See also: IRC log
DanC, Ht, Norm, EdR, VincentQ, DOrchard, TimBL
scribe: EdR
DO volunteers to scribe 3 weeks hence
Chair: Vincent Quint
Scribe: EdR
Meeting: 12 April TAG teleconference
possible regrets for next week.
Henry offers
regrets for next week.
(I'm here on the 19th but at risk due to travel for the 26th)
Tim offers
regrets for next week.
Minutes from last weeks meeting.
Minutes are approved as they stand
fixed title.
$Revision: 1.4 $
Action items;
Henry and Ed
to continue action item for posting of meeting minutes.
(found it.
You broke up for a moment, DanC, what did you have to implement?
ah, resolve-uri
DanC -
action closed on document review, limited response in email so issue
Document XSLT/XQuery/Xpath documents review complete
Timbl it
would be cleaner to have seperate modes, but not the level the TAG
One converts a URI (loosely construed) into a URI (strict charset) with false
mkPathSegment(string) -> uri-path-segment
The QT WGs have struggled more than once with the fact that anyURI isn't a
anyURItoURI(anyURI) -> URI
With true, it converts any string into a string constrained to the path
(yes, not making anyURI a subtype of string is a mistake I convinced the XML
I'm not the source of the echo
anyURItoURIref(anyURI) -> URIref
(Yes, that makes sense)
or encodeStringForURI
DanC to draft comment about splitting fn:escape-uri into separate [recorded in]
quoteURI (== arg2==true), fullURI (== arg1==false)
timbl: "canonicalize" has the right connotations w.r.t. being
idempotent, but
XRI Document review
It was very difficult to exp[lain to people in the old days why one might vary
HST notes that "path element" doesn't immediately help me, and google
Henry has
prepaired a first review
Henry: Henry took David Orchard's document and folded in with Henry's
DanC, you wanted to say it seems headed in a useful direction
Ed Raises
question of procedure on Oasis document
feedback due
to Oasis by end of the month.
(Ed, pls copy
Ed to send
Henry feedback to see if it makes sense to fold into the document
Dan: In general re-use URI schemes where appropriate. If your doing an
DanC: Admin Hierarchy (via DNS) plus structured thereafter (path) is done,
dorchard, you wanted to channel Dan on domain/path strings.
We will
iterate our position on, Vincent will send more formal
Binary XML documents
DanC, you wanted to ask for a summary of the argument in the characterization
4.3.2 Description
Audio gone?
Subject: Dave Orchard individual review of XBC for the TAG
Date Mon, 11 Apr 2005 12:35:40 -0700 (14:35 CDT)
indeed, the { xml generality no} cell is hard to swallow
"There is a consensus in the Working Group, based on significant
hmm... "Evaluation of existing approaches has shown that there is at least
3 or 5
have checks in the boxes
(swapping in
ht, you wanted to ask what the _Web Architecture_ issue(s) are here
qq= to ask whether the bullets after the tabl elabel the columns
(swapping in 4.1. Binary and Textual Data Formats
(wherein I find "quantitative studies are essential to a correct
timbl, you wanted to ask whether the bullets after the tabl elabel the columns
note # why obscure Feasibility section? Dan Connolly (Thursday, 7 April)
DanC, you wanted to (a) propose that
"A compact encoding can be achieved in different ways: a number of
A compact encoding can be achieved in different ways: a number of different
I don't mind spending many telcons/time on this. I think this is very
I think
there IS a case where binary xml format could be justified (or binary
Vincent: Close discussion for today... running out of time.
David: This issue needs more time, there are a wide varieties of
opinions and
Dave put
several options on the table which were not discussed yet today.
<scribe> ACTION: Ed to take Dave Orchards list and add his
information as a working [recorded in]
Dan's new issue - Squatting on link
relationship names, x-tokens,
deferred to
next week
(so scribe fore next week is
DanC: right
I'll edit
the minutes and get them out today.
[NEW] ACTION: DanC to draft comment about splitting fn:escape-uri
into separate [recorded in]
[NEW] ACTION: Ed to take Dave Orchards list
and add his information as a working [recorded in]
[End of minutes]