Number of tests for each sections of the CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction [NA] 2. Values and Interactions [6 tests] 2.1. Module Interactions [1 test] 2.2. Value Types [2 tests] 2.3. Animated Values [NO tests] 3. Backgrounds [NO tests] 3.1. Layering Multiple Background Images [3 tests] 3.2. Base Color: the ‘background-color’ property [4 tests] 3.3. Image Sources: the ‘background-image’ property [11 tests] 3.4. Tiling Images: the ‘background-repeat’ property [45 tests] 3.5. Affixing Images: the ‘background-attachment’ property [30 tests] 3.6. Positioning Images: the ‘background-position’ property [6 tests] 3.7. Painting Area: the ‘background-clip’ property [33 tests] 3.8. Positioning Area: the ‘background-origin’ property [25 tests] 3.9. Sizing Images: the ‘background-size’ property [261 tests] 3.10. Backgrounds Shorthand: the ‘background’ property [8 tests] 3.11. Backgrounds of Special Elements [NO tests] 3.11.1. The Canvas Background and the Root Element [NO tests] 3.11.2. The Canvas Background and the HTML Element [NO tests] 3.11.3. The ‘::first-line’ Pseudo-element‘s Background [NO tests] 4. Borders [5 tests] 4.1. Line Colors: the ‘border-color’ properties [5 tests] 4.2. Line Patterns: the ‘border-style’ properties [10 tests] 4.3. Line Thickness: the ‘border-width’ properties [3 tests] 4.4. Border Shorthand Properties [5 tests] 5. Rounded Corners [NA] 5.1. Curve Radii: the ‘border-radius’ properties [105 tests] 5.2. Corner Shaping [1 test] 5.3. Corner Clipping [2 tests] 5.4. Color and Style Transitions [NO tests] 5.5. Overlapping Curves [NO tests] 5.6. Effect on Tables [1 test] 6. Border Images [NO tests] 6.1. Image Source: the ‘border-image-source’ property [3 tests] 6.2. Image Slicing: the ‘border-image-slice’ property [10 tests] 6.3. Drawing Areas: the ‘border-image-width’ property [7 tests] 6.4. Edge Overhang: the ‘border-image-outset’ property [1 tests] 6.5. Image Tiling: the ‘border-image-repeat’ property [15 tests] 6.6. Drawing the Border Image [NO tests] 6.7. Border Image Shorthand: the ‘border-image’ property [5 tests] 6.8. Effect on Tables [11 tests] 7. Miscellaneous Effects [NA] 7.1. Drop Shadows: the ‘box-shadow’ property [11 tests] 7.1.1. Shadow Shape, Spread, and Knockout [NO tests] 7.1.2. Blurring Shadow Edges [NO tests] 7.1.3. Layering, Layout, and Other Details [NO tests]