Is the "Title" Entity Header supported?

The HTTP/1.0 internet draft reports that the Entity-Header
can include the "Title" field, which  indicates the title
of the entity. Netscape and Mosaic seem to ignore this
header. For example sending to them a reply like:

HTTP/1.0 200 Document follows
Title: The title of the document
Content-type: text/plain

blah, blah, blah

the browser display the body text as an untitled document
totally ignoring the title provided with the Title header.
Is there any way to set the document title (another syntax
or header)?

Panagiotis Christias

Panagiotis J. Christias        National Technical Univ. of Athens, GREECE
email:        EE & CS Department   Computer Science Division

Received on Friday, 30 June 1995 15:59:07 UTC