www-style@w3.org from July 2015 by subject

[animation] animation timing function in keyframe definitions

[animation] Animation-timing-function impacting only enclosed keyframe block

[animation] In duplicate animations names, when does last one win.

[animations] appendRule() and deleteRule() impact on currently running animations

[blink][edge][webkit] steps toward <style scoped> : first do no harm

[css 2.2] [tables] Baseline on empty table cells

[css grid] Allow referencing the last line of implicit grids

[css-2015] Snapshot prose, prefixing policy updated

[css-align][css-flexbox] Differences between start, self-start and flex-start values.

[css-align][css-flexbox] Does justify-items apply to flex containers ?

[css-align][css-grid] Stretching grid tracks in Content Distribution alignment

[css-align][css-grid] Which property activates Baseline Self-Alignment for grid items ?

[css-animations] Specifying how keyframes interact

[css-backgrounds] border-image with an SVG resource that has no intrinsic size

[css-break] avoid-* conflicts

[css-break] Class A breaks and avoid-*

[css-break] DoC and Last 2 Issues

[css-break] does box-decoration-break control margins?

[css-break] I hate the diagrams

[css-break] Name of 'any' value confusing

[css-break] slicing content

[css-cascade] Clarification in initial value section

[css-color-4] Unable to access editor's draft

[css-color] Add HCL (aka Lch) color scheme

[css-color] rgba() and hsla() functions

[css-containment] What does "contain:layout" do on table parts?

[css-containment][css-display] Layout containment on display: contents and display: run-in

[css-containment][css-regions] how does containement and regions interact

[css-counter-styles] Re: CR: CSS Counter Styles Level 3

[css-display] Should the inner model of `table-cell` and `table-caption` be `flow-root`?

[css-flexbox] [css-align] inconsistent computed value for align-self: auto

[css-flexbox] Handling Anonymous Table Boxes

[css-flexbox] max-content contribution not defined for flex items

[css-flexbox] minimum spacing?

[css-flexbox] Minor clarification needed to spec text on % margins/paddings

[css-flexbox][css-grid] obsolete (?) spec warning on margin/padding behavior being "disputed"

[css-font-loading] Handling cross-origin CORS-tainted font faces

[css-fonts] "system" generic font name

[css-gcpm][css-break][css-pseudo] Generated content at page breaks

[css-grid] Allow referencing the last line of implicit grids

[css-grid] Auto-placement and named lines

[css-grid] Grid shortands computed value and CSSOM serialization

[css-grid] How to resolve lines for absolutely positioned grid items

[css-grid] row-gap/column-gap issues

[css-grid] Summary of Abspos Issues

[css-grid] Using automatic (instead of min-content) minimums for 'auto' tracks

[css-grid] … just saying hi …

[css-inline] Wrapping around initial letters

[css-logical-props] additional logical values for caption-side

[css-logical-props] planning to ship some logical properties (was Re: [CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2015-07-01)

[css-nav-trans] RFC: Proposal for style rule to specify transitions between page navigations

[css-overflow] interaction between "overflow-x" and "overflow-y", when one of them is "clip"

[css-overflow] overflow-x, overflow-y and tables

[css-overflow][css-containment] 'contain:paint' vs. 'overflow:clip' -- is "overflow:clip" still a thing?

[css-overflow][css-containment] overflow:clip and BCFs

[css-page-floats] order of page float placement

[css-page] Editorial issues regarding @page descriptors

[css-pseudo] Proposal: Add ‘filter’ property to styling highlights

[css-round-display] My thoughts on CSS Round Display

[css-round-display] Request for first review the css-round-display

[css-round-display][css-background-3] My thoughts on CSS Round Display

[css-round-display][css-shapes] Request for first review the css-round-display

[css-round-display][mediaqueries] Change of a 'device-radius' prop desc

[css-ruby] Propose to make anonymous ruby text container "inherit" styles from their child

[css-ruby] Propose to make inter-character text container zero-sized

[css-ruby] White space collapse between ruby annotations

[css-ruby][css-writing-modes] The writing-mode property on ruby internal boxes

[css-shapes] Extending shape-outside to in-flow elements

[css-shapes] Purpose of fill-rule not specified

[css-shapes] Redefine shape-margin

[css-sizing][css-flexbox] intrinsic min/max-width/height values and percentage children

[css-snappoints] Alternate Scroll Snapping Model

[css-snappoints] Always snapping to a mandatory point

[css-snappoints] Associating element snap points with a scroller

[css-snappoints] Feedback roll-up

[css-snappoints] Merging element snap points with snap points from repeat()

[css-snappoints] repeat(calc(<value>)) clamping behaviour

[css-sticky-scrollbars] feedback and variations on the concept

[css-text-decor] Doesn't example 3 in text-underline-position break current UA behavior?

[css-text-decor][css-ruby] Underline position for Japanese text with ruby

[css-text][css-conditional] language specific support for hyphenation and justification

[css-ui-3] box-sizing: padding-box

[css-ui-4] box-sizing: padding-box

[css-ui-4] caret animations

[css-ui] Re: CR: CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 3 (CSS3 UI)

[css-ui] Trivial formatting error

[css-values] Re: CR: CSS Values and Units Module Level 3

[css-variables] Behavior of `--foo: var(invalid var function)`

[css-variables] Custom property declaration invalid at computed-value time

[css-variables] feedback

[css-writing-modes-3] Proposal to modify how inline-block with non-empty block descendants are baseline-aligned

[css-writing-modes] 'writing-mode' and deprecated SVG values

[css-writing-modes] Propose writing-mode: sideways-left

[css-writing-modes][css-display] run-in and writing-mode

[css-writing-modes][svg] Embedded SVG and inheritance

[CSS21] enhancement: comment format for surviving file being minified

[CSS21][CSS22][css-tables][css3-tables] Table sanity/regression testcase needs review

[CSS22] [CSS21] <'border-width'> non-existent value type mentioned in section 1.4.2 of CSS 2.1 specification

[css3-tables][CSS22] Clarify if the extra space in fixed table layout is distributed equally or not

[css3-tables][CSS22] Nested table cells with % widths hog space

[csswg] Agenda conf call 08-jul-2015

[csswg] Agenda conf call 15-jul-2015

[csswg] Agenda conf call 22-jul-2015

[csswg] Agenda conf call 29-jul-2015

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2015-07-01

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2015-07-08

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2015-07-15

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2015-07-22

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2015-07-29

[csswg][css-display] Updated WD of CSS Display Level 3

[CSSWG][css-shapes] CSS Shapes Level 1 Candidate Recommendation

[CSSWG][css-ui-3] Second CR of CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 3

[filter-effects] Editorial nit in <filter-function> definition

[mediaqueries-4] Remove requirement to have whitespace before and/or/not

[selectors4] Error in column combinator section?

[selectors4] Features to Defer

[selectors4] Features to Defer&In-Reply-To=<CADC=+jetSy3hw-ixK3bJGFAeE0-SPfDbuTkV6ZR7Jh-2jyKkMw@mail.gmail.com>&References=<CADC=+jetSy3hw-ixK3bJGFAeE0-SPfDbuTkV6ZR7Jh-2jyKkMw@mail.gmail.com>

[selectors4] no way to select visible children

[selectors4] Previous-sibling selector (was: Features to Defer)

[selectors4] Why is the :only-child pseudo-class not a special case in terms of specificity?

[selectors] minor nit in example 2

[selectors] Need to clearly define matching for :first-child, :nth-*, etc

[selectors][css-syntax] Allow comma-separated lists of An+B?

[web-animations] Request to publish another WD of Web Animations

ClientRectList.item() usage is very low in Blink

context css-menu within a table

CSS current work page needs an update

CSS Values and Units Module Level 3: attr()

Fwd: HTML5 / CSS3 overlay property

HTML5 / CSS3 overlay property

Proposal: add a "small-caps" value to "font-synthesis"

Proposal: Generalized Cascading Sheets

Repeat animation-delay throughout iterations

Last message date: Friday, 31 July 2015 19:52:32 UTC