.GB
[18]       z←MS.FV space.{⍎⍺,'←⍵'}cfg⊣cfg.ProjectFolder←dat.folder
[19]       z←showMsg MS.EZ,dat.nspath
[20]       z←deleteFolder⍣(cde>dat.hist)⊢dat.code
[21]       z←⎕MKDIR/3,⍪dat.(source changes)/⍨(~src),cde<dat.hist
[22]       z←MS.NB∘⎕NPUT if(~⎕NEXISTS)dat.folder,MS.FM  ⍝ git specific -
[23]       z←dat getSource''
[24]       dat.changed←⊃dat changes''
[25]       z←space∘{0::⊢showMsg UT.bx MS.DN,MS.DP,⍵
[26]           ⊢⍺.⍎UT.ep ⍵}if(trk∧top>null)dat.startup ⍝ trk?
[27]       dat⊣dat.loadtime,←DT.ts2dt ⎕TS
[28]  ⍝ [⍺] trk dep
[29]  ⍝ ⍵ trk dep (folder [space])
[30]  ⍝ ← dat or 0 - see OpenProject LoadProject CreateProject
[31]  ⍝ Phil 2018-06-06 21.11
[32]   }

83. acre._code.openProjects (9 lines)

     ∇ openProjects←{
[1]        0∊⍴ids←dataSpaces'':⍬                               ⍝ none
[2]        missing←ids/⍨(((0∊⍴#.⎕NL⍳10)∧1=≢¨)∨0=⎕NC)ids.nspath ⍝ path missing
[3]        1:⊢ids←dataSpaces missing                           ⍝ remove
[4]   ⍝ ensure tracked projects still in ws
[5]   ⍝ remove any ids where nspath no longer a space.
[6]   ⍝ Phil 2018-06-06 21.11
[7]    }

84. acre._code.optionFields (18 lines)

     ∇ optionFields←{⍺←⊢
[1]        unused←'abefgijklnopqrsuvxyz'
[2]        opts←,⊂'casecode:on'
[3]        opts,←⊂'confirm:'
[4]        opts,←⊂'dependencies:on'
[5]        opts,←⊂'encoding:aplan'
[6]        opts,←⊂'help'
[7]        opts,←⊂'messages:on'
[8]        opts,←⊂'track:on'
[9]        opts,←⊂'when[=]'
[11]       in←3⍴¨opts
[12]       opts←' -'∘,¨opts
[13]       {1↓⊃,/opts[in⍳in∩3⍴¨' 'sep ⍵]}¨⊂if≡⍵
[14]  ⍝ convert strings of initials to option specs
[15]  ⍝ Phil 2018-04-03 12.16
[16]   }

85. acre._code.prefSpace (9 lines)

     ∇ prefSpace←{
[1]        null⊢nms←⊂if≡⍵:0/⊂''
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ items or spaces
[4]   ⍝ ← depth-2 list of items or space paths
[5]   ⍝ whence command called for non-fqn space or items
[6]   ⍝ Phil Last 2018-01-15 22.16
[7]    }

86. acre._code.putChange (31 lines)

     ∇ putChange←{dat←⍺                     ⍝ or Deleted
[1]        ~dat.hist:''
[3]        null⊃fqn val typ del←4↑⍵:fqn
[4]        chg del←0 1=del≡MS.EX
[5]        fqn val typ←,∘⊂¨if(≡⊃)fqn val typ
[6]        fns←dat getChangeFilenames fqn   ⍝ if del or new type will be ".*"
[7]        fns←⍉⍪fns{⍺ MS.AX ⍵}¨typ
[8]        fns⍪⍨←(MS.EX,⍨(-≢MS.HN)↓⊢)¨fns   ⍝ del over chg
[9]        aud←2⊥fns∊{⍵.Path}folderObj dat.changes
[10]  ⍝ extant: 0 add , 1 change , 2 delete , 3 BOTH!!!
[11]       exi←aud≠0                        ⍝ exists
[12]       ren←(del∧aud=1)∨chg∧aud=2        ⍝ but wrong type
[13]       old new←↓(del=ren)⊖fns
[14]       change←{val old new ren exi←⍵
[15]           tie←exi{
[16]               ⍺:⍵ ⎕FTIE 0
[17]               (⊢⊣0 ⎕FAPPEND⊢)⍵ ⎕FCREATE 0
[18]           }old
[19]           ptr←val ⎕FREPLACE tie,¯1+1⊃⎕FSIZE tie
[20]           z←new∘⎕FRENAME⍣ren⊢tie
[21]           (⎕FUNTIE tie)⊢ptr ⎕FAPPEND tie
[22]       }
[23]       z←change/0,⍪↓⍉↑val old new ren exi
[24]       fqn⊣dat.changed∪←fqn
[25]  ⍝ ⍺ dat
[26]  ⍝ ⍵ fqn value type [MS.EX] if del
[27]  ⍝ ← fqns
[28]  ⍝ Phil 2018-02-17 23.14
[29]   }

87. acre._code.putSource (16 lines)

     ∇ putSource←{dat←⍺
[1]        null⊢fqn type value←,∘⊂¨if(≡⊃)⍵:⍵
[2]        src tgt←dat.(nspath source)
[3]        path←dat getSourceFilenames fqn
[4]        (b/path)←{⍺ MS.AX ⍵}⌿↑path type/¨⍨⊂b←(1∊MS.AX⍷⊢)¨path
[5]        tree←⎕MKDIR/3,⍪∪folder¨path         ⍝ ensure folders
[6]        z←(,∘⊂if≡¨value){(,⍺)MS.HI ⎕NPUT ⍵ 1}¨path
[7]        fqn type value
[9]   ⍝ ⍺ dat
[10]  ⍝ ⍵ FQNs type values
[11]  ⍝ ← ⍵ same - having written to sourcetree
[12]  ⍝   write to source tree files
[13]  ⍝ Phil 2018-08-07 14.40
[14]   }

88. acre._code.putTime (9 lines)

     ∇ putTime←{dat←⍺
[1]        dat.loadtime,←now←DT.ts2dt ⎕TS
[2]        ~dat.hist:now
[3]        0::now
[4]        now⊣(6⍕now+0.000001)⎕NPUT dat.latest 1  ⍝ file as plus 1 sec
[5]   ⍝ see getTime
[6]   ⍝ Phil 2018-08-07 14.27
[7]    }

89. acre._code.quoted (5 lines)

     ∇ quoted←{⍺←⊢
[1]        ≠\⍵=⊃(⍺,⍵,q)∩q←'''"'
[2]   ⍝ Phil Last 2017-05-17 16.48
[3]    }

90. acre._code.readConfig (20 lines)

     ∇ readConfig←{cnf←⍵
[1]        rl←Cc⊢ru←{⍵.⎕NL-2}res←configFields''
[2]        0::res⊣showMsg UT.bx MS.DB,cnf
[3]        ~⎕NEXISTS cnf:res
[4]        d←~∘∊⍨⊃MS.HI ⎕NGET cnf 1                     ⍝ lose blank rows
[5]        r t←0{'⍝'=z←⊃~∘' '⊃⍵:(1+⍺)∇ 1↓⍵ ⋄ ⍺ z}d      ⍝ lose comment rows
[6]        cl←Cc⊢cu←{⍵.⎕NL-2}cfg←t{                     ⍝ actuals
[7]            ⍺='{':7159⌶1↓⊃,/(⎕UCS 13),¨⍵                 ⍝ JSON
[8]            ⍺=':':0 ⎕FIX ⍵                               ⍝ APLscript
[9]            ⍺='[':AN.decode ⍵                            ⍝ APLAN
[10]           ⎕NS''                                        ⍝ none of the above
[11]       }r↓d
[12]       null⊢int←rl∩cl:res                           ⍝ supplied
[13]       res⊣ru[rl⍳int]res.{⍎⍕⍺,'←⍵'}cfg.⍎⍕cu[cl⍳int] ⍝ merge
[14]  ⍝ ⍵ config filename
[15]  ⍝ config is JSON, APLscript or APLAN
[16]  ⍝ result is namespace with all and only expected fields
[17]  ⍝   with "proper" case restored
[18]   }

91. acre._code.ref (7 lines)

     ∇ ref←{⍺←⊢
[1]        z\⊢∘(UT.df∘⍎≢⊢)/0,⍪⍵/⍨z←9=⌊⎕NC ⍵
[2]   ⍝ ⍵ fqns
[3]   ⍝ ← boolean which are refs or ptrs as opposed to named nss or clss
[4]   ⍝ Phil 2018-03-20 00.08
[5]    }

92. acre._code.refs (8 lines)

     ∇ refs←{⍺←⊢
[1]        ⎕AN≢'Phil':0 0⍴''
[2]        z←←allMessages 1⊃'.'sep⊃⎕XSI⊣#.(an ut)←{⍵.(AN UT)}←⎕THIS
[3]        0 0⍴keys''
[4]   ⍝ see buildWs
[5]   ⍝ Phil 2018-01-31 14.11
[6]    }

93. acre._code.renameSource (16 lines)

     ∇ renameSource←{dat←⍺
[1]        ren←(⊢(⌿⍨)≢/)⊃{⍺,⍪dat getSourceFilenames ⍵}/⍵
[2]        z←0⊣⎕MKDIR/3,⍪∪folder¨,ren
[3]        msg←{
[4]            t←⊃{~∘⍵-1+⍳1+≢⍵}⎕NNUMS
[5]            0::⊃,/MS.BM'"'⍺'"'MS.EZ'"'⍵'"'⊣⎕NUNTIE t
[6]            0⊣⎕NUNTIE ⍵ ⎕NRENAME ⍺ ⎕NTIE t
[7]        }/ren
[8]        0⊣showMsg msg~0
[9]   ⍝ ⍺ dat
[10]  ⍝ ⍵ paths fqns
[11]  ⍝   if source filename for fqn ≢ path then rename path
[12]  ⍝ ← 0 - having messaged any failures
[13]  ⍝ Phil 2018-08-10 11.36
[14]   }

94. (7 lines)

     ∇ run←{⍺←⊢
[1]        (OPT.messages was)←'off'OPT.messages
[2]        0::⎕SIGNAL ⎕EN⊣OPT.messages←was
[3]        (OPT.messages←was)⊢⍺ codeHook ⍵
[4]   ⍝ Phil Last 2018-01-17 23.16
[5]    }

95. acre._code.sPath (9 lines)

     ∇ sPath←sPath
[1]    sPath←1⊃⎕NPARTS
[2]   ⍝ space path
[3]   ⍝ monad
[4]   ⍝ '#.a.b.c' → '#.a.b'
[5]   ⍝ '#.a.b'   → '#.a'
[6]   ⍝ '#.a'     → '#'
[7]   ⍝ '#'       → '#'

96. acre._code.sep (4 lines)

     ∇ sep←sep          ⍝ sep string to list sans sep
[1]    sep←⊣(1↓¨=⊂⊢),   ⍝ nilad returning dyad
[2]   ⍝ Phil 2018-02-10 20.05

97. acre._code.sessionStart (7 lines)

     ∇ sessionStart←{
[1]        (DT.ts2dd ⎕TS)-(2⊃⎕AI)÷×/24 60 60 1000
[2]   ⍝ Session start in days.decs since Proleptic Gregorian origin.
[3]   ⍝ From the difference between clock- (⎕TS) and session-time (⎕AI).
[4]   ⍝ DT.dd2ts to see result in a readable form.
[5]    }

98. acre._code.setChange (8 lines)

     ∇ setChange←{dat←⍺
[1]        fqn typ val←⍵
[2]        z←dat putChange fqn val typ
[3]        ⊃dat putSource fqn typ val
[4]   ⍝ both
[5]   ⍝ Phil 2018-02-17 23.14
[6]    }

99. acre._code.setDataSpaces (11 lines)

     ∇ setDataSpaces←{
[1]        ⎕THIS.dataSpaces←({⍵⊣⍵.ids←⍬}⎕NS'')∘{⊢⍺.ids←⍺.ids{(⍺~⍵)∪⍵~⍺}⍵}
[2]        1:⍵
[3]   ⍝ ←⍵ returned untouched
[4]   ⍝ Runs once in new session.
[5]   ⍝ Creates dataSpaces function that stores the spaces
[6]   ⍝   in an anonymous space composed with the function.
[7]   ⍝ Call dataSpaces only where adding or removing
[8]   ⍝ To query use openProjects instead.
[9]    }

100. acre._code.setEnvironment (22 lines)

     ∇ setEnvironment←{⍺←⊢                  ⍝ only if no projects
[1]        top←⊢ici←⎕THIS              ⍝ child of # or ⎕SE
[2]        ici.SV←top.⎕NS''
[3]        SV.setupcomplete←0
[4]        SV.(errmsgs opened)←'' ''
[5]        path ws name←SV.(inipath workspace systemname)←⍵
[6]        ici.MS←allMessages name
[7]        ici.EN←aplErrors''
[8]        ici.CD←cmdDefs name
[9]        ici.SX←syntaxHelp name
[10]       SV.sessionstart←sessionStart''
[11]       z←editFix'Start'                 ⍝ sets other stuff in SV
[12]  ⍝     ici.OPT←{⍵⊣⍵.messages←'on'}⎕NS'' ⍝ pro-tem as this runs
[13]       z←showMsg⍕3⍴getVersion''
[14]       1:SV.setupcomplete←1
[15]  ⍝ some dictionaries & derived fns
[16]  ⍝ ⍵ ?
[17]  ⍝   there should be no tracked instances when this runs
[18]  ⍝ ← 1
[19]  ⍝ Phil 2018-06-06 21.11
[20]   }

101. acre._code.showList (12 lines)

     ∇ showList←{
[1]        (≢∘∊⍨⍵)/(⊂⍺∪':'),ntbs⍕1 UT.ty ⍵
[2]   ⍝ ⍺ message:
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ list e.g. 'one' 'two' 'three' ...
[4]   ⍝ ← list as:
[5]   ⍝ message:
[6]   ⍝  one    four   seven  ...
[7]   ⍝  two    five   eight
[8]   ⍝  three  six    ...
[9]   ⍝ empty if ⍵ empty
[10]   }

102. acre._code.showMsg (23 lines)

     ∇ showMsg←{
[1]        (null ⍵):⍵                 ⍝ empty arg
[2]        disp←OPT.messages
[3]        data←ntbs ⎕FMT↑⍵
[4]        SV.errmsgs,←data/⍨'!'=⊃¨data  ⍝ reset in userCmdRun
[5]        ≡/Cc disp MS.GB:data       ⍝ its NOT having been displayed!
[6]        '#'∊disp:data⊣⍎disp,(2 0 3⍳#.⎕NC disp)↓',← data'
[7]   ⍝    data⊣#.what← data          ⍝ named buffer - missing
[8]   ⍝    data⊣#.what,← data         ⍝              - array
[9]   ⍝    data⊣#.what data           ⍝              - function
[10]       1:⊢{⎕←⍵}¨data              ⍝ else send everything to the session
[12]  ⍝ ⍵ is msg(s) to be displayed
[13]  ⍝ ← ⍵ its having been displayed or otherwise
[14]  ⍝   values of OPT.messages recognised as
[15]  ⍝   determining output. Default is session.
[16]  ⍝   'Off' no messages.
[17]  ⍝   '' initialises buffer
[18]  ⍝   '' is buffer
[19]  ⍝   '' runs explicit function with arg - ignores result
[20]  ⍝ Phil Last                     ⍝ 2008-10-26 08:27
[21]   }

103. acre._code.since (6 lines)

     ∇ since←{⍺←⊢
[1]        build←DT.ts2dt⊃⊃3 ⎕NINFO⍠1⊢⎕SE.acre._code.SV.workspace,'*'
[2]        {⍵⌿⍨build<DT.fm2dt↑⊢/⍵}⎕SE.UCMD'changes #.acre -w'
[3]   ⍝ Phil 2018-06-21 22.25
[4]    }

104. acre._code.ssp (9 lines)

     ∇ ssp←{⍺←⊢ ⋄ b←⍺⊣1 ⍝ dflt 1 - scripted
[1]        {n\{0::~⍺ ⋄ ⍺⊣⎕SRC⍎⍵}/b,⍪⍵/⍨n←9.1=⎕NC ⍵}⊂if≡⍵
[2]   ⍝ ⍺ 1/0 - 1 scripted - 0 not-scripted
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ fqns (2 1≡≡,≢∘⍴)
[4]   ⍝ ← boolean - which are scripted or non-scripted spaces
[5]   ⍝ NB # is neither
[6]   ⍝ Phil 2018-02-01 17.06
[7]    }

105. acre._code.stripCode (8 lines)

     ∇ stripCode←{⍺←⊢
[1]        in out←'#' '#'(⊢,,)¨⍺⊣'/.'
[2]        one←{⍺,⊃'-'sep ⍵}
[3]        (≢out)↓¨(⊢⊂⍨out⍷⊢)⊃,/(⊃out)∘one eu 1↓(⊃in)sep⊃,/in∘,¨⊂if≡⍵
[4]   ⍝ same as decodeCaps but ignore caseCode leaving caps as are
[5]   ⍝ Phil Last 2018-01-11 17.17
[6]    }

106. acre._code.syntaxHelp (6 lines)

     ∇ syntaxHelp←{
[1]        CD.command(⎕NS'').{⎕THIS⊣⍎⍕⍺,'←⍵'}CD.syntax
[2]   ⍝ ns of command syntax uses CD ex setEnvironment & cmdDefs
[3]   ⍝ Phil 2018-03-31 17.53
[4]    }

107. acre._code.tPath (6 lines)

     ∇ tPath←{
[1]        1↓⊃,/'/',¨⍺∘∊⍨'/'sep ⍵
[2]   ⍝ truncate path
[3]   ⍝ Phil 2018-08-21 21.18
[4]    }

108. acre._code.tempFolder (5 lines)

     ∇ tempFolder←{
[1]        fPath(getEnvironment'temp'),'/'
[2]   ⍝ Phil 2018-01-23 15.35
[3]    }

109. acre._code.test (10 lines)

     ∇ test←{⍺←⊢
[1]        z←refs''
[2]        tests←##.⍎MS.FZ
[3]        fns←tests.Tests.⎕NL-3
[4]        z←tests.(Tester.EstablishHelpersIn Tests)
[5]        z←(1∊⍵)tests.Tests.RunDebug else{tests.Tests.Run⊣⍵}0
[6]        z←tests.Tests.{⎕EX(⎕NL-3)~⍵}fns
[7]   ⍝ Phil 2018-01-31 16.02
[8]    }

110. acre._code.time (6 lines)

     ∇ time←{⍺←⊢
[1],×t)⌿(t←0 60 60⊤⍵),⍪MS.GI MS.GJ MS.GK
[2]   ⍝
[3]   ⍝ Phil Last 2017-12-08 12.12
[4]    }

111. acre._code.userCmdRun (22 lines)

     ∇ userCmdRun←{
[1]        (new method arg type space path wsid name)←⍵
[2]        ⎕THIS.OPT←⎕NS arg.(⎕NS'qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm'⎕NL 2.1)
[3]        z←Start⍣new⊢path wsid name              ⍝ once
[4]        SV.debug←1∊⎕SE.SALTUtils.DEBUG          ⍝ OK?
[5]←space,'.'                      ⍝ whence called
[6]        SV.errmsgs←''                           ⍝ new each cmd
[7]        SV.arguments←,⊂arg.Arguments            ⍝ ditto
[8]        z←openProjects''                        ⍝ still open?
[9]        (item proj share)←'i' 'p' 's'=⊃type     ⍝ see cmdDefs
[10]  ⍝         ↓↓↓↓↓
[11]       res←method{
[12]           item:⍺(⍎⍺)itemMethod ⍵              ⍝ items of arg are names
[13]           proj:⍺(⍎⍺)projMethod ⍵              ⍝ first item is project
[14]           share:⍺(⍎⍺)sharedMethod ⍵           ⍝ arg is specific to method
[15]       }arg.Arguments
[16]       z←⎕SIGNAL/(,/(⎕UCS 13),¨SV.errmsgs),11/⍨×≢SV.errmsgs
[17]       res
[18]  ⍝ ⍵ new; method; arg ns; type of fn; whence called; whence loaded; system.
[19]  ⍝ Phil 2018-01-28 00.43
[20]   }

112. acre._code.validAPLType (9 lines)

     ∇ validAPLType←{
[1]        2.1 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 9.1 9.4 9.5
[2]   ⍝ ⍵ nested list
[3]   ⍝ ← valid ⎕nc values for storable items.
[4]   ⍝ array, defined function, defined operator,script, class, interface.
[5]   ⍝ Exclude field, property, derived function, ...
[6]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-02-03 13:58
[7]    }

113. acre._code.validItems (8 lines)

     ∇ validItems←{
[1]        {⍵(/⍨)(1∘ssp⍱ref)uniq sPath¨⍵}(⊢(/⍨)0∘ssp<ref<⎕NC∊validAPLType),∘⊂if≡⍵
[2]   ⍝ ⍵ list of fqns
[3]   ⍝ ← ⍵ filtered to include only extant items with no labels; derived fns;
[4]   ⍝     container spaces; instances; refs; or children of scripts or refs.
[5]   ⍝ Phil 2018-08-09 08.35
[6]    }

114. acre._code.whichProject (12 lines)

     ∇ whichProject←{
[1]        null⊢fqn←⊂if≡⍵:⍬
[2]        0∊⍴ids←openProjects'':{0}¨fqn
[3]        nss←,∘'.'¨path←ids.nspath
[4]        x←0=dss←(ids,0)path fqn           ⍝ items are projects
[5]        ~∨/x:dss
[6]        (x/dss)←{⊃1↓0,ids/⍨nss(⊃⍷)¨⊂⍵}/0,⍪x/fqn ⍝ items are members
[7]        dss
[8]   ⍝ ⍵ fqns
[9]   ⍝ ← dataspace or zero per fqn
[10]   }


1. acre._code.else (13 lines)

     ∇ else←{
[1]        ⍺←⊢
[2]        (1=⍺⊣0):⍺⍺⊣⍵    ⍝ antecedent
[3]        (0=⍺⊣1):⍵⍵⊣⍵    ⍝ consequent
[4]        (1 ⍺⍺ ⍵):0 ⍺⍺ ⍵ ⍝ antecedent then consequent
[5]        ⍵⍵⊣⍵            ⍝ else alternative
[6]   ⍝ ... if ... else ...
[7]   ⍝   antecedent else consequent else alternative
[8]   ⍝ applies antecedent followed by consequent or alternative to ⍵
[9]   ⍝   antecedent, consequent and alternative are arrays or monads
[10]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-01-22 07:53
[11]   }

2. (14 lines)

     ∇ eu←{
[1]        (⊂u⍳⍵)⌷⊢∘⍺⍺/0,⍪u←∪⍵
[2]   ⍝ each unique
[3]   ⍝ ⍺⍺ fn to run on each item of ⍵
[4]   ⍝ ⍵ vector
[5]   ⍝ ← equivalent of ⍺⍺¨⍵ ⍝ ***
[6]   ⍝   but having run ⍺⍺ on only a single
[7]   ⍝   instance of each unique value of ⍵
[8]   ⍝   *** and not at all if none.
[9]   ⍝ a fixed left arg can be composed with ⍺⍺ as in:
[10]  ⍝ larg∘fn eu rarg
[11]  ⍝ Phil Last 2017-12-20 08.57
[12]   }

3. acre._code.if (11 lines)

     ∇ if←{
[1]        1∊⍵⍵⊣⍵:⍺⍺⊣⍵
[2]        ⍵
[3]   ⍝ consequent if antecedent arg else arg
[4]   ⍝ ⍺⍺    any array or monad on ⍵ to return such
[5]   ⍝ ⍵⍵    boolean singleton or monad on ⍵ to return such
[6]   ⍝ ⍵     array (in domain of either or both of monad ⍺⍺ & ⍵⍵)
[7]   ⍝ ←     array ⍺⍺ or result of ⍺⍺ ⍵ or ⍵ unchanged
[8]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-01-22 12:34
[9]    }

4. acre._code.itemMethod (22 lines)

     ∇ itemMethod←{⍺←⊢ ⋄ mon←1≡⍺ 1
[1]        mon<null⊢items←⍵:''⊣showMsg MS.DM,SX.⍎⍺
[2]        0∊⍴ids←openProjects'':''⊣showMsg MS.GX
[3]        items←prefSpace items   ⍝ prefix non-FQNs
[4]        no←0=dat←whichProject items
[5]        z←showMsg MS.DI showList no/items
[6]        items dat/⍨←⊂~no
[7]        0∊⍴items:''⊣showMsg MS.DH
[8]   ⍝       ↓↓↓↓
[9]        ⊃if≢⍺⍺/dat{⍺ ⍵}⌸items
[11]  ⍝ [⍺]  name of method
[12]  ⍝ ⍺⍺   method to run - takes instance data space left arg
[13]  ⍝ ⍵    args
[14]  ⍝ args random list of items of possiby disparate projects
[15]  ⍝ Run instance method ⍺⍺ for each subgroup of ⍵
[16]  ⍝   corresponding to a tracked project
[17]  ⍝   Methods expected to take 1 or more names and return a subset
[18]  ⍝ ← results per project, '' if none
[19]  ⍝ Phil 2018-06-06 21.11
[20]   }

5. acre._code.projMethod (17 lines)

     ∇ projMethod←{⍺←⊢ ⋄ mon←1≡⍺ 1
[1]        args←⍵
[2]        proj arg←1(↑_↓)args
[3]        mon<(null proj)∨0∊⍴dats←openProjects'':''⊣showMsg MS.DM,SX.⍎⍺
[4]        msk←dats.nspath∊prefSpace proj
[5]        0=dat←⊃1↓0,msk/dats:''⊣showMsg MS.BW
[6]   ⍝       ↓↓↓↓
[7]        dat ⍺⍺ arg
[9]   ⍝ [⍺]  name of method
[10]  ⍝ ⍺⍺   method
[11]  ⍝ ⍵       args
[12]  ⍝ args    projectspace arg ...
[13]  ⍝ run instance method of project ref'd in first of args
[14]  ⍝ Phil Last 2018-01-10 21.54
[15]   }

6. acre._code.sharedMethod (11 lines)

     ∇ sharedMethod←{
[1]        arg←⍵
[2]   ⍝    ↓↓↓
[3]        MS.DM≡res←⍺⍺ arg:''⊣showMsg MS.DM,SX.⍎⍺
[4]        res
[6]   ⍝ nothing special - they have to do it all themselves except
[7]   ⍝ returning MS.DM displays syntax help for command.
[8]   ⍝ Phil 2018-01-25 08.05
[9]    }

7. acre._code.ticks (16 lines)

     ∇ ticks←{⍺←⊢ ⋄ p←⍺⊣1
[1]        s←⌈(≢⍵)×p÷100
[2]        t←⎕AI
[3]        r←⊢∘⍺⍺/0,⍪s↑⍵
[4]        1000>2⊃⎕AI-t:r,⊢∘⍺⍺/0,⍪s↓⍵
[5]        r,⊢∘⍺⍺/ 0,⍪s↓⍵
[6]   ⍝ [⍺] required percentage (dflt 1%) to run in one second to avoid ticks
[7]   ⍝ ⍵ vector
[8]   ⍝ ⍵⍵ fn to run on each item of ⍵
[9]   ⍝ ← ⍵⍵¨⍵
[10]  ⍝   display 1 second ticks if it takes more than one second
[11]  ⍝   to process the first a% of items
[12]  ⍝
[13]  ⍝ Phil 2018-08-09 12.25
[14]   }

8. acre._code.under (8 lines)

     ∇ under←{⍺←⊢
[1]        (⍵⍵ ⍺)⍺⍺ ⍵⍵ ⍵  ⍝ 40% faster than ⊃⍺⍺/⍵⍵¨⍺ ⍵
[2]   ⍝ dyad: ⍺⍺ twixt application of ⍵⍵ to each arg
[3]   ⍝ monad: reapply ⍵⍵ after ⍺⍺ ⍵⍵
[4]   ⍝   so might be useful for self inverse
[5]   ⍝ Phil Last 2017-12-04 08.28
[6]    }

9. acre._code.undoredo (31 lines)

     ∇ undoredo←{dat←⍺
[1]        ~dat.hist:''⊣dat noHistMsg''
[3]        sig←⍺⍺    ⍝ Undo - , Redo +
[4]        fqn←{⍵/⍨(#.⎕NC ⍵)∊validAPLType''},∘⊂if≡⍵
[5]        fil←dat getChangeFilenames fqn
[6]        null⊢fqn fil/⍨←⊂⎕NEXISTS¨fil:''
[7]        doit←{fqn fil←⍺ ⍵
[8]            f(n x)←0(¯1 ¯2)+2⍴⎕FSIZE t←fil ⎕FTIE 0
[9]            p←⎕FREAD t,n
[10]           q←f⌈x⌊p sig 1
[11]           p=q:'' ''⊣showMsg fqn excRep MS.BV⊣⎕FUNTIE t
[12]           n←q ⎕FREPLACE t,n
[13]           val←(⎕FUNTIE t)⊢⎕FREAD t,q
[14]           fqn val⊣showMsg fqn excRep⍕{⍺,'of',⍵}/q x-f-1
[15]       }
[16]       fqn val←↓⍉↑~∘∊⍨doit/fqn,⍪fil
[17]       type←nameClass fqn
[18]       null⊢fqn type val←fixValue fqn type val:''
[19]       fqn⊣dat putSource fqn type val
[20]  ⍝ ⍺ dat
[21]  ⍝ ⍵ fqns
[22]  ⍝ ← fqns where changed
[23]  ⍝   non-destructive,
[24]  ⍝   pointer change to previous edit if exists
[25]  ⍝   changefile is [orig edit1 edit2 ... ptr]
[26]  ⍝   putChange writes next edit to last comp and its number to next.
[27]  ⍝   this increments or decrements pointer twixt first & penultimate
[28]  ⍝ Phil Last 2018-01-14 23.07
[29]   }

10. acre._code.uniq (6 lines)

     ∇ uniq←{⍺←⊢
[1]        (⊂u⍳⍵)⌷⍺ ⍺⍺⊢u←∪⍵
[2]   ⍝ as ⍺ ⍺⍺ ⍵ but having applied ⍺⍺ to only uniq items of ⍵
[3]   ⍝ Phil 2018-02-18 20.42
[4]    }


1. acre._code.notesForAdvancedUsers

Rank: 1; Shape: 61; Depth: 2; Data Representation: 326

2. acre._code.releaseNotes

Rank: 1; Shape: 358; Depth: 2; Data Representation: 326

1.1.1. acre._code.AN


1. acre._code.AN.amend (9 lines)

     ∇ amend←{⍺←⊢
[1]        CODE.startSV 0:
[2]        CODE.SV.DB↓0::⎕SIGNAL/⌽⎕EN,⎕DM
[3]        ⍺ CODE.amend ⍵
[4]   ⍝ ⍵ APL array
[5]   ⍝ ← maybe amended via format ⎕ED decode
[6]   ⍝ Phil Last 2015-12-15
[7]    }

2. acre._code.AN.decode (9 lines)

     ∇ decode←{
[1]        CODE.startSV 0:
[2]        CODE.SV.DB↓0::⎕SIGNAL/⌽⎕EN,⎕DM
[3]        CODE.decode ⍵
[4]   ⍝ ⍵ Array Notation encoding
[5]   ⍝ ← original array represented by ⍵
[6]   ⍝ Phil Last 2015-12-12
[7]    }

3. acre._code.AN.encode (9 lines)

     ∇ encode←{
[1]        CODE.startSV 0:
[2]        CODE.SV.DB↓0::⎕SIGNAL/⌽⎕EN,⎕DM
[3]        CODE.encode ⍵
[4]   ⍝ ⍵ APL array
[5]   ⍝ ← inline Array Notation encoding of ⍵
[6]   ⍝ Phil Last 2015-12-12
[7]    }

4. acre._code.AN.format (10 lines)

     ∇ format←{⍺←⊢
[1]        CODE.startSV 0:
[2]        CODE.SV.DB↓0::⎕SIGNAL/⌽⎕EN,⎕DM
[3]        ⍺ CODE.format ⍵
[4]   ⍝ ⍺ see CODE
[5]   ⍝ ⍵ APL array
[6]   ⍝ ← pretty Array Notation encoding of ⍵
[7]   ⍝ Phil Last 2015-12-12
[8]    }

5. (5 lines)

     ∇ help←{
[1]⊣'' ⍝ array or function?
[2]   ⍝ Phil Last 2017-09-25 12.06
[3]    }

6. acre._code.AN.reset (6 lines)

     ∇ reset←{⍺←⊢
[1]        CODE.reset ⍵
[2]   ⍝ reset all options to default
[3]   ⍝ Phil Last 2016-01-06
[4]    }

7. acre._code.AN.session (13 lines)

     ∇ session←{
[1]        CODE.startSV 0:
[2]        CODE.SV.DB↓0::⎕SIGNAL/⌽⎕EN,⎕DM
[3]        ⎕THIS.sandbox←⎕NS''
[4]        OPTIONS.EX←(⍕⎕THIS),'.sandbox'
[5]        (reset ⎕EX'sandbox')⊢CODE.session ⍵
[7]   ⍝ ⍵ ?
[8]   ⍝   indent, await input, decode, format result +
[9]   ⍝ → to end
[10]  ⍝ Phil Last 2017-09-20 14.31
[11]   }


1. acre._code.AN.value (9 lines)

     ∇ value←{
[1]        CODE.startSV 0:
[2]        CODE.SV.DB↓0::⎕SIGNAL/⌽⎕EN,⎕DM
[3]        ⍺⍺ CODE.value ⍵
[4]   ⍝ ⍺⍺ dfn with embedded Array Notation encoding
[5]   ⍝ ←  decoded value
[6]   ⍝ Phil Last 2015-12-16
[7]    }
     ∇ acre._code.AN.CODE




1. acre._code.AN.CODE.amend (14 lines)

     ∇ amend←{⍺←⊢
[1]        SV.DB↓0::⎕SIGNAL/⌽⎕EN,⎕DM
[2]   ⍝     ns←#.⎕NS''
[3]        ns←⎕NS''
[4]        name←'APL','array' 'space'⊃⍨9=⎕NC'⍵'
[5]        1∘⊃⍣(1≢⍺ 1)decode name ns.{⍎⍺⊣⎕ED ⍺⊣⍎⍺,'←⍵'}format ⍺ ⍵
[7]   ⍝ amend any(?) array
[8]   ⍝ ⍵ array
[9]   ⍝ ← possibly amended ⍵
[10]  ⍝ see format, encode, decode, SV
[11]  ⍝ Phil Last 2015-12-15
[12]   }

2. acre._code.AN.CODE.blank (5 lines)

     ∇ blank←{
[1]        ⍵,' '
[2]   ⍝
[3]    }

3. acre._code.AN.CODE.bracket (6 lines)

     ∇ bracket←{
[1]        SV.LB,⍵,SV.RB
[2]   ⍝ bracket arg
[3]   ⍝ Phil Last 2015-12-12
[4]    }

4. acre._code.AN.CODE.brackets (9 lines)

     ∇ brackets←{arg←' ',⍵
[1]        q←quoted arg
[2]        1↓-∘⊃⍨-⌿+\(q(<⍤1)0 ¯1⌽SV.LB SV.RB∘.=⊢)arg
[3]   ⍝    r←-∘⊃⍨-⌿+\(q(<⍤1)0 ¯1⌽SV.LB SV.RB∘.=⊢)arg
[4]   ⍝    1↓r-(SV.LB='[')∧(r>0)>1∊r/⍨q<SV.CS=arg
[5]   ⍝ level of nesting of brackets - commented implements require CS if LB='['
[6]   ⍝ Phil Last 2015-12-12
[7]    }

5. acre._code.AN.CODE.catalog (21 lines)

     ∇ catalog←{opt←⍵ ⋄ cat←⎕NS''
[1]        0⊣SV.{⍎⍺,'←⍵'}/##.OPTIONS.({(↓⍵),⍪1↓⍎'0',,' ',⍵}⎕NL 2.1): ⍝ copy options to SV
[2]   ⍝     raw←''⍬(0 0⍴' ')(#.⎕NS'')                                 ⍝ null str, vec, mat & ns
[3]        raw←''⍬(0 0⍴' ')(⎕NS'')                                 ⍝ null str, vec, mat & ns
[4]        enc←SV.((AP,AP,' ')(,ZE)(LB CS RB)(LB CS AS RB))          ⍝ ditto
[5]        cat.(key val)←cat,¨opt⌽raw enc
[6]        cat⊣cat.def←SV.(LB,CS,(CI⌷CM AS),RB)     ⍝ trap circle or not
[7]        ⍝ rather than spending time looking for circular refs we use the memoizing default
[8]        ⍝ to force a domain error by having it nested. see previous
[9]   ⍝ memoising catalog
[10]  ⍝ ⍺ ?
[11]  ⍝ ⍵ 0 - encode - key is data and val is encoding
[12]  ⍝   1 - decode - key is encoding and val is data
[13]  ⍝ ← cat with initial members of key and val for empty string, vector and space
[14]  ⍝   and def being default encoding for incomplete structures.
[15]  ⍝   Option CI (circular) (dflt 0) forces a DOMAIN ERROR when attempting to encode
[16]  ⍝   a circular ref. Setting this to 1 encodes them as empty space '[⋄←]'
[17]  ⍝   see SV reset
[18]  ⍝ Phil Last 2015-12-12
[19]   }

6. acre._code.AN.CODE.decode (28 lines)

     ∇ decode←{arg←⍵
[1]        SV.DB↓0::⎕SIGNAL/⌽⎕EN,⎕DM
[2]        ⍺←catalog 1⊣arg←prepare ⍵             ⍝ once
[3]        cat←⍺
[4]        rec←cat∘∇                             ⍝ recursive
[5]        cat≢res←cat previous arg:res          ⍝ done?
[6]        end←{cat record ⍺ ⍵}
[7]        ' '∧.=arg:arg end''                   ⍝ null ??
[8]        lvl←brackets arg                      ⍝ '0[1[2]1]' → 0 1 1 2 2 2 1 1
[9]        ∧/lvl=0:arg end exec⊢arg              ⍝ simple executable string
[10]       ∧/lvl>0:{                             ⍝ multi-d array
[11]           pts←~∘∊⍨((SV.CS∘≠∨quoted∨0<brackets)ml3.⊂⊢)1↓¯1↓arg
[12]           ns←∨/(1=lvl)∧(SV.AS∘=>quoted)arg  ⍝ or namespace
[13]           ns∧←∧/{SV.AS=⊃⍵/⍨~∧\⍵∊SV.AZ}¨pts
[14]           ns:arg end rec assign pts
[15]           arg end↑(1/rec)eu pts             ⍝ diamond delimited
[16]       }arg
[17]       pts←~∘∊⍨arg parts lvl                 ⍝ parse items
[18]       pts/⍨←~pts(∧/∊)¨⊂' ',SV.CS            ⍝ rem extra diamonds
[19]       r←rec eu pts/⍨net←SV.LB=⊃¨pts         ⍝
[20]       exp←({⍕'(',⍵,'⊃⍺)'}¨⍳⍴r)am(net∘/)pts
[21]       arg end r exec⍕exp   ⍝ execute of composed expression
[22]  ⍝ [⍺] catalog passed recursively
[23]  ⍝  ⍵  encoding - see amend, encode, format, SV
[24]  ⍝  ←  array
[25]  ⍝ Phil Last 2015-12-12
[26]   }

7. acre._code.AN.CODE.desc (10 lines)

     ∇ desc←{1 1↓¯1↓⎕CR⊃⎕SI
[2]   ⍝ contains all the code except the public functions and operator(s)
[3]   ⍝   each of which has its counterpart here that does the biz.
[4]   ⍝ also the scripted SV that holds the global values such as delimiters
[5]   ⍝   that can be changed by setting them in ##.OPTIONS - see ##.reset
[6]   ⍝ Phil Last 2016-01-08
[8]    }

8. acre._code.AN.CODE.descape (14 lines)

     ∇ descape←{SV.DB↓0::⎕SIGNAL/⌽⎕EN,⎕DM
[1]        s←⍵
[2]        ~∨/e←s=SV.EE:s
[3]        i←(⍳5)∘.+e/⍳⍴e                         ⍝ escape + 4 hex digits
[4]        e[i]←~e[i]                             ⍝ where s → 0; where hex → 1
[5]   ⍝ above is NOT redundant given ~e in last line
[6]   ⍝                          ⎕D,   'ABCDEF'  ,⎕D,  'abcdef'
[7]        s[⊣⌿i]←⎕UCS 16⊥16|'0123456789ABCDEF0123456789abcdef'⍳s[1↓i] ⍝ decode
[8]        ⍵{5=⍴⍺:⍬⍴⍵ ⋄ ⍵}s/⍨~e                   ⍝ rem hex
[9]   ⍝ ⍵ string with escape sequences
[10]  ⍝ ← decoded string
[11]  ⍝ Phil Last 2015-05-20
[12]   }

9. acre._code.AN.CODE.diamond (6 lines)

     ∇ diamond←{
[1]        SV.CS,⍵
[2]   ⍝ prefix diamond
[3]   ⍝ Phil Last 2015-12-12
[4]    }

10. acre._code.AN.CODE.enclose (7 lines)

     ∇ enclose←{
[1]   ⍝     (paren SV.EC,⊢)⍣(0=≢⍴⍺)⊢⍵
[2]        SV.EC∘,⍣(0=≢⍴⍺)⊢⍵
[3]   ⍝ prefix enclose '⊂' if scalar
[4]   ⍝ Phil Last 2015-12-14
[5]    }

11. acre._code.AN.CODE.encode (21 lines)

     ∇ encode←{SV.DB↓0::⎕SIGNAL/⌽⎕EN,⎕DM
[1]        ⍺←catalog 0 ⋄ cat←⍺ ⋄ arg←⍵
[2]        cat≢res←cat previous arg:res                                           ⍝ done?
[3]        end←{cat record ⍺ ⍵}
[4]        0∊⍴arg:arg end paren(⍕⍴arg),SV.RS,cat ∇⊃arg                            ⍝ empty
[5]        n t←1 0=2 10|⎕DR arg                                                   ⍝ type
[6]   ⍝     n:arg end blank arg ravel rank2code paren⍣(≡arg)⍕arg                  ⍝ simple
[7]        n:arg end blank arg ravel rank2code paren⍣((,1)≡1<⍴arg)⍕arg            ⍝ simple
[8]        t:arg end blank escape⍣t⊢arg ravel rank2code quote arg                 ⍝ simple
[9]        0=≡arg:arg end cat∘∇ space arg                                         ⍝ space
[10]       1=≡arg:arg end paren arg ravel arg enclose rank2code arg onecol↑,/cat ∇¨arg  ⍝ mixed
[11]       1:arg end paren arg ravel arg enclose rank2code arg onecol↑,/cat ∇¨arg ⍝ nested
[13]       arg end SV.(LB CS AS RB)                                               ⍝ error
[14]  ⍝ [⍺] catalog passed recursively
[15]  ⍝  ⍵  array
[16]  ⍝  ←  encoding
[17]  ⍝     see amend, decode, format, SV
[18]  ⍝ Phil Last 2015-12-12
[19]   }

12. acre._code.AN.CODE.escape (10 lines)

     ∇ escape←{
[1]        ~∨/b←⍵∊SV.EE,SV.UT:⍵
[2]        a w←b ⍵/¨⍨⊂1+4×b
[3]        w⊣(a/w)←,SV.EE,(⎕D,⎕A)[⍉(4⍴16)⊤⎕UCS b/⍵]
[4]   ⍝ ⍺ boolean untypeable ⍵
[5]   ⍝ ⍵ text string
[6]   ⍝ ← ⍵ with untypeable chars escaped
[7]   ⍝ Phil Last 2015-05-01
[8]    }

13. acre._code.AN.CODE.exec (10 lines)

     ∇ exec←{SV.DB↓0::⎕SIGNAL/⌽⎕EN,⎕DM
[1]        ''≡str←trim ⍵:str
[2]        ns←⍎SV.EX
[3]        ∧/quoted str:descape ns.⍎str ⍝ external execute
[4]        ns.⍎⊢descape str             ⍝ ditto
[5]   ⍝ ⍵ executable string maybe with escaped ctrl chars
[6]   ⍝ ← evaluated before if all quoted else after replacing ctrl chars
[7]   ⍝ Phil Last 2015-12-16
[8]    }

14. acre._code.AN.CODE.expand (6 lines)

     ∇ expand←{
[1]        ⍵\⍨{(¯1⌽1+⍳+/⍵)∊+\⍵}1+(quoted<SV.RB SV.LB⍷⊢)⍵
[2]   ⍝ unquoted ][ → ] [
[3]   ⍝ Phil Last 2015-12-16
[4]    }

15. acre._code.AN.CODE.format (22 lines)

     ∇ format←{⍺←⊢ ⋄ dpt←⍺⊣1 ⋄ dta←⍵
[1]        SV.DB↓0::⎕SIGNAL/⌽⎕EN,⎕DM
[2]        and←{⍺⍺⊣⍵:⍵⍵ ⍵ ⋄ 0}
[3]        l←(1=≢∘⍴)and(4<≢)and(2=≡)and(∧/(''≡0∘/)¨)dta
[4]        n←(paren SV.RV,⊢)⍣l encode⍪⍣l⊢dta
[5]        q←quoted n
[6]        d←q<n∊SV.(CS,RB)
[7]        x←{⍵/¨⍨SV.RB=⍵}d/n
[8]        b←-⌿+\q<⍤1⊢SV.(LB,RB)∘.=n
[9]        r←⊃,/(x,¨⍨SV.CR↑¨⍨1+SV.IN×d/b)⊣am(d∘/)⊢n
[10]       dpt=2:(1↓¨⊢⊂⍨⊢=⊃)SV.CR,r
[11]       r
[12]  ⍝ ⍺
[13]  ⍝   1: as CR separated string (dflt)
[14]  ⍝   2: as list of strings
[15]  ⍝ ⍵ APL array
[16]  ⍝ ← pretty Array Notation encoding of ⍵
[17]  ⍝   see amend, encode, decode, SV
[18]  ⍝ relies on redundant diamond encoded after left bracket
[19]  ⍝ Phil Last 2015-12-12
[20]   }

16. acre._code.AN.CODE.members (9 lines)

     ∇ members←{
[1]        ⍵.({⍵,⍪1↓⍎¨'0',⍵}~∘' '¨↓⎕NL 2 9) ⍝ 2.1 9.1)
[2]   ⍝ ⍵ space
[3]   ⍝ ← 2d members
[4]   ⍝   name value
[5]   ⍝   nam. valu.
[6]   ⍝   ...  ...
[7]    }

17. acre._code.AN.CODE.onecol (8 lines)

     ∇ onecol←{
[1]        SV.EC∘,⍣(1=0⊥⍴⍺)⊢⍵
[2]   ⍝ ⍺ array
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ multi-d encoding
[4]   ⍝ ← ensure single col enclosed
[5]   ⍝ Phil Last 2015-12-12
[6]    }

18. acre._code.AN.CODE.paren (6 lines)

     ∇ paren←{
[1]        SV.LP,⍵,SV.RP
[2]   ⍝ parenthesise ⍵
[3]   ⍝ Phil Last 2015-12-12
[4]    }

19. (7 lines)

     ∇ parts←{
[1]        (⍺⊂⍨⊢≠¯1↓(~⊃),⊢)∘(0∘<)⍵
[2]   ⍝ partition ⍺ by contiguous booleans in ⍵
[3]   ⍝ 'ZeroOneTwoThree' part 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 → 'Zero' 'One' 'Two' 'Three'
[4]   ⍝ Phil Last 2015-12-14
[5]    }

20. acre._code.AN.CODE.prepare (16 lines)

     ∇ prepare←{⍺←⊢
[1]        arg←{
[2]            dec←{(,⍵)/⍨,∧\(quoted∨'⍝'≠⊢)⍵}
[3]            SV.CR∊⍵:⊃,/dec¨{⍵⊂⍨⍵=⊃⍵}SV.CR,⍵  ⍝ CR separated string
[4]            2=|≡⍵:⊃,/SV.CS,¨dec¨⍵            ⍝ list of strings
[5]            1=⍴⍴⍵:dec ⍵                      ⍝ ⋄ separated string
[6]            2=⍴⍴⍵:dec SV.CS,⍵                ⍝ 2-D
[7]        }⍵
[8]        res←expand SV.CS am(((SV.CR∘=>quoted)arg)∘/)⊢arg ⍝ replace CRs
[9]        res⊣(((quoted<∊∘SV.UT)res)/res)←' '   ⍝ rem funny chars
[10]  ⍝ expect CR separated string, text matrix or list of strings,
[11]  ⍝ any of which can be commented; or diamond separated string
[12]  ⍝ whose first comment terminates the encoding.
[13]  ⍝ Phil Last 2017-05-23 08.53
[14]   }

21. acre._code.AN.CODE.previous (14 lines)

     ∇ previous←{cat←⍺ ⋄ arg←⍵
[1]        cat≢res←cat.(((≢key)|key⍳⊂⍵)⊃val):res ⍝ been there, done that,
[2]        cat⊣cat.(key val),←⊂¨⍵ cat.def        ⍝ this is NOT the tee-shirt
[3]   ⍝ ⍺ cat - see catalog
[4]   ⍝ ⍵ arg which might or might not be in cat.key
[5]   ⍝ ← if arg in cat.key then corresponding cat.val
[6]   ⍝   else cat after adding arg and default cat.def to cat.key and cat.val
[7]   ⍝   to be overwritten with the complete result when computed. see record.
[8]   ⍝   The only way the default can be returned is if arg is a circular
[9]   ⍝   reference whose encoding is as yet incomplete and it is designed
[10]  ⍝   to cause a domain error.
[11]  ⍝ Phil Last 2015-12-12
[12]   }

22. acre._code.AN.CODE.quote (6 lines)

     ∇ quote←{
[1]        SV.AP{⍺{1⌽⍵/⍨1+⍺=⍵}⍺,⍵}⍤1⊢⍵
[2]   ⍝ double quotes
[3]   ⍝ Phil Last 2015-12-12
[4]    }

23. acre._code.AN.CODE.quoted (6 lines)

     ∇ quoted←{
[1]        (≠\∨⊢)SV.AP=⍵
[2]   ⍝ is it?
[3]   ⍝ Phil Last 2015-12-12
[4]    }

24. acre._code.AN.CODE.rank2code (8 lines)

     ∇ rank2code←{SV.DB↓0::⎕SIGNAL/⌽⎕EN,⎕DM
[1]        SV.DB<1≠≡⍵:SV.CM ⎕SIGNAL 11
[2]        bracket∘{(,⌽∨\⌽⍵≠' ')/,⍵}∘diamond⍤2⍣{2>≢⍴⍺}⍣(1<≢⍴⍵)⊢⍵
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ simple text array encoding of cells
[4]   ⍝ ← ⍵ - bracketted and ravelled twixt diamonds if 1<⍴⍴⍵
[5]   ⍝ Phil Last 2015-12-12
[6]    }

25. acre._code.AN.CODE.ravel (6 lines)

     ∇ ravel←{
[1]        (paren SV.RV,⊢)⍣((,1)≡⍴⍺)⊢⍵
[2]   ⍝ prefix comma if 1-item vector or string
[3]   ⍝ Phil Last 2015-12-14
[4]    }

26. acre._code.AN.CODE.record (10 lines)

     ∇ record←{cat←⍺ ⋄ key val←⍵
[1]        ⊢((cat.key⍳⊂key)⊃cat.val)←val
[2]   ⍝ ⍺ cat - see catalog
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ key val
[4]   ⍝ ← val having overwritten cat.val where cat.key is key
[5]   ⍝   key will always be recorded in cat.key where it has been placed
[6]   ⍝   by previous along with val cat.def - a memoising default
[7]   ⍝ Phil Last 2015-12-12
[8]    }

27. acre._code.AN.CODE.reset (5 lines)

     ∇ reset←{⍺←⊢
[1]        'ok'⊣##.OPTIONS SV.{opts←⍺ ⋄ 'opts'⎕NS⊃∩/(⎕THIS ⍺).⎕NL-2.1}⊣startSV 1
[2]   ⍝ Phil Last 2016-01-06
[3]    }

28. acre._code.AN.CODE.session (11 lines)

     ∇ session←{
[1]        SV.DB↓0::⎕SIGNAL/⌽⎕EN,⎕DM
[2]        {
[3]            i←{∇⍣(z≢∊z)⊢⍵,⊂z←⍞}⊂⍞,0⍴⍞←SV.IN⍴' '
[4]            '→'∊i:'bye'
[5]            ∇ ⎕←format decode i
[6]        }encode 0
[7]   ⍝ indent, await input until blank line or '→', decode, format
[8]   ⍝ Phil Last 2017-09-20 22.34
[9]    }

29. acre._code.AN.CODE.startSV (43 lines)

     ∇ startSV←{
[1]        ⍵<×⎕NC'SV':0                      ⍝ as is if exists and not forced
[2]        hic←⎕THIS
[3]        hic.io1←{⍵⊣⍵.⎕IO←1}⎕NS''
[4]        hic.ml3←{⍵⊣⍵.⎕ML←3}⎕NS''
[5]        hic.SB←⎕NS''
[6]        hic.⎕PP←{0::⍵ ⋄ ∇ ⎕PP←1+⍵}⎕PP
[7]        hic.SV←{                          ⍝ else [re]-create
[8]            ⍵.AP←''''                     ⍝ apostrophe
[9]            ⍵.AS←'←'                      ⍝ assignment
[10]           ⍵.AZ←{⍵/⍨0≤⎕NC'_',⍪⍵}⎕UCS⍳256 ⍝ name alphabet
[11]           ⍵.CI←0                        ⍝ circular refs
[12]           ⍵.CM←'CIRCULAR REFERENCE'     ⍝ msg
[13]           ⍵.CR←⎕UCS 13                  ⍝ carriage return
[14]           ⍵.CS←'⋄'                      ⍝ cell separator
[15]           ⍵.DB←0                        ⍝ debug ON/OFF - 1/0 - trap if OFF
[16]           ⍵.DQ←'"'                      ⍝ doublequote
[17]           ⍵.EC←'⊂'                      ⍝ enclose scalar or unit column
[18]           ⍵.EE←'⍞'                      ⍝ escape
[19]  ⍝ any quoted character MAY be encoded as EE,4 hex digits:
[20]  ⍝ 0-9,A-F or 0-9,a-f, representing its Unicode code-point
[21]           ⍵.EX←'SB'                     ⍝ where executa
[22]           ⍵.IN←4                        ⍝ depth indent (format)
[23]           ⍵.LB←'['                      ⍝ left bracket
[24]           ⍵.LP←'('                      ⍝ left paren
[25]           ⍵.QN←'⎕NULL '                 ⍝ disp as is not as '[NULL]'
[26]           ⍵.RB←']'                      ⍝ right bracket
[27]           ⍵.RP←')'                      ⍝ right paren
[28]           ⍵.RS←'⍴⊂'                     ⍝ reshape on empty
[29]           ⍵.RV←','                      ⍝ ravel singleton
[30]           ⍵.ZE←'⍬'                      ⍝ empty vector (zilde)
[31]           ⍵.UT←⎕UCS(⍳32),133 160            ⍝ untypeable
[32]  ⍝         ⍵.UT←⎕UCS 0 2 8 9 10 13 28 29 30 31 133 160 ⍝ non-printing
[33]  ⍝ all these untypeables WILL be encoded with EE as above '⍞0000' - '⍞00A0'
[34]           ⍵
[35]       }⎕NS''
[36]       0
[37]  ⍝ session variable space
[38]  ⍝ ⍵ force new
[39]  ⍝ ← 0
[40]  ⍝ Phil Last 2017-02-16 19.24
[41]   }

30. acre._code.AN.CODE.trim (6 lines)

     ∇ trim←{
[1]        {(+/∧\⍵∊' ',SV.CS)↓⍵}∘⌽⍣2⊢⍵
[2]   ⍝ rem pre and post blanks and diamonds
[3]   ⍝ Phil Last 2015-12-12
[4]    }


1. (10 lines)

     ∇ am←{⍺←⊢
[1]        W⊣W[i]←⍺ ⍺⍺⊣W[i←(⊂⍴W)|⍵⍵⊣⍳⍴W←⍵]
[2]   ⍝ amend - [⍺](mod amend sel)⍵
[3]   ⍝ [⍺] larg to ⍺⍺
[4]   ⍝ ⍺⍺  modifier of selection of ⍵ or replacement thereof
[5]   ⍝ ⍵⍵  selection function on ⍳⍴⍵ or selection thereof
[6]   ⍝ ⍵   data to be amended
[7]   ⍝ Phil Last 2015-12-12
[8]    }

2. acre._code.AN.CODE.assign (13 lines)

     ∇ assign←{SV.DB↓0::⎕SIGNAL/⌽⎕EN,⎕DM
[1]        rec←⍺⍺ ⋄ arg←⍵
[2]        ns←(⍎SV.EX).⎕NS''
[3]        as←arg⍳¨SV.AS
[4]        nam←as↑¨arg
[5]        nam as arg/⍨←⊂~nam∊∊nam
[6]        val←rec¨(1+as)↓¨arg
[7]        ns⊣ns.{⍎⍺,'←⍵'}/nam,⍪val
[8]   ⍝ ⍺⍺ cat decode
[9]   ⍝ ⍵  pairs - 'name←val'
[10]  ⍝ ←  ns
[11]   }

3. (12 lines)

     ∇ eu←{SV.DB↓0::⎕SIGNAL/⌽⎕EN,⎕DM
[1]        (⊂u⍳⍵)⌷⍺⍺¨u←∪,⍵
[2]        ⍵ ⍺⍺¨{(⊂⍵⍳⍺)⌷⍺⍺ ⍵}∪⍵
[3]   ⍝ each unique
[4]   ⍝ ⍺⍺ fn to run on each item of ⍵
[5]   ⍝ ⍵ array in domain of ⍺⍺¨
[6]   ⍝ ← equivalent of ⍺⍺¨⍵
[7]   ⍝   but having run ⍺⍺ on only a single
[8]   ⍝   instance of each unique value of ⍵
[9]   ⍝ Phil Last 2015-12-15
[10]   }

4. acre._code.AN.CODE.member (9 lines)

     ∇ member←{SV.DB↓0::⎕SIGNAL/⌽⎕EN,⎕DM
[1]        ⍺←⊢
[2]        ⍺,SV.AS,⍺⍺ ⍵
[3]   ⍝ ⍺ name
[4]   ⍝ ⍺⍺ cat∘encode
[5]   ⍝ ⍵ value
[6]   ⍝ ← encoding
[7]    }

5. (13 lines)

     ∇ space←{SV.DB↓0::⎕SIGNAL/⌽⎕EN,⎕DM
[1]        ⎕NULL=arg←⍵:SV.QN
[2]        0∊⍴mem←members arg:SV.(LB CS AS RB) ⍝ SV.LB SV.CS SV.AS LB.RB
[3]        rank2code↑⍺⍺ member/mem
[4]   ⍝ ⍺⍺ encode
[5]   ⍝ ⍵  space or ⎕NULL
[6]   ⍝ ←  2d members
[7]   ⍝    name value
[8]   ⍝    nam. valu.
[9]   ⍝    ...  ...
[10]  ⍝ Phil Last 2017-02-16 19.24
[11]   }

6. acre._code.AN.CODE.value (7 lines)

     ∇ value←{⍺←⊢
[1]        decode,SV.CR,1↓¯1↓⎕CR(f←⍺⍺)/'f'
[2]   ⍝ ⍺⍺ dfn with embedded encoding
[3]   ⍝ ←  decode value
[4]   ⍝ Phil Last 2015-12-16
[5]    }



Rank: 1; Shape: 183; Depth: 2; Data Representation: 326 acre._code.AN.OPTIONS


1. acre._code.AN.OPTIONS.desc (11 lines)

     ∇ desc←{1 1↓¯1↓⎕CR⊃⎕SI
[2]   ⍝ You may put certain named values in this ns to override the defaults:
[3]   ⍝   DB debug           zero traps, one does not                         default: zero
[4]   ⍝   CI circular refs   zero throws error, one substitutes an empty ref  default: zero
[5]   ⍝   EX execute space   FQN of space wherein to evaluate expressions     default: '#'
[6]   ⍝   IN indent          rank offset for format                           default: 2
[7]   ⍝ Use: ... ##.reset 0 ⍝ to return all values to their defaults.
[8]   ⍝ Phil Last 2016-01-06
[9]    }

1.1.2. acre._code.DT


1. acre._code.DT.ad2dt (13 lines)

     ∇ ad2dt←{
[1]        d←⍉(dt2ts ⍵)+∘(7∘↑)⍤1⊢⍺
[2]        m d←1 0+(0 12)(0 24 60 60 1000)(⊣⊤⊥)¨(¯1+2↑d)(2↓d)
[3]        (1 0 0 0 0⌿d)+←d2s⍉m⍪0
[4]        ts2dt(s2d⊣⌿d),⍉1↓d
[5]   ⍝ ⍺ period(s)    - y m d h m s m      - vector or matrix - any may be +/-
[6]   ⍝ ⍵ date.time(s) - yyyymmdd.hhmmssmmm - scalar or vector
[7]   ⍝   ⍺ conforms ⍤ 1 0 ⊢ ⍵
[8]   ⍝       i.e. each vector in ⍺ corresponds to each element in ⍵
[9]   ⍝ ← date.time ← period ∇ date.time
[10]  ⍝ Phil Last 2015-11-13
[11]   }

2. acre._code.DT.d2s (11 lines)

     ∇ d2s←{⎕IO←⎕ML←0                              ⍝ origin 0 on 0001-01-01
[1]        y m d←↓⍉↑,↓⍵                            ⍝ separate years months & days
[2]        Y←{(⍵×365)+(⌊⍵÷4)-(⌊⍵÷100)-⌊⍵÷400}y-1   ⍝ days for full years
[3]        M←(+\0 0 31 28,10⍴5⍴31 30)[m]           ⍝ days to previous month end
[4]        M←M+(m>2)∧(0=4|y)>(0=100|y)>(0=400|y)   ⍝ + leap day after Feb
[5]        (⍵∨.≠0)×Y+M+d                           ⍝ total proleptic gregorian days
[6]   ⍝ ⍵ yyyy mm dd - 3 cols
[7]   ⍝ ← dddd       - rank 1
[8]   ⍝ aka "Gregorian Serial Date"
[9]    }

3. acre._code.DT.dd2dt (6 lines)

     ∇ dd2dt←{
[1]        ts2dt dd2ts ⍵
[2]   ⍝ ⍵ days.decs - ddddd.dddddd          - shape any
[3]   ⍝ ← date.time - yyyymmdd.hhmmssmmm    - shape ⍴⍵
[4]    }

4. acre._code.DT.dd2ts (9 lines)

     ∇ dd2ts←{
[1]        dhm←24 60 60 1000
[2]        (s2d⌊⍵),⍉dhm⊤⍉⌊0.5+(1|⍵)××/dhm
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ days.decs ddddd.dddddd            - shape any
[4]   ⍝ ← timestamp yyyy mm dd hh mm ss mmm - shape (⍴⍵),7
[5]   ⍝ try (dt2fm∘ts2dt∘dd2ts)(24÷⍨6+2.2×1○2×○(92⌽⍳366)÷366)+(39436+⍳366)
[6]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-02-11 08:38
[7]    }

5. acre._code.DT.dt2dd (6 lines)

     ∇ dt2dd←{
[1]        ts2dd dt2ts ⍵
[2]   ⍝ ⍵ date.time - yyyymmdd.hhmmssmmm    - shape any
[3]   ⍝ ← days.decs - ddddd.dddddd          - shape ⍴⍵
[4]    }

6. acre._code.DT.dt2dt (10 lines)

     ∇ dt2dt←{dhm←24 60 60 1000
[1]        ts2dt dd2ts(ts2dd dt2ts ⍺)+⊃+/{
[2]            (×/dhm)÷⍨dhm⊥(3 1/10*2 3)⊤⌊0.5+⍵×10*9
[3]        }\⊂[1+⍳⍴⍴⍵]0 1⊤⍵
[4]   ⍝ ⍺ date.time    - yyyymmdd.hhmmssmmm
[5]   ⍝ ⍵ +/-days.time - dd.hhmmssmmm
[6]   ⍝ ← date.time ⍺+⍵
[7]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-02-21 09:43
[8]    }

7. acre._code.DT.dt2fm (9 lines)

     ∇ dt2fm←{⎕CT←0 ⍝ don't let ⌊ round UP
[1]        ((⍴⍵),19)⍴'O<>G<9999-99-99 99:99:99>'⎕FMT⌊,⍵×10*6
[2]   ⍝    ((⍴⍵),19)⍴'K6G<9999-99-99 99:99:99>'⎕FMT,⍵
[3]   ⍝ above gives 2008-02-19 08:11:60 for 20080219.081159910
[4]   ⍝ ⍵ date.time yyyymmdd.hhmmssmmm    - shape any
[5]   ⍝ ← chararray 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss' - shape (⍴⍵),19
[6]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-02-21 09:38
[7]    }

8. acre._code.DT.dt2mm (8 lines)

     ∇ dt2mm←{
[1]        0 12⊥0 100⊤⌊⍵÷100
[2]   ⍝ ⍵ date.time      - shape any
[3]   ⍝ ← months         - shape ⍴⍵
[4]   ⍝ origin is 1 Jan 1 bce (for what it's worth)
[5]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-02-22 16:41
[6]    }

9. acre._code.DT.dt2ts (7 lines)

     ∇ dt2ts←{
[1]        ⍉⌊(0,5 1/10*2 3)⊤⍉⍵×10*9
[2]   ⍝ ⍵ date.time - yyyymmdd.hhmmssmmm      - shape any
[3]   ⍝ ← timestamp - yyyy mm dd hh mm ss mmm - shape (⍴⍵),7
[4]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-02-20 22:49
[5]    }

10. acre._code.DT.dt2wd (18 lines)

     ∇ dt2wd←{
[1]        d←7|¯1+s←d2s⍉↑y m d←↓0 100 100⊤,⌊⍵
[2]        n←s-(⊂u⍳y)⌷d2s(u←∪y),⍤0 1⊢1 1
[3]        w←⌊(10+n-d)÷7
[4]        0 1 0 1+⍤1⊢y,n,w,⍪d
[6]   ⍝ l t←↓⍉(⊂u⍳y)⌷{(0=4|⍵)>(0=100|⍵)>0=400|⍵}u∘.-1 0 ⍝ leap last and this
[8]   ⍝ ⍵ date/datetime yyyymmdd treated as vector
[9]   ⍝ ← year yearday weekno weekday (4 cols)
[10]  ⍝ yearday: 1 Jan ←→ 1
[11]  ⍝ weekno, weekday: ISO - week 1 includes 4 Jan and Mon is day 1
[12]  ⍝ - except -
[13]  ⍝ weekno is 0 to 53 where 0 SHOULD be last week of previous year
[14]  ⍝ (52 or 53) and year-1;
[15]  ⍝ and 53 MIGHT be first of next and year+1
[16]   }

11. acre._code.DT.fd2ts (10 lines)

     ∇ fd2ts←{
[1]        s←719163    ⍝ days before 1970 1 1 - ts2dd 1970 1 1
[2]        d←5184000   ⍝ 60th secs per day    - ×/24 60 60 60
[3]        dd2ts s+⍵÷d ⍝ inv → d×s-⍨ts2dd ⍵
[4]   ⍝ filedate to timestamp
[5]   ⍝ ⍵ filedate - ⊢/⎕FRDCI - 60th secs since 1970-01-01 00.00
[6]   ⍝ ← timestamp - shape as (⍴⍵),7
[7]   ⍝ Phil Last 2017-10-31 07.57
[8]    }

12. acre._code.DT.fm2dt (10 lines)

     ∇ fm2dt←{
[1]        (¯1↓⍴⍵)⍴{⍵÷10*¯7+⌊10⍟⍵+⍵=0}1⊃⎕VFI⊃,/,' 0'∘,¨~∘' -:/.'¨↓⍵
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ formatted array 'yyyy mm dd [hh[mm[ss]]]' - rank>0
[4]   ⍝   permitted separators '-/ :.' first eight digits are yyyymmdd
[5]   ⍝ ← date.time  yyyymmdd.hhmmss      - shape ¯1↓⍴⍵
[6]   ⍝ for dates twixt 1 Jan 1000 and 31 Dec 9999
[7]   ⍝ Phil 2018-06-21 09.27
[8]    }

13. acre._code.DT.mm2dt (7 lines)

     ∇ mm2dt←{
[1]        101+100×100⊥0 12⊤⍵-1
[2]   ⍝ ⍵ months       - shape any
[3]   ⍝ ← date.time    - shape ⍴⍵
[4]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-02-25 11:23
[5]    }

14. acre._code.DT.s2d (20 lines)

     ∇ s2d←{⎕IO←⎕ML←0                   ⍝ origin 1 on 0001-01-01
[1]        d←,⍵-1                       ⍝ proleptic gregorian days
[2]        q c o y←0                    ⍝ local
[3]        q d∘←↓0 146097⊤d             ⍝ quadricentennium - 400 100 4 1+.×365 1 ¯1 1
[4]        c d∘←↓0 36524⊤d              ⍝ century          -    100 25 1+.×365 1 ¯1
[5]        s←c=4                        ⍝ end of quadricentennium
[6]        o d∘←↓0 1461⊤d               ⍝ quadrennium      -         4 1+.×365 1
[7]        y d∘←↓0 365⊤d                ⍝ year & day
[8]        s∨←y=4                       ⍝ end of quadrennium
[9]        y d+←1+¯1 365×⊂s             ⍝ end of century/quadricentennium
[10]       y∘←↑q c o y+.×400 100 4 1    ⍝ total years
[11]       l←=⌿0=4 100 400∘.|y          ⍝ leap year
[12]       m←(1 31 29,10⍴5⍴31 30)/⍳13   ⍝ a year of months
[13]       d+←l<d>59                    ⍝ skip 29 Feb for non leap-year
[14]       m∘←m[d]                      ⍝ month
[15]       n←+\0 0 31 29,10⍴5⍴31 30     ⍝ days to previous month end
[16]       d-←n[m]                      ⍝ remainder
[17]       ((⍴⍵),3)⍴⍉↑(⊂0≠⍵)×y m d               ⍝ yyyy mm dd - 2d
[18]   }

15. acre._code.DT.ts2dd (9 lines)

     ∇ ts2dd←{
[1]        dhm←24 60 60 1000
[2]        (¯1↓⍴⍵)⍴⊃{(d2s ⍺)+(⍉dhm⊥⍉⍵)÷×/dhm}/1 0 0 1 0 0 0⊂7↑⍤1⊢⍵
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ timestamp yyyy mm dd [hh [mm [ss [mmm]]]] - rank ≥1
[4]   ⍝ ← days.decs ddddd.dddddd                    - shape ¯1↓⍴⍵
[5]   ⍝ 1899-12-31 00:00 → 0 - a year and a day before the end of the 19th century!
[6]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-02-18 15:24
[7]    }

16. acre._code.DT.ts2dt (7 lines)

     ∇ ts2dt←{⍝ inv - dt2ts
[1]        ⍉1E¯9×(0,5 1/10*2 3)⊥⍉7↑⍤1⊢⍵
[2]   ⍝ ⍵ timestamp - yyyy mm dd [hh [mm [ss [mmm]]]] - rank ≥1
[3]   ⍝ ← date.time - yyyymmdd.hhmmssmmm              - shape ¯1↓⍴⍵
[4]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-02-20 22:38
[5]    }

1.1.3. acre._code.UT


1. acre._code.UT.BS (3 lines)

     ∇ r←BS
[1]    r←⎕UCS 8 ⍝ back space

2. acre._code.UT.CR (3 lines)

     ∇ r←CR
[1]    r←⎕UCS 13 ⍝ carriage return

3. acre._code.UT.HT (3 lines)

     ∇ r←HT
[1]    r←⎕UCS 9 ⍝ horizonal tab

4. acre._code.UT.Ia (5 lines)

     ∇ Ia←{⍺←⊢
[1]        (⎕A,¨1↓¨⊢)ia''
[2]   ⍝ ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) Alphabet
[3]    }

5. acre._code.UT.LF (3 lines)

     ∇ r←LF
[1]    r←⎕UCS 10 ⍝ line feed

6. acre._code.UT.NB (3 lines)

     ∇ r←NB
[1]    r←⎕UCS 160 ⍝ non-breaking space

7. acre._code.UT.NL (3 lines)

     ∇ r←NL
[1]    r←⎕UCS 133 ⍝ next line

8. acre._code.UT.TC (3 lines)

     ∇ r←TC ⍝ terminal control?
[1]    r←HT LF CR NL

9. acre._code.UT._Desc (24 lines)

     ∇ r←_Desc
[1]    r←2 2↓⎕CR⊃⎕SI
[2]   ⍝ UT
[3]   ⍝
[4]   ⍝ This ns contains the (fairly) definitive editions of a number of the most
[5]   ⍝ useful or demonstrative functions and operators I've written plus a number
[6]   ⍝ of things added which may be more specific to the workspace in which it
[7]   ⍝ currently resides.
[8]   ⍝
[9]   ⍝ I didn't originate them all.
[10]  ⍝
[11]  ⍝ Though I hope at least some of them are better than an original I might have
[12]  ⍝ found.
[13]  ⍝
[14]  ⍝ Some don't actually get used much if at all but I'll often cut and paste
[15]  ⍝ algorithms into application code.
[16]  ⍝
[17]  ⍝ Not all of them are necessarily the fasted way of doing whatever has to be done
[18]  ⍝ but if not I hope elegance or clarity might make up for it.
[19]  ⍝
[20]  ⍝ To avoid unneccessarily many assignments the functions and operators in this ns
[21]  ⍝ are either written to be origin and/or APL2 compatibility independent or assume
[22]  ⍝ ⎕IO←0 and ⎕ML←0

10. acre._code.UT.aa (8 lines)

     ∇ aa←{⍺←⊢
[1]        ⍵{⊣/⍵⌽'&',⍪⍵\⍺}{(1+⍳⌈/⍵)∊⍵}+\1+<\~(1 cc ⍵)∊1 cc{⍵/⍨¯1⌽⍵='&'}⊃,/⍺
[2]   ⍝ ⍺ extant captions
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ new caption
[4]   ⍝ ← new caption with (or without) &
[5]   ⍝ add accelerator ampersand to new caption ⍵ given extant captions ⍺
[6]    }

11. acre._code.UT.ab (7 lines)

     ∇ ab←{
[1]        ~∘' '~∘⍵{⍵/⍨0≤⎕NC'_',,[⍬]⍵}⎕UCS⍳256
[2]   ⍝ alphabet (inc. ⎕D)
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ string
[4]   ⍝ ← legal name elements without ⍵
[5]    }

12. (12 lines)

     ∇ af←{
[1]        ⍺{(⎕NUNTIE ⍵)⊢⍺ ⎕NAPPEND ⍵,⎕DR ⍺}{
[2]            22::⍵ ⎕NTIE 0
[3]            ⍵ ⎕NCREATE 0
[4]        }⍵
[5]   ⍝ append file
[6]   ⍝ ⍺ data in form it can be written as-is - char or num vec
[7]   ⍝ ⍵ file path/name if not exists is created first
[8]   ⍝ ← bytes written
[9]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2011-09-12 12:00
[10]   }

13. (14 lines)

     ∇ al←{
[1]        ⍺←2 ⋄ on off←⍺
[2]        len←⊃⍴/⍴txt←⎕FMT↑⍵                ⍝ this
[3]        code rem←⊂[1+⍳2](∨\(txt⍷⍨on 1/' ⍝')>≠\txt='''')⊖↑txt' ' ⍝ not this
[4]        (msk/len)←{0⌈⌈/+/∨\⌽' '∨.≠⍵}code⌿⍨msk←rem∨.≠' '
[5]        rem←⊃,/(off⍴' '),⊂rem⌽⍨+/∧\rem=' '     ⍝ this
[6]        {⍵/⍨⌽∨\⌽' '∨.≠⍵}↑(len↑¨↓code),¨↓rem
[7]   ⍝ align
[8]   ⍝ ⍺ on off - (minimum blanks to adjust),(minimum offset for alignment)
[9]   ⍝ ⍵ text array - presumed to be a ⎕cr
[10]  ⍝ ← (⍵) with aligned comments
[11]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-09-10 08:26
[12]   }

14. (13 lines)

     ∇ an←{
[1]        ↑∪↓{
[2]            (2=⍴⍵):2 2⍴⍵,⌽⍵
[3]            ⊃⍪/⍵,∘∇¨↓{
[4]                ⍵⍴⍨0 ¯1+⍴⍵
[5]            }⌽⍵
[6]        }⍵
[7]   ⍝ anagrams
[8]   ⍝ ⍵ string
[9]   ⍝ ← anagrams
[10]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-01-28 19:02
[11]   }

15. (16 lines)

     ∇ ar←{
[1]        req←~∘∊⍨' 'sl⍕⍺
[2]        22::0 ⍝ missing file
[3]        tie←⍵ ⎕FSTIE 0
[4]        dct←⎕FREAD tie,1
[5]        0∊⍴req:dct⊣⎕FUNTIE tie
[6]        cmp←2+dct⍳nms←(⍺≡'*')⊃req dct
[7]        0∊⍴cmp:⎕NS''⊣⎕FUNTIE tie
[8]        20::⎕SIGNAL/⌽⎕EN,⎕DM⊣⎕FUNTIE tie ⍝ file index error
[9]        (⎕FUNTIE tie)⊢dx nms{⍺ ⍵}⎕FREAD tie cmp
[10]  ⍝ associative file read - see also aw
[11]  ⍝ ⍺ required names | '*' for all | '' for names
[12]  ⍝ ⍵ filename - component 1 is names. following are the associated values.
[13]  ⍝ ← dictionary with named vars | 0∊⍴⍺: names | file missing: 0
[14]   }

16. (20 lines)

     ∇ aw←{
[1]        dict←⍺
[2]        file←⍵
[3]        data←dict.({(⊂⍵),1↓⍎¨'0',⍵}⎕NL-2)
[4]        (old new)←{file,⍵,,'K-6F15.6'⎕FMT 100⊥6⍴⎕TS}¨'.OLD.' '.NEW.'
[5]        newt←{⍵⊣⍺ ⎕FAPPEND ⍵}/(⌽data),new ⎕FCREATE 0
[6]        ok←×oldt←{22::0 ⋄ old ⎕FRENAME file ⎕FTIE 0}0
[7]        newt←⎕FUNTIE file ⎕FRENAME newt ⍝ ok!
[8]        oldt←old∘⎕FERASE⍣ok⊢oldt
[9]        file
[10]  ⍝ associative file write - see also ar
[11]  ⍝ ⍺  Dictionary - named vars that become the entire contents of new file.
[12]  ⍝ ⍵  Filename - original safely renamed if extant and removed afterwards.
[13]  ⍝ ←  ⍵
[14]  ⍝ Component one is names. Following are the associated values each in the
[15]  ⍝ component numbered two more than the index of its name in component one
[16]  ⍝ Temp filenames are original with 'OLD', or 'NEW', and the current time.
[17]  ⍝ as: original.ext.OLD.20120322.113716; original.ext.NEW.20120322.113716.
[18]   }

17. acre._code.UT.ay (26 lines)

     ∇ ay←{⍺←⊢
[1]        drop←{⍵/⍨∨\' '∨.≠⍵}
[2]        p3←({⍵⊣⍵.⎕ML←3}⎕NS'').⊂
[3]        words←{(' '≠⍵)p3 ⍵}
[4]        ctl←⊣/src←drop(0,⍴,⍵)↓⍵{⍵⌿⍨>/⍺⍷⍵}⎕CR 1⊃⎕XSI
[5]        dat←{(+/∨\' '≠⌽⍵)↑¨↓⍵}drop 0 1↓src⌿⍨ctl←ctl=type←⊃ctl~' '
[6]        ctl/⍨←(∨\ctl)∧⌽∨\⌽ctl
[7]        (ctl dat)←⊃{d←⍺ p3 ⍺\⍵
[8]            c←{⍵/⍨~0 1⍷⍵}⍺/⍨~1 1⍷⍺
[9]            ⊃∘(∇/)⍣(0∊c)⊢c d
[10]       }/ctl dat
[11]       type='d':dat                         ⍝ text depth vs rank
[12]       dat←{⍵⍴⍨(⍴⍵)↓⍨+/∧\1=⍴⍵}↑⍣(≡dat)⊢dat  ⍝ convert depth to rank
[13]       type='t':dat                         ⍝ text
[14]       type='n':↑1∘⊃∘⎕VFI¨↓dat              ⍝ numeric
[15]       type='x':mx(⍺⊣#).⍎¨↓dat              ⍝ executable
[16]       type='w':~∘' '¨↑words¨↓dat           ⍝ words
[17]       type='m':⊃(~∘' '¨↑words¨↓dat){(⍴⍺)⍴⍺⊖↑⍺⍺ ⍵}/⊂rk ¯1↑⍉↑⍉⎕VFI¨↓dat
[18]       1:dat                                ⍝ ↑ mixed words and numbers
[19]  ⍝ ⍺  space (dflt #) in which 'x' type source expressions are executed
[20]  ⍝ ⍵  substring to identify source rows to use in caller.
[21]  ⍝    source rows not preceded by first type char are rank indicators -
[22]  ⍝    - as inserted blank rows in default output.
[23]  ⍝ ←  array represented by selected source rows in caller.
[24]   }

18. acre._code.UT.b64 (17 lines)

     ∇ b64←{
[1]   ⍝    A←⎕A,(⎕UCS(⍳26)+⎕UCS'a'),⎕D,'+/'                      ⍝ alphabet
[2]        A←'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'
[3]        ⍺←~∧/⍵∊A,'='
[4]        ed←{⊃⍵{⍺{2⊥⍉((⌈(⍴⍵)÷⍺),⍺){⍺⍴(×/⍺)↑⍵}⍵},⍉(⍵⍴2)⊤⍺⍺}/⍺}  ⍝ encode decode
[5]        ⍺:{⍵,'='⍴⍨4|-⍴⍵}(⊂6 8 ed ⎕UCS ⍵)⌷A                    ⍝ encode strict /
[6]        ⍺:(⊂6 8 ed ⎕UCS ⍵)⌷A                                  ⍝ encode lax    x
[7]        1:⎕UCS{x↓8 6 ed A⍳⍵,'='↑⍨x←-4|-⍴⍵}⍵∩A                 ⍝ decode lax    /
[8]        1:⎕UCS{(-+/'='=¯3↑⍵)↓8 6 ed A⍳⍵}⍵∩A,'='               ⍝ decode strict x
[9]   ⍝ base64 encoding
[10]  ⍝ ⍺ 1=encode; 0=decode
[11]  ⍝ ⍵ byte string: 256∧.>⎕ucs ⍵
[12]  ⍝ ← ⍺=1: longer (4:3) string in A-Z,a-z,0-9,+/= only
[13]  ⍝   ⍺=0: original string whence ⍵ was encoded
[14]  ⍝   whitespace in (⍵) is ignored on decode
[15]   }

19. acre._code.UT.bc (8 lines)

     ∇ bc←{
[1]        ⍵/⍨⌽∨\⌽' '∨.≠⍵
[2]   ⍝ blank column removal
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ 2d text array
[4]   ⍝ ← (⍵) without trailing blank columns
[5]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-01-24 18:00
[6]    }

20. (23 lines)

     ∇ bf←{⍺←⊢
[1]        r←⎕FMT↑⍵
[2]        b←r∊⍺⊣'.'
[3]        m←⍉4⊥⍉2⊥↑↑(3,/0,b,0)(3,⌿0⍪b⍪0)
[4]        c←'│  ─  ┌  │  │  └  ├  ─  ┐  ─  ┬  ┘  ┤  ┴  ┼ .'~' '
[5]        n←13 14 15 28 29 30 31 44 45 46 47 60 61 62 63
[6]        (⍴r)⍴(m∊n)⊖(2,⍴r)⍴r⍪(⊂n⍳m)⌷c
[7]   ⍝ box frame
[8]   ⍝ [⍺] char(s) to be replaced - dflt '.'
[9]   ⍝  ⍵  char array
[10]  ⍝  ←  array with ⍺ replaced by boxing chars
[11]  ⍝ ┌───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┐  ┌───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┐
[12]  ⍝ │   │ ∘ │   │ ∘ │   │ ∘ │   │ ∘ │  │   │ │ │   │ │ │   │ │ │   │ │ │
[13]  ⍝ │ ∘ │ ∘ │ ∘∘│ ∘∘│ ∘ │ ∘ │ ∘∘│ ∘∘│  │ ∘ │ │ │ ──│ └─│ │ │ │ │ ┌─│ ├─│
[14]  ⍝ │   │   │   │   │ ∘ │ ∘ │ ∘ │ ∘ │  │   │   │   │   │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
[15]  ⍝ ├───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┤  ├───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┤
[16]  ⍝ │   │ ∘ │   │ ∘ │   │ ∘ │   │ ∘ │  │   │ │ │   │ │ │   │ │ │   │ │ │
[17]  ⍝ │∘∘ │∘∘ │∘∘∘│∘∘∘│∘∘ │∘∘ │∘∘∘│∘∘∘│  │── │─┘ │───│─┴─│─┐ │─┤ │─┬─│─┼─│
[18]  ⍝ │   │   │   │   │ ∘ │ ∘ │ ∘ │ ∘ │  │   │   │   │   │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
[19]  ⍝ └───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┘  └───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┘
[20]  ⍝ Phil Last 2016-02-12
[21]   }

21. (9 lines)

     ∇ bs←{⍺←⊢
[1]        1↓{
[2]            scr←(⊂''),{11 16::js ⍵ ⋄ ⎕SRC ⍵}⍵
[3]            (¯1↓scr),('   '∘,¨⊃,/(⊂''),∇ ea ⍵{⍵/⍨⍺={⍵.##}ea ⍵}{⍵/⍨~'['∊∘⍕¨⍵}⍵.⍎ea↓⍵.⎕NL 9.1 9.4),⊢/scr
[4]        }⍵
[5]   ⍝ build script from space ⍵
[6]   ⍝ see js
[7]    }

22. acre._code.UT.bx (9 lines)

     ∇ bx←{
[1]        ⍺←⊢
[2]        (3 3⍴⍺⊃'.-.| |''-''' '┌─┐│ │└─┘'){
[3]            (' ',' '⍪⍵){(⍴⍵)⍴(⍵≠' ')⊖↑⍺ ⍵}⊃⍺{1 ⍺ 1⌿1 ⍵ 1/⍺⍺}/⍴⍵
[4]        }⎕FMT ⍵
[5]   ⍝ box
[6]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-01-23 13:35
[7]    }

23. (10 lines)

     ∇ by←{
[1]        ⍺←#
[2]        ⍵{⍵/⍨∨/⍺⍷⍕⎕AT ⍵}⍺ li 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2
[3]   ⍝ saved by
[4]   ⍝ ⍺ space
[5]   ⍝ ⍵ potential "Last saved by:" (⎕AN)
[6]   ⍝ ← fns ops in or below ⍺ last saved by ⍵
[7]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-01-10 09:41
[8]    }

24. acre._code.UT.c2 (18 lines)

     ∇ c2←{
[1]        c2←{
[2]            ¯1↓¨2⍴⊃{
[3]                l r m←⍵
[4]                ((⍴m)<x←1+m⍳⍺):(l,1)(r,0)m
[5]                (l,1↑⍨-x)(r,x⍴1)(x↓m)
[6]            }/(⊂¨⌽⍺,⊂⍺ ⍵),⊂⍬ ⍬(⍵,⊂⍺ ⍵)
[7]        }
[8]        ⍺←⊢
[9]        ⊃{(⍺ c2 ⍵){⍺ ⍵⊃⍨(⍴⊃⍺)>⍴⊃⍵}⌽(⍵ c2 ⍺)}/⍺ ⍵
[10]  ⍝ compare two lists
[11]  ⍝ ⍺ list presumed to be related to ⍵
[12]  ⍝ ⍵ list presumed to be related to ⍺
[13]  ⍝ [monad: ⍵ is two lists]
[14]  ⍝ ← two expansion lists to accomodate mis-matches
[15]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-07-17 21:28
[16]   }

25. acre._code.UT.c3 (14 lines)

     ∇ c3←{
[1]        c3←{
[2]            a b c←⍵
[3]            xa xb←a c2 b
[4]            xxa xc←(xa\a)c2 c
[5]            (xxa\xa)(xxa\xb)(xc)
[6]        }
[7]        ⊃⍨∘(⍳∘(⌊/)⍨)∘(⊃∘⍴∘⊃¨)⍨⍵∘{⌽⍵⌽⌽c3 ⍵⌽⍺}¨⍳⍴⍵
[8]   ⍝ compare three lists
[9]   ⍝ ⍵ three lists presumed to be related
[10]  ⍝ ← three expansion lists to accomodate mis-matches
[11]  ⍝ Phil Last 2008-09-22 14:09
[12]   }

26. (11 lines)

     ∇ ca←{
[1]        q←''''∘{⍺,⍺,⍨⍵/⍨1+⍵=⍺}
[2]        if←{⍺⍺⍣(⍵⍵⊣⍵)⊢⍵}
[3]        v←⍎n←⍵
[4]        (⊂⍕n'←⍬'),(↓⍕(⊂n,',←'),q if(≡∘⍕⍨)¨v),⊂⍕n'⍴⍨←'(⍴v)
[5]   ⍝ create array -
[6]   ⍝ ⍵     fully-qualified name of array
[7]   ⍝ array mixed array (depth +/-2) of scalar numerics and text scalars or strings
[8]   ⍝ ←     executable expressions to reconstitute array
[9]    }

27. acre._code.UT.cb (7 lines)

     ∇ cb←{
[1]        {(⍵[0;⍵[1;]≠'|'])⍪1 0↓⍵}∘⊖⍣2 bx{
[2]            ⍵/⍨2∨/1,' '∨.≠⍵
[3]        }0 2↓⍕↓↑↑{⍵⊂⍨⍵='|'}¨↓⍪↑⍵
[4]   ⍝ column box
[5]    }

28. (5 lines)

     ∇ cc←cc
[1]    cc←819⌶
[2]   ⍝ convert case
[3]   ⍝ Phil Last 2017-12-18 10.03

29. (35 lines)

     ∇ cg←{
[1]        ⍺←# dx'⎕io ⎕ml'(⎕IO ⎕ML)
[2]        res←⍺
[3]        (0∊⍴txt←cu∘((⎕DR'')∘rf)⍣(~CR∊⍵),⍵):res
[4]        txt←txt re fl{('\',⍵)''}¨(CR,LF)CR LF
[5]        txt←{(+/∧\' '=⍵)⌽⍵}{⍵⌿⍨⍵∨.≠' '}⎕FMT txt~HT
[6]        txt←↓⊣⌿(∧\txt≠'=')⊖txt,[-0.1]cc txt
[7]        nms←(/⍨∘(∧\)∘(≠∘']'))⍨∘(1∘↓)¨txt/⍨msk←'['=⊃¨txt
[8]        txt←msk⊂txt
[9]        ~∨/msk←0≤⎕NC↑nms:res
[10]       nms txt/⍨←⊂msk
[11]       nss←res.{⍎⍵,'←⎕ns⍬'}¨nms
[12]       z←nss.{{q←'''"'
[13]               (≥/i j←+/∧\~(≠\⍵∊q)<[1]'=;'∘.=⍵):⍵     ⍝ unquoted ';' before '='
[14]               (0>⎕NC i↑⍵):⍵
[15]               (i↑⍵){⍺{⍎⍺,'←⍵'}{                      ⍝ key←value
[16]                       (>/1 0∊0⊃v f←⎕VFI ⍵):⍴∘f~∘1⍴f  ⍝ look like a duck?
[17]                       {⍵~q∩⊃⍵}⍵/⍨{(∨\⍵)∧⌽∨\⌽⍵}⍵≠' '  ⍝ trim and unquote
[18]                   }⍵
[19]               }(1+i)↓j↑⍵
[20]           }¨⍵}txt
[21]       0∊⍴cpy←nss/⍨2.1=nss.⎕NC⊂⊂'copysection':res     ⍝ requiring copies
[22]       cpy.copysection←cc cpy.(copysection~'#.[]')  ⍝ minuscule
[23]       0∊⍴cpy←cpy/⍨9.1=res.⎕NC cpy.copysection:res    ⍝ requiring extant copies
[24]       cpy←cpy ms∘res.⍎¨cpy.copysection               ⍝ merge
[25]       res
[26]  ⍝ config
[27]  ⍝ ⍵ ini file path\name
[28]  ⍝ ← namespace
[29]  ⍝     ini sections as subnss (with minuscule names)
[30]  ⍝       keys as vars            (ditto)
[31]  ⍝         values as text or numeric strings or scalars
[32]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-06-02 11:30
[33]   }

30. (11 lines)

     ∇ ch←{
[1]        9≠⎕NC ⍺:{⍵
[2]        }z,(#.⍎¯1↓z←⍺/⍨⌽∨\⌽⍺='.').⎕FX 1↓¨{⍵⊂⍨⍵=⊃⍵}re∘⍵⊃,/CR,¨⎕NR ⍺
[3]        ⊢z,(#.⍎¯1↓z←⍺/⍨⌽∨\⌽⍺='.').⎕FIX 1↓¨{⍵⊂⍨⍵=⊃⍵}re∘⍵⊃,/CR,¨⎕SRC⍎⍺
[4]   ⍝ change in defined operation
[5]   ⍝ ⍺ fully-qualified-fnname/opname/clsname
[6]   ⍝ ⍵ oldstring newstring
[7]   ⍝ ← result of in.situ.⎕FX on changed ⎕VR of function
[8]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-03-17 10:55
[9]    }

31. (16 lines)

     ∇ cl←{
[1]        ⍺←⌈/⍵
[2]        ⍵=⍺{⍵+⍺×⍺⍺≥⍺+⍵}as ⍵
[3]   ⍝ clump
[4]   ⍝ ⍺ desired maximum clump
[5]   ⍝ ⍵ sizes
[6]   ⍝ ← leading boolean partition mask such that
[7]   ⍝       ⎕ML←0 ⋄ (⍺ cl ⍵)⊂⍵
[8]   ⍝   or
[9]   ⍝       ⎕ML←3 ⋄ (+\⍺ cl ⍵)⊂⍵
[10]  ⍝   gives the largest contiguous collections of items of (⍵) having
[11]  ⍝   totals not greater than (⍺) excepting individual items of (⍵)
[12]  ⍝   that are greater than (⍺) dflt is maximum of (⍵)
[13]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-07-02 19:01
[14]   }

32. (10 lines)

     ∇ cm←{
[1]        ↑⍵⍴¨⍨↓1+⌽↑-1-⌽∘⍴¨⍵
[2]   ⍝ conform (mix)
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ any array
[4]   ⍝ ← mix a simple array
[5]   ⍝   mix a uniformly nested array
[6]   ⍝   otherwise uplift all items to the maximum rank and mix
[7]   ⍝   primitive in 14.0
[8]    }

33. (9 lines)

     ∇ cn←{
[1]        ⍵.{⍵⊣⍵.{⍎'(',⍺,')←⍵'}∘⍎⍨'⎕IO',,' ',⎕NL 2.1}#.⎕NS''
[2]   ⍝ clone
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ space
[4]   ⍝ ← unnamed space - having only & all of (⍵)'s vars.
[5]   ⍝   The reason for this fn is so the object can be passed into
[6]   ⍝   another function without fear that it might be changed.
[7]    }

34. (17 lines)

     ∇ co←{
[1]        ⊃⍵{(⊂⍵⍳⍺⍺)⌷(1+⍴⍵)↑⍺}/⍺
[2]   ⍝ corresponding
[3]   ⍝     A B co C ←→ A where B corresponds to C
[4]   ⍝ ⍺   A B
[5]   ⍝ A   vector
[6]   ⍝ B   vector conforming [0] with A
[7]   ⍝ ⍵   C
[8]   ⍝ C   array of members [1] of B
[9]   ⍝ ←   if A ←→ f¨ B then f¨ C
[10]  ⍝     (⊂B⍳C)⌷(1+⍴B)↑A
[11]  ⍝     shape of ⍵
[12]  ⍝ [0] A[⍴B] may be preferred alternative prototype
[13]  ⍝ [1] for C not in B return prototype of A but see [0]
[14]  ⍝ Phil Last 2016-10-27
[15]   }

35. (5 lines)

     ∇ cr←{
[1]        '(~<≤=≥>≠∨∧⍱⍲)\'
[2]   ⍝ default control chars for fi sc ps ec &c.
[3]    }

36. acre._code.UT.ct (10 lines)

     ∇ ct←{
[1]        q←''''∘{⍺,⍺,⍨⍵/⍨1+⍵=⍺}
[2]        if←{⍺⍺⍣(⍵⍵⊣⍵)⊢⍵}
[3]        (⍺,'←{')'⎕ml←0' 'r←⍬',(↓⍕(⊂'r,←⊂'),q if(≡∘⍕⍨)¨⍵),'↑r' ' }'
[4]   ⍝ create createTable function
[5]   ⍝ ⍺ name for function
[6]   ⍝ ⍵ mixed matrix of scalar numerics and text scalars or strings
[7]   ⍝ ← ⎕NR of function
[8]    }

37. acre._code.UT.ct0 (11 lines)

     ∇ ct0←{
[1]        q←''''∘{⍺,⍺,⍨⍵/⍨1+⍵=⍺}
[2]        if←{⍺⍺⍣(⍵⍵⊣⍵)⊢⍵}
[3]        v←⍎n←⍵
[4]        (⊂⍕n'←⍬'),(↓⍕(⊂n,',←'),q if(≡∘⍕⍨)¨v),⊂⍕n'⍴⍨←'(⍴v)
[5]   ⍝ create table -
[6]   ⍝ ⍵     fully-qualified name of array
[7]   ⍝ array mixed array (depth +/-2) of scalar numerics and text scalars or strings
[8]   ⍝ ← executable expressions to reconstitute array
[9]    }

38. (20 lines)

     ∇ cu←{
[1]        80≠⎕DR'':⍵    ⍝ non-unicode edition
[2]        {
[3]            ⍵↓⍨(⎕UCS⊃⍵)∊65534 65279
[4]        }⍵{
[5]            ∧/⍵<194:⍺ ⍝ maybe but doesn't matter
[6]            ∨/⍵>244:⍺ ⍝ can't be
[7]   ⍝ start not followed by continuation
[8]   ⍝         ∨/((⍵>193)∧⍵<245)>1↓((⍵>127)∧⍵<192),0:⍺
[9]   ⍝ continuation not preceded by start or continuation
[10]  ⍝         ∨/((⍵>127)∧⍵<192)>¯1↓1,(⍵>127)∧⍵<245:⍺
[11]           ⍝ let ⎕UCS test for start followed by wrong number of continuations
[12]           11::⍺
[13]           'UTF-8'⎕UCS ⍵
[14]       }⎕UCS ⍵
[15]  ⍝ convert UTF-8 or not
[16]  ⍝ ⍵ text string, - UTF-8 bytes or not
[17]  ⍝ ← clear text
[18]   }

39. (5 lines)

     ∇ cv←{⍺←⊢
[1]        ↑⍎'↓⍺ sc' '(∩∪)'ps ⍵
[2]   ⍝ intersect or union (Ctrl+c Ctrl+v)
[3]    }

40. (12 lines)

     ∇ cw←{
[1]        {1↓⍵⊣⎕FUNTIE 1↑⍵}⊃{⍵,⍺ ⎕FAPPEND 1↑⍵}/(⌽,⍺),{
[2]            22::⍵ ⎕FCREATE 0
[3]            ⍵ ⎕FSTIE 0
[4]        }⍵
[5]   ⍝ component write
[6]   ⍝ ⍺ vector of arrays to write
[7]   ⍝ ⍵ file path/name - create if missing
[8]   ⍝ ← component numbers written
[9]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-07-04 14:55
[10]   }

41. acre._code.UT.da (8 lines)

     ∇ da←{⍺←⊢
[1]        f←{⍺⍺⍣(2<≢⍴⍵)⊢⍵}
[2]        ∇ f⊂⍤2 f ⍵
[4]        ∇⍣(2<≢⍴z)⊢z←⊂⍤2⍣(2<≢⍴⍵)⊢⍵
[5]   ⍝
[6]    }

42. acre._code.UT.dc (10 lines)

     ∇ dc←{
[1]        ⍴∘⍵~∘1⍴⍵
[2]   ⍝ decay
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ array
[4]   ⍝ ← (⍵) with all ones removed from its shape
[5]   ⍝   1 row or 1 col matrix becomes vector
[6]   ⍝   singleton become scalar
[7]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-07-18 10:06
[8]    }

43. acre._code.UT.df (9 lines)

     ∇ df←{
[1]        ⍵{(⍺.⎕DF ⍵)⊢⍕⍺}⍵.⎕DF ⎕NULL
[2]   ⍝ format ref - sans ⎕DF
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ ns-ref
[4]   ⍝ ← format of ns-ref - full path name
[5]   ⍝   ignoring ⎕DF by using it twice!
[6]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-03-13 23:14
[7]    }

44. acre._code.UT.di (19 lines)

     ∇ di←{⍺←⊢ ⋄ p←⍺⊣0
[1]        ⎕PP←{0::⍵ ⋄ ∇ ⎕PP←1+⍵}⎕PP
[2]        (⍴⍵){
[3]            1<|≡⍵:⍺ ∇{⍵/⍨' '∨.≠⍵}⎕FMT(⍴∇⊢)¨⍵⍴⍨1⌈⍴⍵
[4]            (⊃'~''#'/⍨(⍬''∊⊂0⍴⍵),1){
[5]                ⍉↑⍺{(⊂⌽⍺,1↓⌽⊃⍵),1↓⍵}↓⍉⍵
[6]            }(⎕D,⎕A,'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz','*')[62⌊↑,↓⍺]{ ⍝ use '*' for larger than 61
[7]                (⍴⍵)⍴(' '≠⍺↑⍨⍴⍵)⊖↑⍵ ⍺}⍺{⍵/⍨1⌈1+(0⊥⍴⍵)↑-2-⍴⍺
[8]            }p bx ⎕FMT ⍵⍴⍨1⌈⍴⍵
[9]        }⍵
[10]  ⍝ display
[11]  ⍝ ⍺ internal
[12]  ⍝ ⍵ any array
[13]  ⍝ ← display form
[14]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-01-23 13:35
[15]  ⍝ {{⊂[¯2↑⍳⍴⍴⍵]⍵}⍣(⌊0.5×⍬⍴⍴⍴⍵)⊢⍵}
[16]  ⍝ Phil Last 2017-07-01 09.06
[17]   }

45. acre._code.UT.dn (12 lines)

     ∇ dn←{
[1]        (nam num exp)←1↓¨{⍵⊂⍨{⍵∧4>+\⍵}⍵∊'[]'}'[',⍵
[2]        scr←9=⎕NC nam
[3]        new←(⊂exp)((⍎num)mg)(scr=1 0)⎕SRC∘⍎or ⎕NR nam
[4]        (spc nam)←'.'pn nam
[5]        1:⊢(⍎spc,scr⊃'⎕fx' '⎕fix')new
[6]   ⍝ define
[7]   ⍝ ⍵ string - "#.path.itemname[n] expression"
[8]   ⍝   itemname may be a function, operator, class or scripted space
[9]   ⍝ ← result of #.path.⎕FX or #.path.⎕FIX on amended ⎕NR or script of named item
[10]   }

46. acre._code.UT.dr (13 lines)

     ∇ dr←{
[1]        ⍺←⌊0.5++/⍵
[2]        n+(×e)×(⍳⍴⍵)∊(|e←⍺-+/n←⌊0.5+⍵×⍺÷+/⍵)⍴⍒|⍵
[3]   ⍝ [re]distributive rounding
[4]   ⍝ [⍺]   [new] integer sum
[5]   ⍝  ⍵    vector
[6]   ⍝  ←    ⍵ rounded and scaled to sum to ⍺
[7]   ⍝       total rounding error distributed
[8]   ⍝       among items of greatest magnitude
[9]   ⍝ 2007-12-04 10.25 comp.lang.apl cb75f8564a3e0b22
[10]  ⍝
[11]   }

47. acre._code.UT.ds (8 lines)

     ∇ ds←{ ⍝ see (es)
[1]        ⊃⍣(1=≢⍵)⊢⍵
[2]   ⍝ disclose single
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ any array
[4]   ⍝ ← ⍵ or ⊃⍵ if single ⍵
[5]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-03-06 09:28
[6]    }

48. acre._code.UT.dt (14 lines)

     ∇ dt←{
[1]        ⍺⊣(,⍺)∘.{⍺.((⊃⍬⍴⍵){⍴⍎⍺,'←⍵'/⍨0=⎕NC ⍺}{⊃⍬⍴⍵}⍣(2∊⍴⍵)⊢1↓⍵)},⊂⍣(1=≡⊃⍵)⊢⍵
[2]   ⍝ above is existing code running in V12.0.5
[3]   ⍝ below is equivalent using ⍺{...}¨¨⊂⍵ instead of ⍺∘.{...}⍵.
[4]        ⍺⊣(,⍺){⍺.((⊃⍬⍴⍵){⍴⍎⍺,'←⍵'/⍨0=⎕NC ⍺}{⊃⍬⍴⍵}⍣(2∊⍴⍵)⊢1↓⍵)}¨¨⊂,⊂⍣(1=≡⊃⍵)⊢⍵
[5]   ⍝ default
[6]   ⍝ ⍺ ns(s)
[7]   ⍝ ⍵ name-value pairs
[8]   ⍝ ← ns(s) with named vars having values where previously missing
[9]   ⍝   NB result IS ⍺ with named vars as stated.
[10]  ⍝      In other words the argument is changed!!!!
[11]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2006-02-21 20:54
[12]   }

49. acre._code.UT.dx (10 lines)

     ∇ dx←{
[1]        ⍺←⎕THIS
[2]        ⍺.(⎕NS''){⍺⍺⊣⍺⍺.⍎⍕'(',⍺,')←⍵'}/ds\⍵
[3]   ⍝ dictionary
[4]   ⍝ ⍺   space - dflt here
[5]   ⍝ ⍵   names values
[6]   ⍝ ←   ns within space ⍺ wherein vars named (names) valued (values)
[7]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-03-06 18:58
[8]    }

50. acre._code.UT.dy (22 lines)

     ∇ dy←{⍺←⊢
[1]        1≡⍺ 1:{⍵⊣⍵.(n v)←⊂,0}⎕NS''
[2]        cat←⍺
[3]        name←⊃nv←⊂if≡⍵
[4]        new←0≡cat.{((⍴n)|n⍳⍵)⊃n}⊂name    ⍝ missing
[5]        new:1⊃cat.(n v),←⊂¨nv            ⍝ add
[6]        value←cat.{(n⍳⍵)⊃v}⊂name         ⍝ retrieve
[7]        value⊣cat.(n v)/⍨←⊂~cat.n∊⊂name  ⍝ remove
[8]   ⍝ maintain dictionary of names values "n" "v" with initial value ,0
[9]   ⍝ monad:
[10]  ⍝ ⍵ ?
[11]  ⍝ ← empty store
[12]  ⍝ dyad:
[13]  ⍝ ⍺ store
[14]  ⍝ ⍵ name value
[15]  ⍝ ← if name not in store
[16]  ⍝   value
[17]  ⍝   if name already in store
[18]  ⍝   value - and name is removed
[19]  ⍝ Phil Last 2015-05-07
[20]   }

51. (14 lines)

     ∇ ec←{
[1]        ⍺←cr'' ⋄ e←'\'
[2]        ⍵(⍺{⍵∘/¨⍺{⍺ ⍵}(⍺∊⍺⍺)∧¯1⌽⍵})~(⍵=e)∧(¯1⌽⍵≠e)∧(1⌽⍵∊⍺,e)
[3]   ⍝ escape
[4]   ⍝ ⍺ control chars
[5]   ⍝ ⍵ string
[6]   ⍝ ← (amended string)(control flags)
[7]   ⍝ where:
[8]   ⍝   amended string has actioned escape chars '\' removed
[9]   ⍝   control flags is boolean length of amended string
[10]  ⍝       with 1 where amended string is unescaped control
[11]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2009-02-06 08:51
[12]   }

52. acre._code.UT.ed (23 lines)

     ∇ ed←{
[1]        ({⍵⊣⍵.s←''}⎕NS''){
[2]            ⍺.(''⊣(⎕NS'').(⎕ED&'_'⊣_←⍵)) ⍝ ⍕⍪⍣(1 2≡(⍴∘⍴,≡)⍵)⊢⍵))
[3]        }{
[4]            9.1≢⎕NC⊂,'⍵':# ⍺⍺ ⍵
[5]            ⍵∊⍺.s:''
[6]            ⍺.s,←⍵
[7]            n←∇∘⍵.⍎/⍺,⍪~∘' '¨↓⍵.⎕NL 9.1
[8]            ⍵ ⍺⍺↑({⊢/('['∊¨⍵)⌽(⊂'##'),⍪⍵}⍕¨⍵),¨↓'.',⍵.⎕NL 2 3 4
[9]        }⍵
[11]       {(⎕NS'').(⎕ED&'_'⊣_←⍵)} ⍝ is sufficient for an array
[12]  ⍝ show
[13]  ⍝ ⍺  ignored
[14]  ⍝ ⍵  array or space
[15]  ⍝ ←  null
[16]  ⍝    display array in editor
[17]  ⍝ or display member list of space and
[18]  ⍝    recursively for contained member spaces
[19]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-03-12 08:32
[20]  ⍝ Phil Last 2015-10-19
[21]   }

53. acre._code.UT.en (10 lines)

     ∇ en←{
[1]        ((1+⌊⍺⍟1⌈⌈/|⍵)⍴⍺)⊤⍵
[2]   ⍝ encode
[3]   ⍝ ⍺ base
[4]   ⍝ ⍵ numeric
[5]   ⍝ ← ⍵ encoded to base ⍺ with sufficient digits
[6]   ⍝ 2 1/2 times quicker than ⊥⍣¯1
[7]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-03-11 18:10
[8]    }

54. (8 lines)

     ∇ es←{ ⍝ see (ds)
[1]        ⊂⍣(1=≡⍵)⊢⍵
[2]   ⍝ enclose simple
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ any array
[4]   ⍝ ← ⍵ or ⊂⍵ if simple ⍵
[5]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-03-06 09:27
[6]    }

55. acre._code.UT.ev (5 lines)

     ∇ ev←{0::⎕SIGNAL/⌽⎕EN,⎕DM
[1]        ##.AN.decode ⍵
[2]   ⍝ APLAN decode ⍵
[3]    }

56. acre._code.UT.ex (10 lines)

     ∇ ex←{
[1]        ⍵[⌈\(⍳⍴⍵)×~∊∘∊⍨⍵]
[2]   ⍝ extend list
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ list extend
[4]   ⍝ ← same list with nulls replaced by most recent non-null
[5]   ⍝   nulls deemed to be empty or all ' ' and/or 0
[6]   ⍝   so '' ⍬ ' ' 0 (' '0'')(⍳2 0 3) is null as are all its parts
[7]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-04-23 17:28
[8]    }

57. acre._code.UT.fc (6 lines)

     ∇ fc←{⍺←⊢
[1]        {1↓¨⍵/⍨∧\'⍝'=⊣/¨⍵}(1+1⊃⎕LC)↓⎕NR 1⊃⎕XSI
[2]   ⍝ following (full-line) comments in caller
[3]   ⍝ Phil Last 2015-02-24
[4]    }

58. acre._code.UT.fgh (7 lines)

     ∇ fgh←{⍺←⊢
[1]        #.(f←{⍺←⊢ ⋄ '(',⍺,' f ',⍵,')'})
[2]        #.(g←{⍺←⊢ ⋄ '(',⍺,' g ',⍵,')'})
[3]        #.(h←{⍺←⊢ ⋄ '(',⍺,' h ',⍵,')'})
[4]   ⍝
[5]    }

59. (26 lines)

     ∇ fi←{⍝ find
[1]        ⎕ML←0
[2]        ⍺←#
[3]        0::((⊃⎕DM),' - Try escaping "',(⍵∩'(~<≤=≥>≠∨∧⍱⍲)\'),'"')⎕SIGNAL ⎕EN
[4]        ('1∊⍵⍷⍨'ps ⍵){⍵/⍨⍺∘{⍺{⍎⍺}⍕⍵{
[5]                    (⍵∊3 4):2↓⊃,/' ',CR,¨⎕NR ⍺
[6]                    (⍵=2):⍎⍺
[7]                    (⍵=9):{0::'' ⋄ ⎕SRC⍎⍵}⍺
[8]                    ''
[9]                }⎕NC ⍵}¨⍵}{
[10]           2=≡⍵:⍵
[11]           (⍬≡0⍴⍵):li ⍵
[12]           (9=⎕NC'⍵'):⍵ li 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 9.4
[13]           (⊃{⍺,'∨',⍵}/⊂if≡⍵)lf # li 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 9.4
[14]           (''≢0⍴⍵):⍵ li 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 9.4
[15]           ⍵ lf # li 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 9.4
[16]       }⍺
[17]  ⍝ find
[18]  ⍝ ⍺ ref     - search all in or below
[19]  ⍝   string  - logical wildcard selection of candidates anywhere
[20]  ⍝   numbers - candidate ⎕NCs - dflt - 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 9.4
[21]  ⍝ ⍵ search string - can contain executables "(~<≤=≥>≠∨∧⍱⍲)". see ps
[22]  ⍝ ← fully qualified names of arrays, fns, ops & classes where found.
[23]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-03-04 13:53
[24]   }

60. (6 lines)

     ∇ fm←{⍺←⊢
[1]        0::⎕SIGNAL/⌽⎕EN,⎕DM
[2]        ⍺ ##.AN.format ⍵
[3]   ⍝ APLAN format ⍵
[4]    }

61. (9 lines)

     ∇ fo←{
[1]   ⍝     #.{
[2]        {FO}'FO'⎕WC⊢FO←'OLECLIENT' 'Scripting.FileSystemObject'
[3]   ⍝     }0
[4]   ⍝ file system object
[5]   ⍝ ⍵ ?
[6]   ⍝ ← file system object
[7]    }

62. acre._code.UT.fq (9 lines)

     ∇ fq←{⍺←⊢
[1]        (⍺⊣0){⍵[;⍋⍺×⊢⌿⍵]}⍵{⍵,[-0.1]¯2-/((⌷⍨∘⊂∘⍋⍨⍵⍳⍺)⍳⍳⍴⍵),⍴⍺}∪⍵
[2]   ⍝ frequency
[3]   ⍝ [⍺] order ¯1|0|1 - dflt=0 - ¯1=descending; 0=first occurrence; 1=ascending
[4]   ⍝ ⍵ list
[5]   ⍝ ← 2d 2 rows - (unique ⍵)⍪(frequency)
[6]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-03-05 11:37
[7]    }

63. (14 lines)

     ∇ fr←{⍺←⊢
[1]        (⊃⊢∘⊂/(≡⍵)↓0 0 ⍵){⊃1↓0,⍵⌿⍨{(⍵≠0)∧⍵=⌈/⍵}+/∨\('.',⍺,' ')⍷⍕⍪⍵}¨⊂nt ⍺⊣#
[2]   ⍝ find ref(s) in tree of tgt
[3]   ⍝ ⍺ tgt - space - dflt #
[4]   ⍝ ⍵ simple name(s)
[5]   ⍝ ← scalar or vector ref(s) nearest root or zero(s)
[7]   ⍝ was:
[8]   ⍝     ⊃⍺⍺/⍺,⊂⍵
[9]   ⍝ for loop (fold right)
[10]  ⍝ a b c d f fr w ←→ a f(b f(c f(d f w)))
[11]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2011-10-20 07:26
[12]   }

64. acre._code.UT.ft (9 lines)

     ∇ ft←{
[1]        ⍵{(0,⍴,⍺)↓⍵⌿⍨>/⍺⍷⍵}{⍵⌽⍨+/∧\' '=⍵}⎕CR⊃1↓⎕XSI
[2]   ⍝ Financial Times - "No Financial Times? No Comment!"
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ string
[4]   ⍝ ← lines of calling function starting in that string
[5]   ⍝   presumed to start with a '⍝' but don't need to.
[6]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-04-30 17:18
[7]    }

65. acre._code.UT.gc (15 lines)

     ∇ gc←{
[1]        ⍺←#
[2]        w←⍵
[3]        (s r)←⍵
[4]        c←{⊃⍵<∨/⍵}('\',cr'')∊s
[5]        s←{⍵ re fl{⍵,∘⊂¨'\',¨⍵}~∘'\'cr''}if c,s
[6]        (0∊⍴z←{⍵/⍨(⎕NC ⍵)∊3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 9.4}⍺ fi s):z
[7]        z⊣z ch¨⊂(⊃ec s)r
[8]   ⍝ global change
[9]   ⍝ ⍺ space - dflt #
[10]  ⍝ ⍵ old new strings
[11]  ⍝ ← nms changed
[12]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-03-17 16:51
[13]   }

66. (18 lines)

     ∇ gd←{⍺←⊢
[1]        z←⎕FMT'-'⍪'|',(⍺⊣0){
[2]            ⍺:⍉↑,/{⍵'-'}¨⍉⍵
[3]            '-'⍪⍨⍵
[4]        }↑,/{⍵'|'}¨⍵
[5]        r←(∨/z='-')∧∧/z∊'|- '
[6]        c←(∨⌿z='|')∧∧⌿z∊'|- '
[7]        (r⌿z)←'-'
[8]        (c/z)←'|'
[9]        ((,r∘.∧c)/,z)←'+'
[10]       z
[11]  ⍝ grid
[12]  ⍝ ⍺ 0 sep cols not rows
[13]  ⍝   1 sep cols and rows
[14]  ⍝ ⍵ array
[15]  ⍝ ← boxed
[16]   }

67. (7 lines)

     ∇ gw←{
[1]        (⎕NS''){0::⍺ ⋄ ⍺⊣⍺.⎕CY ⍵}⍵
[2]   ⍝ get ws
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ name of accessible ws
[4]   ⍝ ← anon root ns containing root and ns-tree of ws named ⍵
[5]    }

68. (7 lines)

     ∇ ht←{
[1]        (⊃⍵)(1↓⍵)
[2]   ⍝ ⍵ list
[3]   ⍝ ← head and tail
[4]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2009-01-12 11:30
[5]    }

69. acre._code.UT.hx (13 lines)

     ∇ hx←{
[1]        t←0∊⊃⍬⍴0⍴⊂⍵
[2]        a←⎕D,'abcdef',⎕D,6⍴⎕A
[3]        t:⍉a⌷⍨⊂16⊥⍣¯1⊢⍉⍵
[4]        ⍉16⊥16|a⍳⍉⍵
[5]   ⍝ ⍵ simple dec- or hex-array
[6]   ⍝ ← simple hex- or dec-array
[7]   ⍝   accepts hex as CAPS or small
[8]   ⍝   returns hex as small
[9]   ⍝   dec to hex increases rank at right
[10]  ⍝   hex to dec decreases rank from right
[11]   }

70. acre._code.UT.ia (31 lines)

     ∇ ia←{⍺←⊢
[1]        ~∘' '¨(⊢(⌿⍨)0≤⎕NC)⎕NR⊃⎕SI
[2]        alpha
[3]        bravo
[4]        charlie
[5]        delta
[6]        echo
[7]        foxtrot
[8]        golf
[9]        hotel
[10]       india
[11]       juliet
[12]       kilo
[13]       lima
[14]       mike
[15]       november
[16]       oscar
[17]       papa
[18]       quebec
[19]       romeo
[20]       sierra
[21]       tango
[22]       uniform
[23]       victor
[24]       whisky
[25]       x_ray
[26]       yankee
[27]       zulu
[28]  ⍝ ICAO (international civil aviation organization) alphabet
[29]   }

71. acre._code.UT.ic (18 lines)

     ∇ ic←{
[1]        m←0
[2]        ⍺←m←1
[3]        f←¯1∘tc
[4]        m:f ⍵
[5]        ≡/f¨⍺ ⍵
[6]   ⍝ ignore case
[7]   ⍝ ⍺ [string]
[8]   ⍝ ⍵ string
[9]   ⍝ ← strings match ignoring case & non-alphanumerics
[10]  ⍝   or only string lower case and non-alphanumeric
[11]  ⍝ also:
[12]  ⍝ interesting characters:
[13]  ⍝   181: mu (micro- prefix) (greek letter)
[14]  ⍝  8704: for all (upside down A)
[15]  ⍝  8707: there exists (backwards E)
[16]   }

72. (32 lines)

     ∇ is←{0::⎕NS⍣(≢⍴⍵)⊢''
[1]        ≢⍴⍵:r⊣⍎⍕'r.('n')←v'⊣r←⎕NS''⊣v←↓⍉↑⍵.(⍎¨)n←(⊢⍴⍨2⌈≢)¨∩/⍵.⎕NL-2
[2]        ≢⊢⍵:r⊣⍎⍕'r.('n')←v'⊣r←{⎕NS''}¨⍳≢v←↓⍉↑⍵.⍎¨n←(⊢⍴⍨2⌈≢)↓⍵.⎕NL 2
[4]   ⍝ invert space(s)
[5]   ⍝ ⍵ space or list thereof
[6]   ⍝ ⍵ space with named lists
[7]   ⍝ ← list of spaces with named items
[8]   ⍝   after lists overtaken to longest
[9]   ⍝ or
[10]  ⍝ ⍵ list of spaces with named items
[11]  ⍝ ← space with named lists
[12]  ⍝   of intersect of named items
[13]  ⍝ After normalisation is is self inverse.
[14]  ⍝    [
[15]  ⍝       nam←('five' 'zero' 'two')
[16]  ⍝       num←(5 0 2)
[17]  ⍝    ]
[18]  ⍝ vs
[19]  ⍝    [
[20]  ⍝       nam←'five'
[21]  ⍝       num←5
[22]  ⍝    ][
[23]  ⍝       nam←'zero'
[24]  ⍝       num←0
[25]  ⍝    ][
[26]  ⍝       nam←'two'
[27]  ⍝       num←2
[28]  ⍝    ]
[29]  ⍝ Phil Last 2017-04-10 10.14
[30]   }

73. acre._code.UT.js (11 lines)

     ∇ js←{⍺←⊢
[1]        head←':namespace ',name←⍺⊣'.'nn df ⍵
[2]        par←'⍝ ## ←→ ',,df ⍵.##
[3]        consts←'(⎕IO ⎕ML)←',⍕⍵.(⎕IO ⎕ML)
[4]        fns←,⊃,/(⊂''),⍵.((⊂'')∘,∘⎕NR¨↓⎕NL 3.2 4.2)
[5]        fns,←⊃,/(⊂''),⍵.({('∇',¨1⍴⍵),1↓⍵,'∇'}∘⎕NR¨↓⎕NL 3.1 4.1)
[6]        tail←':endnamespace ⍝ ',name
[7]        head par''consts,fns,''tail
[8]   ⍝ flat script from defined fns and ops only
[9]    }

74. (32 lines)

     ∇ ki←{
[1]        1:2↓¯2↓⎕NR⊃⎕SI ⍝ not this
[2]        +/∧\
[3]        +/∧\' '=
[4]        ,/
[5]        ,←
[6]        /⍳
[7]        /⍳⍴
[8]        0=⍴
[9]        0=⍴⍴
[10]       0∊⍴
[11]       1=≡
[12]       {(+/∧\' '=⍵)↓⍵}
[13]       {(+/∨\' '≠⌽⍵)↑¨↓⍵}
[14]       {(↓⍺)⍳↓⍵}
[15]       {(∨\' '≠⍵)/⍵}
[16]       {0}
[17]       {}
[18]       {⍵[⍋⍵]}
[19]       {⍵[⍋⍵;]}
[20]       {⍵}
[21]       {⍺ ⍵}
[22]       {⍺}
[23]       ~∘' '¨↓
[24]       ↓⍉↑
[25]       ∧\' '=
[26]       ⊃∘⍴¨
[27]       ⊃⌽
[28]       ⍴⍴
[29]  ⍝ known idioms
[30]   }

75. acre._code.UT.kl (26 lines)

     ∇ kl←{⍺←⊢
[1]        y m←0 100⊤⍵
[2]        y←y+(y=0)⊃0,⎕TS
[3]        y<100:∇¨(⍵×100)+1+4 3⍴⍳12
[4]        l←>/0=4 100 400|y
[5]        md←0 31 28,10⍴5⍴31 30
[6]        fy←{(⍵×365)+(⌊⍵÷4)-(⌊⍵÷100)-⌊⍵÷400}y-1
[7]        ytd←(m⊃+\0,md)+l∧m>2
[8]        r←1↓43↑' ',1+⍳(m⊃md)+l∧m=2
[9]        t←~∘' ',m⊃' ',{⍵/⍨¯1≠⎕NC ⍵}⎕NR⊃⎕SI
[10]       1:↑(⊂⍕t,y),↓⍕'SMTWTFS'⍪6 7⍴(-7|1+fy+ytd)⌽r
[11]       January
[12]       February
[13]       March
[14]       April
[15]       May
[16]       June
[17]       July
[18]       August
[19]       Sepember
[20]       October
[21]       November
[22]       December
[23]  ⍝ kalends
[24]   }

76. acre._code.UT.ku (7 lines)

     ∇ ku←{⍺←⊢
[1]        ~∨/b←⍺=⊢/¨w←⍵:w
[2]        (b/w)←b/2{(¯1↓⍺),⍵}/w,' '
[3]        ⍺ ∇(¯1↓1,~b)/w
[4]   ⍝ KontinUe - expects {(+/∨\' '≠⌽⍵)↑¨↓⍵} matrix
[5]    }

77. (6 lines)

     ∇ la←{
[1]        {⍵{(⍺,⍵)[⍒⍵;]}2 ⎕AT ⍵}⍵ li 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2
[2]   ⍝ latest fns/ops in ns ⍵
[3]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-01-17 12:11
[4]    }

78. (7 lines)

     ∇ lc←{
[1]        0 ll ⍵
[2]   ⍝ lower case clone
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ space with vars
[4]   ⍝ ← space as ⍵ but all vars are lower case
[5]    }

79. acre._code.UT.lf (8 lines)

     ∇ lf←{
[1]        ⍵⌿⍨⍺ lw ⍵
[2]   ⍝ ⍺ logical filter - wildcards '(*this∨that*)∧~the*other'
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ namelist - 2d or string list
[4]   ⍝ ← names in (⍵) matching filter
[5]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-06-11 21:14
[6]    }

80. (9 lines)

     ∇ li←{⍺←#
[1]        1↓⊃,/' ',⍵∘{(⍕⍵)∘,¨~∘' '¨↓'.',⍵.⎕NL|⍺}¨nt ⍺
[2]   ⍝ list
[3]   ⍝ ⍺ space
[4]   ⍝ ⍵ nameclasses ∊ 0.1×⍳100
[5]   ⍝ ← fullname list all nameclass items in or below space
[6]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-01-09 12:09
[7]    }

81. acre._code.UT.li0 (11 lines)

     ∇ li0←{
[1]        ⎕ML←0
[2]        ⍺←#
[3]        1↓⊃,/' ',⍵∘{(⍕⍵)∘,¨~∘' '¨↓'.',⍵.⎕NL|⍺}¨nt ⍺
[4]   ⍝ list
[5]   ⍝ ⍺ space
[6]   ⍝ ⍵ nameclasses ∊ 0.1×⍳100
[7]   ⍝ ← fullname list all nameclass items in or below space
[8]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-01-09 12:09
[9]    }

82. acre._code.UT.ll (7 lines)

     ∇ ll←{
[1]        ⍺{s←⎕NS'' ⋄ s⊣s.⍎(⍺⍺ cc ⍺),'←⍵'}/⍵.({⍵(⍎⍵)}'⎕io',,' ',⎕NL 2.1)
[2]   ⍝ case-folded clone
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ space with vars
[4]   ⍝ ← space as ⍵ but all vars are lower/upper case according ⍺
[5]    }

83. (12 lines)

     ∇ ls←{0∊⍴⍵:''
[1]        ⍺←'&'
[2]        s←1↓⌽(1,⍴⍵)/(' ',⍺,' ')', '
[3]        (1+⍴0⊃s)↓⊃,/' ',s,¨⍵
[4]   ⍝ list
[5]   ⍝ ⍺ alternative to '&'
[6]   ⍝ ⍵ list
[7]   ⍝ ← string
[8]   ⍝   ls 'one' 'two' 'three' 'four'
[9]   ⍝ one, two, three & four
[10]   }

84. (26 lines)

     ∇ lv←{
[1]        1:⎕CR⊃⎕SI
[2]   ⍝ logical vector reduction
[3]   ⍝ In the following list of logical vector reductions the
[4]   ⍝ comment describes ⍵ when 1<⍴⍵ and the result is true.
[5]   ⍝ The boolean digits are the values, for each ⍺⍺/ of ∘.⍺⍺⍨0 1
[6]   ⍝ The two D:fns and two dervs are the missing logicals - (0 a c f)
[8]        0 0 0 0 ⋄ {0}/⍵  ⍝ never
[9]        0 0 0 1 ⋄ ∧/⍵    ⍝ no zeros
[10]       0 0 1 0 ⋄ >/⍵    ⍝ odd leading ones
[11]       0 0 1 1 ⋄ ⊣/⍵    ⍝ a leading one
[12]       0 1 0 0 ⋄ </⍵    ⍝ last is only one
[13]       0 1 0 1 ⋄ ⊢/⍵    ⍝ last is one
[14]       0 1 1 0 ⋄ ≠/⍵    ⍝ odd ones
[15]       0 1 1 1 ⋄ ∨/⍵    ⍝ at least one one
[16]       1 0 0 0 ⋄ ⍱/⍵    ⍝ odd leading zeros else last is only one
[17]       1 0 0 1 ⋄ =/⍵    ⍝ even zeros
[18]       1 0 1 0 ⋄ (~⊢)/⍵ ⍝ last is parity of width
[19]       1 0 1 1 ⋄ ≥/⍵    ⍝ even leading zeros
[20]       1 1 0 0 ⋄ (~⊣)/⍵ ⍝ a leading zero
[21]       1 1 0 1 ⋄ ≤/⍵    ⍝ last is not only zero
[22]       1 1 1 0 ⋄ ⍲/⍵    ⍝ even leading ones else last is only zero
[23]       1 1 1 1 ⋄ {1}/⍵  ⍝ always
[24]   }

85. acre._code.UT.lw (8 lines)

     ∇ lw←{
[1]        (⍺≡∊⍺):(⍬⍴⍴⍵)⍴0
[2]        ⍺{⍎'⍵ wi'ps ⍺}↑⍵
[3]   ⍝ ⍺ logical wildcard - wildcards '(*this∨that*)∧~the*other'
[4]   ⍝ ⍵ namelist - 2d or string list
[5]   ⍝ ← boolean - which names in (⍵) match filter
[6]    }

86. (7 lines)

     ∇ md←{
[1]        ⍬⍴⍵{⍵/⍨=∘(⌈/)⍨¯2-/((⌷⍨∘⊂∘⍋⍨⍵⍳⍺)⍳⍳⍴⍵),⍴⍺}∪⍵
[2]   ⍝ mode
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ list
[4]   ⍝ ← most frequent item or first occurring of multiple
[5]    }

87. (9 lines)

     ∇ ml←{
[1]        r←re fl∘('&' '&amp;')('<' '&lt;')('>' '&gt;')
[2]        c←r if{'<'≠⍬⍴⍵}
[3]        ((1=≡⍺)⊃⍺(⊂⍺)){
[4]   ⍝     (⊃{⊂⍵}/(1∩≡⍺),⊂⍺){
[5]            1⌽'><',(⊃{⍵,⊃{' ',⍺,1⌽'"="',r ⍵}∘⍕/⍺}/⌽⍺),⊃(×⍴⍵)↓'/'('>',(c ⍵),'</',⊃⍺)
[6]        },⍕⍵
[7]    }

88. (17 lines)

     ∇ mn←{
[1]        ⍺←''
[2]   ⍝    mu below is ⎕ucs 181
[3]        m n←'yzafpnµm' 'kMGTPEZY'
[4]        (⊂⍺),¨⍨⍵{(m,(⊂''),n)[⍵+8],¨⍨⍕¨3 sg ⍺÷1000*⍵}⌊1000⍟|⍵+⍵=0
[5]   ⍝ magnitute
[6]   ⍝ ⍺ unit
[7]   ⍝ ⍵ simple number array
[8]   ⍝ ← (⍵) scaled such that (1 ≤ |n) ∧ 1000 > |n
[9]   ⍝   followed by the relevant SI Prefixes and the unit (⍺)
[10]  ⍝ 'g' ∇ 12345 0.12345 → 12.345kg  123.45mg
[11]  ⍝ yocto, zepto, atto, femto, pico, nano, micro, milli,
[12]  ⍝ 1e¯24  1e¯21  1e¯18 1e¯15  1e¯12 1e¯9  1e¯6   1e¯3
[13]  ⍝ kilo,  Mega,  Giga, Tera,  Peta, Exa,  Zetta, Yotta.
[14]  ⍝ 1e3    1e6    1e9   1e12   1e15  1e18  1e21   1e24
[15]   }

89. (16 lines)

     ∇ ms←{
[1]        ⍺⊣⍎{'⍺.(',⍵,')←⍵.(',⍵,')'}'⎕io',⍕⊃~/(⍵ ⍺).⎕NL-2
[2]   ⍝ merge spaces
[3]   ⍝ ⍺ space
[4]   ⍝ ⍵ space
[5]   ⍝ ← (⍺) with union of vars in (⍺) & (⍵)
[6]   ⍝   vars already in (⍺) ARE NOT OVERWRITTEN
[7]   ⍝   unlike 'a'⎕ns b which overwrites common vars in a with values from b
[8]   ⍝ in ms/A B C
[9]   ⍝ C will remain unchanged
[10]  ⍝ B will keep its own and gain vars from C not in B
[11]  ⍝ A will keep its own and gain vars from B ms C not in A
[12]  ⍝ no values are changed.
[13]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-09-02 22:05
[14]   }

90. (11 lines)

     ∇ mv←{
[1]        x n←((⌈/⍺)⌈⌈/⍵),(⌊/⍺)⌊⌊/⍵
[2]        (⍵[⍋⍵],x)[(0,+\(⍳1+x-n)∊⍵-n)[⍺-n]]
[3]   ⍝ move
[4]   ⍝ ⍺ integer vector
[5]   ⍝ ⍵ integer vector
[6]   ⍝ ← ⍺ with items not in ⍵ moved to next ⍵
[7]   ⍝   {(⍵,⌈/⍺)[+/⍺∘.>⍵]}∘{⍵[⍋⍵]} can be
[8]   ⍝   quicker for relatively small ⍵
[9]    }

91. (5 lines)

     ∇ mx←{
[1]        ↑⍵⍴¨⍨↓1+⌽↑-1-⌽∘⍴¨⍵
[2]   ⍝ mix variable rank
[3]    }

92. (13 lines)

     ∇ na←{
[1]        ⎕ML←0
[2]        ⍺←#(2 3 4)
[3]        s c←⍺
[4]        c←(s≡c)⊃c(2 3 4)
[5]        (,∘(⍵∘,)⍨'*'~⍵)lf s li c
[6]   ⍝ names
[7]   ⍝ ⍺ space [ nameclasses ]
[8]   ⍝ ⍵ wildcard
[9]   ⍝ ← wildcard matches having nameclass in or below space
[10]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-01-22 21:26
[11]   }

93. acre._code.UT.nd (8 lines)

     ∇ nd←{
[1]        ⌈/-∘(⌊/)⍨+.=∘'.'⍕,[⍬]nt ⍵
[2]   ⍝ namespace depth
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ ns
[4]   ⍝ ← 0⌈⌈/1+∇¨subnss
[5]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-09-02 14:23
[6]    }

94. (10 lines)

     ∇ ne←{
[1]        ⍺(⍵{⍺+⍵ׯ1*(⍺-⍵)∊⍺⍺})⌊/|⍺∘.-⍵
[2]   ⍝ nearest
[3]   ⍝ ⍺ integer list
[4]   ⍝ ⍵ ditto
[5]   ⍝ ← ⍺ decreased or increased where necessary to nearest value of ⍵
[6]   ⍝      0 4 9 14 20 25 ne 3×⍳10
[7]   ⍝ 0 3 9 15 21 24
[8]    }

95. (22 lines)

     ∇ ni←{⍺←⊢ ⋄ ⍵≡⍺ ⍵:∇/⍵ ⋄ {⍵._Inst}{
[1]            (⍵._Inst.⍎⍺,'←⍵∘{0::(⊃⍬⍴⎕DM)⎕SIGNAL ⎕EN ⋄ ⍺ ⍺._Class.',⍺,'⍵}')/⍵
[2]        }/⍵,⍺{⍵⊣⍵.(_Class _Inst)←⍺,#.⎕NS''}#.⎕NS''
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ (class)(methods)
[4]   ⍝ ← instance
[5]   ⍝ class: space having at least the functions named in methods.
[6]   ⍝ methods: names of explicit dyadic functions in class.
[7]   ⍝ instance: space with derived methods that call the class
[8]   ⍝           methods that share data in their unnamed space
[9]   ⍝           left argument that refs instance and class.
[10]  ⍝ .-class-----. .-instance-. .-------------.
[11]  ⍝ | fns, data | | methods  | | data  class |
[12]  ⍝ |   methods | '--↓-------' | instance ↓  |
[13]  ⍝ '-----↓--↑--'    |   ↑     '--↓-------|--'
[14]  ⍝    ↑  |  |       |   |        |   ↑   |
[15]  ⍝    |  |  '-------'   '--------'   |   |
[16]  ⍝    |  |                           |   |
[17]  ⍝    |  '---------------------------'   |
[18]  ⍝    |                                  |
[19]  ⍝    '----------------------------------'
[20]   }

96. acre._code.UT.nm (10 lines)

     ∇ nm←{
[1]        ⍺←#
[2]        ,∘⍵⍣⍺.{0=⎕NC ⍺}''
[3]   ⍝ new name
[4]   ⍝ ⍺ space
[5]   ⍝ ⍵ scalar char
[6]   ⍝ ← new name undefined in space
[7]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2009-02-14 18:28
[8]    }

97. acre._code.UT.nn (8 lines)

     ∇ nn←nn
[1]    nn←(-(⌽⊢)⍳⊣)↑⊢
[2]   ⍝ node name
[3]   ⍝ ⍺ separator
[4]   ⍝ ⍵ name - qualified ws item, filename ?
[5]   ⍝ ← last node
[6]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-06-02 22:58

98. (5 lines)

     ∇ no←no
[1]    no←~∘∊⍨
[2]   ⍝ nulls out
[3]   ⍝ Phil Last 2017-12-19 07.35

99. acre._code.UT.ns (12 lines)

     ∇ ns←{
[1]        {⍵{⍵\{
[2]                    0::1            ⍝ ok if error!
[3]                    {0}#.⎕SRC #.⍎⍵  ⍝ wrong if not
[4]                }¨⍵/⍺
[5]            }9.1=#.⎕NC ⍵}⊂if≡⍵
[6]   ⍝ non scripted
[7]   ⍝ ⍵ nested list
[8]   ⍝ ← boolean, which of (⍵) are names of non-scripted (ordinary) nss
[9]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-04-15 19:04
[10]   }

100. acre._code.UT.nt (9 lines)

     ∇ nt←{
[1]        ∪⍵{⊃∇/⍺.(⍺{(0,⍵)/⍨0,(⍺≠⍵)∧⍺=⍵.##}⍎⍕'⍺',⌽↓⎕NL 9.1),⊂⍵,⍺}⍬
[2]   ⍝ namespace tree
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ ns
[4]   ⍝ ← ns and all nss below
[5]   ⍝   excludes nss whose only ref is outside parent
[6]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-04-30 00:30
[7]    }

101. acre._code.UT.os (17 lines)

     ∇ os←{
[1]        f←({⍵⊣⍵.x←⍬}⎕NS'')∘{⍺.x⊣⍺.x{(⍺~⍵)∪⍵~⍺}←,⍵}
[2]        f{⍵⊣⍵.(f←⍺⍺)/0}⎕NS''
[3]   ⍝ one store
[4]   ⍝ ⍵ ? ignored
[5]   ⍝ ← ns containing function f
[6]   ⍝ after which in ns.f ⍵
[7]   ⍝   ⍵ array
[8]   ⍝   ← contents of store after call being
[9]   ⍝     items previously in store not in arg
[10]  ⍝     and items in arg not previously in store
[11]  ⍝ with the result that scalars in arg
[12]  ⍝ are added to or removed from store.
[13]  ⍝   ns.f ⍬   ←→ contents unchanged
[14]  ⍝   ns.f⍣2⊢⍬ ←→ empty store
[15]   }

102. (9 lines)

     ∇ pa←{
[1]        ⍺←⎕PW-1
[2]        {⍵↓¨⍨~1↑⍨⍴⍵}⍵{⍺⊂⍨⍵↑⍨⍴⍺}⊃,/⍺{⍵↑¨⍺ cl ⍵}¯2-/0,(⍴⍵),⍨(/∘⍳∘⍴⍨)⍵=' '
[3]   ⍝ paragraph
[4]   ⍝ ⍺ width
[5]   ⍝ ⍵ text string
[6]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-09-11 15:03
[7]    }

103. acre._code.UT.pb (14 lines)

     ∇ pb←{
[1]        bl ht nb←⎕UCS' 'HT NB
[2]        (1=≡⍵){
[3]            (↑⍣⍺)⎕UCS∘{
[4]                {⊃⍵ nb+.×0 1=⊂{⍵∧⌽∨\⌽~⍵}⍵∊ht bl}⍵/⍨6*⍵=ht
[5]            }∘⎕UCS¨(↓⍣⍺)⍵
[6]        }⍵
[8]   ⍝ preserve blanks
[9]   ⍝ ⍵ text perhaps with leading or embedded blanks or tabs
[10]  ⍝ ← ⍵ with leading and embedded blanks and tabs replaced by
[11]  ⍝   non-breaking space(NB): ' ' 1 for 1; tab(HT) 6 for 1.
[12]   }

104. (12 lines)

     ∇ pf←{⍺←⊢
[1]        c←'R:' 'D:' 'U:' 'E:' 'Z:' 'L:' '8:'
[2]        k←'ER' 'DC' 'UC' 'ED' 'DL' 'LL' 'F8'
[3]        def←⍺ re fl↓c,⍪⊂¨k
[4]        def ⎕PFKEY ⍵
[5]   ⍝ ⍺ def - string wherein 'R:' 'D:' 'U:' 'E:'
[6]   ⍝          replaced with 'ER' 'DC' 'UC' 'ED'
[7]   ⍝ ⍵ key
[8]   ⍝ ← new defn
[9]   ⍝ Phil Last 2014-10-01 11:57
[10]   }

105. (10 lines)

     ∇ pl←{
[1]        0∊∊⍺:(⍕⍺),(⍺≠1)⊃~∘∊⍨' '(=⊂⊢)' ',⍵
[2]        (1⌽(⍵≠1)⊃~∘∊⍨{⍵⊂⍨⍵=⊃⍵}' ',⍺),⍕⍵
[3]   ⍝ plural
[4]   ⍝ ⍺  number          | ⍺  'this these'
[5]   ⍝ ⍵  'thing things'  | ⍵  number
[6]   ⍝ ←  1 thing         | ←  this 1
[7]   ⍝    n things        |    these n
[8]    }

106. (10 lines)

     ∇ pn←{⍺←'\/'
[1]        ⍵{(⍵↓⍺)(⍵↑⍺)}-⌊/(⌽⍵)⍳⍺
[2]   ⍝ file path / name  ⍝ '/' being ⍺←'/\' by default
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ file/path/name
[4]   ⍝ ← (file/path/) (name)
[5]   ⍝ path - up to and including final separator
[6]   ⍝ name - beyond final separator
[7]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-07-07 11:31
[8]    }

107. acre._code.UT.pp (13 lines)

     ∇ pp←{
[1]        len←⍴str←sz,' ',⍵
[2]        word←⌈len÷+/brk←str∊' -'
[3]        lines←⌈len÷⍺-word
[4]        wid←⌈len÷lines
[5]        pos←wid×⍳lines
[6]        pos←pos ne brk/⍳len
[7]        msk←(⍳len)∊pos
[8]        ~∘∊⍨msk⊂1⌽str
[9]   ⍝ paragraph
[10]  ⍝ 4 × quicker than pa but not guaranteed to stay within width
[11]   }

108. (6 lines)

     ∇ pr←{
[1]        ⍺←'()'
[2]        ⍺∘{1⌽(⌽⍺),⍵}ad{1}⍵
[3]   ⍝ parenthesise
[4]    }

109. (21 lines)

     ∇ ps←{
[1]        def←'⍺⍺'(cr'')
[2]        ⍺←def
[3]        arg←,es ⍺
[4]        fnx exc←2⍴arg,(⍴arg)↓def
[5]        ⍺{
[6]            ⊃,/,⍉↑{{'(',fnx,'''',⍵,''')'}¨⍵
[7]            }\⊃{⍺∘{(⍵/2</0,⍵)⊂⍵/⍺
[8]                }¨1 0=⊂(⍺=' '){⍵∨⍺∧⍵{⍵∊⍺/⍵}+\~⍺
[9]                }{(⍺ ⍺⍺ ⍵)∧⌽(⌽⍺)⍺⍺⌽⍵}⍵
[10]           }/exc ec ⍵
[11]       }{⍵/⍨1+⍵=''''}'(',⍵,')'
[12]  ⍝ parse
[13]  ⍝ ⍺ 'fnexpr' ['exechars'] - default '⍺⍺' '(~<≤=≥>≠∨∧⍱⍲)\'
[14]  ⍝ ⍵ string may contain text and executable chararacters.
[15]  ⍝   use \ to escape executable chars including itself.
[16]  ⍝ ← string parsed so that each substring is arg to fnexpr
[17]  ⍝ (this∧~and)<that ←→ (((⍺⍺'this')∧~(⍺⍺'and'))<(⍺⍺'that'))
[18]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-03-04 15:14
[19]   }

110. acre._code.UT.px (5 lines)

     ∇ px←px
[1]    px←((,/2⍴⊢),2↓⊢)⎕NPARTS
[2]   ⍝ 'path/name.ext' → 'path/name' '.ext'
[3]   ⍝ Phil Last 2018-01-12 19.45

111. acre._code.UT.qu (7 lines)

     ∇ qu←{
[1]        ⍺←''''
[2]        ⍺,(⍵/⍨1+⍵=⍺),⍺
[3]   ⍝ quote
[4]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-01-14 17:39
[5]    }

112. acre._code.UT.rc (15 lines)

     ∇ rc←{
[1]        ⍺←1 1
[2]        22::⍬    ⍝ missing file
[3]        ⍺{(⎕FUNTIE ⍵)⊢{⎕FREAD ⍺ ⍵
[4]            }/⍵,⍪0~⍨⍺{⍴⍴⍺:⍵/⍨⍺⍴⍨⍴⍵ ⋄ ⍺↑⍵}⊃↓∘⍳/2⍴⎕FSIZE ⍵
[5]        }⍵ ⎕FSTIE 0
[6]   ⍝ read component file
[7]   ⍝ ⍺ scalar - larg to ↑ on components - 3=first 3, ¯2=last 2
[8]   ⍝   vector - larg to / on components used cyclically -
[9]   ⍝            (1 0)=odds, (0 0 1)=every third, default - (1 1)=all
[10]  ⍝ ⍵ file path/name
[11]  ⍝ ← vector of file components
[12]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-07-04 14:55
[13]   }

113. acre._code.UT.rd (10 lines)

     ∇ rd←{
[1]        ⊃(⌊0.5+⍵×⍺÷+/⍵){⍺⍺+⍵{(×⍵)×(⍳⍴⍺)∊(⍒|⍺)⍴⍨|⍵}⍺-+/⍺⍺}/⍺ ⍵
[2]   ⍝ redistribute
[3]   ⍝ ⍺ new scalar integer total
[4]   ⍝ ⍵ simple integer list
[5]   ⍝ ← list with length as (⍵), total as (⍺) and relative proportions similar
[6]   ⍝   to (⍵). Recalculate proportionally; round to integer; redistribute
[7]   ⍝   total error (e) as +/-1 for each of the (e) absolute largest items.
[8]    }

114. (9 lines)

     ∇ re←{
[1]        fi←{(⍴,⍺){⍵\⍺{⍵∊⊃⍺{⍵,⍺/⍨⍺≥⍺⍺+⌈/⍵}/⌽(-⍺),⍵}⍵/⍳⍴⍵}⍺⍷⍵} ⍝ no overlap
[2]        ⊃⍺{(⍴,⍵)↓⊃,/⍵∘,¨(⍴,⍺)↓¨⍺{⍵⊂⍨⍺ fi ⍵}⍺,⍺⍺}/⍵
[3]   ⍝    ⊃⍺{(⍴,⍵)↓⊃,/⍵∘,¨(⍴,⍺)↓¨⍺{⍵⊂⍨⍺ ⍷  ⍵}⍺,⍺⍺}/⍵
[4]   ⍝ replace
[5]   ⍝ string re old new
[6]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2007-12-31 11:22
[7]    }

115. acre._code.UT.rf (12 lines)

     ∇ rf←{
[1]        ⍺←⎕DR''
[2]        22::0/' ' 0[2|⍺]
[3]        ⍺{(⎕NUNTIE ⍵)⊢⎕NREAD ⍵,⍺,2↑⎕NSIZE ⍵}⍵ ⎕NTIE 0
[4]   ⍝ read file
[5]   ⍝ ⍺ conversion - dflt ⎕DR'' (?80?82?) - giving text
[6]   ⍝ ⍵ file path/name
[7]   ⍝ ← file body - type acc'g ⍺
[8]   ⍝   if no file - ⍬ or '' acc'g ⍺ is odd or even
[9]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-06-12 8:40
[10]   }

116. acre._code.UT.rm (11 lines)

     ∇ rm←{
[1]        ⍺{1↓⊃,/⍵{(¯1↓' ',(⍴⍵)⍴1↓⍺),¨⍵}(⊃⍵){⍺{(⍴⍺)↓¨⍵⊂⍨⍺⍷⍵}⍺,⍵}⍺},¨⍵
[2]   ⍝ replace multiple
[3]   ⍝ ⍺ text string with placeholders
[4]   ⍝ ⍵ list of strings first of which is placeholder the rest being strings
[5]   ⍝   to replace each placeholder, re-used cyclically if insufficient.
[6]   ⍝ ← amended string
[7]   ⍝   If 2=⍴⍵ this is equivalent to: ⍺ re ⍵
[8]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-06-09 23:58
[9]    }

117. acre._code.UT.rn (7 lines)

     ∇ rn←{⍺←⊢
[1]        ⊃if(0∘=∘⍴∘⍴){⍵↑¨⍨{+/(⍵≠' ')∧2>+\'.'=⍵}↑⍵}⊂if≡⍵
[2]   ⍝ ⍵ name(s)      '#.a.b.c.d' '#.x.y.z'
[3]   ⍝ ← rootname(s)  '#.a' '#.x'
[4]   ⍝ depth 1 or 2
[5]    }

118. acre._code.UT.rp (7 lines)

     ∇ rp←{
[1]        ⍵↓⍨(≢⍺)×⍺≡(≢⍺)⍴⍵
[2]   ⍝ remove prefix ⍺ from ⍵
[5]    }

119. (14 lines)

     ∇ rs←{
[1]        f←⊢(/⍨)(1+1∊'#⎕'∊⊢)>(+\'.'=⊢)
[2]        0=10|⎕DR ⍵:f ⍵
[3]        ⍎f⍕⍵
[5]   ⍝ root space
[6]   ⍝ ⍵ ref or fqn
[7]   ⍝ ← ref or fqn as ⍵
[8]   ⍝   if ⍵ is #, ⎕se, #.sub or ⎕SE.sub
[9]   ⍝       then ⍵
[10]  ⍝   else (# or ⎕SE).sub that contains ⍵
[11]  ⍝ longest prefix containing less than two dots
[12]   }

120. (7 lines)

     ∇ ru←{0::''
[1]        1↓⊃,/(⎕UCS 13),¨0⊃'UTF-8'⎕NGET ⍵ 1
[2]   ⍝ read unicode
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ filepath
[4]   ⍝ read UTF-8 file with CR (U+000D)
[5]    }

121. (9 lines)

     ∇ sa←{
[1]        b←=∘⍵⍣(0=≡⍺)⊢⍺
[2]        1↓¨(1,b)⊂' ',⍵
[3]   ⍝ split at
[4]   ⍝ ⍺ scalar char or boolean length of ⍵
[5]   ⍝ ⍵ string
[6]   ⍝ ← ⍵ split at 1s in ⍺ or where ⍵=⍺
[7]    }

122. (17 lines)

     ∇ sc←{
[1]        ⍺←⊢
[2]        sc←{⍺←⊢
[3]            (0∊⍴r←⍺ fi ⍵):0 2⍴r
[4]            r←r/⍨1=≡∘vr¨r
[5]            {(+/∨\' '≠⌽⍵)↑⍵}¨↑{⍵⊂⍨{⍵∧2≥+\⍵}2</0,⍵≠' '
[6]            }¨⊃,/'' '',(⊃ec ⍵)∘{⍵∘,¨⍺∘{⍵/⍨⍺∘{1∊⍺⍷⍵}¨⍵}≠∘CR pt vr ⍵}¨r
[7]        }
[8]        1=≡⍵:⍺ sc ⍵
[9]        ↑∪↓⊃⍪/⍺∘sc¨⍵
[10]  ⍝ search & show
[11]  ⍝ ⍺ & ⍵ args to fi but ⍵ has to be a simple positive search so the entire
[12]  ⍝ string is to be found as is within the target. No logical wildcards.
[13]  ⍝ All potential control chars to be escaped.
[14]  ⍝ ← each line of each item that contains the string.
[15]   }

123. (18 lines)

     ∇ se←{
[1]        fac←∇{⍵≤9:2 ⋄ ⍺⍺⌈⍵*÷2}⍵
[2]        res←~⍵↑1 1
[3]        res/⍳⍵⊣⍵{
[4]            ⊢res[⍵×⍵↓⍳⌈⍺÷⍵]←0
[5]        }¨fac
[6]   ⍝ sieve of Eratosthenes
[7]   ⍝ was ...
[8]        n←24 60 60 1000
[9]        td←{(#.DateToIDN 3⍴⍵)+(n⊥3↓⍵)÷×/n}
[10]       dt←{(3⍴#.IDNToDate⌊⍵),⌊n⊤(1|⍵)××/n}
[11]       (dt(td ⎕TS)-(⌈/⎕AI)÷×/n)((0,n)⊤⌈/⎕AI)
[12]  ⍝ session start & duration
[13]  ⍝ ⍵ null
[14]  ⍝ ← start: y m d h m s m, duration: d h m s m
[15]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-02-04 18:13
[16]   }

124. acre._code.UT.sf (22 lines)

     ∇ sf←{
[1]        ⎕ML←0
[2]        aA0←(~∘' ''',(/⍨∘(≠\∘(''''∘=))⍨ps ⍵),ab'')∘{⍵{⍵\⍵/⍺}⍵∊⍺}
[3]        ⍺←#
[4]        0::((⊃⎕DM),' - Try escaping "',(⍵∩'(~<≤=≥>≠∨∧⍱⍲)\'),'"')⎕SIGNAL ⎕EN
[5]        ('1∊⍵⍷⍨'ps ⍵){⍵/⍨⍺∘{⍺{⍎⍺}aA0,⍕⍵{
[6]                    (⍵∊3 4):⎕VR ⍺
[7]                    (⍵=2):⍎⍺
[8]                    (⍵=9):⎕SRC⍎⍺
[9]                    ''
[10]               }⎕NC ⍵}¨⍵}{
[11]           (''≢0⍴⍵):⍵ li 3 4 9.4
[12]           ⍵ lf # li 3 4 9.4
[13]       }⍺
[14]  ⍝ syntax find
[15]  ⍝ ⍺ ref    - search all in or below
[16]  ⍝   string - wildcard selection of candidates anywhere
[17]  ⍝ ⍵ search string - can contain executables "(~<≤=≥>≠∨∧⍱⍲)". see ps
[18]  ⍝ ← fully qualified names of arrays, fns, ops & classes where found.
[19]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-03-12 19:30
[20]   }

125. (10 lines)

     ∇ sg←{
[1]        ⍵{⍵×⌊0.5+⍺÷⍵}10*-⍺-1+⌊10⍟|⍵+⍵=0
[2]   ⍝ significant figures
[3]   ⍝ ⍺ int(s)
[4]   ⍝ ⍵ float(s)
[5]   ⍝ ← (⍵) "rounded" to (⍺) sig figs
[6]   ⍝ this is a scalar function
[7]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-08-01 10:29
[8]    }

126. (7 lines)

     ∇ sh←{
[1]        {w}'w'⎕WC w←'OLECLIENT' 'WScript.Shell'
[2]   ⍝ windows shell object
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ ?
[4]   ⍝ ← windows shell object
[5]    }

127. (6 lines)

     ∇ si←{⍺←⊢
[1]        {⍺,,('P<[>Q<]>I',⍕3+⌊10⍟1⌈⍵)⎕FMT ⍵}/1↓⍉↑⎕XSI ⎕LC
[2]   ⍝
[3]   ⍝ Phil Last 2017-12-05 20.15
[4]    }

128. (6 lines)

     ∇ sl←sl
[1]    sl←⊣(1↓¨=⊂⊢),
[2]   ⍝ separated string to list without sep
[3]   ⍝ nilad returning dyad
[4]   ⍝ Phil Last 2017-12-19 07.35

129. (6 lines)

     ∇ sm←{⍺←⊢
[1]        (ns<9<⎕NC)sp¨⊂if≡⍵
[2]   ⍝ script member
[3]   ⍝ Phil 2018-01-28 18.16
[4]    }

130. (5 lines)

     ∇ sn←sn
[1]    ns<9≤⎕NC
[2]   ⍝ ⍵ fqns
[3]   ⍝ ← boolean which are scripted spaces

131. (6 lines)

     ∇ so←{
[1]        ⍵⊣(⎕NS'').(⎕ED&{'n'}n←⍕1 ##.ty↑n∘,¨↓'.',⍵.⎕NL 2 3 4⊣n,←'s'/⍨~n/⍨←~'['∊n←⍕s←⍵)
[2]   ⍝ edit all objects in space:
[3]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-03-12 08:32
[4]    }

132. acre._code.UT.sp (9 lines)

     ∇ sp←sp
[1]    sp←1⊃⎕NPARTS
[2]   ⍝ space path
[3]   ⍝ monad
[4]   ⍝ '#.a.b.c' → '#.a.b'
[5]   ⍝ '#.a.b'   → '#.a'
[6]   ⍝ '#.a'     → '#'
[7]   ⍝ '#'       → '#'

133. acre._code.UT.sq (9 lines)

     ∇ sq←{
[1]        ⍺←1
[2]        cols←1⌈⌊0.5+{(⌈(⍺×⍵)*÷2)÷⍵}/⍺ 1×2 1×⍴⍵
[3]        ↑,/⍉cols rows⍴(cols×rows←⌈(⍬⍴⍴⍵)÷cols)↑↓⍵
[4]   ⍝ square
[5]   ⍝ reshape text column to nearest ⍺ rectangular display
[6]   ⍝ default square (1) - 2 gives 2×width
[7]    }

134. (19 lines)

     ∇ su←{ft'⍝- '
[1]   ⍝- :Class suicide
[2]   ⍝-     ∇ inst←New(fn arg)
[3]   ⍝-       :Access public shared
[4]   ⍝-       inst←(⍬⍴⎕RSI).⎕NEW ⎕THIS
[5]   ⍝-     ∇
[6]   ⍝-
[7]   ⍝-     ∇ coroner
[8]   ⍝-       :Implements destructor
[9]   ⍝-       (##.⍎fn)arg
[10]  ⍝-     ∇
[11]  ⍝- ⍝ set a destructor on an ordinary container space.
[12]  ⍝- ⍝ call as:  condemned.inst←suicide.New fn arg
[13]  ⍝- ⍝    named fn (accessible from space calling New) will be
[14]  ⍝- ⍝    applied to arg when space - condemned - is destroyed.
[15]  ⍝- ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2013-06-29 10:31
[16]  ⍝- :EndClass
[17]   }

135. (13 lines)

     ∇ sv←{⍺←⊢
[1]        q←⊃(⍺,⍵,q)∩q←'"'''
[2]        w←⍵\⍨{~≠\⍵/⍨1+⍵}∨/¯1 0⊖(⊢(>,⍤0∧)≠\)⍵=q
[3]        ~∘q¨~∘∊⍨{1↓¨⍵⊂⍨(⍵=' ')>≠\q=⍵}' ',w
[4]   ⍝ blank separated string to vector of words and quoted substrings
[5]   ⍝ [⍺] override quote
[6]   ⍝ ⍵ string
[7]   ⍝ ← list of "words" which may include quoted blanks.
[8]   ⍝ quote is first encountered of '"' and "'"
[9]   ⍝ unless overridden by ⍺ and all are removed.
[10]  ⍝ '1 23 asd "two words"' → '1' '23' 'asd' 'two words'
[11]   }

136. acre._code.UT.sw (12 lines)

     ∇ sw←{
[1]        ⍺←#
[2]        sw←{(2↓⊃,/' ','∨',¨⍺ sf' ',⍵,' ')sc ⍵}
[3]        1=≡⍵:⍺ sw ⍵
[4]        ↑∪↓⊃⍪/⍺∘sw¨⍵
[5]   ⍝ search word
[6]   ⍝ ⍺ target ns
[7]   ⍝ ⍵ target word
[8]   ⍝ ← all occurrences including as a substr
[9]   ⍝   in items that contain the word alone
[10]   }

137. (9 lines)

     ∇ sx←{
[1]        ⍺←⊢
[2]        s←⊃{⍺,'∨',⍵}/⍺ fi ⍵
[3]        t←{1↓¨⍵⊂⍨⍵=''''}{⍵/⍨≠\⍵=''''}ps ⍵
[4]        {⍵⌿⍨~>/'⍝'=↑⊢/⍵}↑∪↓⊃⍪/s∘sc¨t
[6]   ⍝ search executable (not in comments
[7]    }

138. (10 lines)

     ∇ sz←{⍺←⊢
[1]        c←⍺⊣' '
[2]        ⍵/⍨~(2⍴c)⍷⍵
[3]   ⍝ squeeze
[4]   ⍝ [⍺] alternative char to blank
[5]   ⍝ ⍵ string
[6]   ⍝ ← ⍵ without multiple char. Single leading and trailing not removed.
[7]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-01-13 12:22
[8]    }

139. acre._code.UT.tb (9 lines)

     ∇ tb←{
[1]        ⍵↓⍨-+/∧\' '=⌽⍵
[2]        ⍵↓⍨-⊥⍨⍵=' '
[3]   ⍝ remove trailing blanks
[4]   ⍝ ⍵ string
[5]   ⍝ ← ⍵ ~ trailing blanks
[6]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-01-15 00:55
[7]    }

140. (27 lines)

     ∇ tc←{
[1]   ⍝     maj←min←+
[2]   ⍝     z←'maj' 'min'{⍺ ⎕NA'I4 USER32.C32|Char',⍵,'* =0T'}¨'Upper' 'Lower'
[3]   ⍝     case←{(⍴⍵)⍴⊃⌽⍺⍺⊂,⍵}
[4]        maj min←1 0
[5]        ⍺←2
[6]        ⍺=1:min cc ⍵
[7]        ⍺=2:maj cc ⍵
[8]        f←{
[9]            ⍺=1:min cc ⍵
[10]           ⍺=2:maj cc ⍵
[11]           ⍺=3:⍵{(⍴⍺)⍴(2</0,≠⌿⍵)⊖⍵}↑(1 ∇ ⍵)(2 ∇ ⍵)
[12]           ⍺≠3:⍵{(⍴⍺)⍴(⍺=(⍴⍺)⍴⍵)⊖⍵}↑(1 ∇ ⍵)(2 ∇ ⍵)
[13]       }
[14]       1≠≡⍵:⍺∘f¨⍵
[15]       ⍺ f ⍵
[16]  ⍝ type case
[17]  ⍝ ⍺ 1 - convert to minuscule
[18]  ⍝ ⍺ 2 - CONVERT TO MAJUSCULE - dflt
[19]  ⍝ ⍺ 3 - Capitalise - convert to minuscule;
[20]  ⍝                    Initials To Majuscule
[21]  ⍝       otherwise SWITCH case
[22]  ⍝ ⍵ simple text array or depth 2 or ¯2
[23]  ⍝ ← ⍵ converted according ⍺
[24]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-01-22 21:26
[25]   }

141. (16 lines)

     ∇ tl←{
[1]        s←⍴⍵                    ⍝ shape
[2]        k←≢s                    ⍝ rank
[3]        c←1+(-k)↑¯1+⍺           ⍝ cell
[4]        ⊃{s k c←⍺               ⍝ per dim
[5]            ↑(s⍴c↑1)∘(⊂[k])¨⍵   ⍝ partition
[6]        }/(⌽↓s,(⍳k),⍪c),⊂⊂⍵     ⍝ fold left
[7]   ⍝ tessellate
[8]   ⍝ ⍺ shape of sub arrays
[9]   ⍝ ⍵ multi-d array
[10]  ⍝ ← nested array of ⍺ shaped subarrays of ⍵
[11]  ⍝   if ⍺ is shorter than rank ⍵ it is padded at left with ones.
[12]  ⍝   if any ⍺ is not a factor of the corresponding item of ⍴⍵,
[13]  ⍝       trailing cells are truncated.
[14]   }

142. (18 lines)

     ∇ tm←{
[1]        n←1≠≡⍵
[2]        d←,⊂⍣n,'...'
[3]        o←⍴d
[4]        f←⌽⍣(⍺<0)
[5]        w←(|⍺)⌊⍴⍵
[6]        t←w<⍴⍵
[7]        1:f w⍴((w-t×o)↑f ⍵),d
[8]        ((|⍺)⌊⍴⍵)(⌽⍣(⍺<0)){⍺⍺ ⍺{⍺⍴(⍵⍴⍨⍺-3×⍺<⍴⍵),(⍳1=≡⍵)⊃3 2 1⍴¨'.'}⍺⍺ ⍵}⍵
[9]   ⍝ truncate message or list
[10]  ⍝    10 ¯10 9 ¯9 tm¨⊂⎕D
[11]  ⍝ 0123456789  0123456789  012345...  ...456789
[12]  ⍝    nms← 'one' 'two' 'three' 'four' 'five' 'six' 'seven' 'eight' 'nine' 'ten'
[13]  ⍝    ⍪ 8 ¯8 tm¨⊂nms
[14]  ⍝ one  two  three  four  five  six  seven  ...
[15]  ⍝ ...  four  five  six  seven  eight  nine  ten
[16]   }

143. (5 lines)

     ∇ tp←{
[1]        ⎕←⍎(×⎕ML)⊃'∊' '⊃∘(⍬∘⍴)∘(0∘⍴)∘⊂'
[2]        tp ⍵
[3]    }

144. (6 lines)

     ∇ tr←{
[1]        {(+/∧\' '=⍵)↓⍵}∘⌽⍣2⊢⍵
[2]        ⍵/⍨{(∨\⍵)∧⌽∨\⌽⍵}⍵≠' '
[3]   ⍝ trim leading and trailing blanks
[4]    }

145. (16 lines)

     ∇ tv←{
[1]        n←⎕NS''
[2]        w d←ht es ⍵
[3]        n.d←d
[4]        {(+/∨\' '≠⌽⍵)↑¨↓⍵}n ⍺.{
[5]            (⊂⍵)∊⍺.d:⍵
[6]            ⍺.d,←⊂⍵
[7]            f←(~∘' '¨↓(⊢(⌿⍨)3 4∊⍨⎕NC)⎕REFS ⍵)~⊂⍵
[8]            ⍕⍵,⊂'|',⍕⍪∇/⍺,⍪f
[9]        }w
[10]  ⍝ tree view of function calls
[11]  ⍝ ⍺ namespace wherein -
[12]  ⍝ ⍵ function/operator-name
[13]  ⍝ ← (large) nested text array
[14]   }

146. acre._code.UT.ty (17 lines)

     ∇ ty←{
[1]        ⍺←0
[2]        ⍺{
[3]            (dim pw)←2⍴⍺,(⍴,⍺)↓0,⎕PW
[4]            sw←dim≠0
[5]            len wid←⍴⍵
[6]            cols←1⌈⌊|pw÷wid+2
[7]            rows←⌈len÷cols
[8]            len←cols×rows
[9]            (⍒sw×⍳2)⍉(sw⌽rows cols)⍴↓len wid↑⍵
[10]       }↑,↓↑⍵
[11]  ⍝ tidy
[12]  ⍝ ⍵ 2d or nested list - names - whatever
[13]  ⍝ ← 2d text in columns
[14]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-03-02 19:21
[15]   }

147. acre._code.UT.uc (7 lines)

     ∇ uc←{
[1]        1 ll ⍵
[2]   ⍝ upper case clone
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ space with vars
[4]   ⍝ ← space as ⍵ but all vars are upper case
[5]    }

148. (6 lines)

     ∇ um←{
[1]        (⍵⍳⍵)=⍳⍴⍵
[2]   ⍝ unique mask
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ vector
[4]    }

149. acre._code.UT.ur (10 lines)

     ∇ ur←{
[1]        fqn←⍵ li 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2
[2]        refs←{(+/∨\' '≠⌽⍵)↑¨↓⍵}∘⎕REFS¨fqn
[3]        all←
[4]   ⍝ unreferenced names
[5]   ⍝ ⍵ space?
[6]   ⍝ ← fqn ref - corresponding FQN and unref'd word
[7]   ⍝ Phil Last 2017-05-18 08.40
[8]    }

150. (9 lines)

     ∇ us←{⍺←⊢
[1]        ('n'⎕NS ⍵)⊢n←⍎⍣(1≢⍺ 1)⊢⍺ #.⎕NS''
[2]   ⍝ unscript
[3]   ⍝ [⍺] optional fqn for result
[4]   ⍝  ⍵  scripted space
[5]   ⍝ ← [named] space containing first level members of space
[6]   ⍝ Phil Last 2015-04-22
[7]    }

151. acre._code.UT.uu (9 lines)

     ∇ uu←{
[1]        ⍺←#
[2]        ⍺{⍵/⍨⍵{0∊⍴⍵~⊂⍺}¨⍺ sf¨{' ',⍵,' '}∘('.'∘nn)¨⍵}(/⍨)∘(0∘<∘⎕NC)⍨⍵ li 3 4
[3]   ⍝ unused
[4]   ⍝ ⍺ space to search - dflt #
[5]   ⍝ ⍵ space to list
[6]   ⍝ ← fns & ops in (⍵) NOT called from anywhere in (⍺)
[7]    }

152. (8 lines)

     ∇ vc←{⍺←CR
[1]        1↓⍺{⍵/⍨~(3⍴⍺)⍷⍵}{(,⌽∨\⌽⍵≠' ')/,⍵}⍺,⎕FMT cm⍣(1≠≡⍵)⊢⍵
[2]   ⍝ varchar
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ char array - more or less any
[4]   ⍝ ← [newline] delimited string
[5]   ⍝   no trailing blanks in substrings of which no consecutive empties
[6]    }

153. acre._code.UT.vr (11 lines)

     ∇ vr←{
[1]        2=⎕NC ⍵:{
[2]            1 1≡(≡⍵),⍴⍴⍵:⍵
[3]            1↓⊃,/CR,⎕FMT ⍵
[4]        }⍎⍵
[5]        3 4∨.=⎕NC ⍵:⎕VR ⍵
[6]        0::'∇ ','.'nn ⍵
[7]        {1↓⊃,/,/CR,('P<[>Q<]>LI6'⎕FMT⍳⍴⍵),⍵}⎕SRC⍎⍵
[8]   ⍝ vector representation of function/operator/class/namespace
[9]    }

154. (12 lines)

     ∇ wf←{
[1]        ⍺{(⎕NUNTIE ⍵)⊢⍺ ⎕NAPPEND ⍵,⎕DR ⍺}{
[2]            22::0 ⎕NRESIZE ⍵ ⎕NTIE 0
[3]            ⍵ ⎕NCREATE 0
[4]        }⍵
[5]   ⍝ write file
[6]   ⍝ ⍺ data in form it can be written as-is - char or num vec
[7]   ⍝ ⍵ file path/name if exists is resized to zero first
[8]   ⍝ ← bytes written
[9]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-06-12 8:40
[10]   }

155. acre._code.UT.wi (10 lines)

     ∇ wi←{
[1]        ⎕ML←0
[2]        ⊃∧/(' ',⍺,' ')∘{∨/⍵⍷⍺}¨{⍵{(⍵/⍵>¯1↓0,⍵)⊂⍵/⍺}⍵≠'*'}{⍵{(⊃⍵)⌽⍺,⍨⍵/' '}2⍴¯1⌽'*'≠⍵}tr ⍵
[3]   ⍝ wild
[4]   ⍝ ⍺ text table
[5]   ⍝ ⍵ wild card - one of - '*' 'pre*' '*mid*' 'pre*mid*' '*end' 'pre*end' '*mid*end' 'pre*mid*end'
[6]   ⍝ ← boolean per row matches
[7]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-01-07 09:19
[8]    }

156. acre._code.UT.wp (12 lines)

     ∇ wp←{
[1]        s←0⊃'\/'{(⍵∩⍺),⍺}ws←⎕WSID
[2]        (w p)←ws{(⍵↓⍺)(⍵↑⍺)}-(⌽ws)⍳s
[3]        ((0∊⍴w)⊃w('.',s))((p⍳'.')↑p)
[4]   ⍝ path/name of ⎕wsid
[5]   ⍝ e.g.
[6]   ⍝ ⎕wsid ←→ 'C:\FlipDB\Wss\Acne.DWS'
[7]   ⍝ ←        'C:\FlipDB\Wss\' 'Acne'
[8]   ⍝ ⎕wsid ←→ 'Acne.DWS'
[9]   ⍝ ←        '' 'Acne'
[10]   }

157. (20 lines)

     ∇ ws←{
[1]        nsn←{⊃⍵~⍨'f'∘,∘⍕¨⍳1+⍴⍵}~∘' '¨↓#.⎕NL⍳10 ⍝ named in root e.g. 'f0'
[2]        cpy←⍎nsn ⎕NS''                       ⍝ create it - cpy is ref
[3]        sws sns←⍵                              ⍝ source ws & ns
[4]        z←sns{6::0 ⋄ +{}⍺ cpy.⎕CY ⍵}sws        ⍝ ← populate ref
[5]        rfs nss/⍨←⊂ns⊢nss←⍕¨rfs←1↓nt cpy     ⍝ named non scripted ns-tree
[6]        tns←(⍕⍺)∘,¨(2+⍴nsn)↓¨nss               ⍝ swap to target prefix (⍺)
[7]        tns←⊃rfs.{⍵ ⎕NS ⎕NL 2 3 4}tns          ⍝ copy vars fns & ops for each ns
[8]        {tns}#.⎕EX nsn                         ⍝ lose global root ns 'f0'?
[9]   ⍝ wscopy
[10]  ⍝ ⍺ ref of namespace in active ws (obviously)
[11]  ⍝ ⍵ two strings (wspath)(nspath)
[12]  ⍝ ← name of namespace being the name of the target parent (⍺)
[13]  ⍝   followed by the final node of the source path
[14]  ⍝   only contents of named & non-scripted nss are copied.
[15]  ⍝   Items in target but not in source are kept.
[16]  ⍝ e.g. '' ws 'c:\wss\that' '#.AAA.BBB'
[17]  ⍝
[18]   }

158. acre._code.UT.wu (8 lines)

     ∇ wu←{
[1]        ⊢⍺'UTF-8' 13 ⎕NPUT ⍵ 1
[2]   ⍝ write unicode
[3]   ⍝ ⍺ simple text with CR (U+000D)
[4]   ⍝ ⍵ filepath
[5]   ⍝ write UTF-8 file
[6]    }

159. acre._code.UT.xc (10 lines)

     ∇ xc←{⍺←⊢
[1]        char←⍬⍴⍺⊣NB
[2]        {⊢/(⍵=' ')⌽char,⍪⍵}⍵{(~⊃⍵)↓⍵\⍺}{(1+⍳⌈/⍵)∊⍵}+\1+{⍵>¯1↓0,⍵}⍵∊⎕A
[3]   ⍝ expand camel case name
[4]   ⍝ not before capital initial
[5]   ⍝ not between multiple caps
[6]   ⍝       xc'MrJJSmithLivedHere'
[7]   ⍝ Mr JJSmith Lived Here
[8]    }

160. acre._code.UT.xn (6 lines)

     ∇ xn←{⍺←⊢
[1]        (⎕NC,∘⊂∘↑⌸⊢)↓(df ⍵),⍤1⊢'.',⍵.⎕NL⍳11
[2]   ⍝ extended namelist
[3]   ⍝ fqns for each nc in space ⍵
[4]    }


1. (13 lines)

     ∇ ad←{⍺←⊢
[1]        d←1≢⍺ 1                ⍝ dyadic?
[2]        (|≡⍺ ⍵)>d+|⍵⍵⊣⍵:⍺ ∇¨⍵  ⍝ if dyad, juxtaposition of ⍺ ⍵ adds 1 to |≡
[3]        ⍺ ⍺⍺ ⍵
[4]   ⍝ at depth
[5]   ⍝ ⍺ [array]
[6]   ⍝ ⍵ array
[7]   ⍝ ⍺⍺ function to run at ...
[8]   ⍝ ⍵⍵ depth or {depth}
[9]   ⍝ ← ⍺ ⍺⍺ ⍵ or ⍺(⍺⍺ ad ⍵⍵)¨⍵ if arg(s) too deeply nested
[10]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-07-04 09:14
[11]   }

2. (9 lines)

     ∇ am←{⍺←⊢
[1]        W⊣W[i]←⍺ ⍺⍺⊣W[i←(⊂⍴W)|⍵⍵⊣⍳⍴W←⍵]
[2]   ⍝ amend - [⍺](mod amend sel)⍵
[3]   ⍝ [⍺] larg to ⍺⍺
[4]   ⍝ ⍺⍺  modifier of selection of ⍵ or replacement thereof
[5]   ⍝ ⍵⍵  selection function on ⍳⍴⍵ or selection thereof
[6]   ⍝ ⍵   data to be amended
[7]    }

3. (12 lines)

     ∇ as←{
[1]        (2>0⊥⍴⍵):⍵
[2]        ⌽↑⍺⍺{(⊂(⊃⍵)⍺⍺ ⍺),⍵}/⌽(⊂∘⊃¨↓⍵),↑1↓¨↓⍵
[3]   ⍝ associative scan
[4]   ⍝ ⍺⍺ dyad
[5]   ⍝ ⍵ array
[6]   ⍝ ← last dimension associative ⍺⍺ scan of ⍵
[7]   ⍝   ⍺⍺ as w x y z ←→ w (w ⍺⍺ x) ((w ⍺⍺ x)⍺⍺ y) (((w ⍺⍺ x)⍺⍺ y)⍺⍺ z)
[8]   ⍝   so can be calculated in a single left to right sweep
[9]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-03-04 15:03
[10]   }

4. (36 lines)

     ∇ ax←{⍺←⊢
[1]        mon←1≡⍺ 1
[2]        rx←mon⊃2⌽(mx lx rx)←,¨⌽3⍴⌽⍵⍵
[3]        pre←{k←⍴⍴⍺
[4]            ×⍴f←⍵~⌊⍵:(⍺⍴⍨1+(¯1+⍴⍺)\⍨~(⍳k+⍴f)∊⌈f)∇⌈⍵++/⍵∘.>f
[5]            (×⍵)≡,¯1:⍺ ∇(⍳k)~|⍵
[6]            t←⍋⍒(⌽⍵)⍳⍳k
[7]            ⍺ t
[8]        }
[9]        post←{(⍋⍋(⍴⍴⍵)↑1+⍋⍺)⍉⍵}
[10]       (ra rt)←⍵ pre rx
[11]       mon:rt post ⍺⍺⍤(⍴rx)⊢rt⍉ra
[12]       (la lt)←⍺ pre lx
[13]       (la ra)←lt rt⍉¨la ra
[14]       (lc rc)←⊃∘⍴¨lx rx
[15]       (lr rr)←⊃∘⍴∘⍴¨la ra
[16]       r←la ⍺⍺⍤lc rc⊢ra
[17]       t←(⍳∘(⌈/)⍨lr rr)⊃lt rt
[18]       t post r
[19]  ⍝ axis
[20]  ⍝ ⍺  optional left arg
[21]  ⍝ ⍺⍺ function to apply
[22]  ⍝ ⍵⍵ axes treated as ⌽3⍴⌽⍵⍵
[23]  ⍝ ⍵  right arg
[24]  ⍝ Each item of ⍵⍵ can be a scalar or vector of zero or more
[25]  ⍝   elements. A negative scalar n represents (⍳⍴⍴arg) ~ |n.
[26]  ⍝   A fractional axis f inserts a new unit dimension between
[27]  ⍝   ⌊f and ⌈f in the argument's shape.
[28]  ⍝ Arguments ⍺ & ⍵ are transposed to bring specified axes
[29]  ⍝   within the scope of the rank operator where they define
[30]  ⍝   the cells to which function ⍺⍺ will be applied.
[31]  ⍝ The result is transposed in an attempt to replace the axes
[32]  ⍝   in the positions they occuplied in the original argument
[33]  ⍝   of the higher rank.
[34]   }

5. (6 lines)

     ∇ ba←{
[1]        ⍺ ⍺⍺{2⊥⍺⍺/2⊥⍣¯1⊢⍺,⍵}¨⍵
[2]        2⊥⍺⍺/2⊥⍣¯1⊢⍺,[⎕IO-0.1]⍵
[3]   ⍝ binary arithmetic
[4]    }

6. (12 lines)

     ∇ cf←{⍺←⊢
[1]        {11::⌊/⍳0 ⋄ ÷/⍵}1(⊢∘(⍺∘⍺⍺)∘⍵){
[2]            ⊃∇/⍺{
[3]                (1000<+/⍵)↓(2×⍺)⍵
[4]            }(⍬⍴2↓⎕AI-(⊢∘⍺⍺/⍳1+⍺)⊢⎕AI)(⍬⍴2↓⎕AI-(⊢∘⍵⍵/⍳1+⍺)⊢⎕AI)
[5]        }(⊢∘(⍺∘⍵⍵)∘⍵)1
[6]   ⍝ compare
[7]   ⍝ a f cf g w ←→ (a f time w) ÷ a g time w
[8]   ⍝   f cf g w ←→ (  f time w) ÷   g time w
[9]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2007-06-23 20:07
[10]   }

7. acre._code.UT.cf0 (5 lines)

     ∇ cf0←{
[1]        ⍺←⊢ ⋄ a←⍺ ⋄ w←⍵ ⋄ f←⍺⍺ ⋄ g←⍵⍵
[2]        (↑'⍺ ⍺⍺ ⍵' '⍺ ⍵⍵ ⍵'),0 7↓cmpx'a f w' 'a g w'
[3]    }

8. acre._code.UT.cond (2 lines)

     ∇ cond←{⍺←⊢ ⋄ (1=⍺⊣0):⍺⍺⊣⍵ ⋄ (0=⍺⊣1):⍵⍵⊣⍵ ⋄ (1 ⍺⍺ ⍵):0 ⍺⍺ ⍵ ⋄ ⍵⍵⊣⍵}

9. acre._code.UT.cp (12 lines)

     ∇ cp←{
[1]        ⍺←⍵
[2]        ⍺∘.⍺⍺ ⍵
[3]   ⍝ MUCH quicker if ⍺⍺ is not primitive even with ¨
[4]        (⍉((⍴⍵),⍴⍺)⍴⍉⍺)⍺⍺((⍴⍺),⍴⍵)⍴⍵
[5]   ⍝ MUCH quicker with multiple identical items and pure function ⍺⍺
[6]        i j←∪∘,¨⍺ ⍵
[7]        (i⍳⍺)(j⍳⍵)⌷i∘.⍺⍺ j
[8]   ⍝ cartesian product
[9]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2006-10-02 20:29
[10]   }

10. acre._code.UT.cs (7 lines)

     ∇ cs←{
[1]        ⍺←⍵
[2]        ⍵ ⍺⍺{⍵ ⍺⍺(⍴⍵)⍴⍺}⍉(⌽(⍴⍺),⍴⍵)⍴⍉⍺
[3]   ⍝ cartesian product of scalar function
[4]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2007-06-17 10:33
[5]    }

11. (6 lines)

     ∇ do←{
[1]        (⍵⍵ if ⍺⍺)⍵
[2]   ⍝ [if] antecedent [then] do consequent [else do nothing]
[3]   ⍝ see if
[4]    }

12. acre._code.UT.dv (14 lines)

     ∇ dv←{⍺←⊢
[1]        ⍕{
[2]            ⊃,/{
[3]                0=≡⍵:⍵
[4]                0∊⍴⍵:((''⍬ ⍵)⍳⊂⍵)⊃'''''' '⍬'⍵
[5]                1=≡⍵:'(',,∘')'⊃,/,⍵
[6]                ⊃,/'(',,∘')'∇¨⍵
[7]            }⍵
[8]        }⎕CR(f←⍺⍺)/'f'
[9]   ⍝ ⍺⍺    derv
[10]  ⍝ ←     executable text-string representation of ⍺⍺
[11]  ⍝ sometimes adds too many parens but would need MUCH more analysis not to
[12]   }

13. acre._code.UT.ea (12 lines)

     ∇ ea←{
[1]        f←⍺⍺
[2]        ⍺←(f←⊢∘⍺⍺)/0
[3]        f⌿⍺,[-0.1]⍵
[4]   ⍝ each
[5]   ⍝ [⍺] ⍵-conformable array
[6]   ⍝ ⍵   array
[7]   ⍝ ⍺⍺  function to apply to each item of ⍵ or
[8]   ⍝     between corresponding items of ⍺ and ⍵
[9]   ⍝     but no spurious application to empties
[10]   }

14. acre._code.UT.ei (11 lines)

     ∇ ei←{
[1]        ⍺←⊢
[2]        (1=≡⍵):⍺ ⍺⍺ ⍵
[3]        ⍺ ⍺⍺¨⍵
[4]   ⍝ each if not simple
[5]   ⍝ ⍺ ?
[6]   ⍝ ⍵ ?
[7]   ⍝ ⍺⍺ function to run on simple ⍵
[8]   ⍝ ← [⍺]⍺⍺ ⍵ or [⍺]⍺⍺¨⍵ but not recursively
[9]    }

15. acre._code.UT.el (12 lines)

     ∇ el←{
[1]        ⍺:⍺⍺⊣⍵
[2]        ⍵⍵⊣⍵
[3]   ⍝ r←(proposition consequence el alternative ⊢)⍵
[4]   ⍝ r←{proposition ⍵: consequence⊣⍵ ⋄ alternative⊣⍵}⍵
[5]   ⍝ :If proposition ⍵ ⋄ r←consequence⊣⍵ ⋄ :Else ⋄ r←alternative⊣⍵ ⋄ :EndIf
[6]   ⍝ proposition, consequence and alternative all monads on ⍵
[7]   ⍝    or consequence and alternative may be arrays.
[8]   ⍝ ⍵ in domain of proposition and functions consequence and alternative
[9]   ⍝ ← result of consequence or alternative according proposition
[10]   }

16. acre._code.UT.ep (4 lines)

     ∇ r←(f ep)r
[1]   ⍝ en passant
[2]    f r

17. (10 lines)

     ∇ et←{ ⍝ and
[1]        ⍺⍺⊣⍵:⍵⍵ ⍵ ⋄ 0
[2]   ⍝ f0 et f1 et f2 et ... ⍵
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ any array in domain of f0
[4]   ⍝   f0 f1 f2 &c. are monadic tests on ⍵, but each subsequent
[5]   ⍝   test will only run if its predecessor returns true.
[6]   ⍝ ← 1 | 0 - whether or not all are true
[7]   ⍝   see ou
[8]    }

18. (16 lines)

     ∇ eu←{
[1]        (⊂u⍳⍵)⌷⊢∘⍺⍺/0,⍪u←∪⍵
[2]        (⊂u⍳⍵)⌷⍺⍺¨u←∪⍵
[3]        ⍵ ⍺⍺¨{(⊂⍵⍳⍺)⌷⍺⍺ ⍵}∪⍵
[4]   ⍝ each unique
[5]   ⍝ ⍺⍺ fn to run on each item of ⍵
[6]   ⍝ ⍵ vector
[7]   ⍝ ← equivalent of ⍺⍺¨⍵ ⍝ ***
[8]   ⍝   but having run ⍺⍺ on only a single
[9]   ⍝   instance of each unique value of ⍵
[10]  ⍝   *** and not at all if none.
[11]  ⍝ a fixed left arg can be composed with ⍺⍺ as in:
[12]  ⍝ larg∘fn eu rarg
[13]  ⍝ Phil Last 2016-10-24
[14]   }

19. acre._code.UT.ff (11 lines)

     ∇ ff←{⍺←⊢
[1]        22::⎕SIGNAL/⌽⎕EN,⎕DM
[2]        ⍺∘⍺⍺{(⎕FUNTIE⊃⍵)⊢⍺⍺ ⍵}{(⎕FSTIE∘0⊃⍵),1↓⍵}⊂if≡⍵
[3]   ⍝ ⎕ffile function
[4]   ⍝ ⍺ [larg] to
[5]   ⍝ ⍺⍺ ⎕ffunction, ⎕FREAD, ⎕FSIZE, ...
[6]   ⍝ ⍵  filename and rest of rarg to ⍺⍺ usually after tie number
[7]   ⍝ thus - vector ⎕FAPPEND¨ff⊂'myfile' - appends items of vector as components
[8]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2007-06-25 07:53
[9]    }

20. (14 lines)

     ∇ fk←{⍺←⊢
[1]        (m d)←'monadic left fork' 'dyadic left fork'
[2]        m≡⍺ m:m ⍺⍺ ⍵(⍵⍵ ⍵)
[3]        ⍺≡m:(⍺⍺ 0⊃⍵)⍵⍵ 1⊃⍵
[4]        ⍺≡d:(⊃⍺⍺/0⊃⍵)⍵⍵ 1⊃⍵
[5]        d ⍺⍺(⍺ ⍵)(⍺ ⍵⍵ ⍵)
[6]   ⍝ fork
[7]   ⍝   f fk g fk h ⍵ ←→ (  f ⍵)g(  h ⍵)
[8]   ⍝ ⍺ f fk g fk h ⍵ ←→ (⍺ f ⍵)g(⍺ h ⍵)
[9]   ⍝ applies g between the results of f and h having
[10]  ⍝   applied each to ⍵ or between ⍺ and ⍵
[11]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2007-06-23 18:47
[12]   }

21. acre._code.UT.fl (7 lines)

     ∇ fl←{
[1]        ⊃⍺⍺⍨/⌽(⊂⍺),⍵
[2]   ⍝ for loop (fold left)
[3]   ⍝ a f fl w x y z ←→ ((((a f w)f x)f y)f z)
[4]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2007-06-23 18:55
[5]    }

22. acre._code.UT.fs (10 lines)

     ∇ fs←{
[1]        (3=⍴⍵):(0⊃⍵)⍺⍺⊃⍵⍵/1↓⍵
[2]        ⍺⍺(¯2↓⍵),⍵⍵/¯2↑⍵
[3]   ⍝ function sequence
[4]   ⍝ f fs g fs h ... a b c d ... ←→ a f b g c h d ...
[5]   ⍝ nb. all sequenced functions are dyadic;
[6]   ⍝     the derived function is monadic.
[7]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2007-06-23 16:51
[8]    }

23. acre._code.UT.fv (20 lines)

     ∇ fv←{
[1]        0::⎕SIGNAL/⌽⎕EN,⎕DM
[2]        ⍺←⊢
[3]        m←⍵≡⍺ ⍵
[4]        (W A)←↓⍵,[-0.1]⍺⊣0
[5]        t←2=⍴W
[6]        m∧t:(⍺⍺ 0⊃W)(⍵⍵ 1⊃W)
[7]        m:(⍺⍺ ¯1↓W),⍵⍵¨⊢/W
[8]        t:((0⊃A)⍺⍺ 0⊃W)((1⊃A)⍵⍵ 1⊃W)
[9]        ((¯1↓A)⍺⍺ ¯1↓W),(⊢/A)⍵⍵¨⊢/W
[10]  ⍝ function vector
[11]  ⍝           f fv g fv h ... x y z ... ←→ (f x)(g y)(h z) ...
[12]  ⍝ a b c ... f fv g fv h ... x y z ... ←→ (a f x)(b g y)(c h z) ...
[13]  ⍝ a b c ... f fv g fv h ... ⊂x        ←→ (a f x)(b g x)(c h x) ...
[14]  ⍝ (⊂a)      f fv g fv h ... x y z ... ←→ (a f x)(a g y)(a h z) ...
[15]  ⍝ requires conformity of ⍺ or ⍵ with number of fns
[16]  ⍝ permits scalar extension of ⍺ xor ⍵ in dyad only
[17]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2007-06-29 00:00
[18]   }

24. (8 lines)

     ∇ hk←{
[1]        ⍺←⍵
[2]        ⍺ ⍺⍺ ⍵⍵ ⍵
[3]   ⍝ hook
[4]   ⍝   ⍺ f hk g ⍵ ←→ ⍺ f g ⍵
[5]   ⍝     f hk g ⍵ ←→ ⍵ f g ⍵
[6]    }

25. acre._code.UT.if (11 lines)

     ∇ if←{
[1]        1∊⍵⍵⊣⍵:⍺⍺⊣⍵
[2]        ⍵
[3]   ⍝ consequent if antecedent arg else arg
[4]   ⍝ ⍺⍺    any array or monad on ⍵ to return such
[5]   ⍝ ⍵⍵    boolean singleton or monad on ⍵ to return such
[6]   ⍝ ⍵     array (in domain of either or both of monad ⍺⍺ & ⍵⍵)
[7]   ⍝ ←     array ⍺⍺ or result of ⍺⍺ ⍵ or ⍵ unchanged
[8]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-01-22 12:34
[9]    }

26. (15 lines)

     ∇ in←{
[1]        ≥/⍺:⍵                ⍝ no-op
[2]        (¯1=-/⍺):⍵⍵⊣⍵     ⍝ n-1 of n
[3]        (⍺≡0 2):⍺⍺⊣⍵      ⍝ 0 of 2
[4]        (⍺-0 1)⍺⍺ ⍵          ⍝ penultimate?
[5]   ⍝ index list of functions or arrays
[6]   ⍝ i n(f in g in h ... n)⍵
[7]   ⍝ ⍺  index length
[8]   ⍝ ⍺⍺ function/array list
[9]   ⍝ ⍵⍵ function or array
[10]  ⍝ ⍵  arg to functions
[11]  ⍝ ←  result of selected function/array
[12]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2007-12-23 13:51
[13]   }

27. (7 lines)

     ∇ ir←{
[1]        ⊃⍺⍺⌿⊂⍤¯1⊢⍵
[2]   ⍝ Iverson's reduction
[3]   ⍝ ⍺⍺ fn to insert
[4]   ⍝ ⍵  array between whose major cells to apply ⍺⍺
[5]    }

28. (11 lines)

     ∇ it←{
[1]        ⍺←⊢
[2]        ⍺ ⍵⍵⍣(⍬⍴⍺⍺⊣⍵)⊢⍵
[3]   ⍝ r ←   n iterate{f}w
[4]   ⍝ r ← a{n}iterate{f}w
[5]   ⍝ ⍺  [larg to ⍵⍵]
[6]   ⍝ ⍺⍺ no. of iterations or fn to return it
[7]   ⍝ ⍵⍵ fn to run (⍺⍺⊣⍵) times on ⍵ and successors
[8]   ⍝ ⍵  arg to first if any iteration
[9]    }

29. acre._code.UT.ix (16 lines)

     ∇ ix←{
[1]        w←⍵
[2]        i←⍺⍺⊣⍳⍴w
[3]        ⍺←⊢
[4]        1≡⍺ 1:w[i]
[5]        {w}w[i]←⍺
[7]   ⍝ ⍺  source data if it is to be replaced
[8]   ⍝ ⍺⍺ array of ⍵-indices whence result to be drawn or function to generate such
[9]   ⍝    or
[10]  ⍝    array of ⍵-indices whither ⍺ to be assigned or function to generate such
[11]  ⍝ ⍵  target array
[12]  ⍝ ←  monad: subarray of ⍵ selected by ⍺⍺⊣⍵
[13]  ⍝    dyad:  ⍵ with items selected by ⍺⍺⊣⍵ replaced by ⍺
[14]   }

30. acre._code.UT.jn (12 lines)

     ∇ jn←{⍺←⍺
[1]        s←'internal left argument'
[2]        ⍺≢s:s ⍺⍺ ⍺(⍵⍵ ⍵)
[3]        s d←⍵
[4]        (⍺⍺ s)⍵⍵ d
[5]   ⍝ janus looking both ways
[6]   ⍝ a f jn g jn h w ←→ (f a)g(h w)
[7]   ⍝               ←→ a ((f⊣) g ⊢∘h) w
[8]   ⍝ first:  ⍺ ←→ a ⋄ ⍺⍺ ←→ f jn g ⋄ ⍵⍵ ←→ h ⋄ ⍵ ←→ w
[9]   ⍝ second: ⍺ ←→ d ⋄ ⍺⍺ ←→ f      ⋄ ⍵⍵ ←→ g ⋄ ⍵ ←→ a(h w)
[10]   }

31. (22 lines)

     ∇ ky←{⍺←⊢
[1]        0::⎕SIGNAL/⌽⎕EN,⎕DM
[2]        ⍵≡⍺ ⍵:⍵ ∇⍳⍬⍴⍴⍵
[3]        u←∪i←⍳⍨⊂[1↓⍳⍴⍴k]⊢k←⍺
[4]        f←⍺⍺
[5]        ↑u{(⍺⌷k)f ⍵}¨(↓u∘.=i)⌿¨⊂⍵
[7]   ⍝ key
[8]   ⍝ ⍺ ⍺⍺ ky ⍵
[9]   ⍝   ⍺⍺ ky ⍵ ←→ ⍵ ⍺⍺ ky ⍳⍬⍴⍴ ⍵
[10]  ⍝ d: (⍬⍴⍴⍺)←→(⍬⍴⍴⍵)
[11]  ⍝   ⍺ keys array (major cells)
[12]  ⍝   ⍵ corresponding data array (in first dimension)
[13]  ⍝   ⍺⍺ dyad applied between each unique key and the
[14]  ⍝       corresponding major cells of the data as - key ⍺⍺ cells
[15]  ⍝ m:
[16]  ⍝   ⍺⍺ applied beteen each unique major cell of ⍵ and the corresponding
[17]  ⍝       subset of ⍳⍬⍴⍴⍵
[18]  ⍝ ← assembled result of applications of ⍺⍺
[19]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-05-29 10:39
[20]   }

32. acre._code.UT.lg (17 lines)

     ∇ lg←{
[1]        ⊃(0 1 2 3=⊂⍺+⍺+⍵)∨.∧{
[2]            ⊂[1+⍳⍴⍴⍵]2 2 2 2⊤⍵
[3]        }⍺⍺⊣⍬
[4]   ⍝ Logic - p{i}lg q
[5]   ⍝ ⍺ & ⍵ - p & q are scalar conformable boolean arrays, any rank any depth.
[6]   ⍝ ⍺⍺    - simple integer array or constant function to return i, scalar
[7]   ⍝         conformable with p & q, whose items are zero indices into
[8]   ⍝         conceptual logical scalar function vector ...
[9]   ⍝   0   1 2    3    4    5    6 7 8 9   10   11   12   13 14 15
[10]  ⍝ (0∧=) ∧ > (⊣∧⊢=⊢) < (⊢∧⊣=⊣) ≠ ∨ ⍱ = (⊢<⊣=⊣) ≥ (⊣<⊢=⊢) ≤ ⍲ (1∨=)
[11]  ⍝ {i}lg is therefore a (⍴i) shaped logical function array
[12]  ⍝  0  3 5  10   12  15  are scalar eqivalents of
[13]  ⍝ {0} ⊣ ⊢ (~⊢) (~⊣) {1}
[14]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2007-06-25 15:00
[15]   }

33. acre._code.UT.lm (5 lines)

     ∇ lm←{
[1]        ⍵ ⍺⍺{⍺≡⍵:⍵ ⋄ ⍵ ⍺⍺ ∇∇ ⍺⍺ ⍵ ⋄ ⍵:⍵≡⍺}⍺⍺ ⍵
[2]   ⍝ limit ←→ ⍣≡
[3]    }

34. (10 lines)

     ∇ lt←{
[1]        A B C D←112358314594370 774156178538190 998752796516730 336954932572910
[2]        ⍺←A
[3]        ⍺≡A:B ∇ ⍵
[4]        ⍺≡B:(⊂⍣(~B∊z)⊢z←⍺⍺ ⍵),B,⊂⍵⍵ ⍵
[6]        ⍺≡D:(⊂⍣(~D∊z)⊢z←D ⍺⍺ ⍺ ⍵),D,⊂⊃⍵⍵/⍵
[7]        D ∇ ⍺ ⍵
[8]    }

35. (7 lines)

     ∇ mf←{
[1]        ⍺←⊢
[2]        (⍺ ⍺⍺ ⍵)≡⍺ ⍵⍵ ⍵
[3]   ⍝ match fn results
[4]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2007-12-21 16:56
[5]    }

36. (12 lines)

     ∇ mg←{
[1]        {W}W[⍺⍺⊣⍳⍴W←⍵]←⍺
[2]   ⍝ merge
[3]   ⍝ ⍺  source data
[4]   ⍝ ⍺⍺ a function to select from index array of (⍵) - (⍳⍴⍵)
[5]   ⍝    or an array being a prior selection of those indices
[6]   ⍝ ⍵  target array
[7]   ⍝ ←  (⍵) with data from (⍺) merged at positions specified by (⍺⍺)
[8]   ⍝    {W}W[⍺⍺⊣{⊂⍬}⍣(0∊⍴⍴⍵)⍳⍴W←⍵]←⍺ ⍝ would permit scalar ⍵
[9]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-01-23 11:06
[10]   }

37. (5 lines)

     ∇ mo←{
[1]        ⍺⍺ ⍵
[2]   ⍝ monadic - ignore ⍺
[3]    }

38. (11 lines)

     ∇ nf←{
[1]        ⍺←⊢
[2]        ⍺∘⍺⍺{(⎕NUNTIE⊃⍵)⊢⍺⍺ ⍵}(⎕NTIE∘0⊃⍵),1↓⍵
[3]   ⍝ ⎕nfile function
[4]   ⍝ ⍺ [larg] to
[5]   ⍝ ⍺⍺ ⎕Nfunction, ⎕NREAD, ⎕NSIZE, ...
[6]   ⍝ ⍵  filename and rest of rarg to ⍺⍺ usually after tie number
[7]   ⍝ thus - ⎕NREAD nf 'myfile' 80 100 0 - reads first 100 bytes
[8]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2007-06-25 07:53
[9]    }

39. (14 lines)

     ∇ nl←{
[1]        ⍺←⊢
[2]        (⍕⍺⍺),⍤1⊢'.',⍺ ⍺⍺.⎕NL ⍵
[3]   ⍝    (⍕⍺⍺),rk{1}'.',⍺ ⍺⍺.⎕NL ⍵
[4]   ⍝ name list
[5]   ⍝ ⍺ [chars]
[6]   ⍝ ⍺⍺ space
[7]   ⍝ ⍵ name class(es)
[8]   ⍝ ← fully qualified namelist
[9]   ⍝   ⍺(⍺⍺ nl)⍵ ←~→ ⍺ ⍺⍺.⎕NL ⍵
[10]  ⍝     ⍺⍺ nl ⍵ ←~→   ⍺⍺.⎕NL ⍵
[11]  ⍝ Phil Last 2017-05-04 22.33
[12]   }

40. (12 lines)

     ∇ nr←{
[1]        ⍺←⍵
[2]        6::⍺{⍵:⍺}1∊(2 4⍴' ⊢∧   ')⍷↑⎕DM
[3]        ⊢⍺⍺ ⍵
[4]   ⍝ no result
[5]   ⍝ ⍺  the default result required from ⍺⍺ if none - ⍵ if not supplied
[6]   ⍝ ⍺⍺ any function - if dyadic bind its left arg as - larg∘fn
[7]   ⍝ ⍵  any array
[8]   ⍝ ←  result of (⍺⍺ ⍵) or (⍺) if none or (⍵) if none
[9]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-03-06 12:30
[10]   }

41. acre._code.UT.nv (13 lines)

     ∇ nv←{⍺←⊢
[1]        ⍵.(⍺⍺{⍵,⍪⍺⍺¨1↓⍎¨'0',⍵}⍺∩⍨⎕NL-2.1)
[2]   ⍝ namespace vars - all or those mentioned in ⍺ if supplied
[3]   ⍝ ⍵  space
[4]   ⍝ ←  2-col table - names values
[5]   ⍝                  ...
[6]   ⍝ ⍺⍺ function to run on each value
[7]   ⍝      ⍴nv dx'oneVec twoD scalar'((⍳1)(⍳2 3)('A'))
[8]   ⍝ oneVec  1
[9]   ⍝ scalar
[10]  ⍝ twoD    2 3
[11]   }

42. acre._code.UT.on (10 lines)

     ∇ on←{
[1]        ⍺←⊢
[2]        ⍺⍺ ⍺ ⍵⍵ ⍵
[3]   ⍝ atop
[4]   ⍝ ~at= ←→ ≠
[5]   ⍝ ~at∨ ←→ ⍱
[6]   ⍝ ⍺ f on g ⍵ ←→ f ⍺ g ⍵
[7]   ⍝   f on g ⍵ ←→ f∘g ⍵
[8]    }

43. acre._code.UT.or (18 lines)

     ∇ or←{
[1]        ~1∊⍺:⍵         ⍝ none
[2]        </⍺:⍵⍵⊣⍵    ⍝ only last
[3]        2=⍴⍺:⍺⍺⊣⍵   ⍝ first of 2
[4]        (¯1↓⍺)⍺⍺ ⍵     ⍝ penultimate?
[5]   ⍝ select from list of functions
[6]   ⍝ i j k ... f or g or h ... w
[7]   ⍝ ↑ ←→ ↓
[8]   ⍝ :Select 1
[9]   ⍝    :Case i ⋄ f w
[10]  ⍝    :Case j ⋄ g w
[11]  ⍝    :Case k ⋄ h w
[12]  ⍝     ...
[13]  ⍝    :Else ⋄ w
[14]  ⍝ :End
[15]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2007-06-22 01:30
[16]   }

44. acre._code.UT.ou (10 lines)

     ∇ ou←{ ⍝ or
[1]        ⍺⍺⊣⍵:1 ⋄ ⍵⍵ ⍵
[2]   ⍝ f0 ou f1 ou f2 ou ... ⍵
[3]   ⍝ ⍵ any array in domain of f0
[4]   ⍝   f0 f1 f2 &c. are monadic tests on ⍵, but each subsequent
[5]   ⍝   test will only run if its predecessor returns false.
[6]   ⍝ ← 1 | 0 - whether or not any is true
[7]   ⍝   see et
[8]    }

45. (18 lines)

     ∇ pm←{⍺←⊢
[1]        z←⎕PROFILE'clear'
[2]        z←⎕PROFILE'start'
[3]        r←⍺ ⍺⍺⍣⍵⍵⊢⍵
[4]        z←⎕PROFILE'stop' ⋄ e←⍬⍴⎕LC
[5]        p←e↓⍉↑(1+⍳5)⎕PROFILE'data'
[6]        p[;3]←100×(⊢÷+/)p[;3]
[7]        r{⍺ ⍵}p[⍒p[;3];]
[8]   ⍝ profile monitor
[9]   ⍝ ⍺     [larg]
[10]  ⍝ ⍺⍺    fn
[11]  ⍝ ⍵⍵    rop to ⍣ (fn or int)
[12]  ⍝ ⍵     rarg
[13]  ⍝ ←     res prof
[14]  ⍝ res   result of: ⍺ ⍺⍺⍣⍵⍵⊢⍵
[15]  ⍝ prof  ⎕profile result
[16]   }

46. acre._code.UT.po (11 lines)

     ∇ po←{
[1]        ⍺←≡
[2]        (⍺⍺⍣⍺)⍵
[3]   ⍝ hence is how to do it without ⍣
[4]        ⍺←⊢
[5]        1≢⍺ 1:⊃⊢∘⍺⍺/(⍳⍺),⊂⍵                  ⍝ ⍺ is iterations
[6]        ⍵ ⍺⍺{⍺≡⍵:⍵ ⋄ ⍵ ⍺⍺ ∇∇ ⍺⍺ ⍵ ⋄ ⍵:⍵≡⍺}⍺⍺ ⍵ ⍝ 'til no change
[7]   ⍝ power
[8]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-01-07 09:18
[9]    }

47. acre._code.UT.pq (9 lines)

     ∇ pq←{
[1]        ⊃(|⍵ ⍺ 0-⊂⍺×⍵){⊃|⍺-⊃⍺⍺+.×⍺≠⍵}/1 1 0 0⊂,∘.⍺⍺⍨0 1
[2]   ⍝ probability
[3]   ⍝ If L is a logical function and p & q are respectively
[4]   ⍝ the probabilities of the truths of propositions P & Q
[5]   ⍝ p L pq q is the probability of the truth of proposition P L Q
[6]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2007-06-22 22:57
[7]    }

48. (10 lines)

     ∇ pt←{
[1]        (⍺⍺⊣⍵){(⍺/2</0,⍺)⊂⍺/⍵}⍵
[2]   ⍝ partition
[3]   ⍝ ⍺⍺ boolean string or fn to return such given ⍵
[4]   ⍝ ⍵  string
[5]   ⍝ ← ⍵ partitioned each partition being ⍵ corresponding
[6]   ⍝   to a contiguous string of 1s in ⍺⍺⊣⍵
[7]   ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-02-12 07:51
[8]    }

49. acre._code.UT.rk (13 lines)

     ∇ rk←{
[1]        mlr←⌽3⍴⌽⍵⍵,⍬
[2]        m←(f←⍺⍺)/0
[3]        ⍺←m←(f←⊢∘⍺⍺)/1
[4]        l r←-1↓r⌊|l+r×0>l←(mlr⌊r←3⍴(⍴⍴⍵),⍴⍴⍺)[⍒m×⍳3]
[5]        5::⎕SIGNAL/⌽⎕EN,⎕DM
[6]        {↑⍵⍴¨⍨↓1+⌽↑-1-⌽∘⍴¨⍵}(⊂[l↑⍳⍴⍴⍺]⍺)f¨⊂[r↑⍳⍴⍴⍵]⍵
[7]   ⍝ rank
[8]   ⍝   f rk{m l r}
[9]   ⍝ applies f to m-cells of ⍵ or between l-cells of ⍺ and r-cells of ⍵
[10]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2007-06-22 22:57
[11]   }

50. acre._code.UT.rx (9 lines)

     ∇ rx←{
[1]        ⍺←⍵ ⋄ (⍺⍺ ⍺)⍵⍵ ⍵
[2]   ⍝ reflex
[3]   ⍝ ⍺ [array]
[4]   ⍝ ⍵ array
[5]   ⍝ ← apply left monad to [⍺] else ⍵ and
[6]   ⍝   right dyad twixt left result and ⍵
[7]    }

51. (9 lines)

     ∇ ss←{
[1]        (⍴,⍵)↑1↓⌽⊃⍺⍺{⍬⍴⍵:⍵ ⋄ ⍺⍺ ⍺:1,⍵ ⋄ 0,⍵}/⌽0,⍵
[2]   ⍝ stop scan
[3]   ⍝    <\⍺⍺¨⍵ but ⍺⍺ runs only until a one is encountered
[4]   ⍝ ⍺⍺ a potentially expensive boolean returning function
[5]   ⍝ ⍵  a vector whose items are all valid arguments to ⍺⍺
[6]   ⍝ ←  boolean vector length of ⍵ having one or zero ones
[7]    }

52. (17 lines)

     ∇ st←{
[1]        0 ⍺⍺{
[2]            ⍬⍴⍺:⍺
[3]            ⍬⍴r←⍺⍺ ⍵:r
[4]            ⊃∇⍨/(⍵⍵ ⍵),0
[5]        }⍵⍵ ⍵
[6]   ⍝ search tree - return on first hit or exhaustion
[7]   ⍝ ⍺⍺ test
[8]   ⍝    ⍵ node (namespace, folder ...
[9]   ⍝    ← boolean, other data
[10]  ⍝ ⍵⍵ subtree  - needs to check for recursion
[11]  ⍝    ⍵ node
[12]  ⍝    ← list of nodes in ⍵
[13]  ⍝ ⍵  tree
[14]  ⍝ ←  as of last search
[15]   }

53. (13 lines)

     ∇ tf←{
[1]        ⍺←⊢
[2]        (1=⍺⊣0):⍺⍺⊣⍵ ⍝ antecedent
[3]        (0=⍺⊣1):⍵⍵⊣⍵ ⍝ consequent
[4]        (1 ⍺⍺ ⍵):0 ⍺⍺ ⍵    ⍝ antecedent then consequent
[5]        ⍵⍵⊣⍵            ⍝ else alternative
[6]   ⍝ true false
[7]   ⍝   antecedent tf consequent tf alternative
[8]   ⍝ applies antecedent followed by consequent or alternative to ⍵
[9]   ⍝   antecedent, consequent and alternative are arrays or monads
[10]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-01-22 07:53
[11]   }

54. acre._code.UT.ti (13 lines)

     ∇ ti←{⍺←⊢
[1]        op←{⍺←⊢
[2]            0.001×÷/2⍴⌽1⊢∘(⊢∘(⍺∘⍺⍺)∘⍵){⍺,⊃∇/⍺{(1000<⍵)↓(2×⍺)⍵}⍺⍺{⍬⍴2↓⎕AI-(⍺⍺/⍳1+⍵)⊢⎕AI}⍺}1
[3]        }
[4]        (⍺ ⍺⍺ op ⍵)-⍺⊢op ⍵
[5]   ⍝ time function
[6]   ⍝ ⍺ larg to ⍺⍺
[7]   ⍝ ⍺⍺ fn to be timed
[8]   ⍝ ⍵ rarg to ⍺⍺
[9]   ⍝ ← seconds per execution averaged over at least one second
[10]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2007-12-21 17:01
[11]   }

55. (9 lines)

     ∇ tk←{⍺←⊢
[1]        ticks←⎕AI[2]'----+----|'{go ten←⍺ ⋄ prev←⍵
[2]            now←⌊0.5+(⎕AI[2]-go)÷1000 ⋄ ⍞←prev↓now⍴ten
[3]            ⍺ ∇ now⊣⎕DL 1}&0
[4]        (⎕TKILL ticks)⊢⍺ ⍺⍺ ⍵
[5]   ⍝ tick
[6]   ⍝ run and return {⍺} ⍺⍺ ⍵ while displaying 1 second ticks
[7]    }

56. acre._code.UT.ts (5 lines)

     ∇ ts←{⍺←⊢
[1]        ⊃'s'mn ⍺ ⍺⍺ ti ⍵
[2]   ⍝
[3]    }

57. acre._code.UT.ud (6 lines)

     ∇ ud←{⍺←⎕SIGNAL 6
[1]        (⍵⍵ ⍺)⍺⍺ ⍵⍵ ⍵
[2]   ⍝ under
[3]   ⍝ Phil Last 2017-12-04 08.28
[4]    }

58. acre._code.UT.un (14 lines)

     ∇ un←{
[1]        ⍺⍺{⍵⍵ ⍵:⍵ ⋄ ∇ ⍺⍺ ⍵}⍵⍵ ⍺⍺ ⍵
[2]        ∇{⊢∘⍺⍺/(1~⍵⍵ ⍵),⊂⍵}⍵⍵ ⍺⍺ ⍵
[3]        ⍺⍺⍣(⊢∘⍵⍵⍨)⍵
[4]        ⍺⍺⍣(⍵⍵{⍺⍺ ⍺})⍵
[5]   ⍝ until
[6]   ⍝ ⍺⍺ monad on ⍵ and successors displaying closure property.
[7]   ⍝ ⍵⍵ boolean scalar returning monad on successors of ⍵
[8]   ⍝    whose truth terminates iteration.
[9]   ⍝ ⍵  array in domain of ⍺⍺
[10]  ⍝ ←  first result of ⍺⍺ ⍺⍺ ... ⍵ to satisfy ⍵⍵
[11]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-12-02 10:27
[12]   }

59. acre._code.UT.ut (22 lines)

     ∇ ut←{⍺←⊢ ⋄ f←⍺⍺ ⋄ t←⍵⍵
[1]        ⍵≡⍺ ⍵:f⍣(t⊣)⍵
[2]        ⍺{ ⍝ keep recursion local
[3]            (⍺-1)∘∇⍣((⍺>1)>t z)⊢z←f ⍵
[4]        }⍵
[5]   ⍝ until
[6]   ⍝ ⍺     [max]
[7]   ⍝ ⍺⍺    monadic fn on arg - may be composed: (const∘function)
[8]   ⍝ ⍵⍵    monadic test on arg or subsequent results
[9]   ⍝ ⍵     arg
[10]  ⍝       apply fn [up to max times] until test result
[11]  ⍝ ←     last application of fn
[12]  ⍝ e.g.
[13]  ⍝+-----------------------+--------------------------+
[14]  ⍝|       +∘1 ut (≥∘5) 0  |       10 +∘1 ut (≥∘5) 0  |
[15]  ⍝| 5                     | 5                        |
[16]  ⍝+-----------------------+--------------------------+
[17]  ⍝|       +∘1 ut (≥∘15) 0 |       10 +∘1 ut (≥∘15) 0 |
[18]  ⍝| 15                    | 10                       |
[19]  ⍝+-----------------------+--------------------------+
[20]   }

60. acre._code.UT.wh (17 lines)

     ∇ wh←{
[1]        f←⍺⍺ ⋄ g←⍵⍵
[2]        (⍴⍵)⍴{⍵{⍵⊖⍺,[-0.1]⍵\f ⍵/⍺},g⊣⍵},⍵
[3]   ⍝ where
[4]   ⍝ ⍺⍺  fn applied to vector of items
[5]   ⍝     selected from (⍵) where (⍵⍵)(⍵) true
[6]   ⍝ ⍵⍵  (⍴⍵)⍴boolean or fn applied to (⍵) to return such
[7]   ⍝ ⍵   array
[8]   ⍝ ←   (⍵) changed by (⍺⍺) where (⍵⍵)⍵
[9]   ⍝ ⍺⍺ & ⍵⍵ expected to be scalar functions.
[10]  ⍝ otherwise use (⍺⍺¨) (⍵⍵¨) as in:
[11]  ⍝     (⍺⍺¨)wh(⍵⍵¨)⍵
[12]  ⍝ nb. A fixed left arg can be composed with ⍺⍺ as:
[13]  ⍝     larg∘⍺⍺ wh ⍵⍵ rarg
[14]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2008-03-11 18:15
[15]   }

61. acre._code.UT.wl (12 lines)

     ∇ wl←{
[1]        ⍵⍵ ⍵:∇ ⍺⍺ ⍵
[2]        ⍵
[3]        ⍺⍺⍣(⊢∘~∘⍵⍵⍨)⍣(⍵⍵ ⍵)⊢⍵
[4]        ⍺⍺⍣(⍵⍵{~⍺⍺ ⍺})⍣(⍵⍵ ⍵)⊢⍵
[5]        ⊢∘∇∘⍺⍺/(1∩⍵⍵ ⍵),⊂⍵
[6]   ⍝ while
[7]   ⍝ ⍺⍺ fn to run repeatedly while
[8]   ⍝ ⍵⍵ test on ⍵ is true
[9]   ⍝ ←  ⍵ or ⍺⍺ ⍵ or ⍺⍺ ⍺⍺ ... ⍵
[10]   }

62. acre._code.UT.wt (25 lines)

     ∇ wt←{
[1]        sofar inc←0 0.1
[2]        wait←⊃⍵⍵,1
[3]        rslt←this←⎕NS''
[4]        tid←⍺⍺{6::
[5]            rslt∘←⍺⍺ ⍵
[6]        }&⍵
[7]        {(tid∊⎕TNUMS)≤wait≤sofar:0
[8]            ∇ sofar+←⎕DL inc
[9]        }0:
[10]       tid←⎕TKILL tid
[11]       rslt≢this:rslt
[12]       ⍺←⊢
[13]       1≢⍺ 1:⍺
[14]  ⍝ wait
[15]  ⍝ ⍺  dflt result if supplied
[16]  ⍝ ⍺⍺ function - monad or (larg∘dyad)
[17]  ⍝ ⍵⍵ seconds for (⍺⍺) to finish - number or {fn} to return such
[18]  ⍝ ⍵  rarg to (⍺⍺)
[19]  ⍝ ←  If (⍺⍺) returns a result then this returns it.
[20]  ⍝    Otherwise if (⍺) is supplied this returns that.
[21]  ⍝    Otherwise this returns nothing.
[22]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2007-06-23 18:50
[23]   }

63. acre._code.UT.wt0 (26 lines)

     ∇ wt0←{
[1]        ns←⎕NS''
[2]        ns.(sofar inc)←0 0.1
[3]        ns.wait←⊃⍵⍵,1
[4]        ns.(rslt this)←⎕NS''
[5]        ns.tid←⍺⍺{6::
[6]            ⍵⍵.rslt∘←⍺⍺ ⍵
[7]        }ns&⍵
[8]        ns∘{(⍺.tid∊⎕TNUMS)≤⍺.wait≤⍺.sofar:0
[9]            ∇ ⍺.sofar+←⎕DL ⍺.inc
[10]       }0:
[11]       ns.tid←⎕TKILL ns.tid
[12]       ns.rslt≢ns.this:ns.rslt
[13]       ⍺←⊢
[14]       1≢⍺ 1:⍺
[15]  ⍝ wait
[16]  ⍝ ⍺  dflt result if supplied
[17]  ⍝ ⍺⍺ function - monad or (larg∘dyad)
[18]  ⍝ ⍵⍵ seconds for (⍺⍺) to finish - number or {fn} to return such
[19]  ⍝ ⍵  rarg to (⍺⍺)
[20]  ⍝ ←  If (⍺⍺) returns a result then this returns it.
[21]  ⍝    Otherwise if (⍺) is supplied this returns that.
[22]  ⍝    Otherwise this returns nothing.
[23]  ⍝ Phil Last ⍝ 2007-06-23 18:50
[24]   }

64. acre._code.UT.xa (9 lines)

     ∇ xa←{
[1]        ⍺←⊢
[2]        0::⍺ ⍺⍺⊣⍵
[3]        1:⍺ ⍵⍵ ⍵
[4]   ⍝ execute alternative
[5]   ⍝ if error in ⍵⍵ then ⍺⍺
[6]   ⍝ if ⍺ elided then functions called as monads and ⍺⍺ may be an array
[7]    }

65. acre._code.UT.æ (11 lines)

     ∇ æ←{⍺←⍺
[1]        s←'internal left argument'
[2]        ⍺≢s:s ⍺⍺ ⍺(⍵⍵ ⍵)
[3]        s d←⍵
[4]        (⍺⍺ s)⍵⍵ d
[5]   ⍝ a f æ g æ h w ←→ (f a)g(h w)
[6]   ⍝               ←→ a ((f⊣) g ⊢∘h) w
[7]   ⍝ first:  ⍺ ←→ a ⋄ ⍺⍺ ←→ f æ g ⋄ ⍵⍵ ←→ h ⋄ ⍵ ←→ w
[8]   ⍝ second: ⍺ ←→ d ⋄ ⍺⍺ ←→ f      ⋄ ⍵⍵ ←→ g ⋄ ⍵ ←→ a(h w)
[9]    }


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