In the photo, you can see why I am using a vertical model: I needed space. That Echinodorus Rohzay needs a bigger pot, because its roots are so cramped that it is smaller than it was two months ago. You can also see a filter pad which I had hoped would continue to support moss. It did not. My moss strain is different than it was about six months ago, though. It began as a billowy and stringy variety that broke off in blobs for my fish to eat. I recently rinsed my filter under cold water, though, and a strain that sticks very well to my UV-degraded filter remained: I turned my filter around, and more moss is on the left side of it, toward my tank's rear.
You may use this information in any way you wish, excluding patents, providing that substantial portions or conclusions should be attributed to me, this web page, or this page, preferably with notification of me or collusion with me. CC-BY-SA. I encourage outfitting a tank model with these parts or parts like this and including labour in the total price.
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