# KEHOME/knowledge/application/SemanticWeb/DAML/rdf.txt # rhm Nov/7/2002 #=============================================================# # KR version of "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" # #=============================================================# # # # # RDF - KR aliases #================= Class is concept Instance is unit Resource is existent Property is attribute Container is group Alt is enumeration Bag is multiset Seq is list # hierarchy #========== Statement iss statement # is subclass of KR statement value isu Property # is instance of # definition #=========== # Statement ::= # subject has predicate = object triple iss relation with label=[predicate, subject, object], format=[Property:1, Resource:2, value:3], meaning={$2 has $1 = $3} # Properties #=========== Resource has type Statement has predicate = Property, subject = Resource, object = value # comments #========= type has comment="Identifies the Class of a resource" Statement has comment="A triple consisting of a predicate, a subject, and an object." Property has comment="A name of a property, defining specific meaning for the property" Bag has comment="An unordered collection" Seq has comment="An ordered collection" Alt has comment="A collection of alternatives" predicate has comment="Identifies the property used in a statement when representing the statement in reified form" subject has comment="Identifies the resource that a statement is describing when representing the statement in reified form" object has comment="Identifies the object of a statement when representing the statement in reified form" value has comment="Identifies the principal value (usually a string) of a property when the property value is a structured resource" #