quotes around tags and escape sequences

Tony Johnson (TONYJ@scs.slac.stanford.edu)
Mon, 30 Nov 1992 18:59 PDT

Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1992 18:59 PDT
From: "Tony Johnson (415) 926 2278" <TONYJ@scs.slac.stanford.edu>
Subject: quotes around tags and escape sequences
To: www-talk@nxoc01.cern.ch
Message-Id: <69FDBB0140801933@SCS.SLAC.STANFORD.EDU>

Three questions, 

  1) If we now expect quotes around tags, are we still meant to understand % as
     an escape character within tags?

  2) Which of the following do I need to support, and which is the "approved"      
     method of accessing gopher?

         href="gopher://gopher.micro.umn.edu:70/00/Some Stuff"

  3) Is the % meant to act as an escape character in search strings? ie


     meant to find entries for PI+ ? (where nn is the ascii code for +).

Just wondering....Tony