@echo off REM ------------------------------------------------------------ REM Howto build the W3C CSS Validator on Win32 REM ------------------------------------------------------------ REM This batch file assumes that you have installed REM REM cvs (http://www.cvshome.org) --> %PATH% REM zip (http://www.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/) --> %PATH% REM Java SDK (http://java.sun.com/) --> c:\java REM Apache Ant (http://ant.apache.org/) --> c:\winapp\ant\ REM Apache Tomcat (http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/) --> c:\winapp\tomcat\ REM (only the servlet-api.jar is required from Tomcat) REM REM and successfully logged into W3C anonymous CVS; to REM do so execute the following command from your shell REM REM cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@dev.w3.org:/sources/public login REM REM and type "anonymous" at the password prompt. REM REM It will retrieve the latest W3C CSS Validator sources and REM some dependencies from dev.w3.org to the current working REM directory, generate a custom Apache Ant build script, call REM Ant to build the sources, call zip to compress the compiled REM sources into a .zip file, and delete all remaining files. REM ------------------------------------------------------------ REM Bjoern Hoehrmann -- http://bjoern.hoehrmann.de REM ------------------------------------------------------------ cvs -z9 -d:pserver:anonymous@dev.w3.org:/sources/public export -r HEAD 2002/css-validator mkdir 2002\css-validator\org\w3c\www mkdir 2002\css-validator\org\w3c\www\mime cvs -z9 -d:pserver:anonymous@dev.w3.org:/sources/public co -p java/classes/org/w3c/www/mime/MimeType.java > 2002\css-validator\org\w3c\www\mime\MimeType.java cvs -z9 -d:pserver:anonymous@dev.w3.org:/sources/public co -p java/classes/org/w3c/www/mime/MimeTypeFormatException.java > 2002\css-validator\org\w3c\www\mime\MimeTypeFormatException.java cd 2002\css-validator echo ^ > mybuildfile.xml echo ^ >> mybuildfile.xml echo ^ >> mybuildfile.xml echo ^ >> mybuildfile.xml echo ^ >> mybuildfile.xml echo ^^ >> mybuildfile.xml echo ^^ >> mybuildfile.xml echo ^ >> mybuildfile.xml echo ^ >> mybuildfile.xml echo ^ >> mybuildfile.xml set _classpath=%classpath% set classpath=%classpath%;c:\java\lib\tools.jar;c:\winapp\tomcat\common\lib\servlet-api.jar call c:\winapp\ant\bin\ant -noinput -f mybuildfile.xml set classpath=%_classpath% set _classpath= del mybuildfile.xml cd ..\.. cd css-validator-release zip -9 -r -T -m ..\validator-snapshot.zip . cd .. rd css-validator-release rd /s /q 2002 :end